+10 -0
Probably the worst explanation of homosexuality ever. Which is why it's hilarious.
Probably the worst explanation of homosexuality ever. Which is why it's hilarious.
+99 -0
The movie ends with Pat not marrying a woman.
The movie ends with Pat not marrying a woman.
+3 -0
Thanks for the spoiler. Thank you.
Thanks for the spoiler. Thank you.
+0 -0
A comment left by tbtabby was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, TapaidhNaomh, Overmedicated, mcowgill, kylank, HollyBones)
A comment left by tbtabby was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, TapaidhNaomh, Overmedicated, mcowgill, kylank, HollyBones)
+3 -0
My god this comment begs all the questions to which i want answers
My god this comment begs all the questions to which i want answers
+17 -0
I could shed some light on the subject...
I could shed some light on the subject...
+5 -0
That would be a mega-favor. I hope you aren't a wily one.
That would be a mega-favor. I hope you aren't a wily one.
+0 -0
What happens if you EVER want to change your avatar, though?
What happens if you EVER want to change your avatar, though?
+1 -0
+0 -0
fuckin Wily always makin two of each robot just in case. WHY DO I HAVE TO FIGHT EACH ONE TWICE!
fuckin Wily always makin two of each robot just in case. WHY DO I HAVE TO FIGHT EACH ONE TWICE!
+0 -0
A comment left by mjfitzge was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by AdrianMiller, king_of_pwns, trapperjohn, retinarow)
A comment left by mjfitzge was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by AdrianMiller, king_of_pwns, trapperjohn, retinarow)
+9 -0
just to clarify, it was RECENTLY i was enlightened on this topic. recently.
just to clarify, it was RECENTLY i was enlightened on this topic. recently.
+0 -0
A comment left by carpetbag was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, Deusoma, Kunkler, colorlessness)
A comment left by carpetbag was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, Deusoma, Kunkler, colorlessness)
+8 -0
i compulsively hovered for alt text, and saw none.
i compulsively hovered for alt text, and saw none.
+0 -0
A comment left by rowboat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Jesler729, Deusoma, Pseudochron, all-star951, kforkarl)
A comment left by rowboat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Jesler729, Deusoma, Pseudochron, all-star951, kforkarl)
+0 -0
i would paypal you twenty three dollars, just because i think you deserve a pizza and some beers.
i would paypal you twenty three dollars, just because i think you deserve a pizza and some beers.
+0 -0
Same here.
Same here.
+0 -0
A comment left by idiotcircus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Carpetbag, Zem, Audhumla)
A comment left by idiotcircus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Carpetbag, Zem, Audhumla)
+0 -0
A comment left by lastlarf was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ButterMoths, rowboat, BoscoStacy, Boyd, Epicurus, Boredom_Man, scraggg, kforkarl)
A comment left by lastlarf was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ButterMoths, rowboat, BoscoStacy, Boyd, Epicurus, Boredom_Man, scraggg, kforkarl)
+32 -0
Over and over I have been given credit for your ideas. For a long time I tried to deny it, to say that it wasn't my idea, it was somebody else's idea, but it never worked. Everyone still gave me credit.
Eventually I stopped trying to deny it, and just took the credit. I have earned more than 23 million dollars on your ideas.
But I have been giving it away to charities. I couldn't profit from your ideas. I actually live is a crappy little duplex and drive a crappy old car.
I realize that I could have been giving all the money to you, but I don't have your address and you never answer your phone.
Over and over I have been given credit for your ideas. For a long time I tried to deny it, to say that it wasn't my idea, it was somebody else's idea, but it never worked. Everyone still gave me credit.
Eventually I stopped trying to deny it, and just took the credit. I have earned more than 23 million dollars on your ideas.
But I have been giving it away to charities. I couldn't profit from your ideas. I actually live is a crappy little duplex and drive a crappy old car.
I realize that I could have been giving all the money to you, but I don't have your address and you never answer your phone.
+1 -1
biff, I just ejaculated to your post.
biff, I just ejaculated to your post.
+0 -0
biff has here stumbled upon a vein of 100% pure humor. It contains at least 23% more hilarious than any other veins of its size.
biff has here stumbled upon a vein of 100% pure humor. It contains at least 23% more hilarious than any other veins of its size.
+10 -0
They have a fight, Ability wins, Ability Man.
My mind has gone too far with this because now I am thinking of Ray as Universe Man with the special watch that brings about Happy Land, and Roast Beef is clearly Person Man. "Is he depressed, or is he a mess? Does he feel totally worthless?"
They have a fight, Ability wins, Ability Man.
