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Friday Facts, with a light horse theme. Friday, December 14, 2007 • read strip Viewing 232 comments:

A comment left by falseprophet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by kbhoyt, SnotGrumble, snitchy, hikikomori, kikimilks, echidnaboy)

Ben Franklin did NOT invent oralingus , I can tell you that.

Thomas Edison did, though. It's a fact.

[url= https://achewood.com/index.php?date=10112006] America was ready, [/url] just like they were ready to stop crapping in the dark.

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by evolume, mcowgill, DrSkradley, Baryonyx, rachel)


bring back lonis edison!!

Sorry, I've been quite busy attending a Realtors conference in Tampa. You called for me?

Lonis Edison is rather like Voldemort or Betelgeuse -- call his name and he is ALREADY THERE.

No wonder he doesn't want to own a phone.

I love you.

A comment left by poing was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by hikikomori, sonicbiology, Darthemed)

A comment left by poing was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by binlaggin, hoboninja, ketamind, Mastronaut)

A comment left by brickloverfuxx was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, DrSkradley, G3K)

A comment left by killerlimpet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by aargh, sonicbiology, G3K)

He named his daughter Tilde. If it was a boy he was going to name him Ampersand.

Shit. Now I can't do it or I'll look unoriginal and/or like I read Achewood.

(and that would be awful.)

A comment left by plummet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by madnes, silver_lake, riotdejaneiro, fallow_fields, Overmedicated, StoatLad, Vondicus, NeoNaoNeo, aargh, Pseudochron, GregChant, Checkmatejones, lamelliform, Meetzorp, mortshire, bobodante, NDCaesar, Japong, nhennies, ketamind, BrianNotBrian, cthulhu, mashuren, cathaoir, nutmeg, Epicurus, clintisiceman, ibetso, DickLaurent, SPECTRE)

A comment left by plummet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by madnes, riotdejaneiro, fallow_fields, Overmedicated, StoatLad, Vondicus, NeoNaoNeo, SchnappM, Pseudochron, GregChant, Checkmatejones, lamelliform, Girdag, NDCaesar, vanglorious, ketamind, BrianNotBrian, mashuren, cathaoir, nutmeg, Epicurus, HollyBones, clintisiceman, SPECTRE)

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by madnes, riotdejaneiro, DeimosRising, Pseudochron, lamelliform, farqussus, dickie_roxx, ketamind, nutmeg, Audhumla, QuantumCasaba, blarghamagarky, ovenface)

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by DeimosRising, Pseudochron, mercuri0us, farqussus, SPECTRE)

My feelings on this asset are positive please share in my allotment of phallic congratulations!

It's also good that not one fucking person has said Oohlala so far, it's a good day.

A comment left by mysterymeat1001 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by radarjammer, wittyname, odei, mercuri0us, JohnnyC, thedudeabides85, ElZilcho, Afkpuz, SPECTRE, Adhesion)

Great now my day is ruined!

ASSETBAR - Laming Your Parades since 2007

A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, StoatLad, NeoNaoNeo)

Yes, and then I chubbied her.

Honestly, it was like my university's president saying "I'm glad there weren't too many beach balls this year" at my graduation.

It was my honor to stand up at that moment, yell "YEE HAW!", and spike the beach ball I'd been quietly inflating all ceremony into the crowd.

The president stood for a moment, watching it dance in the air above the graduating class. Then, he turned and walked off without another word.

I have to admit that is pretty sweet.

The Colonel Wins Again.

The "YEE HAW!" did it for me. Such exclamations are not done enough in this world.

This is good. This is a good story about a beach ball.

Mysterymeat launched his beach ball and he saw that it was good. (Bible stuff)

I truly appreciate how your 'lame parade' has a train whistle for some reason.

In other news, the citywide gay parade uses a foghorn to announce itself.

A comment left by little_angry_plum was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by HonestTom, StoatLad, NeoNaoNeo, Bophur, SchnappM, jamers, wae, DeimosRising, StagnantDisplay, lamelliform, Meetzorp, woodenteeth, Japong, Soilentshuggah, Baryonyx, BrianNotBrian, HurfusDurfus, charchar, NigelChaos, clintisiceman, Mastronaut, SPECTRE)

I'm laming you because such an act as eating a dick would be most unwelcome to all parties involved.

AAAND I accidently clicked Chubby.

In high school, a phrase went around of telling people to "eat a dick", which was inevitably followed by (from the mouth of the same person) "eat two and choke".

Now, I ask you, if you had just warned me that I was going to choke if I did so, why would I still eat two dicks? Teenage logic just ain't what it used to be.

