If you appreciate Achewood, please support Chris Onstad (shop; gallery art.)
Wales, 1676 Tuesday, April 28, 2009 • read strip Viewing 438 comments:

No one out go-gets a man who owns property.

By gosh, is that you, ol' Simcha Kravitz?

If Simcha Kravitz hadn't spent that drunken evening in a Bahamian neighborhood in Brooklyn, you wouldn't have this stuck in your head for the next two hours:

I want to get away
I wanna flyyyyyyyyy away-ah-uh-ayyyy] ...

Never apologize, never explain.

Cliff's notes for those who have no idea what these dudes are talking about:
Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz is one of Richler's earlier and better known (..thanks to the 1970s film adaptation) works. The story centers around a young Jewish teenager (Duddy), a very abrasive and aggressive boy, striving to make money in order to buy land (thinking, like his grandpa, that if you don't own land you ain't nuttin'). So Duddy gets into a strange, and hilarious, film-making business. His pushy and obnoxious behaviour both appalls and endears everyone he meets...

( apparently Duddy has an older brother, Lennie Kravitz)

So is this from the Talmud or something?


cool picture, brah

Kegger at Troy's place later, bra

So wait, Little Nephew is now from History?

all history's a winter sport or three:
but were it five,i'd still insist that all
history is too small for even me;
for me and you,exceedingly too small.

Yeah, I thought her family came from the afterlife to the wedding, but apparently they came from History.

awww shit

This is the most basic thing ever. Their stage coach did the Terminator flickery light electrick thing when it arrived.

If that's the case, why'd they have to *KOODGE* Japan Man? Couldn't he have just hopped on the magical stagecoach with them?

I'm not trying to pick nits here, but I am genuinely confused. Regardless, this is still infinitely better than Heroes' handling of time travel.

Ah, true...

...Maybe it was just a tranquiliser?

I like the idea of a tranquilizer that goes KOODGE instead of thwpp.

But if they are in History, where do they get the juice to power the "Lighting Box"?

Electricity, or 'Daffrey's Jigging Liquor' was commonly produced in early modern Wales by means of a 'joggle box', a small wooden contraption that held a vole and stag beetle locked in combat. The agitation of the vole caused its fur to rub against the amber lining of its enclosure, conferring a negative charge to the device which could be used to power household devices or electrocute shrewish women.

I'm with biznart - surely it's gotta be the afterlife.

Death in Acheworld is a fairly ambiguous and reversible state, so this is likely some part of Heaven where C.17th dead folks get to toil worthily for all eternity, should they choose to do so. Molly presumably chose to move to one of the more swanky, modern, apartment-based bits of Heaven, so as to develop her programming skills.

Maybe Heaven also has an Underground, where the Puritans, Quakers and Calvinists can lead suitably dour lives?

Or it could be that Wales just has a more rustic, traditional Heaven than the US, one where it's always 1676. This is also feasible.

Anyway, whether it's Heaven or Wales, all ideas and inventions become a business plan by the end of the strip.

I've come to realize that nearly all of Onstad's latter-day strips have either been about A) food or B) figuring out how to milk as much money as possible out of one idea. Didn't someone once say that the mark of a great artist is being able to write about something other than your own immediate experiences?


What makes a great writer is if he writes well. You could have a webcomic based entirely on food, and if you are inventive enough with it, it won't get old fast. Onstad has been having rough period lately, but he still has it. A lot are about these things, but it's still fresh enough that it doesn't become tiresome . .yet. For me, at least.

what makes a good writer is if he writes good, you mean.

Yes, indeed.

History with games consoles.

Little Nephew is going to be the cause of Swine Flu. Bosoms were not meant to have such youth and be so falsified. Mankind is not ready for this.

To break the Prime Directive of Bra Technology is a serious violation. Imagine what advances were made because the inventor had nothing worth ogling but perhaps an edge of a mis-layerd petticoat.

They are not ready



Nah, early corsets appeared on the scene in the 16th century. Have you seen what that does to a lady's bosom? Bra? Pshaw, I say!

brassieres are so dishonest. like fake nails and having buttfat injected in ones lips. lies! all lies!!!

Now, we find out how Ray got his money. His nephew went back in time and invented the bra.

Uh, hello? Sold his soul to the devil? Thirty million albums?

and I thought the ear harness was a breakthrough...

A comment left by keir was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by c_dizzle, milkpants, clembot)

Instead, let us talk about kine!

Instead, let us talk about how we're all going to die! Should have utilized the swine plugs when we had the chance!

Instead, let us talk about how we're all going to die! Should have utilized the swine plugs when we had the chance!

Instead, let us talk about how we're all going to die! Should have utilized the swine plugs when we had the chance!

Really? Really? Fucking Assetbar.

Are you really?

You beat that one to death.



A word about the English language: the words for animals when they're alive come mostly from the Anglo-Saxon dialect spoken by the occupants of England between the 5th and 11th centuries, i.e. cu (cow), sow, ox; the words for animals when prepared as dishes come primarily from the tongue of the Norman invaders of 1066, i.e. boef (beef), veal, porc. Go ahead, read class dynamics into that. I find it fascinating.

you misspelled 'boeuf'.

also- sheep/mutton (mutton = french for sheep)
chicken/poultry (poulet = french for chicken)

on a semi-related note: 'chivalry' comes from the french 'cheval' which means 'horse'

to modern speakers of english, norman french should sound very familiar

In fact, Mouton is the french for sheep, but close enough.

yes, that is what i get for typing on asset bar on 2 hours of sleep

Go ahead, read class dynamics into that.

Don't get me started on chitlins.

I can't tell how much you are joking but either way I am going to STEP UP TO THE PLATE

the plate of pedantry

Kine and swine aren't really analogous, sadly! Kine comes from Old English cu , which meant "cow." In Old English, this was pluralized as cy . By the Middle English era, centuries later, and people had forgotten that the word ( kye now) was already a plural. So they pluralized it again! Which meant adding an n to the end, giving us kine .

