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Lore Day One Friday, October 10, 2003 • read strip Viewing 44 comments:

Why such a low score, it's a pretty reasonable explanatioon.

I think because there's no joke. It's not even one of those "the joke is there is no joke" strips. I'm glad for the explanation too, but I don't think it's what people were looking for.

Just sayin'

I like it pretty well and rated it accordingly. It's just that the whole idea of the "underground" is so unimportant (to me, at least) that it seems kind of strange that he would devote an entire strip (and several more) to it. I prefer to just think of them as running around some alternate real world and nobody really thinking anything of it.

The "Underground" will be plenty important to you when the Achewood MMORPG comes out. Until Sony acquires and subsiquently ruins it, that is.

Class choices: Chef, alcoholic, coder, intellect, party-boy, lady and huuuugs!

Huuuugs does hella DPS.

(Dearness per second)

And if you follow the group hug skill tree you get mad AOE.

(Adorable Otter Elation)

And special boy

THis is too true. Every MMORPG has a time limit until Sony acquires it and it dies. even WoW has this timer, it's just an analog timer that Blizzard keeps pushing back when nobody's looking

Yeah, I feel this whole 'they have to hide from humans in their underground world' conceit is a bit otiose. It's a webcomic with a cat who goes to the moon and a robot programmed to lie. I don't require a rigid cannon explanation for how everything works that fanboys can debate on. If I wanted that I would be anywhere else on the internet.

I find it humourous that all of these fantastic and inexplicable things seem so everyday to the cats, squirrels and alive stuffed animals. The juxtaposition of their tedious interactions with the unaware humans, and the wonderful and impossible things they accomplish outside our notice is beautiful.


(I'm just joshin'.)

heccibiggs got some wicked sack!


I also feel like the whole underground concept is largely unneeded. I'm glad it's pretty much abandoned nowadays.

There's something really annoying when any fiction tries to justify fictious aspects of its universe with dubious explanations. It doesn't make things more believable, but brings into greater relief how implausible everything is.

Well you have different kids of fans, there's the type who like star wars so they read books about how the ships works, and argue on forums about what kind of light saber does what and how, and then you have ones like me who just take it for what it is as long as it has a great story and doesn't contradict itself too much.

I, too, am of the latter camp. It comes along with getting it on at least once in life.

FLASHBACK: Late summer, 1994. There I lay, having just gotten it on for the first time. I think to myself, "Well, I definitely don't give a fuck about how light sabers work anymore."

This is the thought I should have had but did not. Chubbied.

Those letters are just going all over the place!

I liked the wavy text style in this one. Seeing Chris experiment more with different text stuff like that would be cool.

This was an "ah HA!" moment for me, but not Ah Ha like, Take On Me , for me.



A comment left by factorial was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ppccd, Overmedicated, ReNeilssance, Art-Vader, NigelChaos, Audhumla, stormagnet, SotiCoto)

I waited 24 hours and all I got was this completely free comic and the realisation that perhaps I should have been doing other things in the meantime to reduce my ruminating thoughts over said comic .

Look man, Ctrl alt del and megatokyo are free too but I'm not gonna go acting like that makes them pro

I'm not saying I agree with the man because really now but this is a pretty bullshit comeback

It's very Chris Ware, to me.

Yes I could totally see this as the rear flap copy on a hardback short story collection by some McSweeney's toolbox.

chubby for this diss on mcswys

I love this one! Read "Be Here Now" to see what style Chris Onstad was mining for this one.

I like the "Hey!" Onstad suspected that people were going to stop reading at that exact point, so he grabs our attention.

It reminds me of David the Gnome.

You're supposed to sing it to the tune of "Let's all go to the lobby"

Charming and lovely. Keep the magic in Achewood.

It's like suspension-of-disbelief training wheels for pedants!

And I mean that in the best possible way- you're a saint, Onstad!

I know he's making fun of or copying something, but I have no idea what. My guess is one of those artistic "London Underground" posters of the 90's.

I *really* like this strip because I'm always wondering how the animals have Subway.

underground also via

i want to mark myself as spam please

Well that makes more sense. I was wondering what was up with that.
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