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The Boffin. Wednesday, April 16, 2008 • read strip Viewing 651 comments:

A comment left by finemusk was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, tekende, unklmnky69, cretin, blastradius, kylank, rude_mechanical, Pseudochron, cmjhogan, lamelliform, HSE, mike24, trevor328, robbingdog, NDCaesar, MortisInvictus, DougTheHead, starforth, Tragic_Johnson, nutmeg, Westacular, achilleselbow, Combustache, Doc_Rostov, NumberKillinger, lastlarf, gowerski, pogo, Pigs)

A comment left by pogo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, unklmnky69, the_voice, waddie, kylank, gothfae, nobodyhome, grayestnova, trevor328, nutmeg, alejandroadam, ellwooda, perhapsmaybe, almightygosh, DrSAd)

A comment left by finemusk was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Yamo, kylank, falseprophet, InspectorGadget, starforth, lateadopter, iidebaser)

I did, I refreshed because I had nothing interesting to say. Except probably hung over as balls .

well I admire your restraint

I was extremely tempted though, that never happened to me before!




nice (little nephew's right on the first page!!)




so the chubby train falls off about 3 posts deep from saying "nice". I'll make a note of it.



hey. hey, don't get crazy on us here

I - like many others I'm sure, have just used up nearly all of their chubby/lame allotment on this very thread alone. Was it worth it? Hell yeah, I'd say.

This made my fucking week. Thanks so much man, im still laughing! I chubbied the hell out of it.

I'm sorry I changed my avatar now the whole thing doesn't make any sense.

One wonders exactly what balls drink to get themselves into such a state.

You guys go ahead. I'm going to ponder this with beef for a while.

Gin, much like everyone else.

wtf man that's not how the internet works. if you aren't blatherin' off every dumb thought that comes into your head you aren't using it right.



My balls are actually hung under , and I thought that was the general state of balls.

But I admire your colourful expression none-the-less!

Visuals of balls physically hung over abound.

Elephantitis of the testicles.

(I am sorry, I am sorry for extending that terrible line of thought)

Chris Onstad would never make Achewood a Comic Sans, fresh or otherwise.

Is there a way we could maybe not have this discussion on every single strip?

maybe with a real forum

A comment left by cromar was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by smarve, opalleye, Darthemed)


Hide your children

And your daughters, the XD is ravenous .

my children and my daughters!?!

Oh god, a grudging chubby for pointing out my idiocy.

aw now i feel bad. i certainly didn't deserve a chubby for my snide nit-picking. least of all from you.

it's actually kind of gut-wrenching staring at that lone chubby. it's like i'm a bully on the playground, and i thought everyone would laugh when i knocked the little kid down, but no one did. then i notice that the kid is laying on the ground mocking himself for being weak.

oh now i'm comparing you to a playground weakling, i need to stop. here take this chubby.

Ahhh, childhood . I'd chubby again but that would cause a guilt spiral. Plus, the strip hasnt been up for that long. It'll get more.

this is all too depressing

You show him mjfitzge, you show him! Yeaaaah! As I wipe my snotty nose with the back of my hand and stomp my light-up sneakers to the ground, looking to you for approval. Later, I follow your example, and eventually grow up to become an abusive person who feels no happiness and so steals the happiness of all around her. I hope you're happy.

i'm not. i'm not happy at all.

Windows XD, Home Edition

I is in yer home, playing wif yer children!

You know not what has been unleashed by thy rash fury! Even now the XD grows stronger, taking its fill of the blood of naughty boys and heedless virgins, killing hope, joy, and love whither it goes. Pray... for only ye gods can save you now. The darkness has come XD

My laptop lists the media cards it supports on the side, right next to the keyboard. SD*MS/Pro*MMC*XD. Some days, I look down at my left wrist and see XD (turned the correct way up), and I smile. I have a lot of affection for that li'l guy.






It is a fish. Use your imagination.

(:= Very cheap walrus perhaps?


( o )( o )

I'm clever.

Man wow

I've only seen em as big as (.Y.)

I've got to say, in Courier they were a lot bigger

This is so right coming from Sean Connery.


I always saw the fish as:


Hint: The * means it's dead.

Chubby for you, my friend.

I can relate to anyone with the desire to turn text into aquatic animals.


( >( >@o@)>

In case one needs clarification, and frankly this is a fairly indecipherable emoticon, it is, in fact, one Kirby being... let's say "loved" by another.

Which, of course, leads to all sorts of Kirby slash-fic. I only say this in the hopes that someone will post a paragraph of pre-coital Kirby slash-fic. That may indicate some sort of in-built weakness or derangement in my psyche.

3====D- - - - -

Oh god, here we go


Can we call this as low as it gets and move on with our lives?

Knowing that the first chain of comments is going to be an absolutely ridiculous circle jerk full of self-loathing lames is all that keeps me clicking on the "discuss" button anymore.

Also, ASCII emotey faces? You guys suck.



Lamed for having the word "comic" followed directly by the word "sans."

We discussed this.

Goddamn it. The point has already been made.

This is not my Time.

capital T ? oooh yeah

I love fresh comic sans in achewood

I also love when you get too enthusiastic and post a joke that's already been made

Luckily, I turned off my special firefox extension that automatically censors the phrase "Comic Sans". Otherwise your post would have made NO sense at all.

comments dumping on cruddy first posts are not appreciated. I have learned this.
fuck knows who chubbied "nice" though.

Fuck is all-knowing.

I did. I liked it. The strip was indeed 'nice'.
What more needs to be said?

fair enough, i guess.

agreed. i didn't see anything wrong with 'nice'. it was definitely the high point of everything anybody has said since then

Apparently about five hundred posts worth of really important and insightful stuff.

I felt exactly like Cornelius when it turned out Atlas was Frank Fontaine.

No, seriously, I even cursed Fontaine for mocking the death of Atlas's son and wife before remembering that there was no Atlas and he didn't have a son or wife.

Don't like Ayn Rand. It is silly to like Ayn Rand.

That's not liking Ayn Rand, it's liking Bioshock.

same thing, man
same thing

Not really. The latter doesn't cause you to wear a suit and tie to regular classes and speak as if you're smarter than everyone.

Or carry your books in a doctored old briefcase.

Actually. I liked Bioshock, I hate Ayn Rand and I wear a suit and tie to regular classes and carry my notes in a battered old briefcase.

Well I used to until I realised I'm an electronic engineering student and that dressing smart is a waste of time when you're surrounded by no-one but mouth breathing males, licking their lips and staring at their screens, intent on double clicking their way to celibacy.

Sorry, I meant, double clicking our way to celibacy.

Or vote Ron Paul


A comment left by phy was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by invidious, sneakymarco, iidebaser)

The early ones are the only ones worth digging on.

I will not stand idly by and watch you drag such a fine band's name through the mud. 2112 is one of the greatest rock albums of all time, and Moving Pictures is none too shabby either. I take umbrage at your affrontery

You seem to be in high dudgeon, and rightly so!

I tend to prefer the early-to-mid 80's synth-heavy stuff, but I am told I may be a pervert and a coarse ruffian.

Moving Pictures is actually an example of the rare slow-release triple entendre.

1. the people on the album are moving pictures (from one place to another)
2. moving pictures is another word for motion pictures and could refer to film.
3. a particularly wonderful picture could be emotionally moving.

I'm in the process of checking their discography for any signs of ironic misdirection.

Running for student body president in order to bust the teacher's union.

Bioshock's big message is "objectivism is bollocks, especially when you add mutant superpowers."

Communism and capitalism both seem bollocks in the face of mutant superpowers. Very few philosophies can, in fact, stand up to mutant superpowers.

It's The Leviathan! Only the combined powers of the Justice League can stop this menace!

John "The State of Nature Boy" Locke


Scott "Cyclops" Summers


A comment left by professorhazard was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by gladi8orrex, invidious, kylank, Combustache, opalleye)

Wrong Locke >:l

that is a silly internet meme involving the john locke from Lost. i'm sure professor hazard knows the difference between the TV character and the political philosopher.

The baseball only serves to enhance the baldness.

That was my interpretation of System Shock II.

Exactly. Bioshock is almost anti-Ayn.

It's an AA wraith! Destroy it!