Swine doesn't have a story like that to it. The n isn't a plural marker, in fact, it's been in the word not only since Old English, but even earlier, since Proto-Germanic.

I took a semester of historical linguistics and what did I get
I got to be a dick on the Internet
(if you like stuff like this, The Online Etymology Dictionary is fun)


are "cunt" and "cunnilingus" related? and if so are they related to "cuneiform?" thanks!

How come in french pineapple is anana and banana is banane

What's a french canana?

French Cananians?

Hey !

banane metalik:


The Latin for vagina is cunnus, hence cunnilingus. Although there is probable that the words are cognate it is not clear if cunt is derived from cunnus, or if they are paronyms from a proto-European root.

Whatever, the etymology, the fact remains that cunnilingus is a fantastic activity to perform.

And a great way to spread herpes!

Herpes, for everybody

Gonna have to disagree with you there.

I mean, I can see how if you are a woman you would enjoy it greatly, but divorced from the idea of giving pleasure to someone you care about (or expect will respond with an appropriately gleeful degree of reciprocation) I do not see what is supposedly so good about licking someone's crotch.

That statement may greatly influence the opinon the opposite sex has of you.


Hush, belgand.

Okayyy. I, uh, enjoy pleasing my girlfriend. So, you know. That's the appeal. She likes it, and plus, bringing her to a massive orgasm with my tongue is pretty arousing to me.

My feelings on your sexual selfishness are: Con.

>Okayyy. I, uh, enjoy pleasing my girlfriend

pussywhipped by the modern feminist agenda

E.S.O. (probably NSFW)
Great book for those with such inclinations.

It's not about selfishness, as I said I'm not against it by any means if it is pleasing someone and I think my girlfriend will certainly back me up on this. The issue is that, as an independent act, such as, for example, one might perform on a lady of the evening, I am not seeing what the excitement is. All watching porn and being "Dude, he is totally performing oral sex on her! That's what I'm fantasizing about, oh yeah!"

To each their own though. As long as it gets you off I don't much care how you do it.

It sounds fun to me, to make a girl happy.

But certainly the appeal would be much greater if you're fond of the girl in question.

Clinically speaking, cunnilingus can:
1) Moisten and prepare the vagina for penetration
2) Bring about an orgasm, further engorging (swelling up) the vagina walls, thus making for a tighter fit


But what's Latin for burrito?


from the online ety dictionary:

"Alternate form cunny is attested from c.1720 but is certainly much earlier and forced a change in the pronunciation of coney (q.v.), but it was good for a pun while coney was still the common word for 'rabbit': 'A pox upon your Christian cockatrices! They cry, like poulterers' wives, "No money, no coney."'"

So if you want to know why "coney" is pronounced the way it is, uh, it's to avoid vulgar jokes. Also, cunnilingus should properly refer to the person performing the action (based on the Latin roots). So, tekende, being a cunnilingus is fun.

Interesting, if true.

Coney Island is supposed to come from 'konijn eiland' - 'rabbit island' in Dutch.

Those Dutch tulip tonguers

Does this make you a cunnilinguist?

Oh, he's a master arguer.

A master debater?

And so, we come full circle.

Swine & sow. Maybe that's why pig farmers call "Su-iee".

I didn't take courses on linguistics, but I think language evolution is interesting.

You got a real purty mouth...

I was mostly joking, since I was too tired and lazy to check the proper etymologies myself. :)

But I am pleased the thread, in my absence, tackled the etymology of cunnilingus. FOUR STARS WOULD POST AGAIN

The Online Etymology Dictionary is fun

Oh frabjous day! Thanks ever so.

The word is losing its meaning by being used in proper context?

A comment left by keir was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mortshire, tripleG, thatcrazycommie)

Reporter: So, Latino Health Crisis, what do you think of the newest H1N1?
LHC: I hate dees strain.

A comment left by keir was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Moolah, hbananaplus, cockgoblin)

Why am I such a failure



OK, lame me, I deserve it.

P.S. It was Porky Pig in the last panel. It was funny I fucking swear.


Into exile I must go. Failed, I have.


Yeah, there you go. What happens is that Assetbar crops the image, but if you click on "View Image", you can see the whole thing (with Porky intact).

Well, that just means that I'm a bigger idiot than I thought.

don't worry you're still doing better than whoever in charge of AssetBar security.

... is that avicon a hard drive performance benchmark?

it's one of the default thingies.

Screw you! I will screw you with this knife!

That doesn't sound too secure either.

Alternatively, when preparing a wide image to post on Assetbar, make it wider than it actually needs to be so you have some buffer space on the right side. That way, that will get cropped and the whole picture will still be there.

420 pixels seems to be a safe upper limit for image width here. Number crops up a lot in web design for some reason...

Bah, never mind, apparently that number gets smaller depending on how how deeply nested the comment is.

Gets chopped to 400px here :(

Yup, looks like that's it.
[url=https://images.google.ca/images?as_st=y&hl=en&sa=1&q=imagesize%3A400x50 whatever&aq=f&oq=][IMGS OFF][/url]

ugh (just a link for custom image size search)

Yeah, it's 400. Just add a 100-pixel margin to any image over 400px wide. Trust me, I have some experience of being boned by Assetbar.

Seriously, who don't here ...

um... me?

The tongue of the common folk is ne'er a misused. Mostly because I keep things [irony]SIMPLE[/irony]

he'll never code the irony tag.

I don't know what the problem is. It looks like Porky Pig in both strips.

Really? You can see the last panel? Because I can't, it's cut off for me.

See my above comment (click View Image).

See my subsequent comment. It crops it, but you can see the whole thing by clicking View Image.

Fuck, it did it again. I'm going to bed.

Mine ain't cropped, even in the original comment. It may be some Assetbarista fix.

