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Love Among the Chioggia Friday, February 8, 2008 • read strip Viewing 348 comments:

These days people can't fathom underwear larger than a nickle.

Medical underpants . Warning, link may be NSFW


Augh, you should have titled the link "An end to erections". Mine eyes cannot unsee the terror...

"Color: only skintone khaki (yellowish-brown) "


Hmmm...should I order the "high waist amber vinyl pant" or the :shudder: "angela pant". decisions!

It says at the bottom they are trying to sell their company.

I wonder why...

"(see info on our internet web site, re "selling the business")"

are there other types of website that i am not aware of?

and to be honest, I'm surprised manflesh hasn't somehow worked these diapers into his posts yet.

A comment left by retinarow was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, Moolah, flandango, Doc_Rostov)

www.plasticnappy.com (If you think you might not want to look at this, then you are probably right)

Shit man. I can't tell you how long I debated with myself about this one. Did I want to? Did I not want to? But then, seeing as I spent so much time wrestling with it, I figured I might as well click.

But my initial doubts were spot-on. If you hesitate, just do the right thing and don't click.

I'm an atheist, and even I find that unholy.


I have clicked on none of these links. I'm okay with this.

nor have i. chubby for strangerous link abstinence.

Speaking of which, has anyone else had half a dozen "friends" insist that they watch that two girls one cup thing? Has anyone else managed to avoid it, based on actions by actual friends?

Oh, I've managed to avoid it, but I know exactly what happens in it. Some guy I know insisted on telling us all in detail. I actually gagged just from the description.

i've avoided it...but have heard a song about it. and that is the closest i ever want to get to that video.

soft serve ice cream.

My cousin forced me to watch it. I think years of living in the Internet must have desensitized me, because it didn't do much of anything to me.

It's no SWAP.avi.

If you've watched SWAP.avi you're no more human than the common ape.

That's probably fair :(

what is SWAP.avi?

Essentially, it is "Two Girls, One Cup," but it's four girls and they've lost their cup.

Google will provide further details if you need them.

SWAP.avi is nothin' compared to the MBE Pain Olympics.


i had to go looking for two girls, one cup. it was hard to find. and then i threw up. but i am better for it.

i watched my friend vomitspit after watching it...therefore i vowed to never watch it..ever

After all the hype, it really wasn't so bad. I mean, they could have been old people.

true. it's still an odd fetish i think.

i mean there's that association of old people, to be sure. large plastic diapers? infants and the elderly.

if either of those turns you on, i do not respect you.

good grief man, and btw, this site has a members area and decent looking "models", which means that it makes money, which means there is a demand, which means......splut!!!!my head exploded

I love how they specify that these photos are not for "entertainment use", and then give you a link to medical underpants porn. That made my day.

The plasticnappy girls are hot.

...i gotta say, this is pretty horrific, but....

[URL=https://www.acmedi.com/acms/M4197.jpg]This Chick[URL] is surprisingly good looking.

or is it just me? am i maladjusted?


That's been going around today.

Except, unlike you, this guy spelled it the best way.

I thought the same.

I love how she's modeling it like its a Victoria's Secret catalogue.


Is it bad that I found that kind of hot?

Nothing is bad, ever.

The internet is a morass of moral relativism! Hooray!


What is that you're shouting?

I think it's Not Safe For Jesus Christ?

Not safe for JC Penney!

N ot S afe F or J ohnny C .

I guess in theory it could be N ot S afe F or A nyone.

Whew, I could have sworn it was Not Safe For Junior College. Glad to know I'm okay.

Whos idea was it to add lace to these things?

My favorite part is:
"a donnation to a registered charity that supports medical scientific research on the cure and prevention of cancer, including the breast cancer "

they're selling the business for a million dollars, and promisig and eight million profit from this. I didnt know it was such a huge market...

Function goes right out the window! Today's underwear just can't hold the heavy farts today's lifestyles require of them. Why, in MY day, ...

I wish my LifeStyles required heavy farts.

Back in my day, underwear used to cover a decent amount of one's private areas. Nowadays? Largley nonsense. I can't believe underwear these days.

"What's . . where's . . how do I even BEGIN to describe your camphor/underpants situation?"

what the hell does teodor mean by his comment in the second panel? that shit makes no sense!

organic foods are grown without pesticides.

This is a great strip. The last line made me laugh out loud.

A comment left by falseprophet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mjfitzge, rainbowbrite, Thorfinn, mcowgill)

A comment left by falseprophet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by stuey46, rainbowbrite, Toast, jacalope, LexSenthur, mista_b)

Don't worry, not everyone thinks badly of you.

Some people see Assetbar as allowing 5 chubbies; some people see it as allowing 3 lames.

That was profound. This post is not.

I think you're becoming the new Asherdan. Some people are probably laming your posts as soon as they see them regardless of what's in them because of how most of your posts are written.

