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Reinventing Gay Porn Wednesday, March 21, 2007 • read strip Viewing 38 comments:

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by apocowarg, riotdejaneiro, goocifer, bug, adonkon, YouFailMe, grombly, wehavemagnums)

I am JonMW, and I was the first person to chubby this comment.
Personally, I am surprised that "saint" didn't bring Fins into it.

As in gay doggy-fish porn?

Aerodynamic gay doggy porn?

I am the second - saint deserves mucho chubbies.


I think Saint is turning into the next Asherdan: he's posted so many douchey comments people just lame him out of reflex, even on posts like this when he doesn't deserve it.


I'll say it again;

I know what to expect.

He doesn't get that many lames though.

Great, Great, Great looks like the main character is Spot .

I was going to say it looks like a Richard Scarry book, but yeah, Spot all the way =)

I have a Richard Scarry's how the world works book lying around somewhere here.

Spot's grandfather*.

Spot is just toooooo cute for words!

the "hot handicapped pick!" is too good

Ray Smuckles: He Gets Things Done

"I just decided this." The effin kills me like a jackhammer to the funny bone.

I just decided this.... is one of the best achewoods ever. I JUST decided this.

My First Achewood.
A Love Story

The second subtitles translate the largely hard to understand first ones but both are necessary.

I have noticed that since coming out, strips featuring Pat no longer have 5 comments saying "Pat is a dick." It looks like I am not the only one to find new-Pat actually semi-likable.

This is an excerpt from Larry Marder's cult comic book TALES OF THE BEANWORLD #1:
I just discovered this.

Onstad is the master of the obscure pop culture reference.

Nice find!

"Tap three times in the bathroom if you wa-ant meeeee" - there will be a whole new code system. And like in Japanese there will be a special set that one uses to address Senators.

what's the grey stripe at the bottom of the third panel?

I believe it is the back of the DVD rack.

Rhyming comments are in.

What?? What does Pat not have?! I have to know!

The courage to walk into an actual Porn Store and buy Barry's Butt Fucks #7. That would considerably reduce the chances of meeting a judgemental video store clerk.

I hear the finnish as a whole make great porn.

I wonder what two languages its subtitled in.

I am not invited to Steve's Party :(

I think I could be, If i wanted to... But I don't.

not fived...but great great great is superior as is 'i just decided this'.

i use the latter in life all the time now.

I just made the 50000th view ;(

Has Pat not heard of the "internet"? You can download porn, watch streaming porn videos for free, whatever you want! There's even gay porn!

This is among the slew of Achewood's Really Bad Titles to Have Open On Your Internet Browser While Your Mom's in The Room.

I would pay so much money to watch Great, Great, [u]Great[/b]!

Great, Great, Great!

Assetbar is not Great, it's not Great, and it's definitely not Great !

i cant help but think this is a reference to the strip where ray and teodor are in the escalade listening to a rap song where the rappers compare their junk to dog food.

"I just decided this" is basically the quintessential Ray line.