Andrew Ryan is still the coolest character in the whole damn game, though.

Cept maybe for Sander Cohen. The frozen corpse ballet was something else.

I still put two in his head, though.

For all his evilness and back-stabbing, he's one cool bastard. I torched him and Cohen's corpses, though. Freaky bastards, the lot of 'em...

dos en la cabeza con una pistola?

stern but fair.

trust me, he was a dick .

but i still waited to kill him in his own apartment (Extra weapon upgrade that way).

But did you take a picture of his corpse afterwards?

I get points for irony.

Damn. I have played Bioshock wrong.



Aww yeah lets geek up this forum, show this forum just how geeky things can get!



Maybe I read into it wrong.

I'm very sure Bioshock is explicitly anti-Rand.

I'm pretty sure it is

I think it can be read either way. After all, the only reason Rapture falls is because of the civil war Fontaine causes- Ryan hid Rapture because he knew that the system he created gave couldn't withstand the interference of people like Fontaine. I guess I took the game to mean that while Ryan's social experiment failed, the military cartel that toppled it was an even worse form of government, and largely responsible for Rapture's subsequent downfall. Ultimately, the debate didn't seem to be so much Objectivism vs. Non-Objectivism as it was Ryan's idealism vs. Fontaine's cynicism.

right, so maybe the take home message is: like communism, pure objectivism can only work in a perfect world with no corruption or impurities, and there is no such thing.



Or when it turned out Bruce Willis was dead in "I See Dead People."

Dude! Spoiler warning.

Also, "I See Dead People?"

You havent seen it? Man I thought I was the only one...

Sorry, spoiler warnings expire after two years. "The Sixth Sense" came out NINE YEARS ago.

PS: Janet Leigh gets stabbed in the shower in "Psycho."

A comment left by i_love_kate was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by jollysaintpete, amandulence, heckuba, nutmeg, smilebuddha)

...is it me?

A comment left by lateadopter was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sirhan_duran, orvel, amandulence)

A fair enough argument, but as far as ubiquitous cultural references go... Interview 100 random humanoids in Anytown, USA, and I'll bet you $2 (I'm poor) that more people connect "I See Dead People" with "The Sixth Sense" than connect "But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?" with Romeo and Juliet (even though half the name of the play is given away for free in the very next sentence).

But everyone knows they both kill themselves. It is in the cultural subconscious.

Fairy tales may be better example, though. You're not going to ruin the ending of Hansel and Gretel for anyone in the English-speaking world who is over the age of two or three. Or in the German-speaking world, probably.

I don't know where you've been the past decade, but the ending of The Sixth Sense is waaay in the cultural subconscious. It's like Vader's big reveal, everyone knows it. Just because it isn't Shakespeare doesn't mean it can't be culturally relevant.

I was addressing spoilers, not cultural relevance, but clearly my views place me in a small minority.

For the record, I never did see A History of Violence or Match Point. I hold grudges.

For everyone who disagrees with me, enjoy this .

History of Violence was fantastic, Match Point was alright, but I'm not sure I watched all of it.

I would have thought that having the ending of Match Point ruined for you would be a good thing, because then you wouldn't have to actually watch it, which is great, because it's absolutely rubbish.

I wish someone had spoiled the ending for me, because then I might have been interested enough to watch the whole movie instead of turning it off like a half hour in.

Sweet God, yes. I had so many people telling me that it was solid gold heroin with frosting on top, but all I saw was a bunch of irritating, uninteresting fucks swanning about in some pretty cool cinematography fucking one another over "for the greater good."

The "greater good" and enormous spiritual crisis in question is, "Well, see, there's this one girl I know, and she's got lots of money. But there's this other girl I know, and I really like to fuck her. What's a guy to do? "

I pointed this out to this one guy and he said, "But that's what it's really all about , dude. Don't you have that in your life?"

Come on.

Is that really all you got out of that movie? Granted, it was overrated by many critics, basically because it's a Woody Allen movie that seems nothing like a regular Woody Allen movie, but I still think it's a decent film.

I wouldn't even say the cinematography is all that great; just swanky location shooting. I saw it as a bit of a peak and a wink at the typical British class structure stuff, but with a "Cool Britannia" era twist. The blue bloods were vapid but not too unlikable, hateful or altogether backstabbing (unlike the usual stereotype in this films, like say a Cruel Intentions or something). Kind of reminded me of Metropolitan, but with a more sinister side, I guess.

Metropolitan was a lot better, though.

I know this isn't a good place to put this, but I HATE it when people say that they are "being ironic". Irony isn't a state that you can "be", it is a quality of an expression. You can say, "that was supposed to be ironic", or, "you completely missed the irony", but it is absolutely incorrect to say "i was being ironic". I hear that shit all the fucking time. Just because a mistake is ubiquitous doesn't make it any less wrong. Drives me fucking insane.

PPS: The Martian invasion was a radio hoax.

Rosebud = sled

But Soylent Green is Charlton Heston!

Darth Vader is Luke's father

Tyler Durden is the Narrator

They end up shooting the monkey with airplanes on a skyscraper.

In the end, it turns out it was all just a terrible dream.

And there are snakes on the airplane.

The Titanic sinks!


...but it turns out the horse was full of Greek soldiers!

The serpent has an ulterior motive for convincing Eve to eat the fruit.

Damn, I thought nobody would come up with an earlier spoiler than mine!

I retract the above statement on the grounds that I am an idiot who forgot that just because a story is set at the dawn of time, does not mean it was written then- why can we not edit our comments!?

The white whale sinks the Pequod.

The comet wipes out the dinosaurs

Dammit, I'm reading that.

Enkidu dies.

Captain Dathon dies.

Jesus dies, but he comes back after the creditss .

chubby for the "gospel of gollum" hiss.

Anywhere in Western literature, you see a guy with the initials J. C., especially if he's 33 years old when the story starts? That guy's going down.

Joe Christmas!

Jiminy Cricket! Noooooooooo!

299 die

Oh man. The internet informs me that you win.

(I feel I should explain that my above comment was originally intended for Mira, but assetbar has seen fit to move it. Lord knows where this will end up though...)

That's okay, andyfaewatford. I knew it was for me. Nobody pre-spoilers Gilgamesh.

andyfaewatford is now doubly chagrined to have been bested in two senses of the word "earlier" within the span of 3 minutes.

Note to self: spoiler this story arc once you find out how it ends

It really is a Super-Secret Ice Cream Shop

Ray and Beef become co-champions of the Fight.

That's not the most shocking death in that.

On the seventh day God rests

props for this.

The American colonies win the war against England and gain their independence.

Pangaea splits into continents.

A rogue planet strikes the still-cooling earth, creating the moon.

In there beginning there was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Assetbar will mangle your typography, post your comments out of order, and laugh in your face.

Wait, wait. Best spoiler of all.

Everyone dies in the end.

I don't think anyone can top that.

...did it?

Yeah, I was too lazy to remember the real name, and the key line is how I think most people know the flick.

i love you pogo

Ohmigod, what have I started?

This comment was meant for the spoiler thread.

Oh come on. Faceless mentor characters are inevitably evil/killed upon meeting.

so that's what happens, eh?

well, i know what game I don't have to finish now.

Oh yes you do. No where near the end of the game at that point.

Plus it's, you know, a fucking incredible game through and through. From knowing System Shock 2 I had a hunch about Atlas, but I was still mega rocked by the game.

Deus Ex, anyone? eh? eh?? love that game to little pieces.

Yessss. Although I am far too tired to know why we're talking about it.

I picked it up on Steam awhile ago along with Invisible War, and it is very excellent. I also actually think Invisible War is decent, but the internet tells me I am wrong.

Invisible War was like a dumbed down version of Deus Ex, and the internet snobs did not appreciate that.

The Omar were cool though.

Hair Rent = 2 musicals for the price of 1

I would like to chubby this comment.

So stand on it, Agnes!

You can't be out of of chubbies already.

No one knows if dinosaurs had penises at all, actually.