My mind has gone too far with this because now I am thinking of Ray as Universe Man with the special watch that brings about Happy Land, and Roast Beef is clearly Person Man. "Is he depressed, or is he a mess? Does he feel totally worthless?"
+0 -0
Chubbied for TMBG
Chubbied for TMBG
+25 -1
Scared but important. That sounds right.
Scared but important. That sounds right.
+1 -1
Does he feel important or is the feeling he has important?
Does he feel important or is the feeling he has important?
+0 -0
I know. I couldn't get over how perfect that was.
I know. I couldn't get over how perfect that was.
+0 -1
I know, right?
I know, right?
+0 -0
A comment left by boredom_man was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by banjothepony, all-star951, Zem, morbo)
A comment left by boredom_man was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by banjothepony, all-star951, Zem, morbo)
+7 -0
"He said he would prove it."
This was one of the strips where I didn't laugh while reading it, but as soon as I was done I just stared at the screen and started laughing louder and louder. Amazing.
"He said he would prove it."
This was one of the strips where I didn't laugh while reading it, but as soon as I was done I just stared at the screen and started laughing louder and louder. Amazing.
+7 -0
That sounds Nice Peteish, the way you put it.
That sounds Nice Peteish, the way you put it.
+9 -0
Being gay is a lot like a basketball game...
Being gay is a lot like a basketball game...
+88 -0
I am there
The woman is over there
And I do not marry her
And I am the winner
I am there
The woman is over there
And I do not marry her
And I am the winner
+60 -1
Being gay is a special thing you do
when you want to not marry a woman
Being gay is a special thing you do
when you want to not marry a woman
+4 -1
Oh god I want to chubby every single person on this page.
Oh god I want to chubby every single person on this page.
+4 -1
Chubbying comments on this page takes on a whole new dimension because of this comment.
Chubbying comments on this page takes on a whole new dimension because of this comment.
+0 -0
That is as hilarious as Napil, but I suspect it would not be Pete's actual response to Philippe's question.
That is as hilarious as Napil, but I suspect it would not be Pete's actual response to Philippe's question.
+1 -0
I kinda wanna do you.
I kinda wanna do you.
+0 -0
Well I kinda have to chubby that.
Well I kinda have to chubby that.
+2 -1
Man gay guys get ALL the chicks.
Man gay guys get ALL the chicks.
+0 -0
Except my laugh sounds a bit like the sound a guinea pig makes, so I just ended up sounding like an increasingly agitated cavy.
Except my laugh sounds a bit like the sound a guinea pig makes, so I just ended up sounding like an increasingly agitated cavy.
+4 -0
I thought I knew where this strip was going.
I thought wrong .
I thought I knew where this strip was going.
I thought wrong .
+11 -0
Philippe doesn't draw comics, he draws DVDs
Philippe doesn't draw comics, he draws DVDs
+0 -0
Pretty much every drawing Philipe does turns out either great or pretty good.
Pretty much every drawing Philipe does turns out either great or pretty good.
+1 -0
That's because he is rad.
That's because he is rad.
+5 -0
Whenever I think of Onstad drawing Achewood, I will now forever imagine it as Phillipe in panel 5.
Whenever I think of Onstad drawing Achewood, I will now forever imagine it as Phillipe in panel 5.
+7 -0
Ironically enough, Philippe's rendition of Pat bears some resemblance to Homosexuals the monkey.
Ironically enough, Philippe's rendition of Pat bears some resemblance to Homosexuals the monkey.
+2 -0
True, but while Homosexuals only turned out "good," Pat's DVD is turning out "great." I'd like to think that Phillipe's ability to churn out a killer tagline.
True, but while Homosexuals only turned out "good," Pat's DVD is turning out "great." I'd like to think that Phillipe's ability to churn out a killer tagline.
+0 -0
Argh. " what makes the difference."
Argh. " what makes the difference."
+2 -0
Chubbied for the avatar
Chubbied for the avatar
+0 -1
Hmmm. That is the second time that I've seen that contrasoma has been chubbied for his avatar. Where is it from?
Lame me if you must, but please tell me.
Hmmm. That is the second time that I've seen that contrasoma has been chubbied for his avatar. Where is it from?
Lame me if you must, but please tell me.
+0 -0
"The Crying of Lot 49" by Thomas Pynchon.
"The Crying of Lot 49" by Thomas Pynchon.
+0 -0
Thank you!
I feel like such an ignorant douche now. I shall read it, post-haste.
Thank you!
I feel like such an ignorant douche now. I shall read it, post-haste.
+0 -0
How's that going?
How's that going?
