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Lolcat Scratch Fever! Tuesday, July 17, 2007 • read strip Viewing 160 comments:

A comment left by rotating-dog was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by decanter, shoethings, VictoriaW)

how will this affect 4th meal?

that is so fucking insightful my mind just shut down

Beef just verb'd Lolcat.

God, I have no idea why did I put that in a reply. Sorry folks.

Phrase for joking away an assetbar fuckup: WOOPSY-DAISY! SORRY EVERYBODY!

But can he use it as a coordinating conjunction?

No. No he can't.

Is that a fact?

Beef is wrong - Princess Di never got a cheeseburger named after her.


McDIRL more like.

Inappropriate Diana jokes are the best.

There's a paparazzi in my mouth and everyone's invited.

A comment left by shirt145 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by jamb23, tthug, lordofring, SelbenCoirlo)

Man no need to be a dick about it.

A comment left by neonfreon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, evolume, stopeatingmyeyes, anticitizen, cuddlefish, equinn2006, achewife, ArthurDentLives, Fcannon, Afkpuz, werthog42, yaegmenthor, peterjoel)

You may have the key to my Anal Chastity Belt for 5 minutes for that.

As an Englishman, I say that there is no such thing as a bad bad-taste-Princess-Di joke. You did a good thing.

Me and Armando Iannucci? We condone this discussion

And I VERY much approve of Armando Ianucci, and therefore YOU.

What do an amateur golfer and princess di have in common?

Bad driver.

So a French man, a princess and an Egyptian heir to a fortune go into a bar...

And from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb-F841M0mY

Why did Princess Diana cross the road? Because she forgot her seat belt.

What did Dodi Al Fayed say to Prince Charles?

"Want come for a drive with me and Di?"

As you say, the Princess-Di burger is delicious . No bad taste here, no sir.

Why do you think the Quarter Pounder with cheese is named a Royale with Cheese in France?


because the 113.4 Grammer Burger sounds stupid?

What do they call the Super Special Awesome Burger?

A lie.


Chubby for Pulp Fiction ref.

Does Roast Beef have to be in the makeup when photographed for someone to make on that cash?

hahah! Batman taking a pic of Roast Beef in his Trent Reznor phase? that's MODERN ART.

Especially when you consider that Christian Bale played a dude named Trevor Reznik in The Machinist.

A comment left by spectre was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ishuta, stabones, Wels, theoneyouwant, achewife, TheFutureSoundsLike)

This is going to be a Thing for a long time between Ray and Beef.

But what happens when Little Nephew loses his 3,212,498 new friends? Won't that be a Thing?

run...RUN for the Lolcat Deluxe!

You know, I wouldn't put it past McDonalds to steal that advertising idea.

A comment left by jdhenry105 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by JohnnyLandmine, pwb, Jesler729, Carpetbag, relaxing, varnish, cognitonaut, Jujubeesforjesus)

Dear lord.

No Wai!

Try the NEW LolCat DeLuxe! "I just threw up in my mouth, and I'm loving it!"

Another reason to throw up at a McDonald's.

Made from real Lolcats!

100% Roast Beef!

A comment left by luckyg was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by silver_lake, blastradius, lorifury, Quartzblade)

I love the idea of "famous lolcats." as if particular lolcats have gained notoriety over others.

"meme." HA.

good strip.

Happycat is frantically calling his lawyers Right Now.

Ceiling cat is keeping a close watch...

Monorail Cat is currently out of service.

Nah, man, I'm cool with it.

You can has cheezburger is most definitely the best thing I have heard all day. I mean, it's 2:54 AM, but still.

But will Beef be included in [url=https://www.notablogtm.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/07/lolcat_bible.jpg}teh lolcat bible.[/url]

Damnit! I meant lolcat bible.

Immediate right-click-save!

Flawless victory.

I comfortable enough with myself to say that that was really cute.


Hell of whiskey dick.

A comment left by therictus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by blastradius, Mangtastic, Carpetbag, wolfsleepy, Flaaron, yaegmenthor)

A comment left by trollcollins was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by RogerGS, wolfsleepy, Marcus_Brody)

A comment left by wolfsleepy was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by stormypinkness, editrix, dri-ft, trollcollins, silver_lake, RaysDangNachos, LordHumungus, mortshire, bug, equinn2006, prius_chaser, TheBoneOrchard, TTAGXAMM, woof, AD_, bundtcake, Jeef, dzieger, nphares, lorifury, Mastronaut, Dhinson)


for me the day wolfsleepy jumped the shark was when he accused everything of jumping the shark. I died a little inside.

... what's in the lolcat deluxe?