Yes, it is.

I saw each of your Fakewood comics in their entirety. I have a scroll bar when the image is too portly for assetbar's slender figure. Perhaps Assetbarista is my saviour?

A comment left by expellens was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by hypnoreagan, instantkarma, rowboat, Vee, SomeDarkHoller, mrblank91)

You should read Achewood.

He most certainly would--in 2001. Connie, like a fine grappa, gets better over time. Yours truly, Dickie Roxx.

This was my Facebook status update yesterday before this strip even went up, but I suppose I still owe you a chubby.


Alternatively: swine flu is BACON me crazy!!!

Do you think it is bad for someone to love you because of a pun?
Or do you agree that it is okay?

I think if someone did love me because of a pun I wouldn't dissuade them from it.

Judging by this alt-text, Onstad's idea of Renaisaince Burlesque goes something like thus:



You would.

Can't help it man. You know I gots a thing 'bout the British Library.









Chubby for well-portrayed urgency and enthusiasm. "Holy shit!" as a sound effect.

Ah, good, I was afraid that part wouldn't come through and thus had to spend a few minutes sitting around thinking "What is the best way to portray an onomatopoeia that doesn't just portray masturbation, but rapid, urgent masturbating?" Not exactly a high point.

Vivid. I read it as about 4Hz. Now let us never speak of this again .


Thin to the bone oh yeah i like that so gooooood

You mean that skeleton that I boned?

* Dap *

Hands off the merchandise, fellows!

Just lookin' for a little rigor mortis priapism.

rigor mortis keeps 'em hard

It looks like falcon dude is politely refusing a reach-around while scepter guy is being a confused peeping tom. I do believe that is how Baldassare Castiglione defined decency:

"One should refuse the pleasing grasp of another when spied upon; it is an act which one's entire lineage does protest."
-- Book of the Courtier

I like to watch

-- Chance the Gardener

::Deodato's Also Sprach Zarathustra ::

Man, seriously, shout outs to Deodato and Being There .

Can anyone translate the text on that image? If it's English, it's old enough to be unrecognizable to me...

It starts 'Ich am afert' which means 'I am afraid'.

maybe this?

Whoa, you're right. It starts with the three lines by the kings and then the ones by the dead follow.
"I am afraid / Lo what I see / I think these be devils three"
"I was well fair / Such shalt thou be / For God's love be warned by me"

It looks like Middle English:

"I am Albert. Lo, be the femme pinkey. But, hey, dudes, pre- the shelved farm study, Wheaties be for good."

I am 95% confident that that is the gist of what is written.

It says :

Am afk rq. LOL k, here. Irl, fem. epin key, but less dudes. Y're I rblselbd? Fair.

Clearly, this is an excerpt from Glad's most recent internet discussion on the importance of women. It begins with his need to go away from the keyboard briefly, but upon his return he suggests that in real life, a woman's opinion is key - but still less than a man's. He goes on to compare himself to psychoanalyist Saul Rosenblath, professor of Women's Studies at UCLA, and he decides that the comparison is, indeed, a fair one.

Old German?


Oh shit I thought they were chicks

Iconography buffs will be pleased to notice that in this illustration the three corpses are shown in successively greater degrees of corruption, from the leftmost corpse which still has worms in the flesh of the belly to the skeleton on the right, whose winding sheet and skin have rotted away entirely.

Little Nephew is pulling a Back to the Future.

Er, sorry. A Back to the Future part II

I want to see a Hoverboard in the next strip.
I really just want a Hoverboard all for myself.
You capitalize Hoverboard, right?

You do if you know what's good for ya'.

A comment left by wozzeck was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by blastradius, mercuri0us, raticus)

Forgive me being a "dick about terms," but does the bra really "sunder" b----s? Not in my limited experience.

Many bras "lift and separate", so yes.

Matron-style bosoms are usually kept as one vast mass when supported. Maybe you were thinking of Grandma? Frankie Boyle has a joke covering this.

see, that is the strange thing. I have never seen a bra that seemed capable of further separating the breasts, and most breasts I've seen have been a fair enough length away from each other as is. Do any women have problems with having breasts too close together?

I thought the ultimate aim for bras was to create cleavage, but I hear "lift-and-separate" used as positive bra adcopy before, as well. I always consider it more in the style of retro breastfittings, wherein the bosom was made to look like a couple of sharp, highly angular, distinctly separated entities.

That style of brassiere seems to no longer exist in any capacity outside of non-working internet novelty purchases.

I think the novelty in Little Nephew's design is that his bosom harness treats breasts as two separate objects. I'm no specialist of bra history

I wish I was a bra history specialist

but, where was I, but it's like the main novelty of it, from the point of view of 1676 definitely, isn't it?

I meant, hence "does sunder." It can be said to do so because one bosom becomes two distinct, separate, delicate, breasts.

deafwhisperer couldn't help dropping 'delicate' in there. He kinda drifted off at the end.

The Sunderer of Bosoms

I think the success of Mad Men is ushering in a new era of pointy, separated tit appreciation.

As a lifelong observer of cleavage, I can report that in a certain percentage of woman, perhaps as few as 10%, the breasts start from the same central spot, and there is pure cleavage. Then the variation begins and they get farther and farther apart. After a couple rounds of breast-feeding, this closing the cleavage gap thing really takes off. I think the youthful look of pert, separate breasts if what they were going for in the "lift and separate" days. Now every young thing seems to be into squeezing and pushing together of the breasts, thanks be to Allah for this eye party.


A comment left by heccibiggs was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by apocowarg, instantkarma, mrblank91)

You should not be a dick about terms, ever

the last panel is grammatically correct. You can say "The bra does sunder slack bosoms." It's the same as saying "The bicycle provides transportation to people." If the sentence is referring to a single bicycle, then to provide transportation to multiple persons it would have to be a tandem bike. If you read the above sentence about bras to be referring to a single bra, then it would have to be a tandem bra that could be worn by multiple women at once in order to sunder each woman's bosom. (a tandem bra?) However in this "The bra" refers to bras in general, not a single bra, so no tandem bra is required to make the sentence grammatically correct.

