If you appreciate Achewood, please support Chris Onstad (shop; gallery art.)
The Unhinged Narrator. Monday, June 28, 2010 • read strip Viewing 399 comments:

Fuck, really? We talked about this, Pete. Hey, now, don't sass me. Don't make me get the damn strobe lights.

A comment left by deus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by XACBalistikX, gladi8orrex, NYU, Sprog, colonelangus, coffeecoaster, streever, TwoTonTurkey)

A comment left by deus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by XACBalistikX, CygnusX-1, gladi8orrex, NYU, Sprog, coffeecoaster)

A comment left by deus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by XACBalistikX, gladi8orrex, NYU, Ctrl_Z)

I think they lamed you for the typos and just odd nature of your post.

Thats what i am...ODD!

If I loose that I loose my reison d'etre.
Some people are smart, productive, creative...I'm ODD!

Shoot for smart, productive, or creative. It can't hurt.

Listen to the necktie.

Neckties are to deep into their own self interests...
Bowties however...

Bowties are cool.

DiSaGrEeMeNt BoX!

actually...why would i voluntarily wear a garrote?

You provide the slightly stilted English! I approve of you, deus!

Failing that, aim for the noble quality of silence.

Shadow Nice Pete is Mean.

He also seems to get fatter with time.

Dude. That made this so much cooler.

Nice Pete is not one to let any honestly Taken meat go to waste.

The Super-Secret Hamburger Stand.

Nice Pete approves though.

Nice Pete forgot that Teodor saved his life. He forgets his Southern ways.

You might say Teodor got... burned.


Oh god yes.

He wermt, in the fire.

All stuffed bears did burn then

The fluff did burn!

everybody got burned on this deal.

So, what, we all just love every single pun now?

thats not a pun thats wordplay, bro

so I hate to be this guy, but puns are a kind of wordplay, bro

and then i go like "some weezwacks are snugglorz but all snugglorz aren't weezwacks?? Br0"

With Onstad, the rabbit hole is more like a bottomless pit.

This is your captain, Nice Pete speaking. I am cruising currently at an altitude of 10000 feet and an attitude of OHHHH YEAHHHH. Cocktails will now be served.

Molotov. Straight up. With a twist.

Crazy duck. How did you know i was out of olives!

Wha' happen'?

That seems to be the main sentence of this storyline.

That is going to seriously hurt the resale value of that nice van.

The Venn diagram of who that van is being sold to and people who don't like blood in the car is just a note saying "pick up razor blades on Tuesday"

'scatter razor blades in playground on Wednesday'

'toddler casserole Thursday night'

Pick up the razorblades from the playground on Friday.


Reading the past five comments was like descending the staircase into Nice Pete's basement.

Cuff prisoner to the support beam in basement on Sunday.

This is the end
Of Solomon Grundy


Luckily, flames cauterize. Unless said flames are from the Arc of the Covenant. Oh god, images of Téodore's face melting noooooooooo!!!

nathan's head exploding

nathan exploding



"Do you folks like coffee? REAL coffee? From the hills of Columbia? PREPARE FOR ULTIMATE FLAVOR!!!!!!"

For the DETH of thee
You have little time
And you're running out of life

Happy Birthday
You're gonna die

everything WAS possible in a really nice van

uhh....and that's when teodor woke up?

and that's when teodor fucking died

Teodor cannot die until 2031.

This isn't 'Nam, Onstad, there are rules.

Invidious will not again be subjected to the insubordination of that time.

seriously, I am waiting for it to be just that.

Or maybe that was just nice Pete imagining doing that? Somehow I doubt it though.

I think it's imaginary at this stage. Pete is the Unhinged Narrator, and this is currently one of his Novel Scenarios.

I think.

Are we sure the unhinged narrator isn't Onstad?

From Columbia University's Fall 2010 Creative Writing Dept. course bulletin:

"CREA W3307x. Fiction Seminar: The Unhinged Narrator. 3 pts.

Prerequisites: Please see 612 Lewisohn for registration guidelines or go to https://www.columbia.edu/cu/writing

Some of the greatest works of fiction are narrated by characters who have become unhinged from the norms of society. They may stand apart from the mainstream because of willful eccentricity, madness, even social disgrace, but in each case their alienation provides them with a unique perspective, one that allows the reader to see the world they describe without the dulling lens of convention. We will explore what authors might gain by narrating their works from an "outsider" viewpoint, and we will study how the peculiar form and structure of these books reflects the modernist impulse in literature. This is a seminar designed for fiction writers, so we will spend time talking about not only the artistic merits of these books, but also about how the authors, who include Dostoevsky, Knut Hamsun, Jean Rhys, Denis Johnson, Joy Williams, Samuel Beckett and Amos Tutuola, achieve their specific effects. Over the course of the semester, we will use these texts as a springboard for writing original fiction."

