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Renal Failure Friday, March 5, 2004 • read strip Viewing 35 comments:

A comment left by mrsmuckles was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, ezcmac, ewin, Overmedicated, StoatLad, Deusoma, SSDDR, purplehaze, TwoRightFeet, re5urgam, HSE, Connellingus, equinn2006, jollysaintpete, NDCaesar, Lumus, nipsy43, mystkmanat, ravindra108, psykeres, Dainbramage, pquinn87, morbo)

Who is Mrs. Muckles anyway?

A comment left by mrsmuckles was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ezcmac, RaysDangNachos, Overmedicated, StoatLad, Deusoma, TwoRightFeet, jollysaintpete, NDCaesar, SatelliteTV, Kennisiou, BillyLK, nipsy43, mountain, Panserbjorne)

I think he's some sort of robot, only lame.

The Lazarus Loafer talks like Tom Lehrer.

I like Tom Lehrer but I really don't see this one

I do. It's kind of horrifying, in a good way.

If the shoe fits...

I'm not sure how you mean, but chubbied for the reference. Now I get to read this arc with a new voice-over. :D

How horribly imaginative. I can actually see that.

last panel is genius

You don't have to defend the tastiness of Old Windmill to anyone .

Absolutely least of all, one's shoe.

Unless you've just thrown up in it.

and it's jimbob with the exception!

Are we all assuming Old Windmill is a whiskey? I mean, just so we're on the same page...


Whenever Ray's in bed like that all I can think is how hard it is to deliver bad news to Charlie Brown.
Charles Schulz Rest In Peace



He even gets the not getting things done done.

(I contemplated adding a comma, but decided against it. I had to write it, now you have to parse it.)

Next time I have to get up early with a hangover I'll mention the possibility of Stage One Renal Failure if I blink.

This is the second time Ray tries to "skip a day" after Roast Beef was trying to wake him up, I think when he made pickles.

Shut up Lazarus! best response ever to a demon shoe.

alt text ... so beautiful *sob*

(for reference for those too lazy to hover)

"The cat is having an argument with his powerful shoe."

i love it when the alt text makes it a 5.

I completely forgot that line was from achewood.
Me drunk at three in the morning, "Guinness is tasty ! I ain't got to defend that to you!"
Might have some Old Windmill tonight, what is it about achewood that brings out the consumer in me?

consumer = alcoholic

shhhhh ... my family might hear...

It really sucks that earlier today my wife looked in the pantry and asked me "Why are you drinking Rye.?" My response was not a direct quote of this strip BECAUSE I HAD NOT YET READ THIS STRIP AT THAT TIME! Damn the luck.

Ray, I'm a prostitute.

I deeply enjoy sending this strip to people who don't know anything about Achewood, completely without context.

NICE!! i just read back-to-back hangover "skippin' a day" achewood's.



Ray's immense wealth comes despite most of his business decisions, not because of them. Taking Lazarus' biz-school advice would screw with the formula irreparably.