A tandem bra? For women who want to walk four abreast?

Or maybe for cats, with all those titties....


I thought the last panel said "slack bitches" until I read this. After looking at it closer, I guess it does fit the number of blanks. . .

Let's see what the Concise Oxford has to say:

" n 1 a a person's breast or chest, esp. a woman's. b colloq. each of a woman's breasts."

Excuse me a moment; I'm going to take the phone off the hook and look up "loins".


We lookin' at some RUDE loins.

" loin n 1 (in pl. ) the part of the body on both sides of the spine between the false ribs and the hip-bones."

What the fuck? I can't get off to this! Wait... maybe I need to see this as a challenge. "Body... false... hip... bone ..." Aww yeah...


aw yeah who wants to see some penduline tits

That's the lamest bench-press I've seen.

jeffspaulding, you're one funny Motherfucker.

miaou declared. "But dat still don't make it right you stealin' from me. Whack im, Ant'ny."

But... but he looks so proud.

You are being rude to a tit

Never be a cock to a tit .

Damn, but I could marinate* those... if you know what I mean .

*By which I mean it's technically a brine:
1 gallon water
1 C brown sugar
1 C kosher salt or sea salt
1 C apple juice concentrate, thawed
1 1/2 tsp. whole black peppercorns
2 sprigs thyme

You want to do up some spiced apples with this. Me I usually pull out some nice roasted potatoes with this, maybe without the garlic though... it wouldn't mesh too well.

Actually, while we're being dicks about terms, 'matron-style bosoms' is referring to any number of large single-unit breastices, sported by any number of matronly women.

Unless you were referring to Onstad's use of the term, which on reflection, is a tad more likely. In that case, what echindaboy said.

A man don't got bosoms. That's against God and sick besides.

Good to have you back, LN.

Lookit Little Nephew, all half asleep and still able to give Mr Sanders the business.

Welcome back. I hope he finds a way back to the present one of these days. I never really liked him, but I like him even less in the 17th C. Please come back! We need to see if you've had puberty!

please don't dick with me, assetbar

Well it is Wednesday. It's business time.

I never really liked him, but I like him even less in the 17th C.

He is the Scrappy-Doo of Achewood.

oh jesus fuck I would pay to see scrappy-doo in the seventeenth century

all drinking river water with poop in it

all getting burned for witchcraft

All mouthin' off to Torquemada and gettin' the Iron Maiden in return.



*metal hands*

Execute them!


Lets face it, you can't torquemada anything.

He was funny in context, and I feel like this strip uses him well. But then, I never really minded Scrappy-Doo.

Let it be shown that layzerblade also drinks Hunt's straights from the bottle.

Laserblade's name was never spelled like that before...


Actually, I forgot not only my password, but the email address I originally signed on with. It was easier just to create a new account. I'm (sort of) honored by the implication that AIU could successfully troll by pretending to be me, though.

LN is so tired that his pupil won't come out

Whatever you intended that to mean, it is brilliant.

Did Onstad ADD pupils...? Or is that just me. TAKE A CLOSER L@@K







hah. totally making this my Xbox motto.

(Halo playahz B-WEAR)

Why you even gotta do a thing. Please.

i game. i made mention of it. what's it to you?


So all that stuff about you not liking movies is pretty much right out the window, huh stereo?

What can I say... Miller's Crossing is not bad. I retain the right to dislike any other movie I want.

Miller's Crossing is great and is one of my favorites. But would you believe me if I told you that there a few other films out there that are even better!?

Naw...you prolly wouldn't.


Next: a device for the booty.


Don't touch me. Don't touch me. Don't touch me.

All right, touch me.

I thought that was what the swine plug was really for.

A comment left by drivewhere was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sprkfv39, InspectorGadget, rowboat, Scorpio_nadir, Wozzeck, Vee, lennyx, thatcrazycommie)

Chubbied for capping on religion, aka: "Reason-robbing fear porn"

I agree on the basis that religion is not heping your country. ans also that social change could be more effective than outright gun prohibition policy. The only point i'm not mostly ok with is your stance on gun control. Social Changes will take years to happen (probably in the 2020's or 2030's, when most of the baby boomers will die off). Gun control would reduce gun violence in a marked way. We are all dumb one time or another, or frustrated, or sad, whatever. Bad judgement coupled with a gun never do good.

What i mean to say, even if you say to a child not to play with matches, if you don't remove them you can be sure he will burn himself someday.

A comment left by yurtle was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Wolfensti, dickie_roxx, Scorpio_nadir)

Oh yeah ???

Well i wanted to say that i appreciate your contribution to the discussion and i would bepleased if you could expand more on your insightfull comment

lamed for being a cow about terms.

I'm afraid can not rate strips fast enough to lame this entire thread of conversation as it deserves.


Chubby for reminding me of the Piranha Brothers.



Whatever happened to spinynorman?

He's busy getting married and being published and stuff, I believe.

Poor guy. a real shame

at least ONE of us is doing something.

speaking of!
when's YOUR comic book coming out?

A ho ho ho ho!

Sorry, I'm cripplingly lazy, and I tend to prioritize spending time with my friends and lover(s) over drawing. These things are kind of failings and will not help me get ahead in my (hypothetical) career.

but pronounced, "i will contract syphilis and go mad like all great artists."

I need some Donkey Kong

yeah I agree, but, damn, gun control just isn't going to happen in this country. Further, because of the various social problems and the bellicose nature of the culture here, I'd wager that gun control would have to be especially restrictive to really cut back on gun violence to the point that people were comfortable with the idea of not being allowed to own a gun for "self defense."