+1 -0
I don't know the book but given that it's a Pynchon novel, if we assume buttermoths is of a good reading speed, he's probably about halfway through it
I don't know the book but given that it's a Pynchon novel, if we assume buttermoths is of a good reading speed, he's probably about halfway through it
+1 -0
Um, well...I started reading 'V' instead. I'm one-third through that.
Um, well...I started reading 'V' instead. I'm one-third through that.
+0 -0
Lot 49 is really short, actually. I mean, it still takes a while to slog through, since it's Pynchon, meaning that every half-page or so you have to stop and go "what" and re-read the past two pages, but it's only like 200 pages long on the whole.
Lot 49 is really short, actually. I mean, it still takes a while to slog through, since it's Pynchon, meaning that every half-page or so you have to stop and go "what" and re-read the past two pages, but it's only like 200 pages long on the whole.
+0 -0
Lot 49 is really short, actually. I mean, it still takes a while to slog through, since it's Pynchon, meaning that every half-page or so you have to stop and go "what" and re-read the past two pages, but it's only like 200 pages long on the whole.
Lot 49 is really short, actually. I mean, it still takes a while to slog through, since it's Pynchon, meaning that every half-page or so you have to stop and go "what" and re-read the past two pages, but it's only like 200 pages long on the whole.
+0 -0
This is the best possible double-post, but it is clearly something that should be said by Sean, rather than Patrick, Bateman.
I am in earnest.
This is the best possible double-post, but it is clearly something that should be said by Sean, rather than Patrick, Bateman.
I am in earnest.
+4 -0
I got chubbied for chubbying the avatar? This is kind of ridiculous
I got chubbied for chubbying the avatar? This is kind of ridiculous
+1 -0
chubbied for being caught up in ridiculousness.
chubbied for being caught up in ridiculousness.
+3 -0
I wonder if I could get some sort of never ending chubby chain going.
Oh god, now I'm going to get lamed so much, though.
I wonder if I could get some sort of never ending chubby chain going.
Oh god, now I'm going to get lamed so much, though.
+0 -0
As much as I hate to sink the bandwagon, I have to say the avatar is really nifty. I just finished the book, and I found it remarkable.
As much as I hate to sink the bandwagon, I have to say the avatar is really nifty. I just finished the book, and I found it remarkable.
+0 -0
A comment left by lenoxus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rowboat, trapperjohn, all-star951, johnbarleycorn, sigmacoder, cpnglxynchos)
A comment left by lenoxus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rowboat, trapperjohn, all-star951, johnbarleycorn, sigmacoder, cpnglxynchos)
+0 -0
A comment left by rowboat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sabalpalm, oishii, robotman, mania3, binlaggin, Boredom_Man)
A comment left by rowboat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sabalpalm, oishii, robotman, mania3, binlaggin, Boredom_Man)
+1 -1
Well, although the word homosexual is only used in the title of the comic, it is still interesting to see that gay pat and homosexuals the monkey are similar. Phillipe doesn't really have any reason to think the words are related, but his mind connects them subconsciously. It's like some sort of genetic memory ingrained in the DNA of male-kind that just happens to be leaking in the form of cute animals and direct-to-dvd specials.
And bubble letters.
Well, although the word homosexual is only used in the title of the comic, it is still interesting to see that gay pat and homosexuals the monkey are similar. Phillipe doesn't really have any reason to think the words are related, but his mind connects them subconsciously. It's like some sort of genetic memory ingrained in the DNA of male-kind that just happens to be leaking in the form of cute animals and direct-to-dvd specials.
And bubble letters.
+8 -2
or it's just a funny little comic about an otter and some cats
or it's just a funny little comic about an otter and some cats
+2 -0
This is the internet, nothing is so simple as that.
This is the internet, nothing is so simple as that.
+0 -0
Use [these]
Use [these]
+4 -0
Am I the only one who wants to know what Ray was drawing in the first three panels?
Am I the only one who wants to know what Ray was drawing in the first three panels?
+9 -0
This . He can't help it.
This . He can't help it.
+5 -0
i think Pat's arms in the last panel were the penises that Ray was drawing in the first three...
i think Pat's arms in the last panel were the penises that Ray was drawing in the first three...
+11 -0
I dunno. Looks to me like he's holding a Nintendo.
I dunno. Looks to me like he's holding a Nintendo.
+2 -2
"Scared but important" sums up everything about the manner in which I've attempted to engage the interests of every lady I've given a fig about since I was ten. In three words. Well played, Onstad. Well played.
"Scared but important" sums up everything about the manner in which I've attempted to engage the interests of every lady I've given a fig about since I was ten. In three words. Well played, Onstad. Well played.
