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Sorry this took so long. Saturday, October 17, 2009 • read strip Viewing 43 comments:


Jesus christ daidai, you've been busy.

Bushiest Beaver.

There are chubbies again, have one my friend!

How is it that nobody else has made mention of the title of this comic yet? That looks like a genuine apology from that one guy that makes pretty good comics. If it is such, that's pretty gracious. Of course, the other side of my brain is going APOLOGY ACCEPTED. So...Apology graciously accepted.


It's weird to be associating "Todd" and "art"



Todt oder pommes?
Pommes oder todt!

Death or Fries?
Fries or Death?

Can I choose death by fries? Or maybe fried to death?

My skin turning all golden and crunchy.

You can die, Mr. Bond.

Care for some fries with that?

Anybody else go to the previous comic just to see the comments?

I have now.

That's why I came to this strip from the new one.

Glad to have assetbar back! Fuck you, touamb gloaters! (actually it was pretty much just asherdan)

TOUAMB seems to be a vehicle for Asherdan's narcissistic machinations.
Go get bent against a wall Ashy WE'RE BACK!!!

You kidding? You can have your troll back now!

Fuck. Naw, he never went away. He never goes away Hi AIU!


>delayed by a day for art
>70% text


I had military-style music playing in my head as I read this strip.
It sounded like a cross between soviet anthems and the A-Team.


Something like this?

As noted earlier, I believe the key to this strip is the evidence of Todd's empty brain pan, revealed in the infrared at top.

That's just the headphones with the metal headphone...strap?...arching over his flat little squirrel head.

Dwight Eisenhower was 7-kinky. This is generally not known from history books.

I love that phrase: "There is not this idea." Awesome.

I am exulting generally that my beloved bar of assets has been returned to me.

True dat. Let the Chubbies flow, baby.

i needa go back and five alla thse strips. dang

The art here is vaguely reminiscent of Super bad (in a good way, I think).


Enhanced footage?

Todd: Indignant, asks what the fuck is there to do in the Distant Town that is any fun.

Game: There is no fun, you only die.

Todd: Not quite so indignant anymore.

C:\> peel out

This is the greatest of all

Thus begins the most inscrutable Achewoodian story arc thus far ... scholars will study this one by candlelight long after the apocalypse.

Just want to say that this comic means I have now seen every single Achewood comic.

Just wanted that on the record. You probably should lame this post into ten oblivions.

I remember when I got there. It was glorious times! Someone should note these things and send gifts.

I come to this place on assetbar when times seem troubled to remember a time when we thought there would be no more chubbies, and I reflect on how that too came to pass. [IMGS may be OFF] forever, maybe they will return, we will abide.

I don't think that Lee is lying about the Eisenhower thing. That sounds like the crazy kind of thing Dwight Eisenhower would do, ESPECIALLY when on the Death Lust.

So, an item made in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea leads one to the text-only Magical Realism version of the People's Democratic Republic of North Korea?

I think the rope was a Mexican Magical Realism rope, which combined with a North Korean product to create North Korean Magical Realism. Only Todd didn't understand it so he had to have the text-only version.