You would if everyone else was doing it. That is teenage logic.

Touche, good man.

My name is Jonathan Penton and you suck like a motherfucker.

little_angry_plum, this is your intervention. There's no easy way to say this... You care too much about Internet Problems. We all love you and want you to be happy, but you are hurting us. Please, get help.

I hate the lames, but honesty compels me to let you know that I feel the same way.

I see the humor, and I appreciate the richness of the characterization, but it just doesn't quite do it for me laughs-wise.

And that, my friends, is why we have the rating system instead of simply rating a strip via chubbies or lames for those who love or hate it, respectively - obviously, going by its current score of 3.6, it hasn't done it for many of us, laughs-wise.

Best Friday facts ever . Mostly due to 2/5ths of it being Lie Bot.

Dissenting opinions? Fuck that mess!

You are doing a really terrible job of ignoring them, what with all the complaining.

Dr. Mohid Prashad's Celery Wine for Thinkers? Alcohol that regrows braincells? Damn, that really is not hte good stuff.

It's just manishevitz with ground up wallets.

The secret to making people think something is good for them is to make it taste like it's not supposed to be edible. Ground up wallets will achieve this.

Hilariously enough, I originally wanted to write "walnuts." I didn't realize what I had typed until I skimmed back through this just now, a week later.

Wallets? What the fuck?

You have caused me to make embarrassing noises at work for the past three or four minutes in an attempt to stop laughing. Good work.

Wallets is WAY funnier than walnuts.

Manishevitz infused with walnut would be kinda gross, but Manishevitz infused with wallet? Completely undrinkable. Hence, total Pat-hooch.

The celery crop was blighted this year, and we had to make do with artichokes , good sir.

w00t, my vote made a difference for once!

If you think that's so, try changing your vote in a couple hours.

Flash-tried cheesecake. That's where the Flash tries some, and then you get to have it. You can almost taste the Speed Force.

You cook it by vibrating its molecules.

So, putting it in the microwave? Maybe Ray has one of those industrial microwaves.


"Flash-tried" cheesecake. That's after the "citywide" "manhunt"?

I think that one might need a link

I think that's how you cook everything.

why does the flash get to try some? what did that guy ever do for me?

Do you suppose he fights evil telepathic gorillas and guys with cold guns for fun, then?

And he has to wear tights to work. They chafe.

This strip gets a 1 because Ray committed grievous heresy against Cheesecake!


The cake is a lie.


You are now an ingredient of cake.

Most horses have eyes the color of meatballs, don't they? Does that mean that they all have to die? That would be a saddest thing.

What kind of crazy horses have you been looking at?

Crazy Horse is a dead indian chief, and his eyes were reportedly a dark brown color that could be described as the color of meatballs .

What meatballs have you been eating?

I have never seen so many horse and meatball misconceptions strung together.
Meatball-colored eyes.. that is ghastly.

Are we talking about beef meatballs here? Like the ones you eat in a marinara sauce with some spaghetti noodles? Because those ones are a nice reddish-brown color that is almost exactly the same color as most horses eyes. If we are talking about those grey ones that come with lumpy gravy in cafeteria food, I apologize.That would be disgusting.

That would not be an Italian restaraunt I would frequent.

Well, I'm seeing it more as eyes that look like they had been replaced by meatballs. They are dull, oozy, and not at all what a healthy eye looks like.
It's not that I think Philippe imagined meatballs for eyes, but that the eyes were so terribly diseased that they resemble meatballs, and his only way to describe it in his five-year-old vernacular is 'meatball colored.'
Or I'm completely wrong and a sick fuck, but c'est la vie, all you know about me is that I, too, am From the Internet.

*slow clap*

Bravo, sir. BRAVO.

They shoot crazy horses, don't they?

Custer tried to but that didn't work out too well.

i was all set to make a joke like that, but alas...

nah, neil young just makes shittier albums without them

wish I had a chubby left for this.

I realized, after i chubbied powderfinger's post for you, that wishing out loud for an extra chubby is actually a great way to net several

I was all set to pass on this one, when I saw that last line about Sun-Inured Raita. That filled my mind with some pretty frightening ideas.

Raita is made from yogurt... but isn't Pat a vegan? Is the sun-inured variety somehow non-dairy?


Is this the first time a character has acknowledged that Lie Bot makes stuff up? It is the first time I remember, and I just reread all the strips a week or so ago. But Roast Beef's admonition not to take this stuff too much to heart seems to relate directly to LB's mendacity.

Oh, that's what LB stands for. Duh...

I was sitting here saying to myself: "What's Lyle's last name...?"

