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Lyle's new video game Tuesday, May 28, 2002 • read strip Viewing 47 comments:

The Wii version is the best

I was about to groan, but all that came out was oh nooooooo

ohhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

A comment left by arcibi was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, dennycrane, mangaknightz, stoned_lightning)

Urine Cop 2: Urine Big Trouble

Almost as good as Fashion Rancher

Are PS games region-free?


Their PlayStation is modded, because they bought it on the cheap at a pawn shop. It previously belonged to a nerd who fell on financial hard times.

This deserves credit for being truly the most plausible way for a group of such dudes to end up with a modded PlayStation.


Is Urine cop a game about a cop who solves mysteries using his urine? Or is it about a cop who tries to solve urniation based mysteries?

Given that this is a game from Japan, "Urine Cop" is probably a game about a talking dog who can fly who has to battle flowers.

ALT TEXT: The idea is that Urine Cop's partner was killed by public urination and he is out for revenge. If you have any details on the murder then press UP twice.

I actually pressed UP twice while reading this..

SPOILER ALERT: The last boss is R Kelly.

A comment left by everything_is_a_hat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by hellofyellin, dracer2, dj)

A comment left by tetrisattack was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by equinn2006, LuckyG, Jesus, Afkpuz, diplomat76, starch)

A comment left by shoinan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by envika, kenthegod, rowboat)

3.7? this is def a 5, straight serious.

Urine Cop is on the case... just as soon as he gets a drink of water...

He craves the stuff.

you could say he gets nice on it

Is T excited or unhappy? I can't even tell.

I just imagine a pillar of hovering urine who hunts down crime. Or else a ROBOCOP-like figure with the ability to shoot urine from a gun in his right arm.

What's the deal with ordering games from Japan? Do Japanese games work on english consoles? I imagine a wild missingno. appearing whenever I try to use a japanese version in an english console.


You can do it on the DS. Ouendan sold more copies in America than it did in Japan.

My ex had a special disc he would put into his GameCube so it could play his imported Naruto games.

Whyever aren't you together anymore? Tis a mystery to me...

...because he was playing Naruto

Urine for a good time tonight Lyle!



What exactly is hitting the rim?


Lyle always has a good time when he urines.

The best thing is that Teodor immediately recognizes the title

Well, the cover is pretty distinctive.

Oh Japan... is there any porno you WON'T make?

Who said Urine Cop was porno?

It's probably a "dating" sim.

Water Closet, aaaugh!



moooooooooom stop don't turn it off i'll lose my affection points with Chihaya

Teodor's shoes, they are SO pointy.

Pointy enough to cause instant death.

Jesus they are aren't they. their like something out of a german cautionary fable!

Where are the cars going over jumps?

Someone isn't familiar with the Urine Cop franchise.

Wait, is Onstad psychic? Because look: https://www.thinkgeek.com/stuff/41/superpiipii.html

Man, that Super Pii Pii game looks cool, but It doesn't appear to have anything to do with Cops.
Deimosrising appears to have been closer to being psychic.

I pressed UP twice, but nothing happened...