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The Mountain and the Motorcycle Tuesday, July 13, 2004 • read strip Viewing 162 comments:

A comment left by antsama was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ezcmac, madnes, Chetyre, lamboyster, Overmedicated, mari, sean1058, NeoNaoNeo, Jesler729, re5urgam, Catachresis, lamelliform, DESTROY_YOU, mortshire, desdin0va, Kleptonis, antecen, farqussus, NDCaesar, SatelliteTV, mattfish, the_dingle, lk, RogueCheddar, Tragic_Johnson, nutmeg, Boyd, kenyot, G-money, daftsquare, trawser, Mastronaut, Pigs)

subtle, batman, subtle

Suttle-[See Sutler.] To act as sutler; to supply provisions and other articles to troops.

Batman knows what he's talking about.

A comment left by waddlerz was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sarmatron, nonanon, cavebaby, greening_cow, theplaidknight, hurfdurf, cpnglxynchos, kestral)

A comment left by cpnglxynchos was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Lolsworth, sarmatron, hathandir, Hipjiverobot, redion, Deusoma, wotan, Art-Vader, ZedPower, hurfdurf, Chromancer, alchemicnirvana, Appers)

subtle, cpnglxynchos, subtle

All of you knock this off right now.

overt, redmange, overt

this is my favorite strip. that's all.



I almost wet myself when I read this one.

i had to leave the room. noone else in the house got it. then i had to move house.

This strip still blows me away 3 years later.
The definition of a classic.

If you don't like this, you don't like Achewood. It doesn't get any better.

A comment left by billmac was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wharfrat, stormypinkness, missbee, T-Pot, straw, Tinhand, twntysevn27, stanshall, riotdejaneiro, Dezufnocosem, Overmedicated, Thorfinn, Jesler729, sevenarts, DiamondMonster, GeyserShitdick, instantkarma, StagnantDisplay, NDCaesar, Sargasm, Art-Vader, lk, mistlethrush, hatratcat, werthog42, suprememongoose, Tragic_Johnson, nutmeg, sandranista, ralgnar, kenyot, Rapid_Roy, whoppin, Doc_Rostov, Mastronaut)

A comment left by imitationcrab was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Ewzicyn, fakead, glorify, Deusoma, sevenarts, sneechles, caduceo, attomm, Rapid_Roy, giantants)

A comment left by em2 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, Ewzicyn, fakead, retinarow, yingkaixing)

Folks don't seem to realize this is a strip reference, not religious indoctrination.

A comment left by hexjumper was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wharfrat, attomm, spigoat, Garyos)

See, I never get why people say that. Joke explanations crack me up.

like 34% of alt texts are Onstad explaining jokes and it is always hilarious

The joke is that the cat and stuffed bear are spying on another cat who is not very familiar with computers.

I don't think his admittedly limited computer skills have as much to do with it as the fact that using the browser was the quickest way he could do it.

Also the rayest way.

He used a Program.

That's half the idea.

You also gotta realise that there's a clock ticking in the background. So that the third and fourth panel actually read (with italics being thought, and make sure you get the slow beat right:
RB "Now he's googlin' for a picture of a motorcycle"
Hmmm. Ray must be getting a new bike. Hope it won't be like last time
T "he chooses one"
That is one mad pair of wheels. But why the hell he gotta show us off like that.
RB "And shrinks the browser all down real small"
RB Oh shucks, why don't he use that macro I wrote him to do that... Wait what is he trying to do
RB T O.M.G. R.a.y.

did it possibly occur to anyone that bill mac may have very well been being sarcastic? i'm a raging asshole too, so it makes sense to me to do something like this

it doesn't take a four-year degree to know funny, just like it doesn't take working at McDonald's to know an obese person when you see one.

Elijah Wood is obese. Look at the Pat Fuck You Friday.

I don't want to be mean, but if you don't get this, I think this might be more your speed. Enjoy.

Bahahaha. All of those are so funny, but not in the manner they were intended to be.

Like Godzilla films, or Plan 9 from Outer Space.

Look, I don't know what you think you're doing, but I am Marmaduke. You do not speak about me that way!

A comment left by milesdonovan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by joeyramoney, attomm, VictoriaW)

only because climbing it is kinda cliche.

Aww yeah.

I don't know why I love this one so much.

But I do.

I waited for a long time but this never happened.

Nice reference

Still the best possible use of Google/the internet in general.

