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Emeril and Spongebath at The Smoke Friday, October 8, 2004 • read strip Viewing 40 comments:

Achewood does Noir. Fits.

This is one of my favorite strips, for some bizzare reason.

Who's the dude in the background picture in panel 3? IS IT CHRIS ONSTAD????

Dude that would be so clever! Never allow photographs of himself to get out there, then slip one into one of his strips! If J.D. Salinger had been a cartoonist, he probably would have done this.

The poster says "no", so that's probably somebody else.

I don't think so, he has tall ears.


Unfortunately, that url is no longer current. Here is the new one.

I think it looks like Johnny Depp, but i've been wrong before

That's exactly what I was thinking...

I think it's Judd Nelson.

yogi bear

Is this the only time beef wears that black shirt? My vote: probably.

I'm surprised in a warm way that his shirt confidence has risen, if perhaps momentarily, enough for sleevelessness.

orrrr issss itttt?

Dig the Tenmen poster. Was this their first time in the strip?

Yeah, I think the first appearance of The Smoke as well.

Emeril and Spongebath think the lonely life is preferable to the thousand natural shocks the flesh is heir to.

... I'm getting the sudden urge to say "Boo to that! ... but I'd rather not stoop that far into hypocrisy.

Kid thinks the moon landing was faked; no wonder he's giving Beef bad advice about marriage.

Just because they're against marriage, doesn't mean they don't play the flesh game. ^_~

this would surprise me, but hell, good for them if so

I recall Spongebath getting a tug job at one of Ray's parties.

Panel two breaks the 180 rule. :[

what does this mean?

Sorry guys, I just realized that google is my friend. Lame this terrible man.

Don't be so down on yourself, man.

Meh, everyone does that these days. 180 degree rule practically extinct anyway.

I wouldn't have respected Emeril's advice if he hadn't admitted that the tears do come. Though not often. It almost sounds like a good idea (until you try it)

Until you try... not getting married? Or did I completely misunderstand you?
Frankly, much like is stated in the alt text, I don't see what's so bad about not getting married. It certainly isn't worth any tears.

Yes, until you try not getting married, or swearing off the opposite sex (at least as a man swearing off women).

Personally I don't intend to get married, but if you stay single long enough you WILL wish things were different and end up fucking a lobster shell that you heated with your coffee maker.

Right guys?

Your comment (and indeed, all your comments) are so much more awesome when read in the voice of your Sealab guy.

survey says...


Johnny Paycheck couldn't have said it better. Or at least not in the style of Cotton Mather.

This. Is. My. Favorite. Strip. Period.

Does "particlar" mean something or did Onstad seriously make a spelling error?

Nah. It is but a dialectical thing, dogg.

Yeah...he also wrote "fanceyful"

I wish every sentence I spoke went through the Emeril Literary Verbosity filter.

I like how Emeril talks like someone who lived in the original thirteen colonies.