Excessive length of post will also insure a sound laming. This isn't a judgement call. Just an observation. I don't think I've ever lamed falseprophet, but I sure do ignore the hell out of him when he rambles (see 2/5/08, if your lame threshold is high enough).

A comment left by thorfinn was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by eatmorekix, cailetshadow, flynn)

A comment left by cpnglxynchos was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, ElZilcho, kenyot, flynn)

Actually falseprophet's question was pretty legitimate. It seems to me that the people who use lames as some sort of personal vendetta are far better candidates for the kind of INTARNETS trolls you describe. Anytime I see a perfectly benign comment lamed up the wazoo, I can't imagine anything other than the same type of pre-adolescent pond scum that inhabit YouTube and such.

Anyway, I think falseprophet's problem (and mine) is that the tone of his posts, while fairly reasonable and ordinary, doesn't jibe with the insular idiosyncratic one that the regular posters here have developed amongst themselves (along with a latent hostility to anyone who doesn't follow along). So yea, if you actually wanna discuss the strip directly rather than posting post-ironic one-liners or hyperbolic praise of Ray, you're probably better off refraining.

Lame away.

Chubbied for correct use and spelling of "jibe".

is it bad that my immediate thought after reading that very last sentence was "your mom is teh lamex0r"?

i think this is why i fail at debate.

Your mom failed at debate.

Right on. There's a fine line between being chubby and being lame at times, but writing your posts in an unpalatable way will ensure that you end up on the wrong side of it. Come to think of it, dissing Achewood even in a sidelong manner (first post) and lashing out at Assetbar (second post) will do that too.

You know, I said the same thing on one topic. That I found Achewood funny but very rarely LAUGHED at it? Yeah the community doesn't usually like that. Best to keep it to yourself.

Still, don't revert to imitating Roast Beef to try and appease them man, you don't need to do that.


I actually did not revert to speaking like Roast Beef to appease the lamers, more to annoy them, because I figured that hidden secretly in a compartment of the lames was derision at some of the posts I have made in the past. But that may be another aspect of my ego taking hold, which I admit I allow to have free reign on the internet like the geeks I expressed anger at earlier. Also, while I did shift into Beef mode, I have decided to start using punctuation to write them again or at least keep them to no longer than four lines if I do that. This may sound like some kind of proclamation from on high, but I don't mean it to be.

Chubbied for defence of perfectly credible but alternative viewpoint, lamed for attempting to talk like Roast Beef. Why do people do this? HE CAN NOT BE EFFECTIVELY EMULATED.

Of course, I can't actually both chubby and lame at the same time, so I mediated by marking as spam.

(Not really.)

meant to chubby, but accidentally lamed. Damn assetbar and its uneditable nature.

As painful as it can be, I find something appealing in the notion that what you submit is there forever. It makes one careful, and that's never bad.

No it doesn't, I have no cares!

Lurk more noob


You sure look like you're having fun in that picture!

Nobody in the past will know what the hell is going on here. Hell, I'm from the future and even I hardly know!

They will think that I am actually looking at pictures of you, ha!

I kind of am though, as I just left you a facebook comment. Uh oh!

In the future they will laugh at your use of Facebook.

"Heh, fools and old-timers! Using Facebook!" they will say "Nowadays we just blink at people and get all their personal data."

Maybe they'll be out living life?


which is weird because I don't really think Teodor's last line is really a punchline; the absurdity of the whole situation (and that of the story Cornelius is writing) is what's funny to me.

The text of the book in the last panel just made me think "what the FUCK..."

A comment left by sevendaughters was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by DR_MANFLESH_DESIRES_ANAL_PLAY_IMMEDIATELY, loneal, flandango, raynach)

So you're "Shopping for Girls"?

No. I'm trying to bridge a gap between this piece of art and this sick twisted sphere that exists between two incomprehensible voids for a brief flickering of time in a manner that might amuse this gathering of people, who I have deemed to be literate and sufficiently humoured to understand the difference between a fake situation and a real one. I have a lovely girlfriend. We're thinking of getting a cat.

A comment left by tekende was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by pityparty, tibcoolbreeze, dboothe, equinn2006, TheLoneliestMonkey, stop, sevendaughters, the_dingle)

Damn people, what's with all the lames?

Is it...is it because I made a Tin Machine reference? 'Cause I guess that would be pretty understandable.

Normally, I wouldn't chubby anything that had to do with Tin Machine. Today, tekende, you have changed me.

Normally, I wouldn't SAY anything that had to do with Tin Machine. I'm glad this worked out for everyone.

Hunter-gatherers hunt/gather at the piggly wiggly.

The last time I dated a girl who was deep at the heart of that sort of culture, every time we had fun and made whoopsie turned into an intense game of Guess Where I'm Shaved And Where I'm Not. The results were not so much exciting and stimulating as they were surprising, frequently confusing, and sometimes uncomfortable.