+7 -0
Is retardo even out there? Dr. Manflesh? Hello ? This is the strip you're always waiting for. C'mon. I need to hear more about how closeted Onstad is. I forgot about that again.
Is retardo even out there? Dr. Manflesh? Hello ? This is the strip you're always waiting for. C'mon. I need to hear more about how closeted Onstad is. I forgot about that again.
+1 -0
See, at the risk of sounding a little idiotic (which I could be, mind you, but not in regards to this comment), it must be pointed out that, from what I know from the both of them, from their posts (my lame-o-meter is set to 1000 just for that reason), while Dr. Manflesh seems like a genuinely cultivated and intelligent individual, albeit a slightly depraved one, Retardo is just a cock. To strangers, I might add.
Which no one should ever be, if I'm not mistaken.
See, at the risk of sounding a little idiotic (which I could be, mind you, but not in regards to this comment), it must be pointed out that, from what I know from the both of them, from their posts (my lame-o-meter is set to 1000 just for that reason), while Dr. Manflesh seems like a genuinely cultivated and intelligent individual, albeit a slightly depraved one, Retardo is just a cock. To strangers, I might add.
Which no one should ever be, if I'm not mistaken.
+0 -0
Yes dude. Exactly. I reacted Badly to Doc' manflesh at first, but now I realise that he is actually pretty amusing. Retardo was never funny, but he really thought he was, and that was extremely irritating.
Yes dude. Exactly. I reacted Badly to Doc' manflesh at first, but now I realise that he is actually pretty amusing. Retardo was never funny, but he really thought he was, and that was extremely irritating.
+1 -0
Philippe just equated being gay to seeing dead people.
And here I thought Bruce Willis was an anagram for masculinity. Guess I was a few letters off, it happens.
Philippe just equated being gay to seeing dead people.
And here I thought Bruce Willis was an anagram for masculinity. Guess I was a few letters off, it happens.
+0 -0
I was sitting here trying to get the bug off my screen cause of your avatar. I thought it was in my screen.
I was sitting here trying to get the bug off my screen cause of your avatar. I thought it was in my screen.
+0 -0
Didn't you find the consistency of the bug's track terrifying, though? Like you found a the matrix...or something?
Didn't you find the consistency of the bug's track terrifying, though? Like you found a the matrix...or something?
+1 -0
Philippe writes surprisingly well in cursive.
For an otter that is
Philippe writes surprisingly well in cursive.
For an otter that is
+1 -0
That is a trait you can't learn off a binder near a school!
That is a trait you can't learn off a binder near a school!
+0 -1
overlapping bubble letters is at least a 8-year-old skill. at least.
overlapping bubble letters is at least a 8-year-old skill. at least.
+5 -0
The kid's been five for nearly that long.
The kid's been five for nearly that long.
+1 -0
I look back fondly on the days at school when almost every kid in the class handed in projects with all the headings written in multi-coloured overlapping bubble letters.
I look back fondly on the days at school when almost every kid in the class handed in projects with all the headings written in multi-coloured overlapping bubble letters.
+0 -0
I hope Pat puts it on his fridge!
I hope Pat puts it on his fridge!
+1 -1
At least Ray didn't mention Pat's can getting rocked by a dude. That would have been a bit upsetting for a 5 year old.
At least Ray didn't mention Pat's can getting rocked by a dude. That would have been a bit upsetting for a 5 year old.
+31 -0
Oh Phillipe. There are already lots of movies about Pat's ability.
Oh Phillipe. There are already lots of movies about Pat's ability.
+1 -0
I tried to chubby this comment of yours, but today I was Too Friendly.
I tried to chubby this comment of yours, but today I was Too Friendly.
+1 -0
And also, damn. I always forget to be pro instead of neutral.
And also, damn. I always forget to be pro instead of neutral.
+0 -0
chubby for an excellent avatar/comment attitude combination.
chubby for an excellent avatar/comment attitude combination.
+1 -0
Aww, thank you. I would chubby you back for your kindness, but, you know, Too Friendly.
Aww, thank you. I would chubby you back for your kindness, but, you know, Too Friendly.
+0 -0
Me too
Me too
+1 -0
But where did he learn cursive?
But where did he learn cursive?
+0 -0
Teodor taught him.
Teodor taught him.
+0 -0
Well he sure didn't get it from Lyle.
Well he sure didn't get it from Lyle.
+1 -0
Wait a minute... Lie Bot!
Wait a minute... Lie Bot!
+13 -0
Except that thanks to Lie Bot, he thinks he's writing in French.
Except that thanks to Lie Bot, he thinks he's writing in French.