It's Gabriel

HA! I did the exact same thing.

I was sitting here knowing I could think of what it stood for, but I knew it'd be easier to just ctrl-f on it in the comments section.

All week. I have been at work ALL WEEK.

chubby for teaching me ctrl-f.

Now I kind of want to go ctrl-(every blessed letter of the alphabet) and see what happens.

If my computer implodes and sends me into Olde Dinosaure Tymes, tell my mother I love her and I'm sorry I shoved all my dirty clothes under the bed.

Now I kind of want to go ctrl-(every blessed letter of the alphabet) and see what happens.

This is the appropriate attitude when using a computer.

i always wondered!

Lie Bot has taken in Philippe, Cornelius, and Ray, among others, but I don't think I've seen Roast Beef falling for his fibs. Perhaps RB's general lack of enthusiasm makes him less susceptible to Lie Bot's wiles.

I think Beef is blessed, or cursed, with a natural cynicism that may render him immune to Lie Bot. Ray knows better but occasionally convinces himself that what LB is saying, while untrue, is illustrative of some greater truth. Or so it seems to me.

Beef pays attention.

He was probably in that same class with ray

Roast Beef's real name is Cassandra, after all. He knows Lie Bot is lying about absolutely everything all the time but NO ONE WILL EVER BELIEVE HIM.

Early on, Teodor seems to doubt some of his stuff , but Lie Bot actually has some compelling reasoning.

His name is Lie Bot . I think some of them might have gotten the picture.

If anyone on the series would see through Liebot, it would be the Beef. Maybe I'm wrong, but he has hosed Phillipe, Ray, Pat, Vlad and Teodor, but not Mr Cornelius or Roast Beef -- am I wrong?

He hosed Cornelius here . This was early days, so it may not be canon any longer, who knows. Onstad, have you repudiated this strip or what?

Roast Beef has just told Phillipe that Kelvin Zero is tied with Rankine Zero for slowest car.

The slowest is also sometimes the Zighting Zero, depending on the driver.

Phillipe and Towers been tight since old times.

He's to young to be an ass or breast man, he's just a tower guy...wait....damn you nolan!

...I am now a breast man, and it's thanks to you, I should think.


Congratulations y=2*cos((2/3)*pi*(x-0.5)) 1, you are the Breast Men's Club equation of the week!

What strip is that reference from again? I loved that one.

This One

Why in the hell am I getting a lame for asking a question?

Onstad fans are hell on the average joe.

I think we've gotten to the point that any time someone explicitly talks about referencing a strip, it's taken as a snide insult about referencing strips. Onstad fans aren't hell on the average joe, they're just real touchy about strip-reference competitions. Actually they are hell on the average joe, but not because of this.

You get a chubby for being nice.

I have no chubbies left to leave.
please forgive me for this inexcusable lack of foresight...I have been too friendly .

On a lighter note, I have gotten better at bbcode. We have learned to coexist, at least.

It's... it's mesmerizing...

Also, obligatory "THIS IS A HOMEBOY"

As a flying buttress guy myself, I do not share Phillipe's indignation regarding the current tower situation.

After much deliberation, Philippe has come out in favour of towers.

As for me, I'll stick with fat titties.

Reminds me of the anecdote that Robert Redford tells in Spy Game: "Why would I pay a man to shoot a horse that I own?"

I like this.

Fuck Thomas Edison.

Yeah, Tesla was the real OG.

Alternating current, the death ray, and... it's kind of hard to top the death ray.

Indeed i heartily endorse such musings

Don't forget the spindle-less turbin, wireless communication, and an earthquake machine! (This Tesla biography I'm reading is awesome!)

Which one is it? I've been on the hunt for a decent Tesla biography for a bit now, but there's more than a couple to pick from and I don't know anyone who's read any of them.

I started reading "Wizard" The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla. Biography of a Genius by Marc J. Seifer. Pretty good so far, but I put it on hold recently to study more chess books...

Yep, that's the one.

Awesome! Thank you both! I'll pick it up at the bookstore later today.

Fellas! This is not the xkcd forum!


Any Tesla biography advocated by Zangief has to be good!

Also the machine that both replicates and teleports you, so you can finally be the prestige.


Haha, fair enough. I am feeling insecure because I got a friend a Tesla biography as a gift and it is not the one you mentioned above. I feel like a bad friend.


Well, in the introduction, he mentions a number of fine biographies he used as resources and inspiration. I'm sure your friend was gifted one of those.

Was the earthquake machine the one he had to shut down himself, Cornelius-vs-the-computer style, with an axe, because he realized he was in the process of accidentally destroying New York with it?