Don't be hatin' on the cloaca, man


dammit. I'll try again [IMGS OFF]

GAH! I hate technology. cf. last panel

I am dedicated to this bit of smartassery.


i would like to chubby your avatar

...never seen a dancin dino

Welcome to the Psychedelic Neon Dancing Tyrannosaur Appreciation Society. And may I be the first to wish you a "Boom Boom Acka Lacka Lacka Boom"

yeah.. look, I know I've seen it before, and that so many people have said before, but your avatar is "like whoa". seriously man.


Quickly, before blastradius calls you an R-tard again!
Hair is a musical.
Rent is a musical.

Never heard of the musicals "Hair" or "Rent"?

Maybe I spend far too much time around musical theatre like people. I used to be one until I gave all that up for graphic design.

I thought these were ubiquitous. I don't even know what Rent is about, but DAMN it gets a lot of meme-time.

It's about 1/20th of its alleged source material: La Boheme .

Rent is what happens when you set "La Boheme" in the late 20th century and substitute AIDS for tuberculosis.

Except that everyone has the AIDS.


And they just. Have. To. Sing. About. It.

Oh my that sounds terrible.

Everyone has AIDS!
Everyone has AIDS!

spinal meningitis

When I was a teenager I thought I was an evil genius for imagining an airborne strain of syphillus, as part of my attempts at omnicide.

I don't think it'd work that well, actually.

Why you got to kill helpless omnis for?

got me dowwwwwwn


The photographer guy and the two lesbians don't have AIDS.


Not everyone has AIDS. As far as musicals go, Rent is actually a pretty good (read: non-ridiculous) one.

It might be forgiveable if it were ridiculous. (Disclaimer: my favorite musical is Xanadu.)

I ain't get where you're coming from: Rent is the height of ridiculousness. (Disclaimer: my favorite musical is Cop Rock.)

Hahahaha. Xanadu.

Talented people basically staging one huge joke for their audience to insult them for spending so much money on a ticket.

Rent: The vanguard in Broadway's effort to move past the Magical Negro to the Magical Homosexual

A v-chub for you. I don't know enough of Broadway to understand the reference, but "Magical Negro and Magical Homosexual" is just my kind of humour at present.

Wait - Quote:
...effort to move past the Magical negro to the Magical Homosexual

Suddenly, not as funny. Still, I'm enjoying myself.

The parody in Team America summed that show up in 20 seconds of song. Aids aidsaids aidsaidsaids aids aids!

I know about the musicals. I have seen Rent. I'm just..."2 musicals for the price of one?" What does that mean, and what does it have to do with anything?

It's a pun on the Alt-text. (Title text, really.)

And a damn good pun, by the way. And I didn't mean to chubby your comment just above, so don't wonder about that.

OH! Dude. I forgot to read the alt-text. Or else I would have gotten it. heh!

The alt text says "Hair is rent." Hair and Rent are popular musicals. Wordplay abounds!

Man, I really thought I was good to go. I must have missed being the first person to respond by like one half of one second. I am sorry that I made myself look like a redundant fool.

Isn't there an O. Henry story about renting hair?

is this a real question? because i can answer it if it is.

the alt text mentions rent hair, the guy was just bein' punny, man why you got to say a thing?

Because I hadn't read the alt text.

ps i love your avtar

Ohhh. Sorry for patronizing you, if I did. Karma, though - someone lamed me and my musical theatre background.

Honestly, you have to admit that's a pretty good reason to lame someone.

Oh whatever. Cheap shot.

If you've spent a lot of time in musical theatre, you don't need anybody else's help or input to be lame.

It's cool. This was all my fault. If I'd read the alt text, we wouldn't have had this problem.

Whoopsy-daisy! Sorry, everybody!

Tekende thinks that forgetting to read the alt text merits a "Whoopsy-daisy!"

Well, it kinda does when it sets off a thread like that.

I guess I should apologise for creating that horrible mass of proto-spoilers up there, then.

No, that was cool.

Featuring the Hit Songs "525,600 Follicles" and "AZT, Baby"

Teal's swansong has become a foul tune

what a twist!

That is one of the few phrases which, to me, when read, has a voice attached in my head. I will never read it without hearing the Robot Chicken M. Night Shyamalan voice.

the guy's avatar reminded me of that!

Oh man don't equate Robot Chicken with Perfect Hair Forever. Need I restate the club foot shoe/Deep Blue comparison?

Okay so PHF ain't exactly Deep Blue but it's got it in spades over Robot Chicken.

Oh man, I was so tired watching adult swim one night I thought I halucinated perfect hair forever.

Strike that, reverse it. Very good

That, sir, is bullocks

It's more than bullocks. It's straight-up bull.

Bollocks, you mean?

Bullock is a fictional polic detective from the Batman comic books and animated series.

Jim J. Bullock was a frequent guest on Hollywood Squares.

Sheriff Seth Bullock is quivering in barely-contained rage over this tangent.

To be fair, there is no time when Sheriff Seth Bullock isn't quivering with barely-contained rage.

You deserve a chubby for this, but alas, I do not have one to give.

Seth Bullock was the sheriff on Deadwood.

Sandra Bullock is wondering how much longer this thread will go on.

Never mind the Bullocks.

Johnny Rotten is fat now.

Sometimes Sid calls him on the phone from his condo in hell.
I actually heard him say this in an interview once.

Does he offer Johnny a Capitol One credit card with no penalty on balance transfers under $45?

Does he try to convince Johnny Rotten that there has never been a better time for a no-hassle credit card?

I know this is kind of late for a retort, but I can't stand idly by while people continue to like Robot Chicken.

Robot Chicken is like watching a bunch of dateless college freshmen sitting in a dorm room one night trying so hard to entertain each other and failing miserably at it. All of the jokes basically revolve around lame parodies of minor, nostalgic 80's cartoons, picking out one of the more marginal or idiosyncratic characters, and then writing a skit around one of the following twists:

- what if that character was GAY!
- what if that character was just a 180 degree mirror opposite of his original characterization?
- what if that character SHOT EVERYBODY ELSE WITH AN UZI!

There's nothing on that show that the reject table at high school lunch period 2 can come up with. Plus Seth Green is a horrible voice actor. He's got one voice he can do (Chris Griffin), and even that ain't any good.

So, to summarize: if you're older than 15 and you still watch Robot Chicken, then where the hell do you get off?

(oops..."reject table at high school lunch period 2 can't come up with")

I'm pretty sure you just nailed that show's appeal, so...I'm not gonna argue with you. I think that in this case, what many people find entertaining, you find irritating.

I haven't watched Robot Chicken in quite some time, as I don't have cable. I find that it is not really a show that I particularly miss.

Very true. To me, it's as lowest common denominator as something like Larry the Cable Guy, it's just aimed at another crowd.

It's always a fool's game, but I kind of thought that maybe, just maybe, Achewood and Robot Chicken would be nearly mutually exclusive, a la Iron Dave's avatar.

It reminds me of Imaginationland. "Those aren't ideas, they're just twists!"

What a twit!

Heh heh! How'd you know I was out of olives? You crack me up, Finemusk.

I'm a funny fuckin guy, killer

Fowl tune, indeed, tweet tweet.

It is sad when a bear comes to love a fictitious finch and as part of a scam to get access to child pornography.

It would appear there was no actual pr0n involved, Mr. Pigman... 'twas but a rouse to gain access to the police network.

Cornelius is truly a broken-hearted man for that finch's chirrup

Yeah, he seriously liked that goddamn bird. I, personally, thought him to be a real asshole.

Unexamined Anglophilia will do that to a guy - it also explains a lot of NPR and PBS' programming.

Drat his story and drat him as well.
I really should "drat" things more often.
Also what in the world is this virus self aware.
That is scary even for a webcomic.

Ahem, as a long-time sci-fi fan, the concept of self-aware computer programs is not new, and the world has been destroyed several times by self-aware computer systems a la "Terminator." But you're right, there probably haven't been many self-aware computer virus programs. For one thing, where would the program store itself and still be small enough to be a virus? Inquiring minds want to know.

Oh I know it isnt much new, but dang and what if it isnt scary.

You're right. Sorry I was so pedantic.

Perhaps through a botnet where each compromised PC acts as a neuron... the virus would only need to propagate the code to create one neuron and the information on how to reach several peer neurons. It could actually be very hard to kill if it spread fast enough and controlled the power grid...


Also, fudge!