(clever picture of makeshift chinese slaughterhouse)

I think you screwed up the link for that picture.

No, no, I got it just right. My hyperlink goes directly to your imagination, and does not get me in the trouble i might have gotten in for posting kitties being hung on hooks and chopped with cleavers. In other words, it's more effective and less offensive at the same time!

You have used up your lame allotment. Do something nice for a change.

McDonald's milks everything these days.

Even cats!

you can milk anything that has nipples

I have nipples, somanywhales. Could you milk me?

A number of whales trying to milk a male rotating canine. Their fins would be pretty useless for this task.

As much good stuff as is there is in the strip (LOLCat as a verb, the scholarly tome) the thing that keeps making me laugh is the picture of the guy on the McDonald's ad. Is he running in manic joy or wild despair? His body language reminds me of David Cross running home after he got the peanut butter, eggs, and dice sandwich packed in his lunch.

sweet jesus, yes. running to them or running from them, it was always them.... and always running.

for that you get a mega super ultra chubby from someone with no penis

I am totaly with you on this lolcat hate beef, seriously.

Hey, is that a Zaku?

It's a GOUF, you insensitive clod! Mine is a Zaku...

Naw, man, see, he's supposed to say "This is no Zaku, boy! No Zaku!" and we're all supposed to have a nerdy laugh over the whole thing.

it wasn't right for ray to lolcat his friend. not on the news.

but srsly, the title makes this strip.

I didn't even notice the title. I just had cat scratch fever this spring, for real. They cut me open and everything. I didn't think it was a real disease before that.

you think the Nuge is clever enough to come up with a euphemism for vaginas on his own? Oh no, he goes right to the medical books.

Why would Ted Nugent lie to you??

woops, didn't read on - sorry!

B-but Ray didn't mean to! He sent the lolcat e-mail to the news by accident! Ray was trying to send Beef a joke to make up for yelling at him when he dissed Ray's auto-lolcat! RAY WAHT HAV U DONE??

And of course Ray tries to minimize it right off the bat. (Ray's unheard dialogue: "Dogg it was a mistake is all, it'll blow over...") Having brought this horror on his friend, inadvertently though it was, Ray must now devote all available resources to remedying the situation. But what can compensate for this?

Maybe he will help Beef find a way to a) make peace with the media exposure and 2) make hell of money out of it.

his expression in the first panel is worth a million bucks

A comment left by johnnylandmine was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by stormypinkness, silver_lake, RaysDangNachos, Steerpike66, illgamesh, TheFutureSoundsLike, HappyCat)

A comment left by silver_lake was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by dri-ft, Cypher, LuckyG, MrPoopytime, Jujubeesforjesus, Mastronaut, aperson)

A comment left by littleangryplum was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by silver_lake, katal, HappyCat)

Achewood is a comic strip including comical talking cats. For real, dude.

Yeah, but Achewood is funny .

Lets have fun with SAT analogies!
lolcats Arc: Achewood :: Pontius Pilate:
A) History B) Roman C) Jesus Christ D) The Jews

I am a sad person to have given out all my chubbies on this page before reaching this comment.

I have chubbied this comment for you.

is it C?

I go to a state college, so it wasn't necessary for me to do well on my SAT.



Seriously, Barrabas should join chubbies and lames as voting.

My Junior Year US History teacher called me Barrabas. My friend who sat next to me was Jesus because he had long hair, and for some reason he decided that the quiet friend to my other side would be John the Baptist.

I got a B-plus in that class.

I heard B-plus was the real Barrabas' nickname.

I am disappointed that I cannot yet find a Famous Lolcats article on Wikipedia.

I don't think those are actual things. I think those are things that Beef is imagining will occur as a result of his lolcat fame on the news.

a la [url]https://achewood.com/index.php?date=02182004[url]?

Man, Beef's expression in panels 2 and 3 ... I don't think we've seen Beef with such a look of RAGE before.

At least the Wikipedia entry doesn't give his full name (yet).

Come on Ray there has got to be a way to make this up to Beef you might not be the smartest cat ever but dang man you got to put your college smarts on for this one.

A mixtape (him speaking into a cassette)

Hiring of a doorstep "hip-hopology" service (Ray will pick the "rappin' fly girl in bike shorts" option)

In the past yes. Now he would choose the rappin' fly girl with hanging naturals"

I wonder if he flung Molly off, or fussedly fell off the couch in madness.

Oh dear god this is one of the best strips ever. 3/4 panels are genuine laugh out loud.

Beef is so hilarious when he gets infuriated. Poor Molly. (I don't know, I still think that she looks suspiciously Huggins-esque)

Beef's grammar in 2nd panel - brilliant

Also this is one of the very rare occasions where Beef punctuates.