+0 -0
Lylebot. Just you wait.
Lylebot. Just you wait.
+0 -0
But Lyle can do calligraphy, can't he?
But Lyle can do calligraphy, can't he?
+3 -0
For so long, I have searched for the words to describe how I feel when I see a lady. And now, I have them.
PS. It's unfortunate that Ability Man will be a straight-to-DVD release. I think it has box office potential.
For so long, I have searched for the words to describe how I feel when I see a lady. And now, I have them.
PS. It's unfortunate that Ability Man will be a straight-to-DVD release. I think it has box office potential.
+3 -0
I remember in 3rd grade i figured out overlapping bubber lettering and began to abuse it terribly, implementing it at every possible opportunity. i also remember a girl classmate being astonished at the bubble letters and asking how i learned to do such a thing. i no longer understand the mystery and appeal.
I remember in 3rd grade i figured out overlapping bubber lettering and began to abuse it terribly, implementing it at every possible opportunity. i also remember a girl classmate being astonished at the bubble letters and asking how i learned to do such a thing. i no longer understand the mystery and appeal.
+1 -0
Pat proves his gayness, in the face of overwhelming affirmation, epic.
Pat proves his gayness, in the face of overwhelming affirmation, epic.
+1 -0
Good thing that it goes straight out on dvd, the movie critics would most likely hate it! 1.5 hours of Pat being a dick.
Good thing that it goes straight out on dvd, the movie critics would most likely hate it! 1.5 hours of Pat being a dick.
+1 -0
tee hee. "being" a dick. right.
tee hee. "being" a dick. right.
+0 -0
I have to ask. Since Philippe apparently knows what a fag is (Here comes a huge fag!) shouldn't he have an idea of what gay is?
I have to ask. Since Philippe apparently knows what a fag is (Here comes a huge fag!) shouldn't he have an idea of what gay is?
+0 -0
Well I dunno, I get the impression that Philippe thinks of a fag as a cigarette, as evidenced here .
Well I dunno, I get the impression that Philippe thinks of a fag as a cigarette, as evidenced here .
+1 -0
That is when he is being possessed by Billy Idol. I kind of wonder if Philippe maybe just knows that it is a cuss of some magnitude, and therefore it doesn't really matter what it means?
That is when he is being possessed by Billy Idol. I kind of wonder if Philippe maybe just knows that it is a cuss of some magnitude, and therefore it doesn't really matter what it means?
+2 -0
At that age, one can recognize a perjorative (no offense, anybody!) but have a wildly askew definition for it.
At that age, one can recognize a perjorative (no offense, anybody!) but have a wildly askew definition for it.
+4 -0
i used to think 'ass' meant 'penis'
i used to think 'ass' meant 'penis'
+3 -0
I used to think "Virgin" meant "Virgo."
"No, I'm an Aquarius."
8th graders were asking me about astrology for months. Damndest thing.
I used to think "Virgin" meant "Virgo."
"No, I'm an Aquarius."
8th graders were asking me about astrology for months. Damndest thing.
+0 -0
Totally thought that as well.
And I thought that virgin meant you never "sinned or sweared and stuff." Actual quote. Immediately regretted saying it as my classmates laughed and pointed my ignorance of the sexual act.
Yay Catholic school.
Totally thought that as well.
And I thought that virgin meant you never "sinned or sweared and stuff." Actual quote. Immediately regretted saying it as my classmates laughed and pointed my ignorance of the sexual act.
Yay Catholic school.
+0 -0
I used to think virgin just meant you either weren't or would not ever get married.
I used to think virgin just meant you either weren't or would not ever get married.
+0 -0
A nickel says panel six is a straight out of C. Onstad's 2nd grade geography book.
A nickel says panel six is a straight out of C. Onstad's 2nd grade geography book.
+2 -0
Nah, that one says "VHS" on it.
Nah, that one says "VHS" on it.
+0 -0
I would definitely see this movie.
I would definitely see this movie.
+4 -0
The best part of this is that even in Phillipe's imagination, Pat is just furious about something.
You could say it is a look of determination, but you know that really an old lady just smiled at him in a way that is too familiar.
The best part of this is that even in Phillipe's imagination, Pat is just furious about something.
You could say it is a look of determination, but you know that really an old lady just smiled at him in a way that is too familiar.
+1 -0
Well, Phillipe HAS met Pat before. That's basically all it takes to always imagine Pat furious.
Well, Phillipe HAS met Pat before. That's basically all it takes to always imagine Pat furious.
+3 -0
He's met him and been inflicted with his labyrinthine series of aquarium rules.
