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Roast Beef and the News Monday, October 16, 2006 • read strip Viewing 74 comments:

One of my favourites of all time. Particularly the " 'Star Wars' right here at home!" line. The news will so totally do that, all missing the basic premise of a movie or show in order to tie it in to a dog getting hit by a car.

Beat me to it.
"Ever seen Die Hard? Well, you might wish you had, as we expose the TERRIBLE SANITARY STANDARDS OF NEW YORK ITALIAN RESTAURANTS"

The Australian current affairs program Today Tonight once did that with Harry Potter and creative accounting.

If there's one thing Ausralians do well, it's ripping off FOX News Fear.

that, and not spelling Australia properly.

He was referring to Ausralia, a country that only rich people know about.

every single comment of yours, hipjiverobot, i stare and stare at that damn potato and for the life of me i cant figure out DOES IT MOVE OR NOT!

It only moves if you are worthy.

So your confusion would mean you're borderline, I guess.


today, i join the great potato movement.

is the day.
for change.


Change you can believe in.


I'd vote for that.

Only here on Assetbar would I happily stare at an icon of a potato for a minute or two, to figure out if it moves.

p.s. it moves!

You may want to get that checked out.

The movement of the potato is more complicated than it seems.

The potato does not move. It is the sky that moves around the potato.


Or I smoke a lot of pot. Your call.

and yet it moves

YOU just wasted thirty seconds of my life!

...can i have some pot?

Ausralia is the eBay Platinum Reserve of countries.

All getting on Orbitz and typing in WHAT'S THE BEST COUNTRY YOU GOT

Dogg, Fox News was invented by an Australian.

It is a conspiracy by Australian conservatives to make American conservatives look bad due to anti-environmentalism propaganda thus Australian conservatives will get elected the King of the Playhouse.

Oh no boredom_man was assassinated.

"With all the magic flying about from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Australian financial firm Laxtorn-Powers has been performing some wizardry of its own... in the form of insider trading and misleading profit announcements! More at Eleven (mate)"

God dammit, why does your comment have to be so much better than mine?

Beef is entirely too susceptible to this kind of hype.


no, no. you're right. poor guy.

Woah, woah, someone back me up. Did this strip change from the original post? I remember it as picturing Beef completely unfazed by the news, giving it more relevance to the alt text "It's a question the newspapers monday". I don't remember seeing Beef THIS agitated. (which IS in character, so maybe that was the reason of the change)

Can't say as i remember that, though I am pretty sure I HAVE seen small changes creep into strips that make me doubt my sanity (usually alt text)

I have noticed this too! does onstad go back and tinker with stuff. helluva way to keep me occupied.

UP NExT: ACHE- WHAT? Study shows popular webcomic possible cause of memory lapses and sudden onset dementia!

You might have planted this idea in my head, but I remember this too.

Depends how long ago you're talking about. I actually saved this comic to my hard drive back in November '06, and it matches what's currently up.

Maybe you're just crazy-insane.


Don't laugh at me! I was once like you!

Ha ha ha, experts in Dallas, WOULD say that.

I was thinking the same thing. Actually I think most of this news is pseudo-true.

It's true in that it has been reported by real news agencies.

I'm not sure "debunked" is the right word for what happened to these stories, but it's close.

If someone were to ask me how I live my life, I might point them right here.

pure genius

Bias! Experts who say school's not a must were denied a chance to respond.

Dictionary.com > 'papillae'
Because I'm pretty sure I don't want to accidently see a picture of one.

To be honest, that's better than what I was imagining. It put the word "papillón" into my head, French for "butterfly" (unless I'm wrong, which is a very real possibility).

As I have a horrific (and incredibly irrational) fear of moths and butterflies, this nearly made me want to throw up.

Oh my lord, I thought I was the only one who was afraid of moths. This is either reassuring or disturbing, and I do not know which.

No, it's great! It means there's someone else who doesn't think of me as a total loser weirdo!

Ugh, aren't they so nasty? Why do they have to move like that? Yeeeggghh I'm getting all shuddery just thinking about them now.

I think it's mostly their whole erratic motion thing that freaks me out. You never know where they are going to fly and it's incredibly disturbing.

And they're made of dust. Actual dust. You crush them and there's no substance there!

You can stand to touch them?

They look fragile, but at the same time, there wings look so... cloth-y.

And they taste so sour .

a user named 'corpsey' would have made this comment..

Nicole Kidman is terrified of butterflies.


Me and Nicole have so much in common. She has red hair, I have red hair. She fears butterflies, I fear butterflies. Well that's basically it. But thanks to your little factoid, the things I have in common with Nicole Kidman just doubled.

Also you're both female?

... Besides, look on the bright side. You might be afraid of butterflies, but I'm afraid of any body of water larger than a bath-tub.

If it's on his tongue, it's a lingual pappila, which is just a taste bud It might be sort of gross, especially three-inchers. Lingual papillae are just taste buds. They look like bumps, generally pink but the owner might have had such as a Slurpee; I don't know, I'm not here to judge.

Also, comes from the Latin word for teat or nipple . Doctors saw them as boobs on your tongue. Isn't etymology fun times?

i almost when to school for etymology. everyone thought i meant entymology and i got scared.

imagining studying large pictures of bugs freaks me out. (yes, miller moths, gross.)

even this comment is terrible.


Three inch tongue tits and not a single chubby in two years???

Also, I live in the eastern part of Toronto - so hopefully those beetles missed my place on their way to the states.

I hope to god they're going to miss us in So Cal, too...i have enough problems with mosquitoes flying around my ears to worry about an egg-in-your-ear motha.

i just realised. i LIVE in north toronto!
and this is about 8 months after originally reading this strip.

oh. my. god.
webcomics really do cause memory loss.


Still one of my favorites. I was just readin' the news, and turns out that, yep, horrible things are still happening everywhere, and there's not a damn thing anyone can do about it.

Wait a minute, the first one is actually true

Not just that - a recent journal article I read for a class described how glucose and artificial sweet tastants increase the number of glucose channels in the gut lumen, increasing uptake of glucose. So, the more artificial sugar you eat, the more you are susceptible to glucose absorption.


Panel 4: in which we see Beef's TV flip spontaneously between Kuramota Bike Shop Ad, Fox News, and Your Local Nightly "Lighter Sides of News"

That television is relentless.

"Star Wars" was one of the achewood moments that made me snort out loud.

The west Virginia coal miner line is a cool subtle nod towards Nice Pete's upbringing.


ain't that just the way

Beef's expression of captivated horror in panel 5 is so well conveyed.