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Matchstick Doodie Friday, February 21, 2003 • read strip Viewing 69 comments:

Is this a thing people actually do to cats? That is weird.

Showing cats, yes. Sticking matches up their butts to help them make doodie, I sure hope not.

it is called "expressing your cat" and it happens sometimes

expressing a cat isnt about poop, though. they have a little gland right below the tail, in that general area. if you let the goo build up, it can get irritated/infected.

thanks i completely didn't need to know this

This is a Schrodinger strip. It is simultaneously incredibly awesome and stupidly terrible.

A comment left by petro was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by fancypants, dinner, clembot, SotiCoto)

A comment left by badganjil was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, O0o, tasteful, 7th_shot, ConnorMc, clembot)

Man, you understood the FUCK out of that reference.

i wish i had you on my shoulder to call out my foes when i was too slow

I don't even understand why, but this is probably my favorite achewood comment.. ever.

A comment left by nabeel84 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ohmygooses, crawfomp, clembot, anitrophaeron)

It made the doodie come out of Ray, CAN'T YOU SEE THAT? I've always had problems with the talking stuffed animals aspect, oddly Ray being a proud feline never bothered me.

This one has always stayed with me.

It clearly stayed with Ray as well.

Clearly it didn't; it stayed on the ground.


A comment left by antsama was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, Thorfinn, GSurge, chivalress, BillyLK)

yelled batman

Hahaha every time I think of this it is just as hilarious as the first.

exclaimed Phillipe

purred catgrl

raved ravindra

said falala before retreating into her turtleneck in shame

My god... when will it end?!?!?!?!

asked blurry Toothpaste for Dinner

Stated eyeliner-wearing Roast Beeee-


Fuck man! I barfed! I barfed because you looked in my eyes!


Slowly vomited Ray, reaching for a martini

Actually, this is Ray demonstrating how he got his bone on six times.

He was all


ray seems very traumatized by this particular memory. having a match stuffed up your bum can have that effect.

He freaks out so bad that his vocabulary turns into noting, its so great.


The one and only mention of this. Weird.

Sometimes, one of your buds will tell you something you didn't need to know, but that they needed to tell. After, you move on.

The last panel...such energy

I love how random and dumb this strip is. Totally out of character, Ray's just acting weird. Absurdity makes me giggle for SURE. This is my kind of humor.

Well this was out of left field.

A comment left by flim was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by divot, littlecat, SotiCoto)

Does anyone remember that these dudes live in a weird underground world anymore?

The last panel makes me crack up every time.

The ground, dammit! On to the GROUND!

Ray is basically expressing terror at something that happened so long ago everyone except him involved could be dead.

Onto the ground!

That's not the only thing he was expressing.

Shit I just laughed at this. . . again. For, like, the 5th time. I'm just hitting random comic and that last frame. . . man. . .

what truly can be more humorous than someone fervently recounting his bouts with constipation?

Your avatar is just barely animated.

The alt text is what makes this one, for me.

Me too, but I'm not able to figure if he means it in the sense of the strip or of life in general. I prefer the latter.

Onstad always means both.

another one that made me laugh out loud


Ray has a past.

At first, I thought the odd thing about this strip was that the doodie-makin' was the first thing that Ray thought of when remembering the Colonel (and being so public about it). But if somebody stuck a match up my ass, that'd probably be the primary memory for me, as well.

Sometimes memories are better left repressed.

I just don't understand how Ray came to be owned at any period. Maybe he needed the flow.

Well uh seeing as he said breeder I was kind of thinking that was where he was born...
Unless there is evidence to the contrary?

Ray is a cat

A comment left by honeyspider was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, gussiejives, foetus_punch)

Ray has his own set of circumstances.

Teodor is completely taken aback by Rays loss of composure. The last panel gets this one a 5.

I can't tell if Ray was traumatized or not, but it certainly appears that way.

As someone nicknamed JJ, the third panel makes me feel strange.

I like the correlation between this and the arc about Ray's old southern uncle. Really shows the depth of Ray's character.

I lol'ed so hard at the last page. I could actually imagine Ray's insistent tone.

5 , would laugh at again.

Ray always seemed to me to be more completely amazed than he is horrified by this.

do all these characters have a troubled past?
maybe he should go stick his arm in the toilet repetatively.

I'm fucking terrified.

Right FUCKIN' there on the ground, man.


as opposed to the litter box where you are SUPPOSED to make doodie

I can see how this is so traumatic.

Ray's panicked look gets me everytime.