That is another Pat Ability. He has the ability to take something, such as aquariums and chocolate-covered cherries, and then make them about as fun as dental surgery where the dentist is using a small caliber pistol to shoot the teeth out of your head rather than knives and drills.
He's met him and been inflicted with his labyrinthine series of aquarium rules.
That is another Pat Ability. He has the ability to take something, such as aquariums and chocolate-covered cherries, and then make them about as fun as dental surgery where the dentist is using a small caliber pistol to shoot the teeth out of your head rather than knives and drills.
+0 -0
That sounds like less trouble than a dancing dentist . At least with the gun, it would be over with.
That sounds like less trouble than a dancing dentist . At least with the gun, it would be over with.
+0 -0
Sadly, my skills in the overlap bubble lettering department haven't advance much from the Philippe level over the years. I never did become very rad on the skateboard either.
Sadly, my skills in the overlap bubble lettering department haven't advance much from the Philippe level over the years. I never did become very rad on the skateboard either.
+2 -0
Anytime Phillipe asks a question, an angel gets its wings. There's simply nothing that I don't like about that little otter.
Anytime Phillipe asks a question, an angel gets its wings. There's simply nothing that I don't like about that little otter.
+14 -0
"One of these days... one of these days Reynolds, you'll marry her. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but some day and for the rest of your life..." croaked Johnson, speaking for the rest of the villagers.
"OH YEAH?!" Roars Pat, "WATCH ME!"
looong, slow, pan-out shot of Pat not marrying the woman, for fifteen minutes. Then credits.
"One of these days... one of these days Reynolds, you'll marry her. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but some day and for the rest of your life..." croaked Johnson, speaking for the rest of the villagers.
"OH YEAH?!" Roars Pat, "WATCH ME!"
looong, slow, pan-out shot of Pat not marrying the woman, for fifteen minutes. Then credits.
+2 -0
Actually, Pat is probably interested in a Croaking Johnson .
Actually, Pat is probably interested in a Croaking Johnson .
+0 -0
becuase I ran out of actual chubbies
becuase I ran out of actual chubbies
+0 -2
by Jean-Luc Godart.
by Jean-Luc Godart.
+0 -1
being able to overlab bubble letters is probably mans greatest achievement
being able to overlab bubble letters is probably mans greatest achievement
+0 -0
Perfect rendering of Pat's mouth right there.
Perfect rendering of Pat's mouth right there.
+0 -0
Pat has the mouth of a Yip-yip alien from Sesame Street.
Pat has the mouth of a Yip-yip alien from Sesame Street.
+0 -0
Those things gave me nightmares.
Those things gave me nightmares.
+8 -0
Ability Man 2: He wanted everyone to accept him. They did.
Ability Man 2: He wanted everyone to accept him. They did.
+0 -0
Shoinan, I laughed at your comment almost as much as the comic. Well done, sir. Have a chubby.
Shoinan, I laughed at your comment almost as much as the comic. Well done, sir. Have a chubby.
+0 -0
Ability Man 3: He wanted to marry a man. Most people in power said No.
Ability Man 3: He wanted to marry a man. Most people in power said No.
+0 -0
What is Ray doing at the drawing board?
What is Ray doing at the drawing board?
+5 -0
+0 -0
Speaking of which, I can only assume that I have not received my Achewood 6th Anniversary shirts because all y'all went and ordered buttloads of merchandise at the same time. Now Onstad has cashflow, he's getting all comfortable and fattening up for winter, and I'm not gonna get my shirts and posters for, like, ever. Well, fuck the lot of you. Me first, goddammit!
"Friday, you are ... our fucking day of the week."
Speaking of which, I can only assume that I have not received my Achewood 6th Anniversary shirts because all y'all went and ordered buttloads of merchandise at the same time. Now Onstad has cashflow, he's getting all comfortable and fattening up for winter, and I'm not gonna get my shirts and posters for, like, ever. Well, fuck the lot of you. Me first, goddammit!
"Friday, you are ... our fucking day of the week."
+0 -0
Naturally, I got home on this day and found the packages had just been delivered.
Naturally, I got home on this day and found the packages had just been delivered.
+0 -2
Oh Philippe! If marrying 5-year-old otters was legal, we'd be off to Vegas by now.
...but, alas, I am probably just off to therapy.
Oh Philippe! If marrying 5-year-old otters was legal, we'd be off to Vegas by now.
...but, alas, I am probably just off to therapy.
+0 -0
You don't marry adorable 5 year old otters; you buy them and marvel at their cuteness. Until they outgrow their cuteness and then you don't pay that nuch attention to them unless they poop on the carpet.
But the "outgrowing the cuteness" thing would not be a problem with Philippe.