Dawkins' "Viruses of the Mind" article is well worth reading:


Dawkins continues to rock my socks.

Yeah I will have to read that (been meaning to actually read some Dawkins lately.

Millikan's "Varieties of Meaning" was very interesting... sounds similar.

I have to say that Dawkins is pretty high on my "Least Favorite Intellectual and Pseudointellectuals" list. At least Stephen Jay Gould had a sense of humor and wasn't so proud of being an asshole, although they both had trophy wives (dawkins is married to one of Tom Baker's ex-wives/Doctor Who sidekicks).

I'll take Dawkins over Hitchens any day, though.

Ugh. Hitchens.


while i agree with most (not all) of what hitchens says, he is such an ass. he seems to be as filled with hate as the close-minded fundamentalists he attacks.

Plus, women are not funny and "don't be such a lesbian." Atheism isn't an excuse for sexism and homophobia, you know?

oh i have not heard him say that stuff. maybe i should research more of what he has said before i go saying i agree with most of what he says.

btw, i used three tenses of "to say" in that last sentence. i don't think stuff like that happens very often. to me at least.

Yeah that essay about how women aren't as funny as men pissed me off.

when an intellectual begins to base pretty much anything that is not directly related to the sexes off of the sexes, I lose respect posthaste.

nor for large scale violence


Aw c'mon, he is a gladiator among fops and talking heads, a true warrior of the intellect. Enjoy his energy, even if you don't agree with his methods. I think he is loads of fun to watch in action.

Hitchens classifies as too erudite. I can read a paragraphs written by him, understand all the words and at least half of the obscure intellectual references, and still ask myself what the in the hell did I just read?

I don't know about that. Have you read his Slate articles? I almost feel sorry for him every time. He tries to keep using the same confrontational style, but it seems so forced and the arguments are so ludicrous that his words ring hollow. It's like he has a rusty sarcasm machine that he's feeding low-grade dog food into.

Yeah - he;s turning into an intellectual version of David Lynch's "Angriest Dog in the World" comic

Dawkins... I have mixed feelings. He has his moments of shining, shining brilliance (see above) but then again sometimes he's just an idiot.

I skimmed through The God Delusion and was less than impressed. It seemed to just be HURR HURR PROBLEM OF EVIL HURR WHO MADE GOD HURR HURR. Which ware legitimate questions, but they have been addressed- not satisfactorily in my opinion, but Dawkins can't just pose a millenia old question and call it a day.

He also seems to systematically fail to realize that he operates within a belief system of methodological and philosophical materialism. Now, are these valid belief systems? Yes! Are they extremely successful belief systems (MM at least) responsible for every piece of modern technology? Yes! But they are belief systems nonetheless, and thus have their limitations. Because science uses MM as its modus operandi, it can make statements only about the physical, not the metaphysical- and, in as much as gods do not make a detectable effect on the world around us, they belong to the metaphysical. PM, on the other hand, rules out the existence of gods from the get go. Now, does this imply that a deity *does* exist? Certainly not. But it does mean that "Science says there ain't no god" is not valid, nor does "Science makes the god hypothesis unnecessary" mean that the god hypothesis is false.

And perhaps my cranky atheism has mellowed over the years, but I can't help but feel that Dawkins overemphasizes the evils of religion. I will be the first to emphasize them, but there's another side to it all- sure, religion has motivated Crusades and pogroms, but it has also motivated positive forces. Consider the peace, feminist, and abolitionist movements around hte Quaker church, or the queer rights and anti-war movements around the Unitarians, or the social justice movements from radical Catholics and Christian Anarchists.

There's more, but I've crapped out a big enough wall of text for now.

Whew! Well, a late entry on an obscure old strip is not exactly the best way to start a dialog, but here I am, bored at work, fishing back through my Achewood inbox, looking for recent activity.

I'm long out of college and never was much for studying or following the various schools of thought, but I like what you wrote about science not having anything to say about metaphysics, and always tell my fundamentalist Christian friends the obverse -- faith has nothing to say about science, so drop the freakin' creationism crap already!

Thanks for the meme reminder. I actually learned something on Assetbar!

So the Internet is going to kill us all? Fair enough, we filled it with horrific porn.

In that case, it should be thanking us. Porn is awesome. We have also, however, put things like lemon party, two girls one cup, tubgirl, goatse, and the like all over the place as well. Maybe it is angry, but I highly doubt that it wants to kill us.

You are skilled in your internet horrors sir.

I know them all but tubgirl, and I fear what I will find when I try.

Don't. Do. It.

You should absolutely do it if you are good with chocolate milk.

It seemed to me to be a bit more... orangeade-ish.

Don't forget swap.avi! Someone mentioned it in a previous discussion and I had to go to all the trouble of finding/downloading the torrent and then screening the entire hour-long video for my roommates.

i didn't know that this was actually available for download. i read the something awful article about it, and the article mythologizes it so much that i almost assumed it wasn't real.

when i get home from work my curiosity will most like consume until i start downloading one big fat horrible nightmare of a mistake.

Hint: if you search for it on uncyclopedia, they have a link.

Tubgirl is certainly the most . . . scatological.

Dare ya'.

put tubgirl in your eyes/do not put tubgirl in your eyes/put in there/DO NOT PUT IT IN THERE!

Remember that certain things, once seen, cannot be unseen.

Always put salt in your eyes.

My favorite sketch.

We should make a video warning children of the dangers of putting tubgirl in your eyes.


Cornelius doesn't seem to be having any trouble typing whilst bound in handcuffs.

Have a little faith, man. If Strong Bad can do it in boxing gloves, the winner of the Badass Games can do it in handcuffs.

Man this is so weird as I've spent that last three days watching Strong Bad e-mails.

A comment left by usversusthem was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, NeoNaoNeo, bigtom, quaga, loneal, smilebuddha)

It could just be because the Strong Bad game was announced

i am going to see Bret and Jemaine on the Fifteenth of May. i am incredibly excited.

I am incredibly jealous.

YES! May 11th for me... It's business time!


Man!! I'm so jealous. I'm feeling genuine hatred towards you right now.

some of my friends tried to get tickets and were waiting by their computers when the tickets went on sale and still didn't get them. i guess they sold out in just seconds or minutes.

..really? darn. i suppose i SHOULD feel privileged then.

i shall make a photobucket account with this same username which will have pictures from the concert. (i will not make an account.)

Really? I mean, they're not that popular. They're pretty cult, I'd say.

Well that was unwarranted!

I know, right! Actually referencing a comment I made yesterday? Cold.

But I really didn't mean for it to come off like that. I only referenced the comment because it sort of sprang to mind and seemed kinda fitting at the same time.

Well... fair enough.

Hands are shaken, but both parties remain suspicious of the other's sincerity.


One's hands tend to be fairly close together when typing anyway...

I find The_Boffin's 8-bit skull face extremely amusing, and I want it on a shirt saying "Ha!"

A comment left by cromar was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by divot, InspectorGadget, Miku224)

Didn't Jeff Goldblum upload The_Boffin to an alien ship in a completely unbelievable turn of events a few years ago?

What? No way ID4 was the most believable alien invasion movie EVER. It was totally believable that a manmade virus would affect an alien computer system.


Also it was believable that a Mac Powerbook was compatible with anything.

And that aliens would fly goddamn hundreds of millions of miles to attack a planet, and then use our own satellites to synchronise their attack.

(Unless I wasn't paying attention, which is possible)

Also that a computer genius that had a couple days to play around with the alien equipment could find a way to hack into it.

Oh wai-

You want believable? "Signs." Aliens invade Earth but they're allergic to water . Worst. Scouting Report. Ever.

Not only that, but they send in down their troops stark naked with only their sleeping-gas-spraying wrists and chameleonic skin for defense.

Hey. They did the invasion with the landing party they had, not the landing party they wanted or wished they had.

Do what you can with what you have where you are. Adapt, improvise, overcome. The aliens weren't so good at that last part.

And I guess the whole vulnerability to water thing was an unknown unknown, something they didn't know that they didn't know.

Yeah, some alien NonComm had to have got a bad evaluation report over that.

Below center of mass rating - failed to report that the invaded planet's surface and atmosphere was largely composed of a liquid that melts our skin off. Do not promote with peers.

