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Wetting The Bed Forever Friday, April 25, 2003 • read strip Viewing 66 comments:

Old Phillipe has hair by his ears but young Philippe has none. I don't know about otters, but apparently it takes longer than 5 years to grow hair.

Maybe otters only grow hair after living through years of deep, crippling shame.

Or sudden deafness. Some sort of trauma, at least.

Otters are a strange breed.

Maybe he always had the hair, but when he's old his Mom can't trim it.

we've all been there.
still can't sleep with out peeing alittle.

Does your house in the desert have high speed or dial-up?

I actually do live in a house in the desert....

not quite a hermit yet. but has nothing to do with wetting the bed. mostly just that my peoples are from here.

where is 'here'? it sounds awesome.

it isn't it's mostly the county of kern and or inyo a town a few miles from death valley

Dude, I've got some distant family in Kern. They randomly show up at my house sometimes. They kick men's asses.

And they vote.

You're from a long line of desert hermits.

psssttt... the military is involved

Military desert hermits?
The most dangerous kind.

I enjoyed how "with out" is two words, but "alittle" is one.

Why is Philippe such a pessimist? Maybe he spends too much time with Beef?

He just has an overdeveloped sense of SHAME

I think his overactive bladder is affecting his brain. Poor Philippe

Yeah, that and all of the malicious LIES.

Yeah, if you lived with Roast Beef the career neurotic and Lie-Bot the career...uh...liar, you'd probably develop a few complexes yourself.

Philippe imagines his golden years to be full of nothing but wet sheets and dead friends.

hehehe. golden years. wet sheets.

Oh man, that's EXACTLY what my golden years are gonna be like if my grandparents were any indication. This is terrible news.

I'm pretty sure that is going to be everyone's golden years.

Man, Golden Girls lied to us somethin awful

The truth was right there in the title this whole time !


if that's all the worse life gets, count me in!

Nice Pete looks forward to his golden years being full of nothing but wet sheets and dead friends.

A comment left by andrew_ was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, tttt, dj)

Philippe's letter is amazing. Did I ever think somehting like this when I was so small? Probably.

I love how he signs the letter "Sigh, Philippe."

And he seems to have learned something from Lyle before he left the old house. He learned maybe the only thing he could have learned from Lyle that would not be an impediment to his living as long as he has. Other than hardly ever working a job.

A comment left by sargasm was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Unfun, twohundredninety, equinn2006, lux, yingkaixing)

He's a hermit in the desert!

Not subtle!

I know, what was I thinking

My comment is a bowl of shame eaten with the silver spoon of self-reproach

I wish we got a panel of him yelling at himself.
Maybe someday we will.

I can just imagine him in a little hair shirt, flagellating himself and weeping softly.

Might look something like this .

It took a second reading to spot fully that Phillipe is going to have an egg and cheese muffin. This, in itself, is awesome.

Suddenly the encouraging things his mother sends seem less ridiculous. This kid needs positive reinforcement.

good use of a silent penultimate panel. rarely used well, but here it's golden.

And Philippe's pants in the desert are made of cactus with the thorns still attached... but cactus retains moisture well, so that is alright.

In the last panel, Philippe has been five for over seventy years.

Phillipe: he is seventy-five.

Retract, dude, retract. Phillippe is five .

Having made a pee-pee in the bed when I was 15 or so, I know what it is like to deliberate over such a future with great consternation.


Hermitage is your only answer now.

Were you ill? There are not many acceptable excuses for that at the age of 15.

Only God can judge me -.-

This comic inspired me to find a quick way to make egg and cheese muffins. For that, I am grateful.

Poor Phillipe! Isn't he only 5 though? So he shouldn't worry!

I too knew this pain during rush week.

he feels incredibly terrible about this

Oh, sad Philipe. Don't be a hermit, get a job in porn!

Before it was Fuck You Friday, Fridays were for egg and cheese muffins.

Wait a second I thought otters were lactose intolerant :O

Ray Smuckles - Deceased - Plane Crash
Roast Beef - Deceased - Natural causes
Todd - Deceased - OD'd on blow
Pat Reynolds - Still fucking alive.

Perhaps Edward Abbey peed his pants as a five-year-old? We may never know.

I enjoy how Philppe laments that he hasn't done this since he was a "little kid". It aligns nicely with how most five year olds view themselves.
Then again, he does seem to come from certain Circumstances, considering his environment involves seeing Lyle daily. Perhaps he really is old beyon his years.

Beyond. Damned inability to edit, or type properly in the first place.

SQUEEEEE look at him yawn OMG

Maybe he just really likes egg and cheese muffins

children are SO emo!

Philippe's shame brings me an amount of joy I am not entirely proud of.

Philippe ages?

The way he signs his diary makes it for me.

Philippe puts on some sort of wig or head warmer to write in his diary. Must be like Ray's phone jacket.

Notice the wrinkles under his eyes.