You don't marry adorable 5 year old otters; you buy them and marvel at their cuteness. Until they outgrow their cuteness and then you don't pay that nuch attention to them unless they poop on the carpet.
But the "outgrowing the cuteness" thing would not be a problem with Philippe.
+0 -0
A comment left by retinarow was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, Zem, lastlarf)
A comment left by retinarow was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, Zem, lastlarf)
+0 -1
I chuckled. Onstad has done his job. :D
Off the subject here, is it customary for the first comment to be lamed? I'm only asking this because in practically every strip I've seen the first one is always marked lame.
I chuckled. Onstad has done his job. :D
Off the subject here, is it customary for the first comment to be lamed? I'm only asking this because in practically every strip I've seen the first one is always marked lame.
+1 -0
Increase the lame threshold to 10, that should get around the people who lame everything reflexively.
Increase the lame threshold to 10, that should get around the people who lame everything reflexively.
+1 -0
So the bar with the rainbow flag in town is no longer a gay bar - it's an ability bar .
Hey, this BB code ain't so tough.
So the bar with the rainbow flag in town is no longer a gay bar - it's an ability bar .
Hey, this BB code ain't so tough.
+1 -0
phillippe is five, phillippe is learning cursive
phillippe is five, phillippe is learning cursive
+7 -0
Roast Beef has bought a boat, so that he and Molly can have sex in the main bed area with nobody bugging them. This is a fine reason, neither more nor less sensible than any other motivation which causes a man to buy a boat.
China Mieville has remarked on the ties between Utopianism and the allure of the sea. But the link clearly extends beyond economic libertarianism into something broader. The sea is vast, and a fellow will go there and be alone. The sea is indifferent and agnostic, even as it is inhospitable. It is a good place to be lonely, or to be alone with someone else for a time.
Alas, boats are prosaic matters, and the joke about a hole in the water into which one pours money are not without basis in reality. I hope that the boat-heartache Beef is about to enjoy is accompanied by a moment under a clear evening sky, with Molly reading O'Brian in the cockpit, and Beef thinking well what do you know the generator is not making that knocking sound. I straight up fixed that thing this time.
Roast Beef has bought a boat, so that he and Molly can have sex in the main bed area with nobody bugging them. This is a fine reason, neither more nor less sensible than any other motivation which causes a man to buy a boat.
China Mieville has remarked on the ties between Utopianism and the allure of the sea. But the link clearly extends beyond economic libertarianism into something broader. The sea is vast, and a fellow will go there and be alone. The sea is indifferent and agnostic, even as it is inhospitable. It is a good place to be lonely, or to be alone with someone else for a time.
Alas, boats are prosaic matters, and the joke about a hole in the water into which one pours money are not without basis in reality. I hope that the boat-heartache Beef is about to enjoy is accompanied by a moment under a clear evening sky, with Molly reading O'Brian in the cockpit, and Beef thinking well what do you know the generator is not making that knocking sound. I straight up fixed that thing this time.
+0 -0
And on a simpler note...
guys I like this idea of a boat a lot.
And on a simpler note...
guys I like this idea of a boat a lot.
+0 -0
If a man can't reference Mieville, O'Brian, and stale cocktail party jokes in an Achewood discussion, then PowerPoint has won.
If a man can't reference Mieville, O'Brian, and stale cocktail party jokes in an Achewood discussion, then PowerPoint has won.
+1 -0
Molly died in a Nautical incident. Does no one think this might bring back some bad memories?
Molly died in a Nautical incident. Does no one think this might bring back some bad memories?
+5 -0
Fuck me, I have just been informed that I have given out enough chubbies. Why does "Friendly" sound like a insult when they say it? And who the fuck are "they" to say I can't be nice to some fucker who said some shit I thought was not completely pointless and stupid? I'm a nice guy, goddamnit! You did not say a stupid thing just now! You should feel better than shitty about that!
Where the fuck is my tinfoil hat, anyway?
Fuck me, I have just been informed that I have given out enough chubbies. Why does "Friendly" sound like a insult when they say it? And who the fuck are "they" to say I can't be nice to some fucker who said some shit I thought was not completely pointless and stupid? I'm a nice guy, goddamnit! You did not say a stupid thing just now! You should feel better than shitty about that!
Where the fuck is my tinfoil hat, anyway?
+0 -0
I too have been informed that I have been over friendly. This is not the case, the fact is that too many people have been funny/interesting/correct.
I too have been informed that I have been over friendly. This is not the case, the fact is that too many people have been funny/interesting/correct.