Made whoopsie? Did it happen on accident?

'whoopsie' sounds like 'whoopie' with an unexpected result.

"Did Senor Cash make a whoopsie?"

*cue commercial for 'Oops I Crapped My Pants'* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v(equals sign)h8bt2p3RJ4o
(afraid to use url tag due to equals sign.)

You dated an Italian, too?

Sounds like he dated a half-Italian, half-Brazilian woman, but mermaid-style.

lateadopter, I have no idea what your comment means, but that kind of makes me glad. Have a chubby.

For your sake, I will not explain it.

mystery : glad :: knowing : sad

I assume mermaid-style referred to which nationality owned the bottom half, and therefore the pubis. I can't make heads or tails of which is which, though.


Ho, ho, ho. (I should be shot.)

You have made miku224 sad.

In other news, a gunman killed 5 city officials in Kirkwood, Missouri, over some parking tickets. The news said that before police shot the gunman, he also critically injured the mayor. And all I could think was, "Oh no, not the mayor!"

See, I thought "mermaid-style" referred to the way he was dating her, not the way her ethnicity was aligned.

I was all, "mermaid-style? How the hell do you date someone mermaid-style?" I'm happy, not sad, because now I can see that my initial confusion was due to a lack of comprehension, not a lack of knowledge.

I'm chubby-ing your replies because I like watching your avatar.

The Soviet enjoys watching polychromatic dancing dinosaurs.

I have previously done the same for this fine fellow. I understand. It is a wonderful avatar.

I feel really confused about most of my life and I think that stems from his avatar.

wow i just stared at your icon for way too long. long enough to observe that the color changes when it stomps his feet. damn that dinosaur would be the life of the rave.

How the hell do you date someone mermaid-style?

Fuck her once, throw her back into the ocean, and then lie about her size to your friends?

i actually live near kirkwood/went to high school in kirkwood/know a ton of people in kirkwood, and even i found myself thinking about the fate of the mayor in an achewood-type way. sad.

STL represent!

My ex-girlfriend was working for the West County Journals and was out of town or something, and the dude who was her co-worker who went to that meeting in her place got a stray bullet in the hand! True story!

Shit. I never knew that.

You have discovered a Formula for the Universe.

You learned Bolt3.

Know what the fuckin crazy thing is? Every time I read a comment of yours I happen to be listening to a song that completely corresponds with that dinosaur's get-down good-time. Sorry this had nothing to do with Achewood

If you are into that sort of thing (it is ok if you are not, for I am not one to judge) Gravemakers & Gunslingers by Coheed and Cambria lines up wonderfully.

Yeah, I got no idea, either.

What's fun about your comment is that it comes at the end of a really long discussion expounding upon precisely what it is about which you have no idea, so it reads as if you surveyed the explanations offered and just rejected them out of hand. I recognize that the events of reality do not correspond to my stated record.


... I think they're hot.

Cornelius writes women so well because the current generation grew up on his books, like "So Many Whales"
I'm sure a man of Connie's intelligence put some sort of subliminal messages in there.

... so he had long forgotten the sensation that a glimpse of curved flesh can bring. He started to imagine what it would be like to caress those curves, running his fingers across the smooth young skin and through the rough, tangly body hair.

Suddenly, the sexual charge of the moment was broken by the sound of a small release of air, reminiscent of the sound made when the cap of a bottle of organic ginger ale is gently unscrewed. He was momentarily confused, but that familiar odor soon alerted him to what had happened. As a clean-living organic septuagenarian vegetarian, he knew that fragrance only too well. It was tantalizing to think that this nasal stimulation had emanated from between the soft young peaches, that had already captured his heart.

But he had to think fast.

"Did somebody slaughter a cow in here?", he mustered. He correctly guessed that his disapproving tone would indicate his ethically conscious dietary persuasions.

Chubbied for "rough, tangly body hair."

an improbable woman, indeed.

Chubbied for what I believe is the first strictly Assetbar reference ever.
Curious that it comes in the form of Dr. Manflesh's words.

It isn't.

Yeah, it can't be. I previously recall "Oh Manflesh, you scoundrel" being repeated before.

Again, also Manflesh-related. I hope they aren't all related to him.

I have repeated that I still want my money back after seeing Monkeybone in 2000.

Tekende has repeated, "Other...other way around, dude."

Ash keeps nodding his chin at us every two seconds.

Wait, that last one doesn't really count. Anyway, there you have at least two non-Manflesh free-repeaters in AssetBar.

Can I get my $20 back now?

You were seeing bad movies, but whatever, no refund for you.

ugh, gross!

Oh no! It was meant to be beautiful! :(

Nothing is beautiful. //.(


Oh no!

"Janet: the Girlfriend That Could Only Ever Complain".

For quite obvious reasons, this strip made me think of 'Stranger Than Fiction'. Which would've been hell of a better movie with more camphor-smelling medical underpants-references.

