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Death Boat Monday, February 24, 2003 • read strip Viewing 40 comments:

I do like boats!

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by dismas, KaMeT, TonyHighwind, StagnantDisplay, willard34, farqussus, Darthemed)

That answer could use some work!

You're workin' some rough chuckles these days, saint


I laughed. Pretty hard.

Okay, fine. I am still laughing at such an idea.

Daaaaaaaaaamn. Someone's being a dick about boats.

two interesting comments. three direct quotes from the strip. the quotes have more chubbies.

The tommy gun did not progress out of the conceptual stages, which seems unfortunate until you consider what Pat might have used it for.

That would have been a hella bad day for any barbers on the open seas.

once, twice, a thousand times chubbied!

Like on the Barbary coast?

it did, but since it was part of the trailer it never made it onto the water.

Killin Suckas is important

When I die, I can only hope that someone turns the engine off for stealth and I become the victim of a row-by shooting.

before or after you're dead?

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by JTTuba, mighty_pit, SotiCoto)

That is a given.

If Ray is a cat, this is a very small boat.

the final strip is somewhat reminescent of my middle school days drawing out elabatorate concepts of badace inventions and melee weapons

Beat me to it - this is exactly what every attempt to be responsible and plan things in advance turned into until about age 18 or so.

The clincher on this one is that they used "w/" instead of writing "with", as if that makes it more technical or something?

I see the "w/" being more in line of quick note taking. Teodor doesn't have time to spare with the hell of ideas Ray's giving him.

I remember that stuff. Me and a school friend spent hours designing secret agent cars, and the purpose of the cars was pretty much mayhem and destruction, the not secret kind. Exactly who the enemy was was never specified, but we were certain they were going to be fairly diabolical, maybe even fiendish.

I remember once when I passed a drawing to him in the first grade and he tore it up. I flipped out and was like DUDE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING

I'm tearin' it up so the enemy doesn't get it dude!


I may have embellished the vocabulary but the intent remains the same.

That was actually the very second at which your friend first realized that he should probably have a girlfriend.

Also, you know how in the old days people would marvel at the rare occasion in which a Manflesh or Asherdan post had a small amount of lames as opposed to, say, forty? Well let me turn it around for a sec: this is the first Spinynorman story I have ever seen without at least five chubbies.

He should have had a girlfriend when he was seven?

Also the story is not that good, deserving very few chubbies.

In this case, "have a girlfriend" can also be taken to mean "take a closer look a mom's underwear catalog."

And I liked the story.

I did too, I thought it was very funny.

"VERY FUNNY" - heccibiggs


Can I just say I kept thinking about Spiny's story last night and cracking up and everyone was like, what? and I was like, ...never mind, like nine times.

'da da da' by trio is indeed a great choice for a theme song

It is a nightmarish video though.

Every time I read this strip that song gets stuck in my head for like two hours afterward

And all I can remember of it is the chorus


As a keen boatsman, I can testify that some sort of anti-sucker amenity is essential.

Abbreviating "with" into "w/" for no purpose at all gives this a 5.

I do this often.

In lieu of a 5, you are hereby chubbied for this fact.

i award you w/ this chubbu

And I you.

Always with the Ketel One..

Trio's da da da pushes this strips rating by exactly one.