I find a picture of a pretty girl, then I use paint to put my head on her. That's my usual christmas card.

Actually the before mentioned was a lie, but it wont be for very long.

You mean aforementioned.


Strips like this are the essence of Achewood.

The alt text rocks too. "Poor kids love playing this game in the library."

I totally was that kid...game loses it's appeal pretty quick, though.

Poor kids are pretty accustomed to losing things. Poor kids are hilarious!

Hey Roast Beef, you're poor. How come?

he is poor 'cos he loses things. he is a loser.

I don't think anyone notices yet another (this time not so subtle) that teodor is a voyeuristic perv. Not that there's anything wrong with that...but we all know about ray and ladies sitting on cakes.

ray..brilliant like a child...or winnie the pooh

Yes; both children and Pooh know about simple pleasures. Rock on, Ray.

Pooh just loved those sugar rushes. The shows were carefully edited to avoid showing the mean streak Pooh got in when he couldn't get his sugar on.

Piglet all stuffed in a jar, begging Pooh to let him out

A comment left by gormster was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by joeynarcotic, BPMead, Zem, Audhumla)


I get mad when I lose my honey pot too.

My brother got me a signed framed opy of thisfor my birthday :D

Your brother is Awesome.

All time favourite

A comment left by plezure was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wharfrat, NYU, JuanCarlos, jenever, lateadopter, Eraia, DickLaurent)

A comment left by plezure was marked as spam and excluded. plezure: What a douche. (reported by NYU, GeyserShitdick, mortshire)

I did this once as a child, only with a picture of a 1968 Ford Mustang.

A comment left by senseihollywood was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Tinhand, fallow_fields, joeynarcotic)

I do this. Except instead of a motorcycle it's a Bugatti. And instead of Mt. Everest, it's a crowd scene as my desktop.

I hope it's the L'oreal Group Lotion Awareness Bugatti.

And the Bugatti lands on the crowd, and you are the winner.

A comment left by rowboat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Zapatos, static, Overmedicated, glorify, Mangtastic, joeynarcotic, BPMead, re5urgam, ajg, Hyetal, Zem, Doc_Rostov, clintisiceman)

um i think everyone starts with a default avatar from a set

hahaha things got pretty nasty pretty quick there

Rowboat: Dick.

Why, sir! Is that the dashing and authoritative figure of Thornton Reed I espy in your avatar?

Overmedicated sums it up pretty well. What other sort of person would shoot his mouth off in such a way while knowing so little about the Way Things Are? I was such a mouthy kid two months ago. It's really no wonder that there are still some people here who lame me automatically.

Once... once.

Those were the good times...

yeah, that was billmac. Scroll up next time.

This strip is pure gold, kudos.

I had forgotten the greatness of strip. For this I thank you, Assetbar.

a simple dude

This is one of those strips that defines Ray's character.

It really is what we do when we think no one is watching that defines us!

i have never thought no one was watching, as long as i've lived

i did this earlier. it amused me a great deal.

i love the Beef and Teodor play-by-play

Whee! It's fun to see a sophisticated dude such as Ray indulge in such stupid fun. He may not know how to make animations on his computer, but the man gets things done.

I heard he has a tonka truck.

This is one of the best things ever... I do this from time to time as well.

A comment left by quicken83 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by petro, Skodra, sncether)

My first grade teacher told us that a genius is never bored. Anyone ever seen Ray bored?

Ray has definitely been bored before. So bored, in fact. Smoke up a friend, holmes bored, even.

But he's still a genius.

Ray is never bored.

A comment left by havenless was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wharfrat, Mangtastic, envika, fosters, ActualTaunt, retardedgenius, Doc_Rostov, Darthemed)


that is not funny.

that is

the terrible idea of the week

How many people here, be honest, have done this after reading this strip?

As of 11/07, 52,720 and counting, I'd have to imagine.

this is easily the best strip ever.

I also adore it. A !

I'm going to have something to laugh about for the rest of my week.


A comment left by joeyramoney was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, Deusoma, rowboat, binlaggin, Direhaggis)

It becomes better with epic music

(Note: Not mine)

vbcode, not HTML. I have disappointed my family. fixed:

[url=It becomes better with epic music]Epic Music[/url]


BBCode fail aside, that managed to make me crack up really loud in the middle of the night.

I wonder if Ray listens to epic music when he does this?

I love these epic BBCode melees more than anything. I'm a veteran.