A comment left by spectre was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by goocifer, iidebaser, erinye, hardelicious, mattylite)

Your post made me think of the one Nora Roberts book I have tried to read, and how thoroughly two-dimensional the heroine was.

At first I misread "thoroughly" as "thoughtfully." I kind of wish I had been right. A thoughtfully two-dimensional character would be quite the thing.

It would be the bee's knees even.

This is great. I agree with you completely.

I think Teodor's statement is referencing Connie's descriptions of women, rather than their personalities.

well, Beef's the only one who's "got" a woman, so... maybe? And you've got a point about how little Teodor understands women, but I almost think Teodor was saying that Mr. Bear writes women well in the same way you might say that an erotic artist draws women well: not necessarily realistically... but well.

i took teodor's being too-easily-impressed on the women-writing front to be part of the joke?

Teodor, having not had a girlfriend in a while, does not have the experience to properly criticize Cornelius's romance novel. Cornelius has been transcribing the dialogue of hardcore pornography for so long that he has mistaken the male gaze for the female.

Whereas Roast Beef is from Circumstances, Cornelius is from Era. Teodor is kind of Fat.

Beautifully put. But I thought a couple of phone calls had revealed that neither Ray nor Teodor is actually Fat?

It was kind of Ray to try to use the word of Robert Smith to assuage Teodor's concerns, but we all know that The Cure is Silly.

I don't know, I'm going to have to stick up for Cornelius here. Just because Teodor doesn't understand what it would mean to write women well, doesn't mean that Cornelius can't do it. I'm pretty sure that his relationship with Iris Gambol colors his thoughts about women more than a few years of porn transcription.

Indeed, although I enjoyed Falseprophet's and Spectre's articulate analyses, I think I agree with Earendil. Dime-store romance novels aren't about believable female characters. They require the barest shell of a female, enough for the reader to identify with, and a vividly-described male who is long on superficial characteristics but short on genuine attributes (which the reader might find unappealing). Descriptions of male lust are a major part of these books, as it's what the reader wants to have upon them. Not that I think Harlequin will be releasing this exact text...

Don't forget Fabio in a kilt!

I will be honest and say that I don't read romance novels and I don't think I've ever red one, and I am not calling "nerd alert" or its gay equivalent on you if you have read them before, but I always assumed that a romance novel would have the woman as the main character and constantly be mystified by the male, as you describe at first. But then you say that descriptions of male lust are a major part and I would think that is not something you'd read in a novel primarily for females. Of course, that is based on analyses of English teachers who claim that Jane Eyre is the literary prototype that was copied over and over again, each one becoming less and less literary and more and more genre, like the dubbed cassette of a '70s album on eight track re-released on CD without being remastered, then made into an mp3 via line-in connection at 128 Kbps joint stereo.

Hrm. I'm not sure I buy that; I think of Austen more as the great-grandmammy of the sit-com (I haven't read Jane Eyre so if it's significantly different from P&P and S&S please disregard my comments). Austen wasn't straight fantasy--it's kind of more in line with Shakespearean comedy, though certainly targeted at female readers. Romance novels can get rather bloodier, and are not targeted at virgins, though not targeted at people who have healthy sex lives, either. And yeah, I've read a few, and as with all such things YMMV.

Jane Eyre was Brontë. Kiiinda different.

Whew. Hopefully, some undergrad will be reading the Achewood message board instead of studying and realize that it is not good to publicly ramble about dim memories of 19th Century chick-lit on late Friday nights. I'll be turning red and slinking off now.


oh lol the same thing happened to me.. i thought you were just being sarcastic, like, uhhhh, bront? duhhh? well i will never doubt you again.

Way to go, Brontës. Way to be the only English family to have Umlauts in your name. You just had to be cool and different, didn't you? Screw you, Brontës! FUCK you!

Theoretical chubby.

I had a few to spare, so I gave one of them to laserblade on your behalf. I also gave you one, because I like the idea.

Austen's books were romance novels/social commentary on the catty, meaningless lives of many of the women in her era. romance novels, on the other hand, are escapist fantasies that are about as two dimensional as a Thomas Kinkaid painting. They follow a fixed formula, which goes petty much as follows:
Girl, in her twenties, impetuous, stunningly beautiful, and coldhearted, meets boy, also in his twenties, who is incredibly talented at something, bitter about the opposite sex, and has long, flowing hair. The two are thrown together for an extended period of time and initially hate each other. Then, lust overwhelms and they "make love." There are lots of turgid members and heaving bosoms. Blah blah blah they get married. It is sad.

Interesting. Whatever the lineage of descent, I think it's key to realise that in Jane Eyre, Jane is a very strong female character, and is much stronger than any other. Also, she does not seek male lust. Thus, if the description of the dimestore romance novel is correct, it has kind of flipped around, and become the opposite of Jane Eyre.

Jane is sassy.

