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The Ad Agency, Day 2 Tuesday, October 1, 2002 • read strip Viewing 38 comments:

Excellent ellipsis placement. (E.E.P.)

Ladies and gentlemen: the world's worst ever logo

you must be talking about this

That was FUNNY. I laughed.

The Compter: when you need that thread-worm removed from your urethra today. Call now.

no, Google's.

Fuck you forever Google has a GREAT logo I'm not angry I'm just disappointed.

Phillipe has to think for a moment because he forgot the word for "logo".

panel 4 is the perfect explanation to marketing.

Ray is the Alex P. Keaton of the logo business.

A comment left by geysershitdick was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by relaxing, cailetshadow, aperson)

Why is this not rated higher?

A comment left by achewoodno1fan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rowboat, jezebel, cailetshadow, miaou, slalvation)

thakns achewoodno1fan. I may be in the minority here but i always enjoy and appreciate your comments. thank you. thanks.

I love Ray's super-interested expression in the last panel, like he's taking careful notes on their incredibly astute feedback.

Philippe doesn't seem to be holding it correctly. I suspect he's just saying what Ray wants to hear, because he is a rad friend.

Well Teodor, I don't know if I like it until the focus group tells me, now do I?
pure gold.

This is how many US Presidents operate.

Todd's logo has a cock and balls protruding from either side.

Shit, I literally didn't notice that until I read this.

Damn. Yes.

Clearly those are something other than wings.



Thank god I'm not the only one who noticed!!

most important question to ask when starting a small business, "can he pay". Second most important, "casual fridays??"

I just noticed that ray's shirt is tucked into his thong.

Ray's shirt is ALWAYS tucked into his thong. It's classic!

I'd like to take an informal poll as to how people read Philippe's line in the last panel. However, I can't really even describe the variations I've thought of without making a recording, which I refuse to do.

So if you are lurking around in the old assets, why don't you make a recording of your version and link it here? It would solve most of my problems. I don't want to beg, but I will.

Please indicate within seven (7) calendar days if you intend to comply with my demand.

Thank you.

Man, nobody but a few fools is ever trolling these back waters, lessen they knows about COMMENTS and are lucky to spot something good. Philippe hesitates because he has just learned the word "logo," and would be saying "it is a perfect" anything, because he is just so agreeable and happy to help. BTW, have you heard his song by Freezepop?

It's more the inflection I'm thinking about, and like I said I can't really describe the inflection very well in words. But here goes:

1: It is a PERfect ... logo!

2: It is a perfect ... logo!

3: It is a perfect ... LOGO!

Actually I'm really just between one and two.

It's really GREAT to be debating inflections with Saul Bellow! I should change into Carl Sandberg. Anyway, I used to write and produce radio commercials and was often deaf to these nuances, as I seem to remain. So put the accent where you will, it doesn't seem to change this particualr sentence for me, more's the pity.

If you are deaf to such nuances, I would think that would seriously hinder a career in radio commercials, wouldn't it?

That's what I thought ... five months ago ...

Time is relative. Nuances are forever.

Radio commercials are basically just yellin'. Not much nuance or subtlety involved.

All you need is Philippe's opinion really.

Ray's stance and expression in the last panel imply to me that Ray has decided to ignore Beef's negative criticism and instead focus on Philippe's praise.

No one has yet pointed out the hilarity of Beef's comment.

The fact that the size of a logo would be relative to where and how it was used, somehow, to Beef, is lost. It seems small... for a logo.