Yeah, this country is in for a long hard road to steer away from some of the problems it has created for it's self. I think that before the present society makes any headway in the decades to come, we will likely see a new form of social organization emerge via the internet. Just as changes as seemingly insignificant as the automobile, air conditioning, the suburb, and TV obliterated some social structures and created others, so too innovative network applications may reshape the infrastructure via which we exchange our thoughts and ideas and organize and collaborate. It seems that the status quo is hell bent on self-destruction, with the only silver lining being that at least the rest of the world is making progress while American society stagnates, so that perhaps once the rest of the world gets it together, they'll perhaps have America-Aid benefit concerts to help us out...

On a different subject it occurs to me that the phenomenon of kicking the dog - of subjugating a second-class less-than-human citizenry via pride and prejudice - the phenomenon of slavery, is indeed not dead in America, perhaps it is even enjoying a renaissance... Only, instead of it being blacks being oppressed by whites, (not that that phenomenon is by any means dead in America, but that's another story,) it is now more so the working class which is oppressed by the religious right wing. Oppression and religion, now that's the True definition of marriage.

Frankly, i doubt that it is dead anywhere. Up here i am annoyed due to another problem close to your's. law being modified and permission being given to individual of certain religion. I have nothing with religious people per se but when people invoke religious law to get advantages, it enrages me. For example, now Sick can bring their Kirpah ( religious knife) into school, nevermind the fact that knife are forbidden and so are religious object (except for them, du'h. Seriously it pains me when people use their personnal belief to influence or worst to gain advantages over the "common" folk.

( Later in this thread, drivewhere reveals that he only revived the previous day's thread so that he can cleverly introduce the ideas of religion as ear-harness of the people and marriage as the great sunderer of classes , all for the promotion of his new School of Bradical Thinking )

Knowing how to spell 'Sikh' might help your argument sound less uninformed. But probably not.

Out of interest, are all religious signifiers and objects banned in your school - yarmulke, kofi, headscarves etc - or just visible ones, such as crucifix jewellery?

The few Sikhs I went to school with carried their knives as fairly small representations of the real thing, and never had them on display.

Not sure what you mean by 'advantages' - are you saying that if the shit hits the fan, the Sikh boys will already be tooled up and ready to inflict damage? Not sure whether it's actually (ahem) kosher to use a sacramental blade, one of the symbols of your very faith, to actually cut some fucker up.

Really, it seems about as likely as getting stabbed in the eye with a crucifix.

I mean that some Religious won't get ticket if they park on illegal hours since they can't move their car in religious holyday. That a YMCA gym had to put "frosted" glass since some religious group did not want to see women in "light" attire. They even tried to get the Charia implemented for musulman in Ontario. An Indouist guy wanted to sue the government since we don't allow his corpse to be burned on a pyre when he will die.
What enrages me is that only a few of them abuse the system but it still has very tangible result.

It is really just an example, i know they would not use the blade (they have to be sheated with a leather strip to keep them in the sheath). Still, they did make the government allow them in school, while object of prayer (like the crucifix) are forbidden. I don't care that it is a knife, i'm just cheezed that they get double standards due to their religion and can bypass the law due to it.

wolfensti, I am not following your line of reasoning re: the application of laws: re religion to the Sikhs I presume in England. Yes obviously there are reasons pro and con any accommodation on any pretext... It works like this: A society starts with an intention (e.g. not unduly interfering with individual's practice of religion, correcting racial inequality, or what have you.) That intention has to be codified into guidelines and rules (aka laws) in order that the institutions of society may align their actions with the intention... There are all manner of complications that arise in the structure and functioning of institutions and in the myriad arrangements of groups and individuals and customs and habits and sometimes I just wind up driving at 200 kmh down the freeway with no hands on the handlebars in a rainstorm because, damnit, I just feel like it that day... everyone's different every day. So... as society-wide intention trickles down from less and less abstract levels into levels of tangibility and concreteness, you do get some contradictions and unexpected results and sometimes even unwanted or even ludicrous results... Many is the time, nonetheless, that we must put up with these ludicrous results, because the system of law and due process, as flawed as it is, is the only system we have for translating, as a society, our intentions into results. The wonderful thing about this system is that it doesn't really care if you don't approve of the results, or even if 99% of the population doesn't approve of the results. Seriously, does anyone approve when an obviously guilty murderer is set free because the Police and/or prosecutors violated this persons due process rights? Of course not, however, a greater purpose is served by setting this accused individual free, and that purpose is the ensuring of the integrity of the system of due process, and the ensuring that the institutions of society might afford all individuals due process in the future. So, I'm saying, while the idea of allowing one person to carry this symbol to school but meanwhile not allowing someone else to carry another symbol to school might seem ridiculous, hey, that's just the result of the system you have in place... Arguments that the results of the system are flawed really are not the same thing, and are not nearly as useful nor as compelling as arguments that the system it's self may be flawed.

Will probably get lamed so to make it short, modifying laws to give some people advantages due to the religion they practice is stupid.

The end. No Moral

stop replying to yourself.

I think the more appropriate example is hauling that crucifix out and well, y'know, crucifying someone on it.

Hi. I think you chaps may want to be over at I<3Richarddawkins.net

*snap* Dogmatic organised religion!
*snap* Dogmatic organised religion!

It's not working, dammit!

When you use phrases like "eradicating the virus of religion" and "if people could think coherently," not only do you sound like Stalin, you are proving yourself just as small-minded and regressive as the billions of people whose existence you are apparently opposed to. America isn't going to get better when one side wins, it's going to get better when the hyper-religious maniacs (like the televangelists) and the hyper-atheistic maniacs (like you) realize that the faithful and the non-faithful who actually got along with each other were right all along. Guess what, dude? Religion's not going anywhere, no matter how much you want it to, so if you really want to make this country less violent, you're gonna have to find some common ground. Yes, with the scary Jesus people.

