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Beef and the Rally Cars Wednesday, August 23, 2006 • read strip Viewing 75 comments:

I've been there.

Don't watch it, Beef!

A comment left by chaesar was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, greatwhitehope7, littlecat, cherojack, riotdejaneiro, Thorfinn, salo, BionicSheep, Girdag, thehelmet, dullard, NDCaesar, Lucid, le_chien_manquee, atticusonline, Soilentshuggah, mustconcentrate, Lumus, pete, fmercury, hoarday4, choosebro, Shawgun, jonnylatron, Audhumla, Appers, scott_karana, SotiCoto)

A comment left by thorfinn was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by beansdooma, sean1058, MarzPan, jaypage)

A comment left by chaesar was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ImitationCrab, Norsef, salo, atticusonline, mustconcentrate, Sock, Appers, morbo)

A comment left by rowboat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by littlecat, mustconcentrate, ConnorMc, Audhumla)

I wasn't implying that rally racing is athletic, just not as inane and mind numbing as NASCAR. Non-Athletic is just a part of the cool mock acronym.

A comment left by rowboat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mustconcentrate, UndyingSong, ConnorMc)

I think you may have misunderstood rallying, its not like you get points for ploughing through crowds. Its racing not brutal violence. accidents sometimes happen; if the course layout is such that the spectators are standing in a completely stupid place, they get destroyed. The sport is not bad, the organisation is often completely retarded.
look what you made me do, i'm not even a rally fan.

Not a sport.

What the fuck is going on with your assetbar super group avatar, atticusonline?

I couldn't fit you in!

The animation is fucked! It's supposed to look like this


and for those of you who couldn't guess, that is indeed "heccibiggs, spinynorman, drkskradley, and tekende."

So, did you chance it back to Philippe (as of 12/12/2009) out of respect for heccibiggs?

I changed it back because the animation was messed up.

Man, screw you. I though heccibiggs had died and everything. Hell.

Hecci just died in my arms tonight.

The Dude Frets About Women He Has Never Met But In The End They Are Not Dead So It's Okay.

And lo! My worries are none.

Well, I wasn't wondering because I wasn't in it. I'm not super. I just wanted to know the story.

Just looked fun to do in photoshop.

I bet it was.

You are super. You are a super man.

You have taught us more things about assetbar than we could ever know.

You have given me the ability to find out who lamed me so that I may be a douche and lame them back for revenge.

Yeah. I wish I could remember who taught me that. That was kind of huge in an extremely petty, revengey way. But hey, the more you know...

I'd also like to shake the hand of the man who clued me into the bbcode for quotes. I think that was Skradley. I've used the hell out of that, too.

I think I actually just read that comment whilst perusing through my daily strips.

Like this?

That's right assetbar, you are my bitch .

After all that, I couldn't help but think how funny it would've been if you messed up on the bbcode bold.

Uhh...I mean,

i [b}NEVER[/b] mess up bbcode



this whole conversation disgusts me

Auto racing is, was, and always will be a sport. The risk to life and limb, the peak physical condition required, and the years of dedication and training required to compete push far beyond the envelope set by most sports. Even if you want to go against NASCAR you have to contend with 3 things: on the super speedways like Talladega the race is 500 miles long, the interior temperature of the car approaches 147-155 degrees on the Fahrenheit scale, and for the duration of the track the average G force acting laterally on the driver is 4 times that of earth's gravitation. Drivers often lose as much as 27 lbs of fluids in a single 500 mile circut. No other sport has those kind of extremes. Only auto racing.

You're confusing sports with astronautics, my friend. From a standpoint of pure physical endurance, sure, it's impressive. But I imagine that it would take a similar number of years of dedication and training for one to be able to fuck oneself in the ass. That doesn't mean I want to watch it. That doesn't make it entertaining. That doesn't make it a sport.

the peak physical condition required

I give you modern stock car racing legend, Tony Stewart.


Not a sport.

Also, who the fuck would want to put themselves through that? I guess if some guy came up to me and said "Hey I'll give you all this money if you walk 500 miles in desert heat with extreme high winds!"

I guess the upside is that I get to change my shoes every now and then.

Sport requires intense physical exertion

Driving a car does not. No matter how fast you are going.

This is the reason that curling, darts, and baseball are also not sports

....says a person who has obviously never played or even watched a game of baseball.