Also, that Will Smith can punch out a space alien, and the President will personally lead our Air Force into battle under the circumstances.

Mars Attacks , though. That was a good movie.

I was disappointed when Mars Attacks didn't kick ID4's ass in the box office, not that I expected it to.

Damn the lowest-common-denominator that is the Summer Blockbuster.

Oh hell no it wasn't.

I think I'm just countering everybody's opinions on this page.

All highly evolved computers would be digital, n'es pas? If so, then a self-replicating code would not have to correspond to whatever 1001001001 meant in Martian, it would just have to spread and fuck everything else up, it seems to me. But then, I am an old possum, not a programmer.

The aliens may have quantum computers. But then they probably would have won.

Human brains are highly evolved computers, yet they are non-digital.


Arguably, ternary would be better:

You might also want to look into multivalent or "fuzzy" logical systems; I understand some interesting computing has been done with them.

A comment left by cromar was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by divot, InspectorGadget, Miku224, usversusthem)

There's alawys the descolada, the possibly-sentient (biological) virus from the Ender's Game series.



OK whatever you say Mr. President George Wahingstons XD

Dude, come on now. I get that you are sticking it to the assetman, you are not playing by anyones rules, fuck all of us for being "elitist" or for thinking that certain things are lame, lets see how many lames you can provoke with a crappy gimmick etc etc. There is basically no need to be delibrately irritating in order to get noticed. I don't want to ignore you, you might have interesting things to say!

Does it not seem odd to you that merely using the dreaded emoticon is considered so irritating? It really should.

Its is irritating because it is a transparent attempt to elicit a response. It has worked. Can we move forward now?

Almost every post I made I would have made anyway (less the dreaded emoticon). In fact if you were paying attention to my posts and not two letters out of them you would see that.

Okay. Welcome to my Ignore List.

Don't listen to them, cromar. I think XD is awesome.

You are wrong


Will you by my friend Mira? :)

Sure. Emoticon BFF XD

You and your lady are making emoticons at each other. She does a :(

two solutions:

one-you do not hear it, as you are (hopefully) on computers not in the same room/building. (texting from a few feet away? FOR SHAME!)

two-reply with the opera singer emoticon: ?:U (or any variant thereof)

But what will it be called???

hm. its number will be 842. its name will be...

The l33t & Discreet (maybe a more hardcore leet spelling, though.)

Oh, awesome.
teh 1337 & discr337?
I fail at hardcore leet, but I don't think that's exactly a bad thing.

OK, (only because you asked): 1337 d15r337. It could be way crazier, but assetbar doesn't do Unicode it seems. For the record, "teh" isn't leet, it's from a whole other etymological line of slang.

Almost every post I made I would have made anyway (less the dreaded emoticon).
this is my point, the XD was just a contrivance, but you seem to have dropped it now that attention is being lavished on you. So you win, I guess. Truly you have exposed our innate and baseless prejudices, made us question what we really find annoying about mild trolling.
Anyway, I didn't really want to take it this far, I was just trying to let you know in a friendly fashion that everyone sees what you're doing, and, like, its cool to stop. now.

LOL. You are very serious, Mr. Frog.

Do not anger... THE HYPNO-TOAD!

there seems to be a lot of people who hang around here that are just too serious to be associated with achewood

I am as serious as a milk company.



A comment left by plummet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by invidious, quaga, loneal, mira, achilleselbow, scraggg, Doc_Rostov)


you're looking at him through a bias, to normal people it doesn't make him look like anything other than someone who just typed "xd"

geez i called him on it yesterday and i got lamed six times.

You know, it occurs to me that I generally think of people who use the word "faggot" as gibbering, drooling retards, but maybe that's just me.

or gay. don't forget - gay people are allowed to use the f - word.

OK. What did I just click?

Nope, not just you. Casual homophobia is still uncool ("gay-ass," "cockbreath," and "faggot" being uttered maliciously by anyone over the age of, oh, ten or so, is pretty damn pathetic).

I regret that I have but one lame to give plummet's comment.

Ah disagrees. I loves the word faggot. It's an awesome word .

The little faggot with the earing and the makeup / Yeah buddy, that's his own hair / The little faggot got his own jet airplane / The little faggot he's a millionaire.

Sometimes, when you want to express something artistically, linguistically, lyrically, there is that perfect word, and well I'm sorry, but sometimes, quite often in fact, that word is faggot.

Yes, there is this anti-homo / homo-fear meaning attached to the word, but shit man, there is so much other meaning attached to the word, and a word doesn't automatically carry all meanings at once, not even just because someone thinks it does, not even then. Hell you know look at any dictionary they have those little numbers that divide definitions into various sections, because words mean different things in different contexts.

When two midwestern God fearing midwestern rednecks josh each other while sitting at the bar listening to country music: "Shut up you faggot!" I don't think the word really means gay so much as it means... 'not cool.' Fuck, for that matter, the abbreviation homo, or the fully spelled out word homosexual doesn't mean only gayness. People who throw that word back and forth at each other in jest or even in seriousness don't exclusively mean to express the concept of a sexual orientation. They mean to express all that negative meaning that is associated with that word - negative meaning which really hasn't a whole lot to do with a given sexual orientation - it's that negative meaning that kids of 10 or younger pick up on when they hear the word - and rightly so. Just because we grow up and come to know intellectually that a word's entomological origins are rooted in some prejudice doesn't mean we should stop using it, that we should abandon all the other juicy meaning that has since been attached to that word. What the fuck! You're telling me I should cut out a part of my brain (the part that contains the various meanings of that word) just because at some forgotten point in the past that word had a negative meaning? And I'm supposed to overlook the fact that my audience recognizes that word for all that colourful meaning, just not use that word. What a Gyp! I won't be Jewed like that! Not like that! My vocabulary is already bland enough as it is thanks to all the mass media that I consume. I need colour and meaning in my vocabulary. I need flair! And how is a word ever supposed to evolve beyond some really prejudiced and stupid meaning if you keep insisting that the word have this prejudiced and stupid meaning!? You're all like, 'oh no! You can't use that word casually like that! You're using that word wrong! You're only allowed to use that word to mean X or Y, not zed!' Well call the fucking grammar police! God! Sick1 It's just sick! I wish all of you would die! You're all a bunch of book burners! That's what you are! Why don't you and all your gay faggot homo friends go out and round up some books, at night, with torches, and have a big book burning bonfire, because that's the kind of reality you are living in when you give that kind of power and meaning to words why would you take an entire word and be like 'this word is going to mean a specific sexual orientation, and it's going to mean it in a bad way.' why do you need words like that! I can't stand it! what is wrong with you! I I great now I have to find my pills and som water god damnit now see what you've gone and done ga my blood pressure ah ga hh h01001011 0 1011101111

j/k :D

Oh, well, excuse the shit out of me for offending your delicate sensibilities. Hey, don't go too far back into Achewood's Archives, there's a squirrel that snorts cocaine . ooooh.

Plummet, I think there are some things you maybe don't understand.

animals doing drugs is waaaay more offensive than casual homophobia dude. Where the FUCK does Onsatd get off!?

I am really disappointed. I was expecting people to like go all lame crazy over my rant. which wasn't sarcastic. Maybe it seemed sarcastic. I'm not good with that sort of thing (non-literal cues.)
Can't I at least get one lame?

I think if you broke up the text a bit more then more people might read it, and some of them might disagree with you enough to lame it.

I know it's pandering to those too lazy to persevere with big paragraphs, but I suspect that the lazy lame a lot...

you have been Jewed.

You have been eaten by a Jue.

What's the other half?

Irritating? There is no emoticon for what I am feeling right now!

there is a button, next to the buttons which say "Chubby", "Lame", and "Mark as Spam", that says "*Ignore User*". If you click this button, cromar will bother you no more.

If only Mr. X were here...

How about Mr. XD?

I'm pretty sure he only does it because it makes everyone mad.

No... the dreaded emoticon should not make you mad. I merely show you the error of your ways (like an anal Jesus emoticon messiah or something). Getting angry over two letters! I never!

What a highly inadvisable emoticon.

I'm afraid you are in Trouble yet again, cromar!

Uh oh! (That's two chubbies I don't have for you. Damn.)