Man I loved that crazy bastard. His character accidentally inventing a clone teleportation device in The Prestige was probably the most believeable thing about that movie.

"Flash-tried cheesecake" is potent enough to cause the trashiest of orgasms.

Now Chris Onstad is just playing to my love of antiquated english parlance. Pence-upon-Breedgate? Sir Horace Pepper's Font of Ardor? Someone's been reading my wishlist.

I agree with the general sentiments of this post.

This is where me and Phillipe part opinions I suppose: Him a staunch tower man and me a diehard approaching enemies supporter.

i'm all about the good ol' ambush.

Your avatar. So good.

yours has a certain comedy to it itself...more contextual than anything but still it causes a smile to form in my mind.

Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown
I'll be placing your daughter Jill with a foster family.

I was all "Little Bephew"? "Lyle Babriel"? Didn't figger. Lie Bot's been gone too long...

Lie Bot has appeared regularly in recent strips. You were reading the archives.

Yes, please tell me how I've been reading and what. You were right there up my hinder after all. Keeping a log. Great job!

Quick tell me all Lie Bot visits within the last 60 days of achewood, o' webcomic college boy.

Boncentration Bamps?

Baberiel is the sister of Mantonio

It may just be the crunchy assed Stellas talking, but this is the funniest comment on this page.

Oh man, I was totally drinking the crispiest of Stellas when I made it.

Eyyy, Lie Bot's back!

is phillipe's picture a reference to lord of the flies ?

That's the first thing I thought too. Then, wondering if someone else thought it I command f'd 'lord of' and here you are.

I concur.

This is a great Friday Facts why is the rating so low. Beats me why most dudes suck. Sure as hell ain't my scene.

Seriously, these have like three times the content of a regular strip, and NO swinging dongs. I love Friday Facts, they're like a different viewfinder for the Achewood universe.

I love Friday Facts, but this one just didn't do it for me. Except for the inexplicable "Aaaah! Flies!" thing.

C'mon mannn! Quit horsin around.

I agree. I am agreeing with you.

Ahh, the nectarous stank of cheese-jerky

It's the stankinest.

Is there any way "The muffin, that most famous of foods..." isn't a reference to Zappa's "...that prince of foods, the muffin"?

Ray is here! He came over.

when pat came to terms with his gayness he also came to terms with the fact that CATS CANNOT SURVIVE ON A VEGAN DIET.

Neither can babies.

I somehow doubt Pat could make that much sense.


I always thought Lie Bot would bugger him.

see, i always figured that Chucklebot would have buggered him first..if only for Billy Idol .

Sweet avatar.

thanks a lot!

A comment left by poing was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by HonestTom, hikikomori, charchar, Nictusempra)

Glabbit indeed and glabbit again. wine and decent beer folloed by waling through the cold to a shitty pretentious party and drinking cheap beer makes me agree with the word glabbit. binkskax too, if that's what those letters spell. The little corn salesman loves to drink the beer. Yay!!

Pretension and cheap beer might make me belligerent (mostly the pretension), so I'm glad that you're feeling agreeable.

okay, so a friend of mine told me to check Achewood out, but it doesn't make any sense to me so far. would somebody please explain it?

The things at the top of this page are the strips. The strips contain words and pictures. Underneath the strips are comments explaining what people thought of the strip. These mostly only contain words.

try starting at the beginning

try starting from the first story arc on the list on the main page

It takes a while to get, but there usually comes a moment when you go "Ahhh!" and suddenly the whole thing makes wonderful sense.

A comment left by poing was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ButterMoths, madnes, TBTabby, HonestTom, loneal, FablesandBlues, snoozebar, HurfusDurfus, charchar, Doc_Rostov, lastlarf, Nictusempra)


this is the first towel-esque post that has ushered forth a chuckle from my lips.

perhaps it is the Roast Beef-esque delivery of a Ray-ish phrase.

do a google search for "JFGI"

I cast my vote for juggernauting through the archives from the beginning.

It's so weird, given previous evidence, that this post doesn't have thirty goddamn lames.

Way to go, internet people, you've restored a tiny bit of my faith.

I ran out, sorry.

The main idea is that the cats are standing on their hind legs.

i am "meh"ing at this friday facts

Friday Facts has inspired me to look up the actual history of the muffin: The muffin goes back to 11th century England, and the name comes from the Old French "moufflet," meaning "soft."