That is, stronger than any other character in the book. I'm not suggesting that she's some kind of ultimate cosmic iron woman.

Although a savvy undergrad could make a strong paper out of that claim.

"Jane Eyre as transcendantal type of female power: we see that she can cross all boundaries, of space, time, class, and even divinity in her struggle with the rector who invites her to india, and in that resistance even to resist Jaganath himself. There is no evidence in Bronte's writing that Jane is intended to be bounded in time or space, let alone material composition."

romance novel heroines are sassy. ALL of them. I think they took some of the basic elements of Austin and Bronte's plots and cheapened them with too many adverbs, like "throbbing," "heaving," and "swollen." Interestingly enough, in both genres, the inevitable end result is marriage. Plus, most heroines of romance novels start out strong and independent, but eventually their attraction to the male lead makes them realize that all they want is to be taken care of. You know, cave-man style. rough lovin and a warm body next tio you at night.

In my defense, I was that savvy undergrad. I wrote so much on this shit in feminist lit classes that I still remember it all. Plus, the research.......so much Danielle Steele.......shoot me now.

You win the No-Prize!

that deserves many chubbies


"I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability."

did I mention "name that reference in the alt text"?

Nope. But it's "As Good as It Gets" (1997) dir., J. L. Brooks.

Man, I love that movie. At least partly because I wash my hands like 40 times a day.

it was a good movie. What was interesting to me was that him actually getting the girl at the end felt like irony rather than cliché romantic comedy conflict resolution because he was just that much of a douche

That's what they wanted you to feel.

Thanks a lot. Now I'll never get to be surprised about the feel-good ending of a feel-good flick. I guess I can cross As Good as it Gets right off my Bucket List.

Oh, that is the limit! My hat is off to you for that terriffic joke!

I love the look on the secretary's face when he delivers that line.

Damn, you got there before me. I was going to disagree with all those above who said that Cornelius didn't write women well, and say that, in fact, Cornelius' writing touched me here (touches head), and here (touches general direction of heart, while wearing a silly & fluffy garment).

I keep my accountability in my liver!

I keep my accountability in my fliver!

Isn't there an image somewhere of Cornelius in exactly this pose?

A comment left by dangelder was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by lawbot, Thorfinn, miseryandthesun, Comrade_Tom)

I'm not going to lame you, but I think this is a bit overdone now...

It's a stretch.

colored T would have looked better.

no chubby for you.

i didn't think it came out too great anyhow, so, my feelings aren't hurt.

A comment left by neonfreon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, ButterMoths, nutmeg, peterjoel)

except that a 4 year old would say "What's Mario Paint?"

no, that was considered. he'd open the box and play the fly swatting game for a while, and then get right to this.

The morbidly obese businessmen who invested in Aberdeen single-origin mesclun stock, let loose a lusty chortle and light their cigars with horned owls.

Owls provide a surprisingly steady flame, reducing the likelihood of committing a faux-pas such as arson. Flickering flames can be too... stimulating.

I feel I've learnt a lot about Teodor.

Erotic novels featuring 75 year olds? Oh Viagra, you are a blessing and a curse.

Your search - A buxom young stock girl in low-slung cargo pants and an open-back macrame halter COME ON SHOW ME HER NAKED - did not match any documents.

I don't just scatter my chubbies like a Smuckles piss but you, sir, just tickled my laugh-cock.

Sevendaughters, your chubby-comment deserves its own chubby-comment. Well played.

Don't sell yourself short coming here praising people; have a chubby my fellow earthsharer.

It's a Chubby Chain!!! Feel the love.

Send this chubby to everyone else in your friends list or you will not have a relationship for 20 YEARS

But if you're sending chubbies to friends, won't that lead to a lot of awesome relationships?

It would with THIS chubby.

All sweat runnin' down Wotown's back, Hidden Sceptyre blarin' in the background...

That's the point, right? if you don't you won't, if you do you will. Also you will probably smell of camphor for the rest of your life.

What? Oh. a DEATH relationship.

yeah, that's something Max would say.

It's also something Ray would say.

of course Ray says it1 what, you think i just fell off the not-knowing-Ray boat yesterday?

i saw the '1' but it was too late for me to stop it from happening.

I have laugh-cock envy.

I can't give you a chubby due to my overgenerous nature.

I am beginning to realize that maybe there is something about not being able to chubby people indefinitely that actually brings people together on Assetbar. So many times I have participated in and been a party to a proxy-chubby for people who have run out. It is such a nice warm thing and is so different from other web 2.0s of low mind I have come across.

Assetbar is a loving hippie commune that somehow runs on trickle down economics, straight bringing people together. It is like Barack Obama if he were a web site.

Hugh Hefner's 81, and I'd imagine he can fathom some mighty small underwear. Of course, he's probably the exception rather than the rule.

Then again: Playboy got started 55 years ago, which means that the first teens to ever raid their father's stash are probably all pensioners now. So who knows for sure anymore?