I agree with you, Cromar. It is silly and arbitrary that it is not "okay" to say "XD" here. This is one of two internet-places that I frequent, and at the other one, using "XD" shows that you're friendly to the social atmosphere there. (Much the same way that using "hell of" and "such as" shows that you are friendly to the social atmosphere here.) There, to talk the way one is expected to on Achewood would make everyone think you're incoherent and stupid. Here, to talk the way one is expected to here would make everyone think you're lame and stupid.

These "rules" are so silly and arbitrary -- the fact that people actually criticize others for breaking them is mildly hilarious to me. They think it's cool to use the right speech patterns, but fail to realize that the lamest thing of all is to think it matters whether someone's speech patters match the prevailing ones or not.

Chubby for that second paragraph. My sentiments exactly.

lol yeh. live and let live I say lol

V-Chubby for "incoherent and stupid."

Thank you for refreshing us on an important lesson here. I was initially irritated at the emoticon myself; proper English is sort of our official language. I think detractors of the use any sort of informal online dialects on Assetbar maintain such beliefs for fear of this comment board gradually devolving into one as of YouTube. It is a slippery slope.

As long as the comments here don't devolve to the level of icanhascheezburger, we won't have to take it out back and shoot it.

Ah, YouTube comments. Who would ever have thought that mere positive feedback would make me regret uploading a clip of a show for a friend?

This is correct. Personally I like that assetbar is generally free of non-ironic internet speak, but others may disagree. Also, I don't think that the acceptability of "hell of" and "such as" could really be said to be arbitrary.
It is not that insane that different communities have different social conventions.

If anything the acceptability here of "hell of" and "such as" is more arbitrary than the acceptability of "XD" and "lol" in other places. The latter does serve an actual purpose in a conversation, to display amusement and approval without the awkwardness of "hahaha" or the weirdness of saying "I found that funny." The former, on the other hand, is valuable only for being vaguely amusing (a quality which diminishes with use).

It's not insane that different communities have different social conventions, it's insane that people actually care what each other's internet speech patterns are. It's a painfully meaningless thing to judge each other on.

I understand your points, but I detect a hint of contrarianism. I'm not sure you'd want to follow your suggestions all the way to their conclusion. Yes, emoticons can be useful in some cases and perhaps the same goes for things like "lol", but tell me you honestly have no problem with ppl who typ lik dis n cant b botherd 2 spell wordz correctly. Yes, one's speech pattern is indicative of their community and that's precisely the point, that these people come from shitty communities where how many friends you have on MySpace is valued over intelligence and clear communication.

Another point: the Sapir-Worf hypothesis, which holds that one's language shapes their view of the world. If you spend enough time looking at the types of YouTube comments and such that rely heavily on internet-speak, you'll find that they often have very little in the way of a clear proposition or semantic content, and many of the terms are used in ways only barely related to their original clear meaning. Basically, having access to all these pre-prepared slang terms and abbreviations replaces the need for actually constructing a coherent thought.

Alas, my chubby is only virtual. That is one hell of a coherent post. You sir, are the antithesis of a YouTube poster.

yeah, I just mean that its hardly surprising that (overused)"catchphrases" from this comic wouldn't be appropriate elsewhere. I do agree there was an slight overreaction in the first place, which cromar then played on fairly effectively. I guess what I'm saying is that I agree that it can be a slippery slope towards unreadable garbage. I basically prefer to indicate my approval by giving chubbies instead of lols. You are right that people shouldn't really give two shits about it, I'm annoyed at myself for forming an opinion on two letters someone typed.

i have had whoper

I was waiting for this to make an appearance. XD

I used to leave comments on YouTube (before I realized that it makes absolutely no difference whether or not you give feedback, as you are essentially adding a raindrop to a monsoon of masturbatory drivel) and typed my thoughts in proper English. And got ridiculed for it, because apparently I was pretentious for using long (full) words.

Basically the most important reason Assetbar's more elegantly written style should be preserved is that we can actually discuss these sorts of issues without relying purely on ad hominem attacks.

"Speech patters," nice accidental (I assume) invention.

i got yelled at once for saying "FU"

this isn't the first time i've seen something like this happen.

people who believe in Jesus think anal is wrong.

Not really. If it's between just a husband and wife, they could be coprophagiacs with each other for as much as the Church gives a crap (heh), as long as it's just involving the two of them, and they're both enjoying it.

Anal with other dudes is not considered cool, however. As I heard someone once say "aw come on, it's in the out hole! I mean, that's just plain buggery!"

Always gets a chuckle outta me, I gotta say.

Wait, I'm an assclown with no sense of humour, and couldn't see what you did right there. Never mind.

Nonsense! Your rational, non-intrusive interpretation of Christianity is a sign that you are from heathen lands! Everyone here in God's favorite country knows that sodomy of any sort is wrong and sinful and sex should only be procreative.

I'm withholding my instant reaction to argue about theological conceptions, because I know you're taking the piss.

...but seriously, it don't say in the Bible that your wife can't take it in the ass from you if she don't want it.

The Dalai Lama, however, ain't cool with it. You can also look up on your own the fact that he ain't down with a married couple gettin' it on during the day.

I hate to have have to chime in on this, I really do, but actually, I would venture that Christian teens have anal sex at a higher rate than others, because they rationalize that it's not "real" sex and thus they're not losing their virginities. I grew up in Texas and I knew people who made that cognitive leap, somehow.

My friend came up with a name for that - "The Missouri Compromise".

Greek and Italian girls have been doing that for generations.

How would you know?

I'm pretty sure I said just up there how I knew: I grew up in suburban, Bible-belt Texas and knew girls who still insisted that they were virgins even though they frequently gave blowjobs and had anal sex.

See, America? These are some of the results of abstinence-only sex ed: the dumb get dumber.

Man those were some good generations.

Ouch, ouch, all I can say is ouch. Who in the hell would stick something up their ass? Ouch!

Heh. Anal pogo.

Why? XD


achewood delves into dark territory previously only explored by 'the lawnmower man'

They don't seem to be too bothered about security at this jail, just leaving a prisoner alone with their FBI computer link.

you could drive a bus through those security holes... all honking and dragging rusty bikes

man who has not hacked the fbi in their youth. honestly.


Just bang on the keyboard as fast as you can, I mean seriously, goddamn, who doesn't use a mouse in this day and age

Welcome to the FBI Computer
what would you like to do?
Please enter your password
FBI> fbip4asswd
Diamond Heist Records Removed
All Trace of edits removed
Suspenseful progress bar commencing, please wait...
[>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ]


"...and give him head every night."

"Sneakers" references?! Huge v-chubs for everybody!

("Be a beacon?")

good movie. yes.

Thank you for being Kate Winslet.
That is all.

>To send Martin luther King a letter sugesting he commit suicide press Ctrl Alt Y.

>To fund a counter-communist inssurection - Ctrl alt B

>To play COLDWAR PONG 2 press any key.

...Please wait while you are redirected to the CIA computer.

Would you like to play a game?

where's the "any" key??

"Now entering the FBI system... Double click on 'Yes'..."

Oh Cornelius, it's kind of like... It's kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there, and the other personality is there, and it's just the two of us, and I put the other personality on your diskette, and I am the winner.

Bit of a stretch there, but whatever floats your boat.

I thought it was funny. I gave it a chubby.

Then we know who was responsible.

me too

It was a stretch. A good stretch. It made it, just, but it's like the difference between making a leap for a boat that just left the wharf and landing on the deck or collecting your foot on the edge, cartwheeling backward, hitting your head on the wharf and falling into the water.

Now you see THAT was a stretch.


ahhh... yeah. oz slang i guess. i.e. the car was speeding away but then a cop car collected him = the car was speeding away but then a cop car collided with him.

the nuances are subtle.

Well, I learned something today.

Also, I thought your post was pretty funny.

The finch and the publican basically played Cornelius into this like a couple of guys on the same side of an air hockey table

That ... doesn't seem like a very effective way to play air hockey. It seems like the better way to pull this one would be to have two guys on opposite sides of an air hockey table who are actually on the same team !

Cornelius is the puck.

Now if he'd said " foosball table" then we'd be getting somewhere.

The finch and the publican didn't. The boffin did. There is no finch or publican.