A comment left by snark was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by KilroyWasHere, ButterMoths, al_batross, FablesandBlues, snoozebar, Baryonyx, shounenhero, ibetso, G3K)

hey, at least your name's appropriate


ah, back in my childhood in pence-upon-breedgate, i too once had a horse with eyes the color of meatballs.

how i miss old "king's dominion."

huh. well. i guess the comic is about animals drugs and fucking in the streets, innit? right?

Short answer yes. Long answer no. Really long answer kinda.

But "no" is a shorter answer than "yes"!

She is most astute, this one.

True, but were I to explain the reasoning behind each answer, the explanation of kinda would be longer than that of no than that of yes. Eh?

"the muffin"
MUST be a frank zappa reference?

all i needed was "flies! aaaah!"

arrogantly twisting the sterile canvas snoot of a fully charged icing anointment utensil, he poots forth a quarter ounce green rosette near the summit of a dense, but radiant muffin of his own design

Alas, the Tower. Gone are the days in which it was an impregnable bastion against roving bands of cutthroats and brigands. Instead, it merely capacitates cell phones and bears blinking lights so that planes do not collide with them.

The Tower is in decline. I hear he is drinking.


Illuminated manuscripts such as this add credibility to the theory that Phileppe has been five since as early as c.1200 A.D.

It's not a manuscript it's one of the major arcana cards. You disappoint me, guy I've never met.

Also I've never understood why the tower represents bad shit going down but the death card is apparently okay. Maybe I should look it up.

I have something to say about Achewood, and I've been meaning to say it for a while, so here goes:

In my opinion, the Philippe Times should be separate from the strip, just as the blogs, Beef's 'zine and Ray's (former?) Place are. It's not a knock on the content of Friday Facts, as it's definitely genuinely funny. But my heart always sinks when it's one of these instead of a "regular" strip with the dialogue/plot/art that made me fall in love with Achewood. That's just my perspective. I would still read the Times if it was in a separate section, but I just never understood putting it up as a "strip."

Lame me if you must, but I submit that this is a respectfully stated opinion. I invite sincere debate. In fact, I concede it's possible Mr. Onstad is pushing the boundaries of what a "strip" can be and I'm just too behind the times to appreciate it. What do you think?

I can dig it.

Not technically replying to my own post...
This also would mean that a collected Philippe Times could be a good item for the store.

Unless it already exists. I'm too broke to go browing in there presently.

yeah good idea, a print version makes a lot of sense.

but who the fuck are we to tell onstad how to do things? it's not like I'm gonna stop reading the strip if it's the philippe times every friday.

Phillipe times has some funny stuff, but more then half of it just hits me as surrealist, or I'm too stupid to get the joke. like the Kelvin Zero car.

thats what i like about friday facts..
It got potential fat to be chewed through the weekend (if necessary).

But thats just me
the ocean (internet) is a wide place
yet this coral bed (achewood) is my home

I like how i could research frozen japanese cars
if my weekend came down to it..(cherry flavored zighter please!)

Usually i just zim-zooom! over them, glowing with antisipation for the heavy weekend of "mixed drink testing" at a "friends house".. but just in case things dont go as planned,
i can sit on the old coral,
watch fattybeaver give everyone a free chubby (thanks!) and learn something new about life (L.B..... LIE BOT?!?!)

Thing is, Friday Facts have been known to give us Phillipe's perspective on whatever goings-on happen to be going on at the time (Ray almost staying at "Simple Moments" in-room living while his brain got better, for instance). So this one seems like a missed chance, seeing as the plot it interrupts was centered on Phillipe.

I think that reflects the fact that Philippe had no clue as to the potentially nefarious and in any case sleazy intentions of Nolan from the Internet.

To be honest, I still haven`t finished reading it and I probably won`t.

Seems phoned in.

Beats Me Why Most Dudes Suck. Sure As Hell Ain't My Scene.

I think that quote is fairly appropriate here.

Is this the first time any of the cast has acknowledged that Lie Bot does, in fact, dole out fallacies?

I wonder why Philippe has so much to say about shooting horses

Seems Ray had a story to tell stallion with his eyes on bad meat, and a variety of men

Dr Pepper doesn't have a period.

So Dr Pepper is either a man or on birth control, then?

Of course he is a man, the very idea of a FEMALE doctor is preposterous. The only place for women in the field of medicine is beside the doctor, holding his drinking whiskey in her right hand and his sterilization whiskey in her left. They are the same brand.

Congratulations, you've forced me to come to grips with the fact that Dr Pepper might not be a guy's name. I honestly didn't know this was a blind spot until you pointed it out.

Same goes for Mr Pibb.

How cynical do you have to be to market a "Wine for Thinkers"?

cheese jerky is something im not interested in trying.

I think Lie-Bot would be very bored without Philippe around