They still do, apparently, although the ravages of Alzheimer's means they can never remember where their father hid it.

Neither can the father.

Old people's homes are a sad place for this alone.

I dunno. See, for the first time, I'm picturing old folks' homes as having huge secret caches of vintage pornography. This would make each of these places a sort of treasure island, but with sepia-toned pictures of burlesque girls in 8-pound corsetry. And that doesn't sound so bad.

It also may be worth six million dollars, so start looking, people.

Nobody forgets where the porn is stowed:


NO! I tried to chubby this but a mixture of sleepiness and distraction made me lame it. My apologies.

I have chubbied it to absolve you of your laming sins.

Mind you back in the 50's playboy was mostly articles about upholstry and what to wear if you get brought before HUAC.

I wish I had chubbies to give. I probably wouldn't have beaten those charges if I hadn't known to wear a woolen tie, and conservative single-breasted suit.

We'll always have the Tongan water yam, baby.

Men were men. Women were women. Underpants had a job to do.

Underpants have a job. That job is now to be enticing to the wandering eye, but it's a job that something's got to do.

It is a job quite well performed by the very feature the underpants cover.


Sometimes, the only thing more sexy than a naked woman is an almost naked woman.

I do not know if this holds for men.

an almost naked man is always sexier than a completely naked man.

I agree, but then, I'm a heterosexual man, so maybe I'm not the best judge here. The less naked a man is, the more comfortable I feel.

you must love Eskimos.

Who DOESN'T love eskimos, straight, gay or bi?

I LOVE gay eskimos!

This went to kind of a weird place.

Unless that man is just wearing a shirt.

I'm always glad to see the organic snobbery thing getting ridiculed. Buying organic food is the modern equivalent of buying indulgences from the church. Sort of a bar of soap for your conscience.

If by that you mean buying organic food is like buying substantially better quality indulgences from one church, as opposed to another which was abusing, I dunno, demon-chickens in the mass production of their mediocre indulgences, then sure, I'm with you.

Its not really being ridiculed, its only a subjoke. And organic is a pretty good thing ok.

It's more like going to Burning Man with an RV, mini fridge and portable dvd player with all the seasons of Seinfeld. If you're going to do it, do it all the way - grow your own potatoes.

Not that I ever would do that.

Well, many people take it to an uneccessary extreme. But your average organic product is far superior to your average supermarket mass-market product.
Not that I don't buy my share of Purdue now and again.
I'm not Smuckles rich or anything.

The thing is, the idea of organic food is great, but "organic" has become a label that supermarkets can stick on food without having to stick to any definition of the word - if you don't know what definition of organic they are using, the only thing you can definitely say about it is that it's more expensive.

Restaurant critic AA Gill put it better than I could here: (scroll down about a third of the page)

I dunno... indulgences aren't nearly as tasty as Roberts American Gourmet's Pirate Booty.

I was enjoying this one a fair bit as I read through, and then Teodor's thought bubble in the last panel absolutely nailed it.

Also: damn. Medical underpants? Depressing.

The decision between local, conventional produce and organics from abroad has caused innumerable mental breakdowns in upscale supermarket aisles.

this seems as though it has something to do with cat and girl.

I think all harbor passions for produce

Let me say that I'm proud to be the first person to give this a chubby.

A comment left by falseprophet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by phthoggos, Thorfinn, DougTheHead)

Man, now you're just getting off on your little victimhood. Don't push it.

I wasn't really considering my testicular composition. It was more intended to praise the creator of that cover.

do you have any idea how much i believe in myself ?

on the internet




What the hell just happened here?

It's called a changeover. The movie goes on, and nobody in the audience has any idea.

Metaphysical chubby for Fight Club .

Awesome. Awesome. Awesome.

I can chubby no more. But it looks like you're covered.

A brilliant title. But who is the yam and who is the harvester? Or maybe: who is having their yams harvested? And what does that entail? Are there marshmallows?

These are Good Questions. I tend to think that if there were marshmallows, I would be inclined to replace the pectorally-enhanced dude with Mr. Sta-Puft. Perhaps another time.

I was also toying with the idea of having KISS in the background, but I felt this was off the point, as well as considerations for the professional level of Cornelius' work.

What's with the copy at the top, though? "...all harbor passions.."? I think I meant "all of us." Perhaps Skradley or Rowboat should do all my copy instead, as I'm just a silly art dork.

...giving consideration to... . What the hell, did I suffer an aneurysm today?

SpinyNorman, save a poor man's syntax!

"I think all harbor passions for produce."

I think that sentence accidentally works.

That's a fun sentence. You can play around with it and make it almost work in myriad ways. I think all passions produce harbors. I think all passions harbor produce. I think all harbors produce passions. You have to cheat on the possessives and plurals, but still, I'd like to see Esperanto do that.