+0 -1
oh fuck. that last line was beautiful. damn man. all chubbies gone. cept for the one in my heart... errr... pants. errr... you know what, just ignore me.
oh fuck. that last line was beautiful. damn man. all chubbies gone. cept for the one in my heart... errr... pants. errr... you know what, just ignore me.
+0 -0
phillipe is an excellent drawer - it looks just like pat, very life-like!
phillipe is an excellent drawer - it looks just like pat, very life-like!
+0 -0
Has anyone noticed that Phillipe is drawing on Ray's drawing table? Where is Ray?
I like to think he was inspired by Phillipe's idea and is off securing the rights to Pat's story while Phillipe storyboards.
Has anyone noticed that Phillipe is drawing on Ray's drawing table? Where is Ray?
I like to think he was inspired by Phillipe's idea and is off securing the rights to Pat's story while Phillipe storyboards.
+0 -0
A comment left by shades was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by pityparty, SchnappM, Leon_Sumbitches, GMM, Latterman, mikeleffel2, earendil, shoethings, davidbowie, Audhumla, ashoykh)
A comment left by shades was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by pityparty, SchnappM, Leon_Sumbitches, GMM, Latterman, mikeleffel2, earendil, shoethings, davidbowie, Audhumla, ashoykh)
+2 -2
The Todd story arc was pretty poor. But this strip and the previous one are much better. What don't you like about it?
The Todd story arc was pretty poor. But this strip and the previous one are much better. What don't you like about it?
+0 -0
I couldn't lame you if I wanted to (I am out of lames), but I don't particularly want to.
However, it was crystal clear to me that yours is a please lame me -type post. Was that your intention?
I couldn't lame you if I wanted to (I am out of lames), but I don't particularly want to.
However, it was crystal clear to me that yours is a please lame me -type post. Was that your intention?
+0 -0
A comment left by shades was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by NinjaEin, Boredom_Man, kforkarl)
A comment left by shades was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by NinjaEin, Boredom_Man, kforkarl)
+1 -0
Your point is six. There are five ways to roll six, and six ways to roll seven. Therefore you have a slightly larger percentage chance of crapping out, 16.6% compared to making your point, 13.9%.
Your point is six. There are five ways to roll six, and six ways to roll seven. Therefore you have a slightly larger percentage chance of crapping out, 16.6% compared to making your point, 13.9%.
+0 -0
I meant, 16. 7 percent chance of crapping out.
I meant, 16. 7 percent chance of crapping out.
+0 -0
I lamed him for you, now be nice!
I lamed him for you, now be nice!
+0 -0
A comment left by robertbevandalton was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by GMM, binlaggin, LaserBlade, Zem, arborwin, tellumo)
A comment left by robertbevandalton was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by GMM, binlaggin, LaserBlade, Zem, arborwin, tellumo)
+0 -1
I wonder how exactly a person can also be a cigar... But I digress. I won't lame you, because, as a rule, I don't lame people, but I'm pointing my finger of shame towards you. Tremble before its power
I wonder how exactly a person can also be a cigar... But I digress. I won't lame you, because, as a rule, I don't lame people, but I'm pointing my finger of shame towards you. Tremble before its power
+0 -0
Why did you decide to show us this?
Why did you decide to show us this?
+0 -0
Only Phillipe would do something like this. He's very naïve, the otter.
Only Phillipe would do something like this. He's very naïve, the otter.
+0 -0
I remember when I learned overlap bubble lettering.
It was indeed a great day.
I remember when I learned overlap bubble lettering.
It was indeed a great day.
+0 -0
I feel scared and important all the time, espcially when it's time for oralingus!
I feel scared and important all the time, espcially when it's time for oralingus!
+0 -0
I always found the letter "E" hard to do in bubble lettering cause I'd do it capital first then go round to make it bubble. But it looked silly
I always found the letter "E" hard to do in bubble lettering cause I'd do it capital first then go round to make it bubble. But it looked silly
+0 -0
I love that in Philippe's drawing, Pat is completely batshit insane in anger
I love that in Philippe's drawing, Pat is completely batshit insane in anger
A comment left by mirzabah was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by nicklon, mortshire, mania3, goodgravy)
A comment left by blastradius was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ShemmJacc, TwoRightFeet, jerkface)
Trials of Honour
A comment left by tim_simmons was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by nbgreene, marijne, sharksarecoming, TwoRightFeet, mortshire, _cheesekayke, johnstephens, fancypants, aesop_punk, Audhumla, Nictusempra)
A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, TwoRightFeet, kenthegod, Setzkin, grim, Panserbjorne)
Trials of Can-Rock
The Polaris Prize?
Circumstance or circumcisions? I suspect... both.