Each of those authors are listed with their first and last names except for "Needs No Introduction" Dosteovsky. What does this tell us about the instructor? Pro-patricide?

Could just be that if you said "Johnson, Williams and Beckett" no one would know who you were talking about. But since it says "Samuel Beckett" we know that it is by the inventor of the quantum leap accelerator, someone with a very interesting point of view indeed! He's even been a woman!

Will Al be there?

Looks like Ziggy is acting up again.

A candy-colored clown they call the sandman
Tiptoes to my room every night
Just to sprinkle stardust and to whisper
"Go to sleep. Everything is all right."

American Psycho ... Fight Club

A Confederacy of Dunces.

For a moment I thought you were talking about the authors of those novels, then I realized you were just adding another novel to the list.

Onstad is the ultimate narrator in Achewood, and somewhat unhinged in his own way.

But it seems as though this is Pete's internal Unhinged Narration and it's his fictionalised self that throws the shadow-molotov into the back of the van (and can part a steel roller-door like a venetian blind).

If Teodor and Nathan are burned in the next strip, I will have been Wrong.

Most def imagination.

For Teodor's sake I hope so. But on the other hand every foray into the afterlife so far has been superb, so I wouldn't mind another. What I really don't want is for Teodor to end up like Zell and Cory. That would be hard to handle.

get nice pete out of my life

Is the death of senator Byrd affecting you that much?

It sure is affecting me.

Anyone? No one?

Well this is different

well.....yes and no...

I'm sort of embarrassed to admit how nervous I now am about this plotline.

The ideal mixture is 1/3 gasoline to 2/3 oil according to The Anarchist Cookbook.

Fucking perfectionists.

Gas and a flame. This is all you need.

Nah, it's not perfectionist until you specify what brand of gasoline, leaded or not, octane rating, and then what do you mean by "oil" exactly? DOES IT NEED TO BE EXTRA VIRGIN?
Someone has to think of these things.

Wait, I thought that was a Cab/Merlot blend in that bottle... that was somehow flammable.

Unrelated, I've read that braised Teddy Bear is the most delicious kind.

But..is it red or white wine that's appropriate with the meal?

Not only that, the brand and vintage are practically an epitaph.
"Here lie Teodor and Nathan, immersed in a last bottle of Blue Nun, unleaded- the wine so bad it made the news."

I like the implication that there is a type of Blue Nun with lead in it.

pretty sure teddy bears are white meat, based on the colour they usually are when you slice them open, so I'd go with a white.

Actually, the ideal mixture is "No rules, and that includes recipes" according to anarchy.

um guys? bits of styrofoam? important.

Should I be concerned that I find Teodor's hapless facial expressions in panels 8 and 9 completely hilarious?

Not at all. Also notice Nice Pete's smile, he just can't be a bad guy. Seriously, should we be scared of a guy that looks happy?


Well, poo.
That would have been kind of funny if it had worked.



Someone rang?

Yes. Please rock that serial killer avatar i made you.
It fucking rules.


Also kind of works with your avicon.

"Wrwrwrwrwrwreck up the place!"

We should all get together sometime

Denver Convention Center
AUG 14-16

I will actually being attending PAX Prime this year if any other 'barristas are going to be present this could actually be sort of a thing.

If anyone wants to swing by Burning Man...

Something 33...

Dude is naked...

We are lucky no one completed their Denny's meal, or this would be more of a Dutch oven.

Kinda disturbing to think Nice Pete has an unseen dark side he wrestles (?) with. For some reason I keep equating this with the Ted Cassidy dialogue at the start of The Incredible Hulk TV series.
Guess we know now why he's 'Nice' Pete...

They only play-wrestle, like good, old-time friends.

My birthday strip rules.

my birthday too, no joke. I had the same thought. *terrist fist bump*

You stayed alive a whole 'nother year. Birthday chubbies all around!

Chubbied for Fox mockery. "Terrorist Fist Bump" is one of the most ridiculous things.

Chubbies also for the Dubbya pronunciation: "terrist". Splendid.

Nathan will soon pupate into cartilage head, mark my words.

Aww, but look how happy Nice Pete is. You go ahead and kill Teodor you happy happy psychopath you.

I love the smell of burning bears in the morning ... it reminds me of victory ...

the purifyin' fire will burn
will burn.
fast-rollin tire will turn
will turn
insides of the liar will churn
will churn

If he's an honest man
the flames will spare him.
Be he honest
then my workings
won't scare him.