Seeing Esperanto do that would be like seeing Elvis breathe.

Dogg don't dis on Esperanto it means well.

Actually you can dis on it if you want, but I associate Esperanto with one of my past neighbors, a linguist who drank wine and played folk guitar. His roommates were Mormon Jocks.

I guess you could say I have nostalgic sympathy for Esperanto.

I'm trying to imagine Mormon Jocks, all watching American football, and being like "Dude, I am *SO NOT* buzzed right now!" *High fives"

That sounds about right, yeah.

I wish I could give you a chubby.

[insert crack about holy underwear here]

Esperanto is so early twentieth century, Interlingua is the wave of the future for geeky linguist types. It uses the most widely used word from a group of control languages (English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese, with Russian and German as secondaries) to express a concept,such as automobile (english: automobile, french: automobile, spanish: automovil, portuguese: automovel, etc.). It has no grammatic rules or verb tenses that don't occur in all of the control languages, i.e. no progressive verb tenses because they don't occur in French, no definite articles because they don't occur in Russian, etc. Words originated from languages other than the controls are sometimes accepted, but only if their use in the controls demonstrates internationality (samurai from Japanese, etc.). It has simple grammar rules with no exceptions. Even for speakers of non-European languages, the simple vocabulary and grammar makes it a very easy language to learn. It is wuite possibly the closest anyone has ever come to creating a perfect language.

A comment left by lawbot was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, vermy, baseballfan)

How does this pose a problem?
The point of not using certain verb tenses and speech parts is to get rid of unnecessary, potentially confusing, words. It is difficult to explain progressive tenses to a native French speaker, or definite articles to someone who speaks Russian, but when you really think about it, they are both unnecessary. We just think they are important because we are used to them and don't know how not to use them. By removing unnecessary parts of speech, the language is simplified, therefore easier to learn. You can't write off an entire language based on inability to express concepts in the manner that you have grown used to. As for Chinese, you might want to learn some, since their actions over the next few decades may very well determine the economic and political future of the world.

A comment left by lawbot was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, vermy, baseballfan)

There is no way to make a language that will confuse noone. The idea behind a constructed international language is to make it the least confusing to the most possible people. And I am speaking solely of diplomats, not population in general, so the fact that China has 20% of the world's population means nothing here. Esperanto, Ido, Interlingua, etc. came out of the idea of an international language for business and politics, and since the nations with the most economic and political power are either European or speak European languages, it makes sense for the control languages to be European. It's not euro-centric, it's practical.

A comment left by lawbot was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, vermy, baseballfan)

Spoken like a true middle school student. "I can't come up with a cogent response, so I'll just call you gay". I haven't felt the sting of a terrible burn like that since I was 12.




What. Somebody had to do it.

A comment left by slalvation was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, DougTheHead, Comrade_Tom)

And shortly after, Kiss walked by and all hell broke loose.

See, this was the perfect way to reference that strip here. I would chubby this so hard but I'm spent. I feel like a cheap slut. I'm so sorry.

"her actions are so well conveyed"

*The https://mwpclub.com/ 's actions are so well conveyed*

Macrame halter tops. I think Mr. Bear can write for granola girls very well... I wonder if he's had any personal experience...

"Cornelius tries to put the smooth on Granola Jane with a pickup line from John Donne

Everybody take one shot"

Chioggia beet juice is known to arouse many in conjunction with asparagus and endive...

This reminds me of when Teodor had a crush on the girl that worked at a natural foods store.

was that the same girl that Pat was disgusted by?

gotta find that strip


It doesn't sound familiar. Was it a blog?

It was.

I can find what Teodor wrote but I can't find Pat's corresponding entry. I even looked through Ray's blog too. It is a mystery.

thank you.

https://orezscu.blogspot.com/2007_01_01_archive.html that's the Teodor post; he says Whole Foods, which implies it's a different girl. However, he DOES mention the armpit hair, so either Chris made a mistake when he meant to connect the two, or it's not connected and we're simply reinforcing that girls who work at hoity-toity supermarkets don't shave 'em.

oops, that's what you linked. Okay, so the related Pat post is what Divot posted just below.

Ray did have an encounter with the employees of Whole Foods, albeit not a romantic one https://achewood.com/index.php?date=07262006

Completely a blog, and I looked through every one of his. What happened, Chris? My mind cries for archival truth.

Is it this one ?

Wow, you got it! I was looking for contemporary blogs, but this Pat blog was 14 months earlier than the Teodor blog. The hessian-pitted honey in question works at Whole Foods in both cases (even though Pat starts off talking about Trader Joe's).

good work, guys. case closed

"Okay," said the police chief.


Would like to deputize all of you, outstanding work citizens, outstanding work.

Awesome, do we get badges? And guns?

Even though I didn't actually help out in this situation?

The interns all share one Glock.

Son of a bitch, I'm sick of these dolphins.

You don't need no stinkin' badges.