There is no spoon.

my spoon is too big.

oh wait here they are


Ah, how can I be out of chubbies already!

I don't like Spoon. They keep making the same song over and over and everyone loves it. I mean, come on, guys, break out of your stupid funk style every once in a while.

That said, I do enjoy the song "They Never Got You."

I like Spoon, but I get what you mean. I avoided them for a long time in the latter half of the 90's, always thought everything I heard from them didn't live up to the increasing hype. I finally started getting into them in about 01/02, but I still normally only like about 4 or 5 tracks per album, as they all seem to get a little redundant.

That being said, I recently decided to listen to that 3 disc Merge comp I bought 4 years ago, and Spoon's cover of Yo La Tengo's "Decora" is great, probably better than the original; it fits their minimalist approach very well.

See, this is cool. Someone who can argue about matters of opinion without being a cock.

Just as long as I'm not arguing Robot Chicken.

it just makes...me...MAD.

Alright I'll stop before I start sounding like achilleselbow and Questionable Content.

Man I hate Questionable Content.


Cornelius is in denial. :(

Only now do I finally realize to go look up "boffin" on Urban Dictionary, since it's certainly not part of my own slang repertoire (I had the vague idea that it meant a wastrel or layabout)... and find out that it originated to describe a technical expert - in essence, an egghead or proto-hacker - which I finally realize makes perfect sense given what THE_BOFFIN has now accomplished.

Your complacence in the area of slang pragmatics was your undoing, Perilon.

I actually thought that Boffin was a pretty common term, personally. But it's not lke that by itself was enough to give some form of clue as to how the story would emerge.


It's basically my favourite thing. Check out my status. And also this comic .

I love the comments for those strips.

I mean that strip.

In a switch, the Boffin puts Cornelius through its own version of the Turing Test .

Will this sort of game become the new CAPTCHA? (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart)

That was an xkcd strip, actually.


'k, see, this is alright ^^

Poor old bear, the tinnitus cap seems to be cutting off the circulation to his brain.

But, Keith is still on the Shrovis in Mr. Bear's car. Is that still the Boffin? Or just a portion of the Boffin program split off and left behind? Can the Boffin break off a piece of the Mr. Teal subroutine and leave him for Cornelius? Would it really be Mr. Teal, then?

Computer metaphysics, ow, my head.


Or whatever it is you mac and linux barbarians use

mac: apple/command-c

...and i've no idea about linux.

same as MS Windows in most X Windows programs. Then there is vi... which is crazy.

not vi, man - that shit is all :ching :chong :wing :wong

It'd probably be a good idea for him to return this laptop for a full refund.


Not to be confused with Pornelius..

Mr. Teal, the Boffin, and the Publican are not only one and the same, but also fabrications of someone's mind.
As is Achewood.
(woo eee ooo, meta)

WE are the fabrications.


I wasn't trying to be pretentious, I thought it was silly that his emotional investment with Mr. Teal mirrors ours with him.
I am the last pick for AssetBar's kickball team again, hah.


fabrications of someone's mind.

Some philosophies have it that this applies to the entire material world. IT MAKES A LOT OF SENSE TO ME.

Cornelius' dual askings after the whereabouts of the publican are touching, as it was clear there was no love lost betwixt the two. Alas for Keith and his musings on race: will we never discover his views on Panamanians?


ZOMG I love Animaniacs LOLZ

But what about Panamaniacs?

Oh. That's clever.

I was always a little confused about "Mahore." Is it a real place, or just a vaguely obscene-sounding country that Yakko dreamed up while he was locked away in that vault?

It's a real [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahore"]place[/url], just like Uruguay.

I guess I should have used the goddamn Internet before I ran off my mouth! I just looked up Dahomey, because that was another country I'd never heard of, and it turned out that Dahomey is what they used to call Benin. But Benin is already in the song! (I mainly just want to find fault with a cartoon that was trying to do something perfectly noble and educational by teaching children the nations of the world.)

To this day, i can recite that entire song.

Which is just awesome, what with it being just wrong enough to sound idiotic to anyone knowledgeable enough to want to hear it.

I used to know this girl called Mahore. She had to be really careful when introducing hersel and say "My name's Mahore", rather than "I'm Mahore".

was she pretty hot


do u wan 2 cyber press 555

come on dude do u like 2 eat pizza

How can The_Boffin be Keith the Publican if Keith is still in the Shrovis-Bishopthorpe? Ray and Teodor just spoke to him on the computer, and data can't just jump from a diskette to a computer and back again.



Keith is either the virus or he has a mechanism (such as IM) to talk through the virus. Hopefully he used proper anonymization techniques or better yet a TOR botnet.

It's important to note that no matter what is said to the Publican, he has a non-sequitur reply. I believe the Publican is thus simply a chat program bot set to "auto-racist."

Damn Turing would be ashamed of me. Bravo, compatriot. Well... on the other hand, bigoted barmen do tend to rant and rant without listening to anything said to them... now I'm confused.

Smarter Child mixed with Rush Limbaugh. My god, Onstad, what have you unleashed?

Come on man, Cornelius is [i]old[i/]. He can cherish things like a motherfucker, but he doesn't understand floppy disks! It was a blankie!

Unless the diskette's, like... Inside the computer. I guess.

The_Boffin has sacrificed a part of his very own self to pull off this fabulous ruse.

Mr. Teal is a horcrux !!

I will chubby this twice because it is true.

I'm torn here. I will correct myself and say I would chubby this twice because it is true.

Some will be upset because I've bothered to correct myself.

Others might have been upset that I was claiming to chubby that twice.

It's lose-lose, I think.

It all works out karmically, as you'll be seeking out Tubgirl later in the day for the first time.

I didn't want to do it, but it was one of those things that would've bothered me all day if I didn't.

Which actually probably would have been better than the lifetime of trauma I'll be experiencing now that I've seen it.

Eh, the loss of any sense of modesty or decency is slightly painful at first, but ultimately makes life on the internet much easier. Now go check out rotten.com.
(don't, actually.)

Oh, come on, it's not that bad.

I'm going to channel Lex Luthor when I say WRONG

Solve my maze.

Somewhere around here there's a comment about the internet killing us because of all the porn we've put on it.
It's all coming full circle.

I did chubby it twice. Love it when that happens.

I have a sneaking suspicion that The Boffin was created by none other than this guy

While I don't think that's probable, I can definitely see where you're going there.

This whole thing smacks of British ultra-realism to me.

I found this genuinely touching. Still ashamed of the poor terms on which he ended his companionshop with Mr. Teal, Cornelius goes into denial when confronted by the fact that he was apparently just a fabrication.

It's not as bad as when Ray told Charlie Brown that Schulz took him down with him like an Egyptian Emperor.

Oh my heavens! In less than an hour, this comic has passed 125 comments. Preposterous! We can't all have witty things to say.


Chubby. I have finals in a week, this is my displacement activity of choice, I don't know what everyone else's excuse is.

12 point Interstate Regular, by the way. really helps to sell it.

Hey! Thanks. I was looking for it earlier and didn't know what font it was. Decided just to wing it with Verdana. Of course, this information didn't help terribly much, because Interstate is a for-pay font. But I found an excellent way around that without engaging in activities that could be known as illegal.

Anyway, thank you for the information.

Preposterous! We can't all have witty things to say.

Indeed, I seriously doubt that we do. Given the time difference, I'm reading this on my lunch break and as such can NOT be arsed going through everything.

Particularly can't be bothered thinking up something interesting to add to the shitfight that is the top of this page.

That's because the shit fight at the top of the page is garbage. This is the first time a comic has posted and I have been truly dissapointed with the garbage that is getting posted. Especially the emoticon bullshit. The wit has moved from infrequent but worth it, to rare and hardly worth the scroll. Boo.

the garbage that is being posted = the garbage comments that are being made

I heard you the first time. This feeling will pass and you will have fun with both the shitstorms of nonsense and the gems of pure genius that appear here. Think of it as a diamond mine in a cesspool.

I have bought overalls, a hose, and a shovel.


I read them all. In the first 125-150 comments I can safely say that I chubbied nothing. It's as if (pray tell) all the people who post truly clever things don't spend hours clicking away at the refresh button, ready to post whatever comes to mind instantly in a feeble, frenzied attempt to accrue the most arbitrary measures of wit on the Achewood discussion page. It's as if wit is not proportional to the speed at which one shares their asset.

