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Reissue of October 14, 2003: Kids Wear Pants Too Low. Wednesday, August 18, 2004 • read strip Viewing 36 comments:

At least he tucked in his shirt.

into his underwear, nonetheless.


Ray in 4th panel = Ray in 5th panel

= Ray in the 1st Panel.

this happens a lot. deal. the fact that is rarely noticed or commented on is a testament to incredible use of space and dialogue.

Driven to ire by Little Nephew's notions of underwear, the cat in the thong frequently lapses into a posture of accusatory outrage.


Ray's crown is the best part, by far.

what, you don't have a crown you wear after getting mad rutty?

A comment left by scion was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Mangtastic, Deusoma, jay_wish, Ciansy)

Some dudes don't pay attention.

Ray's blog entry really nails this one.


link please? i implore you.

I've read through these archives so many times...How did I not notice the crown? How?

Didn't it say somewhere else that he wears that thing after sex?

On the original, in the alt text.

She was sportin' crazy whale tail.

whale tail equals hott.

yes, two 't's.

His face contemplates.

Congrats on having an avatar that looks like Rod Huggins.

Andrew Sullivan really, really looks like Rod Huggins.

This is such a hilarious strip. Ray gets so angry about the stupidity of Young Person's culture, has sex, and then regrets his anger.

Did the alt text change recently? It says "This is still a problem" or something, but I could swear before it was something about Ray wearing a crown after he gets laid.

This is a rerun

I don't think this is the only time he wears the crown.

There was another time he wore it to write a blog. Unclear if he had been "mad rutty" prior to.

In panel 5, Ray and I are one soul.

Today's Blogs

Teodor: Paul the club "Pro"
Philippe: I have Olympic Fever!
Molly: Where have I been!
Nice Pete: Famous Boy
Little Nephew: tha buxxmaker

Oh my GOD this is like the fifth time I've looked at this strip and I only just realised that LN actually is wearing tiny pants on each leg, not shin guards like I thought. I am so stupid.

Anyway, this strip is even funnier now (and I already thought it was hilarious), so thank you, reruns!

Does anyone else feel that this strip is underrated? I fail to see how anyone could give it anything other than a five. The only thing that keeps me from dubbing it the Best Strip Ever is that there are around 20-30 other Best Strips Ever to date...

This strip is "underrated" because it is a reissue strip (see the title at the top of the page). A lot of people give reissues a 1 on principle. The original is at 4.8 (currently), which makes it a top rated strip.

Panel five is a good thing to scream at kids (in the park).

(or in the shower when you're in there with them)

Whenever someone gets ready to condescend me by starting with "how can I explain this to you" I always want to reply like LN in panel 3.