How could we even police continuity without the appropriate weaponry?

Don't shoot, it's only tacos!

Teodor doesn't really know what he's reading.

He probably doesn't even know what he's saying.

Dear HTML tags,
Please don't embarrass me on Assetbar again. In return, I promise not to make you the subjects of my upcoming novel, "Things That Seriously Blow: A Harlequin Romance." Thank you.

Signed, me

...and as his finger rest tentatively on the mouse button, hovering over the small, grey box, happily marked "Post", sheriff_mittens hesitated. Was he forgetting something? Far above the confines of the text box, a single, unrequited italic tag lay cold and wanting. He had forgotten her, and she would have her revenge.

-----> :-O


I'd normally balk, but I also can't wait to hear what happens next; the suspense is killing me. Have a chubby on me, mattfish.

You that last sentence in your post?

Well, it just so happens that that's what she said.


This is terribly funny and I wish I had a chubby to bestow upon this magnificent specimen of commentry.

Backup chubbied. Though I probably would have anyway.



Superb! mattfish makes me happy I did not wantonly disperse my chubbies like so many piggies at a market.

Teodor's got hella tumescence

I'd just like to throw some more random trivia out there: camphor is the smell of mothballs, a household chemical used to keep insects out of your winter woollens when they are stored away. It is hella period Victorian reference in itself.

Is the title of this strip a reference to the romantic novel, 'Under a Loggia', written by Elanor Lavish in 'A Room with a View'?

don't make me beet you

I immediately thought of Love in the Time of Cholera , myself.

Me too.

same, but that might have fit better with the magical realism strips.

actually, i don't know if that book is magical realism, I am reading marquez's 100 Years of Solitude and it is so i assumed Love in the Time of Cholera was as well

I wonder...what are MENSA's thoughts on Cornelius writing smut between his lectures?

I'm told MENSA views eroticism as unnecessary and deistracting, regardless of the involvement of organic foods.

Those Whole Foods girls are bangin'.

I'm disappointed this one isn't near a 5 anymore. The completely deluded reaction Téodor gives in panel 6 is misguided, and that's the joke. I wonder if people down-voted this comic because they think we're supposed to agree with him...

4.2 is still high. I guess a lot of people voted 4. Although it is funny, sometimes voting 5 all the time simply detracts from the really funny ones.

I agree. A ridiculous amount of the people who frequent this assetbar vote like 80-90% of the strips a 5, making the rating system hella ceiling effected. The fact that morypcaina thought that a 4.2 was disappointing, and the general trend of ratings I've seen around here suggests to me that you guys wouldn't know a Gaussian distribution if it kicked you in the rad chillies.

Actually I think the problem is with you. You don't realise that these strips are rated between 4 and 5.

I think what actually happens is the majority of people who vote fall into about a 5-to-1 ratio of people who vote five every time because they're totally crazy about achewood, to people who vote one anytime a strip isn't spectacular because they're jerks, and the rest of the people just don't vote at all and we get this sort of average


that is one touchy octopus aperture


I'm going to have to side with Moolah. I think we all know that Achewood is awesome, so anything less than a 5 is not insulting, it's merely not THE BEST. But eh. The scale could be 1-20 and everyone would still be like "WTF WHY IS THIS A 19.7 GUYS COME ON." (I blame my current enrollment in a Stats class)

For all of you non-mathematicians out there, "Gaussian Distribution" is how a pretentious statistician says "bell curve". I don't know the exact figure, but I'm going to guess that 99.7% of the strips fall between 3.6 and 4.8(not sure about this, but I've only seen 2 or 3 below 3.6, and maybe only 2 4.9s) , giving us a mean of 4.2 and a standard deviation of .2. This means that 65% of all the strips are rated between 4.0 and 4.4 (within 1 standard deviation of the mean), 95% are between 3.8 and 4.6 (within 2 standard deviations), and 99.7% are between 3.6 and 4.2 (within 3 standard deviations of the mean). This is, of course, assuming normal distribution, and I don't have the numbers on hand to determine whether or not that is the case.

So basically what you're saying is that you know a lot about stuff.

the last range should be between 3.6 and 4.8, I don't know why I just noticed that typo now and not when I posted it

Yeah, I was wondering when you were gonna notice that. It was kind of bothering me.

My grandmother often wore several black mesh thongs back in the day (it's our traditional family mourning wear and changes typically with the holiday; I was once nearly disowned for red on St. Patrick's Day) but, like many mens eventy five and older, my grandfather simply could not comprehend them. He had Alzheimer's. And it's a horrible disease. A horrible horrible disease.

Several mesh thongs? Like, at the same time? That's almost hot.

No, but unfortunately, as she got older, she thought that several at once could possibly work as Depends.

Nope; sorry.

Judge the audience, not the author.

blimey... am i the only one who envision an elderly patrick bateman as cornelius' protagonist??

Perhaps not...