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Meet Envelópe Martinez Wednesday, February 1, 2006 • read strip Viewing 62 comments:

Onstad's hispanic accents put to text are simply breathtaking.

A comment left by zefiel was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Ariamaki, relaxing, Latterman)

Jaime wonners this too! Maybe you an' me is amigos !



hey, i'm hispanic and i got literally no problem with this :)

Way to go, Tio Tomas.

Dude, it's all "CHING CHONG WING WONG!"

Chubbied for hilarious italic fuckup.

Ray's deadpan delivery in the last panel whups my ass. He doesn't get to play the straight man often enough for my taste.

A comment left by dejavroom was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, milkpants, Wulvaine, retinarow)

A comment left by tekende was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, Vondicus, Nasir, Courtland, milkpants, TheSoulBear)

The four lames on this comment are likely because people thought I was being racist, right? Because to suggest that there are in existence annoying Mexican people is racist? Is that it?

How is knowing Mexican people racist. Think about that.

I think it's more the assumption of quantity: "there are so many of them." Are you really surprised that people might consider it racist to say "there's a lot of annoying Mexican people"? It's a pretty wide stereotype, tekende.

Personally, I think they take too long getting in and out of cars.

A simple mental experiment would be to imagine being in line for a movie in England (or insert foreign-to-you country here), and the guy ahead of you saying on his cell phone "We all know an obnoxious American man. We all do. This is because there are so many of them." (insert your own country of origin)
Immediately begins to sound more racist, doesn't it?

American isn't a race though, it's a nationality.

I feel like a pedantic asshole now, but it's true.

Mexican is also a nationality.
So this whole discussion is like, "Man, who brought racism into this thing".

... Mobile phone.

In america, you can call it a "cell phone" all you like, but in England it is a "mobile phone".

I am that man.
And tekende probably got lamed because he is not.

Know your niche.

no, it sounds more... within the bounds of my experience

Chubby for Tekende... Welcome to the Casual Racists Club. Here is your laminated membership card and 50% off coupon for joining the Dicks Of Assetbar Club.

Ray and Envelope are drinking Bohemia.

You sure it's not Modelo?

You sure Modelo is not the only brand of mexican beer you know?



That is one tasty beer (which is very hard to find here in Australia :( )

Beats the damn pants off of Dos Equis.

Chubby for the faces of the people in the picture.

Everytime I order a Bohemia (pronounced bo-EHM-i-a), I inevitably get corrected by the waiter/bartender, "You mean a bo-HEE-mi-a? I am then filled with a smug sense of superiority for a little while at least.

I am such a dick.

i'm pretty sure zefiel meant the negra modelo, it looks very similar.
you're right though i think is bohemia.


en-vell-OPP-ay. (The accent mark on the o in his name is actually redundant - that's where the stress usually goes in Spanish. Redundant but awesome.)

speaking of this, is Env�lope an american name? Never ever ever heard it here in Mexico.

Nope! A gift from the Mind of Onstad.

The perversity of the universe tends to a maximum.
(The 1st corollary to Murphy's Law)

Yeah if you meet a dude named Envelope you've got bigger problems than you think.

we later find out from the polish vendor at the GOF that Env�lope did indeed get that face transplant surgery. however, everyone believes that it's because Ray tore his face off.

Nice reference catch! I missed that one. Mad chubbies in your direction, brother.

The only really noticable difference is his hair color and his eyebrows .

And oddly enough his tattoo has changed as well

I love "se�or hombre" which roughly means "Mr. Man"

I love Ray's response in panel 4. Ray is pretty much good at repartee. And the dialogue is so comfortable. Like, a dude treating another dude because he is in his house and that is just how it is.

Of course he has Negro Modelo to offer.

[i]bag of caca![/]

I hate my life.

Because you messed up using BBcode ? That is COMPLETELY RAW

I hate my life too, but for entirely different reasons.

5 for "rotating Josephs"



I Googled this, and I agree.

Saw you were the most recenet message posted and clicked. I like WBANGNFARB as a band name.

If only Envelope knew how much of a raw hardass Ray would prove to be, he would have no shame in laying down for him. He's BOC, after all.

According to Great Outdoor Fight Dot Com , Ray doesn't have to defeat Evelope per se, he just has to put up a good showing and show the fighting spirit that comes from being BoC.

....that site might be non-canonical however.

A comment left by farqussus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by divot, Deusoma, loneal, bixschmix)

Farqussus is not comfortable with the concept of an Achewood Expanded Universe.

I'm very comfortable, I was just being excessively dismissive of the idea that it wasn't an authoritative account.

I have just discovered that GreatOutdoorFight.com is blocked by my webfilter here at work. Not under the category "Entertainment" (by which achewood.com is blocked but not assetbar, go fig), but under category "Violence", and that almost made me love the meddlesome piece of software ( stupid trying to keep me on task ).

Ray is remarkably similar to that one guy who lives in my neighborhood and cares way too much about it, and is a dick.

You can't be friends with Pat for as long as Ray has without picking up some of the Eau de Prick. After that much time, anyone'd be tickled pink about some silly nativity scene.

I don't think " tickled pink " means what you think it means.

I don't even want to think about what Eau de Prick means.

Yeah. That comment was posted at about 2:00 in the AM, if I remember correctly. Definitely got a few words mixed up. Especially since I have definitely used that correctly before. Whoops. My apologies, Assetbar.

You don't want to know.

Never thought I'd say you apologise for getting something wrong... YOU of all people.
But I suppose you deserve a chubb for it this once. Convinces me you might not be 100% prick.