Well depend where, the more the humanity discovers how the universe works, the less likely a divine creator is needed.

Frankly most of the atheist i know ( there a good bunch of them here) were christian who just fell off due to the stupidity of the teachings (gay=hell, contraception=evil and whatnot) or of the people preaching them. I'm looking your way Mr. Pope

I'm sorry, but what does this barely coherent anti-religious diatribe have to do with the re-invention of ladies undergarments?

I'm gonna go ahead and say: "Sweat fuck all" .

Oh nice one... I meant "sweet" of course... Ah whatever, gonna go get me some sweat, sweat candy...

No, no. Sweat fuck all is a wonderful thing. I will use this at work.

Hey, it doesn't help anything to go after him for conversing in a language that he is not the master of. Dude's French-Canadian, he's got enough problems as it is.

I would not say so. I'm happy to be from here. Learned 2 languages, health care is free and college is affordable whatever where your from. Also for soem reason the recession seems to affect us a lot less than the rest of Canada and the US.

But what does this have to do with eating shit?

I don't know... it looks like thatcrazycommie is feeding him his own.

I think the idea of 'hyper-atheistic maniacs' is a fake one, rather like trying to equate religious faith/irrationality with an adherence to or belief in science. Science is not a religion, and anyone who thinks it is doesn't understand how science works.

There are pain-in-the-ass atheists, but they're usually loud, ignorant kids who would be just as annoying whatever their creed. Dicks are everywhere and refusing to believe in sky-daddy does not prevent cockishness to strangers.

The point is, there are no holy books which allow or exhort atheists to 'over-rule' or disregard human laws. Atheists who do so (not sure if any actually exist) do so on their own.

I'll settle for not banning religion and adherence to faith by act of law if we can make a similar agreement that any proposed law change (or refusal to change unjust laws) is rendered instantly irrelevant if the only justification is found in one of these 'holy books' or because 'god says so'.

That would help us all get along much better, IMO.

I agree wholeheartdly.

I also recognizes i may have been mean to some people around, and thus say i am sorry.

Apologies if ragging on your spelling of 'Sikh' was inappropriate. I notice in your later posts you are using (seemingly) French spellings of 'Hindu', 'Muslim' etc.

No harm done.

Your principle is sound, religion is not science. However, there are such things as 'hyper atheistic maniacs.' I happen to work with one. He confronts everyone in the office with anti-religous speeches, but, and this happens in the religious world too, has no proof for what he says. He has not bothered to do his reading, research, nor does he have any life experience. In short, he takes it ON FAITH that there is no God, because his father didn't believe in God. He is equally as annoying as any religious zealot.

as one said, an atheist requires infinitely greater faith than to receive all truth atheism denies.

(or some such.)


Sorry mate, please don't say Truth when debating religion or atheism. Actually I find it better to avoid that word most of the time.

dude, get mad at Addison.

I'll give you both a sound spanking.

i'll turn this Assetbar around and take you both home without dessert, i swear to God.

Oh happy horse shit!!! Religion is nothing but a very clever mind control strategy. Religious "leaders" take one of humanity's most primal fears, fear of the unknowable, death, and play it like a fucking fiddle to mentally paralyze the flock, program them to behave in mechanistic manners, not question any of the dogma, and MOST HEINOUSLY WORST OF ALL, abuse their children by committing the same crimes upon them that are done to the parents. Please fuck that shit!

What? I should be "tolerant" as dumb ass Muslims stone rape victims? FUCK THAT SHIT!

What's that you say?? You think my using the example of sharia law is somehow cherry picking. No, it's just an example of the something that even liberal dumbasses can understand is wrong. But all the rest of it is just as wrong, just not as violent. And by "it", I don't mean Muslim, I mean all of them. All. Anything that requires "faith" in order to practice is evil shit, and sane people need to speak up and say so. FUCK THAT SHIT!

I find this simplistic, conspiracy-theory-style explanation of religion intellectually insulting. Does everything have to be solely about how The Man is like controlling our minds? (Short answer: no of course not, don't be silly).

I apologize aperson, but ditto. With the added point that just because you say you are not cherry picking examples does not mean that you are not just cherry picking examples. Also, remember when I said there were indeed such things as 'hyper atheistic maniacs'....

I would just like to stick my internet neck out there onto the virtual chopping block and say that not ALL Jesus people are scary. In fact, all the Jesus people I happen to know are good chums with non-Jesus people.

Just a thought.

Likewise. But come on, who are we to interrupt this gentle internet hate ritual?

thatcrazycommie : "Religion's not going anywhere." What makes you so sure? Many parts of Europe are becoming quite secular. Culture change happens.

I think you meant "sacred," the opposite of "secular."

Historically speaking, religion is extremely difficult to kill. Religious people, when backed into a corner, simply become more religious. If I were laying odds, I would bet on religion surviving in some form.

Good lord, really?

Are you really doing this here?

Guys, there are a number of neat chat services online such as AIM or IRC. Or you could form a Yahoo! group and discuss this.

Or it could be discussed here, if it wasn't clearly against the law to do so. Oh, that's right...

I'll never understand how some people seem to feel perfectly justified in declaring subjects inappropriate for discussion, while at the same time joining the discussion in order to make the declaration.

It's like posting a comment to point out that you don't find a particular joke funny, or the people who comment on torrents to say "I won't be downloading this, as I have a copy already".

Not interested, don't read. Simple. The comments and responses are even conveniently laid out so you can scroll straight past them without hurting your eyes with all those unnecessary photons.


If only I could ignore an entire fucking thread at once. Or collapse it or something, and then ignore the person who started it.

If only I could ignore the entire fucking world. Or collapse it or something.....

There's always that little "x" in the upper right-hand corner.

Warning. This will cause Chris Onstad to retire from the cartoon business and make bespoke shaker-style furniture instead. Continue?