So it's goodnight
Goodnight to Nathan
Goodnight Goodnight to Darren

rrrrRRRAAAAAAAAAaaaagh!! (eight second scream)

A comment left by gladi8orrex was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by apocowarg, Scorpio_nadir, coffeecoaster, Jar, gherittwhite, miaou)

burn - turn - churn.
jeez, gladdie.

"spare him" - "scare him": almost like different words.


8 Second Scream would be a good band name.

Be a hard name to live up to.

Unless you had Yoko Ono.

The audience would be screaming. Not the people onstage.

I mean look at your avicon, why wouldn't you think that.

oh god nightmare fuel

At this point in the story I could equally accept that this is some hallucinatory Blue-Velvet-off-the-rails thing or that Nice Pete's shadow literally murders people when he's not looking.

Either works for me.

I think I may see a way out for Teodor. See in the first 2 panels how Nathan's blood doesn't seem to be pooling around the wheel hub but looks like it's going under it? Maybe he can pry it off or something? Maybe?
Goddamnit where is Ray with Airwolf?

Things are winding down for Teodor.

I'm sorry Chris... you've been losing me since the start of this Nice Pete arc. he's never been my favourite character as it is. and this whole arc is just proving to be disturbing and depressing simultaneously. but it's your thing baby. do with it what you will... and at the end of the week, you KNOW I will still be back to check it out.

This game is called Chinese Fire Drill. Anyone in the van not burned to death is the winner, but is likely to die in some other rude fashion.

Coleman Francis does a good Chinese fire drill.


Triangle Fire Drill

But Teodor is not wearing his shirtwaist.

Only the winner gets to meet Chairman Mao.

Other side of Tree!!



Not really though.

> go fire exit
There are no fire exits.

Just like in China!

Is it possible for real fire to be lit by a shadow? If not, what burns? Is it darkness itself? Is it? These are questions I had no idea I'd be asking when I woke up this morning.


Nathan is a Lavender Panther trained in seventeen forms of beating homophobic types into pâté. Shit is about to get exceptionally real.

Why would you go with Lavender Panther when you've got Pink Panther right there in front of you?

Because the Pink Panthers are based in Quebec, whereas the Lavender Panthers were formed in San Francisco in the 70s, so it's far more likely their influence extends to this part of California.

Don't test me, son. I'll give you a war you won't believe.

No, is cool, I just wasn't up on my gay militias and stand corrected. I mean I hear Pink Panther and all that comes to my mind is Peter Sellers and Fiberglass.

Funny, 'Peter Sellers' and 'Fiberglass' are the first things that come to mind for me when I hear 'gay militia.'

Not necessarily in that order.

(And seriously....there are 'gay militias?' I mean, what are their core tenets? Do they have slogans? Do they go around ravaging the countryside, giving out fashion tips and straightening up pillows and such?)

i have seen one of the posses you described... it was horrific. i had no idea that they were a militia, but now that makes sense given the horrible assault on my senses.

I watched Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

I heard they don't like posses.

does no one else see that Durwood is alive?

what can this bode for our heroes?

I personally would not pin many hopes on an aged homosexual, particularly one who thought getting into a nice van in a Denny's parking lot could possibly end well.

Hey, for all we know ol' Nate's a sadist.

This could all be ending extreeeemely well in his world.

My experience regarding the sweet touch of flame as a thing of intimacy holds that the molotov is not proper, being uncontrollably messy. More common and more rewarding is to swab an area of the beloved's body with rubbing alcohol being not overly generous so as to avoid pooling. The irony of the intense cooling sensation immediately before a lit match is pressed against the skin setting it ablaze creates delight within paradox.

Of course, flash paper, as commonly utilized by stage magicians, is another excellent choice, as there is a clear visual sign of where your burning is going to take place when the sweat adheres it to the skin. It also has the added bonus of requiring less heat to ignite, so rather than a match the motion of snubbing out a lit cigarette against the paper (an act extremely entwined with the mystique of power and dominance) can set it ablaze.

Nobody gets their rocks off in the back of a van when a repurposed bottle of Eco Domani is brought into play.

nice pete gets his rocks off

a more painful death

awwww shiiiiit

them suckahs gon' get burrrrrrned

but cyrusly,
m super excied abot alotta stuff n ma life its like, 'next turn' thngs gon' really be fun for me i cannit hardly wait. very excit'd peoples.

i had an erection so long (i was at my comp just fiddlin') dat like, for days after my dick hurt n i couldn't get more than a partial woody. its fine now but like, just go ahead and rub-one out even if u aint realy wana cuz is possible i mean, ur dick might hurt for a weekplusminus idk jus sayin'

awwww, little glad just disscoverd mastubatin and cant wate to tell his frends on the innernet. dude grows up fast for someone what grows up so late...images off, thank god.

u don' know me. you don' kno wtf m capable of, you don' know what shit be stirring inside me.