Yes. I have played it. I have watched it. Playing it is fun, you get to swing at a ball, and on the off chance that you hit it, you run really fast to first base. Once you get there, you have about 5 minutes(10 for professionals!) to wait before you get to do anything else of a physical nature.

Then when your team's out, you wait for half an inning, catch a fly ball, then wait for the rest of the inning to be over because in any given inning, you are unlikely to need to actually do much.

Pitchers are the only people on a given baseball team consistently making an effort to do something.

You're not doing your argument any favors here.

I remember when I was a kid being so befuddled as to why my dad liked NASCAR. I would sit there with him and ask, "So, they just go around and around?" "Yeah." "At almost the same speed, but pulling off and on?" "Yeah." "For how long?" "Hours." "So why are you watching it?" I was always pretty sure it was just for the wrecks. It was the only interesting part of it that I could see.

The only thing that has changed is that I know understand that beer's involved, which I guess makes watching it more fun. But it's no excuse.

*now. I meant to say now.

You know and understand. Or you know to understand.

The wrecks do it, man. I remember when I was in Driver Ed, one of our class days was totally dedicated to watching wrecks.

Ahhhh I'm pretty sure the guy teaching that class was high all the time, though. Who am I to knock a guy for burnin' one and wanting to see shit blow up?

They could always watch the crashes on Sports Center the next day and watch something better during the race...like paint drying or grass growing.

At least they're not Formula 1.
That bores the socks off me.

A comment left by dopamine was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by littlecat, igotnostrings, Tragic_Johnson)

"One man is knocked over like a bowling pin."

"They became part of the worst view of all."

heheheh. beef speaks all of our fears

The backwards Renault logo on the car in the last panel was a classy touch.

The last panel gets this strip a 4, in combination with Beef being afraid of a Rally car shooting out of the oven.

Beef is all kinds of anti on the pork-chop front in panel 3. Does anyone else think "A Low Dish of Dudes" would be a good title for an Achewood book?

Beef has no sense of eggs.

Unlike Beef, eggs are actually my sixth sense.

Beef has frightening memories of Fritatas

A comment left by jesler729 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Connellingus, Anderian, pitseleh)

Beef seems to be throwing his hand up or shaking his fist at the air in frustration in the third panel. This is because Teodor knows he has no sense of eggs, he shouldn't even need to be saying this.

well spotted, I did not see beef right there at the bottom at first.

I really enjoy Roast Beef's habit of repeating phrases when he's agitated.
"There's no getting around that.."
"You watch too much medical dramas.."

This doesn't seem to be working anymore.
Is sad.

Tuesday Blogs

Teodor: Rough goings with music recording efforts.
Little Nephew: lozt m'ah jobbz

"Oh look, I'm yelling again. Maybe it's because I hate everything in my room, including the large stupid machines and the little idiotic man who is sitting on the floor in front of them."

Teodor has an excellent point here. Why IS that stuff so complicated? And the software is no better. I think the industry makes it difficult to use on purpose to keep people from realizing that anyone, anywhere can make music if they want to.

They're not discouraging anyone from making music, but from recording it. As 99% of it will likely blow, I think this is a worthy effort.

Teodor has had problems with this stuff since basically forever.

Why does the last panel make me picture Beef running back inside and joining the others on a couch, whereupon something unexpected happens?

I love that beef repeats himself when he's pissed.

Frittata...heads poppin' off...

Dear. God. I. Am. Not. A. Religious. Man. But. Please. Help. Me. See. The. Connection. Here.


you are not God!


The site mentioned in the alt text doesn't seem to work anymore. Clicking "car accident videos" just leads to one of those generic paid search site things.

Fived for Beef at the pinnacle of the Engish Language. Too many car comments relative to abject, worshipful Beef-adoration...'extremely special'...'Dogg you know I ain't got the kind of mind it takes to cook frittata you know I got no sense of eggs YOU KNOW I GOT NO SENSE OF EGGS'... Beef is highlighting the recursive nature of depressive loops: even a relatively high-functioning depressive can be sent into a tailspin of inability by untoward stimuli like the sensation of being rushed to accomplish an otherwise doable deed. Also, being angry or otherwise sub-optimal with friends you've enlisted to help...sometimes I think that Onstad's dedication to occasional, deep, dark psychological realism in the midst of the ridiculum is what makes Achewood so much more engaging than even the few other comics that actually manage to be funny. Oog. Too long. Cereal with grain milk, bannana, cinnamon and peanut butter are to blame. And me.

I heartily agree with you. This discussion of motorsports was harsh and not friendly.