We need more Shaker craftsmen. Being they were a sect that did not believe in procreation, descendants are sparse.

That's what I was just thinking. I've never pretended to know what this place is "for," but I know it ain't that.

In short, more cum eating anecdotes, less religious discourse.

I once sucked off a monk, but I don't want to get into that here.

But what does this have to do with eating cum?

There is nothing more full of cum than a monk and there is no one thirstier for cum than hatstand_mcq. I think it's a perfectly reasonable line of discussion.

Correct. I wanna [talk about eating] cum.

stereo: "If only I could ignore an entire fucking thread at once. Or collapse it or something, and then ignore the person who started it."

I am working on a system for that. It may be done this summer.

The hole in this theory is the assumption that everyone is capable and desirous of "think(ing) coherently." You have also conveniently ignored the issue of power.

Man, but I wish I could get paid in cod.

Fun Fact: The codpiece is named for the Middle English term "cod" which means "scrotum". This evolved due to popular discussion that a man who owned a significant amount of cod was seen as powerful and virile (e.g. "Dude has got wicked cod!"). This is because, as all know, cod is delicious.

Philippe/Billy Idol uses the idiom in reverse.

Still delicious, though.

I was going to ask how on earth you could remember that but then I realized I still remember the password needed to order a Breast Man at the bar (but they may have changed it now).


Aww shit, BBCODE

Meanwhile, in an alternate universe... [i[ this works ]i]


So close. Apparently it's case sensitive . If you had got it right, Assetbar would have let that one slide. "Oh, a breast man eh? Guess I didn't see that bracket pointing the wrong way."

The codpiece is named for the Middle English term "cod" which means "scrotum"

Is the the origin of the word codswallop ?

Is this Wales or Scotland

It is a website

Ceci n'est pas une pipe


Man Ray.

Man, Ray, ain't you know such as a Magritte on the internet?

ohyes, just bein' a hobo hoppin' on the dadatrain

Magritte, Magreatte, Magreaux.



ce n'est pas un chien

un chien... andalou ?


or... andalusia ?



Groovy, Ethel. Groovy.




La classe internationale.

The cat has wisdom.

To be fair - I was merely illustrating wolfensti's comment.

Well you still knew about Magritte, so it is still is your honor.
*tip of the hat*

Aye laddie sure d'you not know it's Wales, begorrah? (There's lovely)

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks Onstad's approximation of a Welsh accent sounds more Irish than anything else.

Too true. I wouldn't expect Onstad to be an expert on C17th Welsh colloquialisms but Iorweth sounds like an Ulsterman.

Stryd. Ych.? Boy, you got me.

He truly is Ray's little nephew.

Paper was an easily-accessible commodity before the concept of bras was popularised, now?

Dude, way to be a dick about times.

Shamlessly copy pasted from Wikipedia- By the early 1900s, garments more closely resembling contemporary bras had emerged, although large-scale commercial production did not occur until the 1930s.


In 1704, the governor allowed The Boston News-Letter to be published and it became the first continuously published newspaper in the colonies. Soon after, weekly papers began publishing in New York and Philadelphia.

Oh, okay.

All lies. The true origin story of the bra found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqxWhBZXF8Q

"Otto titsling inventor and Kraut"

Cole Porter it ain't.

Not Cole Porter, unf. Just Bette Midler. Think she wrote this one, too.

Never much of a fan of the Divine Ms. M (being straight and all). But her work on behalf of community gardens in NYC was very cool.

I always thought that when I finally do end up stuck back in time, it would be hard to profit from my knowledge of the "future" because I don't actually how anything works or how I would go about recreating it.

The bra thing has given me a new direction. I no longer have to carry a trunk full of reference books in case I get to take my car, ala Army of Darkness.

Sort of a rip-off of Peggy-Sue Got Married wherein she "invents" pantyhose when she returns to the 50's.

You need this shirt.

Little nephew hell of trending towards uncle Ray's half-indecent entrepreneurship!

When he's fully awake he'll be much more ruinous.

Hey guys, guess what: when he's fully awake, he'll be much more ruinous. Don't know if you knew that.

I'm sorry, I missed that -- Again, what happens when he's fully awake?

Well you see, he'll be much more ruinous. I know it's hard to grasp, really, it's okay.

Japan-man him pick out seeds, have world franchise on sensimillia. Him Emperor. Him get pretty buzz.

Since when Japan Man big heap Native American?

Me quick want slow. No wait that's Indian..


When he's fully awake he'll be much more ruinous.

The alt text made me sick.

Copious carts of corpses cede to common concupiscence.


occasional oddities occupy ossuary onanists

Alliterative assholes aggravate all.

Badge-less badgerer

Matter-less natterer.

Bumpy cobblestone
Expired ladies piled high
"Fetch my spyglass, wench!"


Bumpy cobblestone
Expired ladies piled high
Fetch my spyglass

Start and end with five
Seven syllables between
Express a moment

The plague was rad times
For dudes into ex ladies
Cobblestone f-f-fukkin!

(the stutters don't count, you see)

few care.

Haiku .

my juice box is gone.
who took my tasty Mondo?
sleep forever, dick.

am i the only one who thinks li'l nephew looks straight pimpin in the renaissance garb? perhaps cravats and frilly collars could make a non-Prince related comeback?

And, uh, furthermore, I would like to propose a 17th century metaphor contest about saggage.

Ok fuck it: is there a thing I can do to see the general strip rating or is that a thing of old times

am... I a thing of old times?

Onstad seems to have removed the strip rating. You must have missed the memo.

Oh, he hears the milk bursting all right.

Hmmm, Lil' Neph looks a little foppish in 1676.

yeah, but in a way that's hard to care about.