2006, vacation wit ma peeps. nighttime. go around teh deck to take a leak n urinal stall. cousin n der doin' god knows what says 'sup' to me. my dick in my hand, i shoulder check him off balance n toss his dumbass to the floor n step-step on his skull til he passes the fuck out DONT TALK TO ME WIN M PISSING, FAGGOT he went to hospital, i got chewed out. he was blood. wat the FUCK u think ima do to [b]YOU{/b]

stupid asshole. u donno wtf ur messin wit

gladi8orrex is nice pete.

He reminds me more of Showbiz.

If Showbiz could have a baby with Little Nephew.

And maybe Jeff Goldblum

If only I had chubbies left to give.

your anger is understandable, you is at delicate point in young boyz life... that's o.k., i am here to help.
lets start with easy things, your mom, when she does the laundry, she'll uh, notice, the sheets. cool dude, that's what kleenex is for. 2nd, lotion. keep u from getting even more scabs on your schlong. 3rd, ul outgrow mny uv yr prblms, but try not to cum on your keyboard, 1,000 monkeys cumming on keyboards don't make shakespeare. listen, something mildly interesting just came up, i'll be gone a bit(that doesn't make me you daddy) but you just post you stuff, i'll come back and help you. you a youth at risk.

i c its up to me to be a bigger man. sharks swim n the sea and aint mind if some crab-ass son of bitch step to him cuz its just like 'i eat whatever, whenver. the fuck i care wat sum crab thinks'

kinda where im at with you. discontinueing convo. got obvious psychological problems

Yo FYI you are terrible and gladi8orrex just did two of the best fucking posts I've ever seen

Seriously I'm in awe right here

A comment left by fuckyoufriday was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by XACBalistikX, divot, daidai, plummet, lizard, ethelthefrog, JohnnyMalo)

wow, really?

FUCK YOU, man. I come to assetbar to get away from that shit

Check out Pete's teeny-tiny, terrifically horrifying smile in the last panel.

Meanwhile, Ray gets high and orders 20 different kinds of bacon from a bulk meat store, thinking he will throw a bacon themed party. He will regret this decision.

Ray will regret ordering only 20 kinds

That, and the bacon flavored vodka.

No one regrets bacon flavored vodka.




what the hell are the first 2 panels supposed to mean

Nathan is regaining consciousness (right eye opening).

and holy moley... he 'AINT GAY NO MORE!

... this is sad, in case you didn't know.

What kind of roll down shutter works like that? Is it just some blinds?


Dudes. We all know who the Unhinged Narrator is, and it ain't Nice Pete.

Is....is it Jesus?

Am I dead?

I'm happy for Pete.

We all gotta answer to that bell.

A comment left by theirateturk was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tibcoolbreeze, cicero_hood, freagul, hurfdurf)

Mind if I smoke a fag?


Well yeah that's generally what they do.

I love this. This, THIS, is fuckin' terrifying. In the best of all possible ways.

2:1 on that Nathan saves the day.

Nathan ex machina!

all the kids actually named Nathan in real life are just swelling with undeserved pride right now.

bodies in the van
the shadow murders them all
hellflame; nice pete smiles

alternate third line:

"he is the winner:

At first I wasn't convinced that this actually happened - but the van speed, the fact that teodor is actually following the action, and the fact that the blinds move are pretty convincing... The only thing missing is screams, but there are lots of ways to explain that away. This series has gone mad.
Also, the format of this strip is just right for adding extra creepiness.

Also the title of the strip tells you that it's not really happening, using words.

I still think that's not entirely clear though - this could easily be Nice Pete's story, and he is telling you that he just drove on into the night, even though the shadows say otherwise.

Unless you meant to leave out the "not", in which case it's still more evidence that it is happening.

Nevertheless, the more I think about this, the more I think that this is one of the few areas where images can tell a story that no amount of description could do justice. In fact, I'm really curious to see how a literary translation of this would go. It feels like it would be poe-ish, but would the shadow be described literally as existing and taking action (as I feel like a Poe narrator would do) or would it be more psychological with a description of little more than Nice Pete driving somewhere... except I guess with details of events being dropped into the subtext without affecting Pete's actual mood until the climax of fire at the end, where suddenly everything becomes clear? I'm not sure, but I guess the point I'm trying to make is, I really like this strip.

