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SaniTaco and Nugget magazine Friday, July 23, 2004 • read strip Viewing 62 comments:

A comment left by gumfish was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by littlecat, Overmedicated, kenthegod, Sweetlips)

By the way, yes, I would love some fritatta.

Looks like Teodor didn't take that shampooin' very well.

Truly the face of someone who has been thoroughly shampoo'd.

A comment left by heccibiggs was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by apocowarg, trisha, lordparadise)

No offense, but this comment was worth four chubbies... why?

Because it was posted by a cute girl, presumably.

An assumed cute girl, talking about being covered or covering one in man-aise. With violence.

Great. Now I've become something I hate.

These things happen, people think I'm a cute girl all the time. These people are lesbians. They are very disapointed when I admit I'm a man.

A comment left by sweetlips was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, fancypants, Kennisiou, Zem)

I believe they refer to this phenomenon as "bukaki"?



My preferred term is "skeet" or else "floop".

"floop". Must Use For Giggle MAke.

What the hell, damned Russian no-c-havin sound effects... pfft... "klik", why can't you "click" like a friggin American shampoo nozzle! Piece of commie ass crap. ,|, <- fingers


Perhaps Lyle should suck down a Molson for an extra boost.

Ray disapproves of Lyle's unsanitary behavior.

ray is angry that despite all his efforts, the alcoholic tiger doesn't take this opportunity seriously

"The air stank of chipotle and sweat. My foot ankle deep in ground beef, but I didn't care..."

I think you mean ground Beef , Nice Pete.

Everyone does know that you don't cut dry hair!

Greatclips doesn't.

"It seemed to give him energy."

That, combined with Ray's angry expression combine to make a perfect, seamless punchline shared effortlessly between two panels.

Tortilla: The sexual caffeine for the underarms.

Better than Shock soap

The tortilla line, combined with Teodors sopping wet head, makes this one.

That last panel is what I look like most of the time.

Except for the glasses.

And also except I'm not a cartoon cat.

A comment left by waldo913 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sncether, gowerski, Darthemed)

it is because, Waldo, I FOUND YOU.
Also for example you are basically an otter.

How can it be that I never got into this story arc before????

It's what gold is made of.


That's what necklaces are made of.


Disparaging erotic fiction is one of the great lost genres.

Hemingway, Ernest. "Zelda Fitzgerald was a Cold Lay," Collier's, June 1938.

pretty much the least hot erotica ever

Today's Blogs

Ray: Who cares if this week sucked!
Roast Beef: Oh nice
Pat: I am going to use ALL my money to fight this!
Teodor: Nuts, late for Ray's
Mr. Bear: What to wear...
Lyle: mario got fd
Molly: He doesn't charge enough.
Onstad: MESS.
Little Nephew: Hoolie Farm


Were you falling from significant heigh when you typed this?


I like to think that the Pikachu doing the slapping is screaming it in the other Pikachu's face.

All Doppler effect totally making the long vowel sounds appear to be louder than they are on account of them doing such as increasing the frequency of the waves as you move closer to the point of observation.

Your Pikachu slaps the other pikachu to the beat of You Would Know

Haha Pat got beat up by the mailman!

Was it fiction though?

only someone who's seen lyle's chest could truly comment

Ray sure is indignant for being such a mega-nastycat himself.

Perhaps he is threatened by Lyle's nascent career as scrivener .

where is dr. manflesh?

He goes where He is not wanted.

Not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need.

Actually this is the internet so we probably all deserve Manflesh.

Ray's expression in the last panel makes this one. He looks like a child who has been denied a cotton-candy pony.

The child has also just broken a pinata to find not candy, but many, many sideburns.

Aw, sick! You just reminded me of the strip Ray finds the picture of the guy who got his head chopped off by a helicopter. And, like, that's what came out of the pinata.

What does Ray expect, I mean this is Lyle after all!

What Ray needs is a pleasant, plump Conchita in nurses outfit...Maybe SaniTaco could use one too.

Ray would prefer if she placed her shapely ass into a SaniCake. The cake is supposed to be sanitary and she is hella making it not sanitary at all .

She should have kept her skirt on.

The point of wearing a skirt is that it's not necessary to remove it, or to pull it down either. This gets complicated when the skirt is long. On the rare occasion that I wear a skirt, it is a shirt one. Just so you know.

SHORT. Damn it.

Could someone tell me what Nugget magazine is? It sounds like a mag dedicated to fecophilia, and for that reason, I'm afraid to google it. Especially at work.

it is whatever your heart wants it to be

Last panel alt text = win

Cutting hair goes against everything the firm stands for, god damn it