I was very impressed by Mr Sanders or whatever the fuck his name is' ability to demonstrate willingness to adapt and adopt better practices. Many a good man would have dismissed the idea as completely ridiculous and taken offence at Little Nephew's obvious indolence.

losing. .. faith in, humanity.. . must.. fight it... strength: fading fast... losing... control. must. kill.:::

thas what ma last entry into ma journal will b b4 i go on a rampage i m not quite der yet but les jus' say i knows hows this story is to end

ps. I'b combered through deh past lookin' for moment azns became overly acceptable 2 me an' hab narrowed it to within deh las' six months or so because i hab discovered the beginnings an' lik 6 months go i remember seein' somefink 'n thinkin' "damn lol azns sure do looks cute when they open they eyes real big". more on dis as my invest. contes.

A comment left by gladi8orrex was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by aliiis, JoshuaGross, tellumo)

Is that Tarkan

*audible kiss-kiss sounds* :)

That is no longer Tarkan :mad:

Katy Perry has awesome boobs.

Just sayin'

the rest of her is pretty okay too

Bah, I'll take Zooey Deschanel any day. Looks similar but better, and most importantly did not popularize the most grating pop single of the century so far.

I still have not heard that single. I'm kind of proud of this.

But yeah. Zooey Deschanel is extremely gorgeous.

It sounds like Jesus shitting and puking.

Ib u lik xooey den u'll lub Andy Lau he is same but more msucles tone n prettier smile/hair

glad is now gackt-ish..or one of the dancers from that music video he posted a while back.


Zooey goes all the way when she makes the sexy with ladies. That's why she doesn't need to brag about it. Katy Perry is more like the ladies in bad lesbian porn. All fake, nasty tits, heavy makeup, looking right at the camera as their tongues, held out as far as possible, just barely graze.

It's not gay if the lips don't touch.

It's not gay if you don't push back.

It's not gay if he's wearing lipstick.

It's not gay if you're just sucking some dude off through a gloryhole ironically .

gladi8orrex's jerbil. okt 12, 1985.

dog cactiss in ally dis am, tire tred on birds stormich. de kitty ib afrite o me, i hab sen its tru face. sum dey all ob dese blaks an azns gon luke up and shouts sabe us! an i'll look down at dem an wisper, u fink i gib shits abot u? is so lol.

Chubbied after reading first 5 words and not reading the rest.

fayk allen mobster, beetrayl to finish.

That could be classic glad, b4 the ^.^

oh hay tanx fo mkin me laff. there aint no more lulz nemore deze days.

of course dere is no more laffs. the comedian is dead.

dumb bitch

Oh my god! The...the perfect thing to say, ever!


maybe it's not azians you h8, maybe it's just de idea o dem... de wary taught a dem

as a wery old, i can fathom the scene to be with me.

13 panels for a Sanford & Son reference, and totally worth it. Only in Achewood.

Molly's family name is Sanders. Her father also has at least one male offspring. Thus: Sanders & Son. " and Son" isn't exactly a rare name for a small company, especially back then.

If this is a joint venture, the singular "Son" would appear to refer to Charley. Iorweth must be warming to the little tyke if he now considers him family. It's kinda sweet, y'know?

Downright Awwww-inspiring, you might say.

You take your reality, I'll take mine

An',an',an' be a good boy and fetch me some Menudo?


little nephew is destroying all that's left of america

...and some of Wales.


It enhance fertility if you kill it with you bare hand and look in his eyes.

Also is really good with tartar sauce, especially freshly fished.

oh no,but what about history?

Getting upset about temporal paradoxes in popular time-traveling literature will get you nowhere in life. I once had an honest-to-goodness stand up row with my brother over the film Deja Vu. It was a pretty rough scene. No-one came out well from it.

If you had to have the most important argument with someone, but knew they wouldn't believe you - what would you do?

I have solved this problem by developing a time travel password with close friends. This way they will be certain if I ever need to send someone back from the future or if I should happen to be dealing with an evil twin, shapeshifter, or robot double. I also have a private password known only to myself for similar situations.

You've just gotta be prepared.

I'm trying to get one of these special email the send to your friend if you don't check in each mont . For example if i dont click on a button for one month it send premade message to some people i know.

Any idea where i could find a program to do that ?

Hey Belgand, it's me from the future. Your password is Swordfish . Turns out you like living in Canada now, because it's so unlike LA.

That is Wagstaff's password, not mine.

The greater problem is that the password system really doesn't work for time travel that well. If someone travels into the past before the password was agreed upon it means nothing, if they travel to a period after that time then there is no reason why it proves they are from another time as opposed to simply screwing with you.

It is still a good idea to have a personal password though.

Start with the helicopter 'do and see how it goes from there.

Let's gir r done!

i m ogin' nsane i m goin' nsane

hey gladdi can I twoks 2 u on de phone? what ib ur phone nuber?

(subhwo atricktied 2 de parsonage of de misturiyus gladdi I wants 2 comunyun in mutal chng a jenyus idear n turpentination ub de yunvrs


347-394-6581 asp 4 wizard.

Glad are you a West Australian politician?

sum comediennes don' mak me lol ass-munch as dat thx 4 gibin' my frowns sum time off, dogg, for real i mean dat

Charley Smuckles, he gets things invented before their time done.

Fuck you, little Nephew. HANGIN NATURALS FO LIFE!!!

Thanks Lil Nephew, for the greatest invention ever.

Especially so in regards for ladies with crummy boobs.

For easy Reference

Aw man I put an extra /

Should work now

Thanks for the mammaries.

Oh pogo. Truly the best thing to sing say ever.

Thanks. My other favorite is when Groucho spilled some water on a woman and said, "Let me refresh your mammaries."

How come some bits of the ad use the weird "f"-looking glyph for "s" and some don't? Is there some rule that determined which glyph to use? Why is Quality not "affured"?

The general usage is to put the short s at the end of words, and use the long s in the middle. I do not know why 'assured' uses the short s, but there were differing conventions.

Is anybody else pretty sure that Onstad is a professionally schooled/trained cook? The menus. The cod.