At least Beef isn't very recognizable in the Volvo of Despair lolcat photo.

A comment left by biztsar was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rotating-dog, RaysDangNachos, evolume, equinn2006, buckster)

A comment left by neonfreon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Homepie, weshoudparty, equinn2006, SeanBad, CloseFriend, Satyr)

Your wishes have been granted as well.

My question: Why are there no reports of mass vomiting upon looking "Despair Beef" in the eyes? I mean, Ray puked twice upon looking at Roast Beef...will no one else suffer the same effect?

I think you haver to gaze deep into the actual eyes of dezpare, rather than a photographic reproduction, to get the vomiting effect.

Will Beef ever have sex in front of a TV again? [i]A lesson has been learned.[i]

...but the damage, irreversible?

Oh, nice one. I lament.

Hella nice.

Fuck I miss that comic. Hell of nostalgia man, hell of nostalgia.

This comic has more graphic descriptions of the sex havings of cartoon cats than I am maybe comfortable with.

Best use of stock photography ever. That dude totally does not know why he is happy. He does not know why he is running.

I LOL'd.

5 for just... just everything.

RIP Cassandra "Roast Beef" Kazenzakis


Rezt N Peez.

A comment left by neonfreon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mercuri0us, equinn2006, J-Man)

who is that douche rolotonybrowntown? rolotonybrowntown, i just slapped your dad. he says hi.

A comment left by carrollhach was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ButterMoths, silver_lake, PhoenixUltima, katsura, emgee, czarcastic)

The great outdoor fight was awesome, and you're retarded.

Agreed. How can someone who didn't enjoy the GOF even continue to READ Achewood? You clearly don't know where you are, and your map is covered with grease.

That's a false idea. And a tired one, too.

All of these belligerent GOF sycophants are really starting to piss me off. People have different opinions. For example, my opinion was that it was too long and had too few jokes. I get the idea that Onstad was trying to spread his wings, and I think he succeeded, to a degree. It was OK.

But that's not why I'm here. I'm here to laugh. If I want to read a long story that isn't funny, I'll pick up The Acme Novelty Library.

There are a lot of people here who share your view on this subject. Almost everyone here, I guess. I'm getting used to it. After all, it's just your opinion. And though it may seem strange to people like you, I'm fine with the idea that other people have opinions which differ from mine, so I usually keep my mouth shut.

But you have officially managed to phrase this sentiment in the most Mickey Mouse fashion possible, so I have no choice but to speak up and get myself lamed a million times by all of the GOF brownshirts out there.

Insisting that someone who doesn't go all girly over that arc should stop reading Achewood is the most asinine thing I've ever heard. I guess that's basically what I'm drivin' at.

Well said, as usual.

I am a big fan of the GOF. I chubbied your comment. Nothin' wrong with some different tastes, dude. One man's foe is another man's chochacho.

Are you still around? Miss seeing your posts, man.

It's Summertime. I'm out-of-doors. See you in November.

Is it sad that I've been obsessively checking wikipedia to see if anyone's added that to the lolcat article yet?

I can has fits of laughter at random since this comic was posted.

A comment left by carrollhach was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by JohnnyLandmine, Steerpike66, cbtbone, AaronGStock)

I don't care how long you've been reading; that doesn't make you not an idiot. OH, so your FRIENDS agree with you? WOW. And you use the phrase "Shark Jumping!" We got a frickin' Derrida on our hands here people!

Man, I can get behind your opinions on this lolcat arc, but come the hell on . The GOF is pretty much objectively amazing.

I sense Carol Brady's Bitchhatch is a stinky stinky troll. There's no way to be as retarded as he's pretending to be. You couldn't be that retarded with mace in your eyes and broken ankle.

i cannot handle the funniness of the running happy lolcat man on the mcdonald's poster. motherfucker.

no one should EVER be that excited about mcdonald's.

we need to see the wikipedia page for lolcats looking like this. i don't care if it's a stupid and obvious idea.

Nobody ever wants to shrink that fast.
Sexual vacuum occuring.

Given the captioned-animal-meme context, I momentarily read O'REILLY as O RLY.



that's poor photoshopping

yeah. there's no 'z'.

Man, if Mcdonalds had said cheeseburger... I would buy one. And eat it. And it would be yummy.

I'm a vegetarian.

Beef, why in hell aren't you on top.

i mean seriously, dogg. it don't mean a thing. or maybe it does .

The "Princess Di thing" did not blow over quickly.

That guy in the McDonald's ad looks like he tripped while trying to imitate the look of laughter.

Somebody make the Wikipedia entry for lolcat look like that in real life and I will worship you forever.