By the way, that was fucking awesome. Thank you.

Way cool! (But it doesn't mix well with the Bauhaus I was listening to.)

A comment left by boyd was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Mangtastic, DiamondMonster, jeffreyquah)

There are no icons on Ray's desktop.

Icons would damage the illusion of a real motorcycle jumping over a real mountain. Haha

First Achewood I've ever read. I love it.

Probably one the funniest things I've ever seen in any medium, ever.

this was the first one i read, it's still my favorite.

why is the rating 4.8??????

I bet the guy who invented Comic Sans goes through and gives all the strips a 1. Adjust your ratings accordingly.

I don't think Vincent Connare reads Achewood.

A few weeks ago, I was exceedingly stoned, and so I decided to get a picture of ray's face, make it my background, bring up this comic and shrink the browser down real small, and jump it over ray.

Remember, kids: always read achewood stoned!

they can also use the second screen to enjoy pictures of ladies mashing up birthday cakes with their bottoms

This is infact the first strip I've read

These are the ideas I wish I had when I approach a blank sheet of paper.

I just signed up so I could say this is the single funniest strip of hilarity I have ever read.

Ray is a man of simple pleasures. Such a man is hard to find these days.

As soon as I read this, I started Remote Desktopping people just to see what they were up to. This, unfortunately did not arise. For shame, my workplace.

Today's Blogs

Ray: What the hell, man?
Roast Beef: almost feelin' good today
Mr. Bear: Rematch.
Lyle: nice beans
Onstad: Still no Teodor

Alright, people. That's fucked up. Whether or not you give a damn about what the blog girl does, marking it lame is just obnoxious.

725 chubbies vs. 5 lames?

seems there aren't many of these "people"

But all of them are lame.

As of 3/7/09, it is 5690 vs 17. I believe this may make xiaomimi the regular poster with the highest chubby-to-lame ratio (like, 330 ) but I ain't gonna check.

I applaud your public service efforts, xiaomimi. Whenever I have a chubby left when I hit the bottom of the page, it goes to you.

Because it's there.

The alt text alone gives me hell of such as a girl-boner. ...if that even exists.

Pay sites abound.

Isn't it like the third comic? Like that red button in the turkey... Done!



Another elusive Achewood that makes me laugh out LOUD.
Even when he knows no one is around, Ray is always doing something funny.

I think maybe 15% of the funniness is from Teodor's lo-tech labelling of the "Ray" monitor. But 15% of infinity is, like, still infinity, right?

Yes. I guess that I'm retarded, but when I first read this one I was thinking it was funny/awesome that Ray had labelled his own monitor 'RAY' in large, childish capitals - like as though the last three panels were a kind of 'cut to: what Ray's doing' scene. Then thought oh no, wait, remote desktop, that is just a marker for T and RB as shown in the first panel and Ray probably does not actually have an upside-down post-it note claiming his monitor as his own. Actually, I think I like to think he does. So both ways work?

The simplicity is astounding. Sorry, I'm new at this so I can't add to each strip as much as analyze it.



This is also the most pure, simple expression of the appeal of video games. I will show it to the next person who fails to see why people play video games. This game could be called "Fuck you, fucking giant mountain, I fucking owned you with my fucking bicycle"

Snap Love it

This is why at work I use a proxy site to do all my "extracurricular" surfing...

Alt text seals the deal on this 5.

That does it.

I'm going through the archive again.

my favorite of all time
crack up every time i see it

Well, I know how I'm going to kill the weekend.

And I thought Ray was doing something inappropriate on his computer.

i do this all of the time.

Does anybody else remember studying a children's novel in elementary school called The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary? A reference to other literature dealing with talking animals, I suppose.

You have to know how to make the noise that makes the toy motorcycle go.

And have a helmet made from a ping pong ball.

It is amazing how you can perform the "Everest bike ride" in a matter of minutes. Gotta love google images.


I love the simplicity of this. I'm a new achewood convert.

damn ice tea just came outta my nose! Ow!

if that isn't what most of us do, anyway

This was the final line that sold Achewood to me lock, stock, and barrel.


There is an outside outside of my house.

man i hope onstad brings this ray-snooping monitor back in later sets.

Yeah it's such a good setup!

Probably my favourite alt-text yet

This was my first Achewood strip. After reading this, I went back to the first and read through to the most recent. Then I went back to the start again. Not interesting, but ALL TRUE.