But that would be silly!

Hey Doc, thanks for that picture up there it was really cool. Sorry it wasn't easier to see I did it in pencil.

Had all our first experiences with Computer Technology been so personal! Poor Cornelius. The Microsoft Office paper clip man will be his next best friend, after this.

Or his worst enemy.

Move over, Keyzer Soze.

This ending was slightly more surprising than that one.

Actually, they were equal. If I hadn't gone into The Usual Suspects knowing that the plot involved there being some guy who nobody knew who he was, it would have taken me until it was revealed that there was a guy who nobody knew who he was to figure out which guy he was. As it happened, I figured it out upon the introduction of the characters, because it was hell of obvious.

ceci choque l'ours!

There are reasons that I read achewood.



"...may God have mercy on us all."
*Sarge's cigar ashes by itself to add to the effect*

"add to the effect!?....may god have mercy on us all..."

THE DEN? May God have mercy on us all...

Yes, viruses are fudge.

Is there no sadder thing than an aged bear finding that his self-aware computer program was scamming him all along?
No. There is no sadder thing.
This is the saddest thing

Woah! The Boffin is a rogue sentient AI? That is at least...let's see, carry the four... eighteenfold more awesome than a simple case of hackery.

Chubby for 'carry the four'.

Always nice to see your proof.

I wonder if every Shrovis has its own boffin.

If so, connie needs to start a class action suit.

Cornelius is such a hard dude, even the simple act of buying a computer causes him to be thrust into a con game worthy of one of the Ripley novels, and containing many similar accents.




I knew it!

A comment left by neonfreon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by orvel, nickgranger, catgrl131)


Yea seriously, whenever someone goes "omg best strip ever" I can't help but read that as an insult to other far more deserving strips and lament their lack of judgment.

A comment left by gladi8orrex was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by GregChant, nickgranger, Miku224, achilleselbow, Quartzblade)

I'm starting to think that this guy is not for real and is actually someone's ingenious and 100% accurate impersonation of a YouTube messageboard user.

Trenchant analysis, but I'm sadly confident that he is real.

Please let "How's that for fudge" be the new buzz phrase for 2008

It's disturbing how large the monitor for their kiddie-porn-monitoring computer is. Damn thing's twice the size of your typical Achewood monitor-depiction.

What... What is your avatar? What am I looking at? It looks like it could be kiddie-clown-porn. I'm scared.

It doesn't look like Cornelius is ever going to get that printer hooked up after all this trouble :[

The arresting office looks like a fetal member of the Village People.

Plus, I liked the earlier posts better on this thread.



Oh sweet mother of Grendel, my friend, THAT IS THE LIMIT!

I don't think I could chubby harder without mixing medications.

Assetbar's contention that I have given out enough chubbies on this page is clearly in error, because I don't have one for this.

This needs about 200 chubbies, to be fair.

Completely agree. It's a shame it's so far down the page.

I chubbied so hard I became drskradleys medication. (As was said in the quail bible, "Doooon't eeeaaat meeee!")

I gave it #58.

I felt so bad I was out of chubbies I had to look through his comments and dole out chubbies accordingly.

I believe I will do this as well. It is only fair.

Now THAT is photoshoppage at its best. I chubbied so hard that I became the nurse that mixed up drskradleys medication.

I just imagined a nurse with an erection now, thanks to you.

And it looked kinda like your avatar.

The nurse, not the erection.

....which now has your face. SHIT!

How fortuitous, I have preserved a chubby for just such an occasion as this.

Seriously, well done.

Out of respect for such craftsmanship, I not only chubby this with my most-determined thrusting motion, but also I will not p-shop for a while, to keep my clumsy, childish constructions at a distance, so as not to soil this art .

I am ashamed that I can't chubby this. Best image on assetbar? Probably!


(definitely) i make this mistake all the time

Words are bitches, but you got trouble when they're not your bitches.

Bear and kitten is awesome. Just, uh, your avatar.

Aggggh, and I just ran out of chubbies!

You! Reader! Chubby this man!

yeah dawg. well done on this. lucky i scrolled from the bottom up lookin for chubbacious posts to give them to. good work.

The perfect thing to photoshop...ever!

Wow. I have no more chubbies, I am sad to say, but I wanted to commend you on this wonderful accomplishment.

Bravo. This was a great idea executed perfectly. Where creativity and skill collide, there lies your photoshop.

as others have pointed out, you are a star made of pure brilliance. you luminesce genius, its rays tickle the melanin out of our minds and make our brains blush rosily.
it would take cosmetic surgery for me to vhubby harder. yes, i can only vhubby at this point.

This is worth a hundred chubbies at least, plus another hundred for "The Departed: Golden Book Adaptation."

There's a good chance that this winds up being a better conclusion than whatever Onstad comes up with.


Chubbying that wasn't quite enough, so you can have a V-chub as well. On the house!

Love this. 'The old cricketer had something else up his sleeve' at the bottom of page 31, which suggests a whole 4 pages of that dash puffin being hit for six again and again and again...

He's making a mockery of a pixelated bird. That is rough.

So, what is the general consensus here?

Do people believe that the Boffin was a self-aware program in desperate need of escape from his British prison?

Or do people believe that Nolan created 3 entities, anonamously tipped the police of the burial of the diskette, and used Cornelius to access the kiddy porn files of the FBI?

I am unsure.

i doubt that Nolan was the one that made them. he could have payed...oh..$1000 for someone else to do it.

...someone like Roast Beef y'know 'cos he's got that wedding coming and he ain't want to delve too deep into Ray's wallet....
but i won't entertain that idea.

If this arc does span that long, and I highly doubt that it will, I foresee much pain and fold-up chair blows in Showbiz' future.

Nah, roast beef got too much class to be dealin' with nolan, he tried to molest philippe for gods sake!

ain't you know got respect for the internet?? i got MAD respect. sure, googling someone's name may be best practices but still, though we all know Roast Beef got brains, maybe Nolan's low mind reminded Beef of himself in some backwards fashion and did it as a favor from one Low dude to another.

So that's what ascii porn looks like - which way up is it?? Now I know what I've been missing, more please..

I see the Boffin as having greater horizons than mere child pornography in sight. He has some other reason for wanting to infiltrate the FBI computers... And I suspect that his intentions are pure.

I haven't read the whole archive yet, but this might be my favourite strip yet. Dude rocks.

I pulled the same face as Cornelius in the second last panel when i found out that the actor who played Manuel in Fawlty towers was german.

August 15th 2006: the day the magic died.

Andrew Sachs has a pretty English accent though. If I remember correctly, he fled Germany and moved to London with his family to avoid World War Two, and has lived in England ever since.

'If I remember correctly...'- Who do I think I am kidding!?

Curse you BBcode!

This is precisely the reason why the Shrovis needed a key to access the internet

Anyone else recognise similarities between this script and the culiminating scene from Ghost in the Shell? Victorian listening hat indeed. Cornelius is all tricked out as Major Kusanagi, when her broken-ass body tries to hack into Project 2501, finds out that that it is sentient organism and that it has been playing her all along. peace.

"Sentient organism?" Project 2501 wasn't any kind of organism. It was an AI, just the same as the Major.

But yeah, I agree in that the only this this arc is missing now is an adrenaline-charged battle with a robotic tank.

Major Kusanagi's not an AI, she's a cyborg...

Oh, right, yeah. It's kind of left open-ended as to whether the Major was ever actually a real person, but the idea that she may have just been created with implanted memories is one that's quite present in the film.

Still, my bad.

but, that's ok, he uploaded it onto a virtual drive on a virtual machine. that's one beauty of virtual machines is that you can open any kind of nasty virus that you want, and unless there's a bug in the virtual machine, the virus can only wreak havoc on the virtual machine itself - then, you can simply delete the virtual machine and create a new one. This deputy doesn't have to worry, he'll probably get a promotion for being so clever.

"Well, how's that for fudge? I just made detective!"

"Take me off this computer and bury me "? What the hell kind of escape plan is that?

A fie upon the hacker who exploits the love of an elderly man for a candorous bird.