I was not sure at first, but you have convinced me. The shadow is Nice Pete's physical self and the non-shadow Pete is his inner state. It's a good visual metaphor and, perhaps, a manifestation of the difficulty of drawing a smiling shadow driving a van.

In terms of a literary translation, it depends on who's narrating. Nice Pete would use an honest, Southern style, rich of description. Onstad would be all Nabokov.

Sorry I let you down, Exits - please forgive me for convincing you of utter lies and falsehoods.

Damn. And the imagery was so... distressing, too.

FYI the waitress was not actually spitting up blood from her anus-mouth during the whole restaurant bit

Wouldn't it be something if this was Onstad's way of getting out of the strip? Killing off his central characters one by one? No survivors=no strip.

Just torturing us over several months while Nice Pete works his way through the neighbourhood. Last panel of the last strip all Philippe hanging skinned from the porch of the Super Secret Icecream shop while nice Pete for his skin like a luchadore mask.

Rhat should probably say "wears" instead of "for". I'm not exactly sure how that happened. I'm so sorry assetbar.

Rhat says, "Fankly, Scarlet, I dun gib fuck, k."

das what I remberm.

No, no, there are conventions to follow, here. Nice Pete is the third or fourth to die, having never (in retrospect) demonstrably killed someone. Ultimately it turns out Cornelius has been behind the slaughter, and as it turns out his ancient heart cannot withstand the strain as he lays the final cleaver-blow into Roast Beef's head

Then in the next storyline all the characters come back and behave as though nothing notable had happened.

I like the idea of a John Henry type of ending for Mr Bear

Last strip all Phillippe lying in the corner, bludgeoned to death with the drum machine manual.

Circle of Life.

Philippe is bleeding on it.

How is it that I keep imagining Nice Pete dying at the end of the strip all Devil's Rejects style, driving high speed towards the state police as they blow him and his van to kingdom come, Freebird all up in the background music.

I've felt this comic might end while reading several other of the recent arcs.

For this arc, I am telling myself that Nice Pete is the only one who will die, but I'm not sure I believe it.

way to totally rip

Maybe Nice Pete will finally fucking die*

*so we can see him sass up hell

Nice Pete would be so sad in Hell.
I mean, both he and the situation of hell-being-in.

I for one would like to see him ride the Wheel of Karma

If there's one thing hell needs, it's more sass.

That's just SASS as HELL

As the shadow flames fill the van, Teodor's shadow begins to kick and thrash and scream silent shadow screams.

Andy Larson will now perform Poe's The Raven, a modern remake for 3rd Period English.

Shadow flame now dwarfs the van
Roaring out my monstrous plan
Teo's shade no more will thrash-
Croaked the Raven, "Shit's so cash."

What is that all splattered on the van wall behind pete.. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.


Flames ain't no splatter fool!

I don't think I've ever seen Nice Pete actually smile.

Until today.

And I didn't like it.

He smiled at the old gay dude too. When he asked to touch the picture.

Holy SHIT that's awesome.

OHHHH... it's Pete's shadow doing the burning. For some reason I thought this was Teodore's great "love conquers all" escape moment.

This is very bad news for the school.

We get it Chris, you're mean and hard and bored and the kid has not made you lose your edge. It's just made for two really long Split Infinitives of story arcs (that last interminable Cartilage Head one and now this grind).

If you got a vasectomy, would you learn to smile again? If I re-up my fanflow subscription, can you get the snip?

Just another typical high school night out.
Why you guys tripping? The hell is the matter with you guys?

Relevant advice from the football coach: act like you've been there before

Nice Pete has made an old homosexual very happy tonight.

It's probably bad of me, but I pretty much wanted the old man to be dead.

Probably bad.

It's probably ok, since it's a comic cat, not a real old man? But, then again, you should probably think about seeking professional help.

I remember someone a strip or two ago saying that if Nice Pete killed Teodor, the strip dynamic would have to change violently, but the more I think about it, the more I think it doesn't matter if he dies or not. With regards to the character interactions, anyway.

It seems like even if he survives this, there is almost no way the rest of the cast can sit idly by in quiet mistrust while Pete carries out living his daily routine. The topic of the USB Killing Machine came up, and with respect to that, the ending was one of those typical comic back-where-we-started endings. I mean - in the long shot, achewood tends to take more risks and leave more ends tied in uncomfortable knots, but that one was very tidy.

I think it's time to deal with Pete for good.

Additionally, I'd love to see Beef be the hero in this one. Don't ask me how or why, but I feel like he will be the one to end the cycle of violence. And of course, it's possible, even probably, that Pete will return from hell... but his relation with the cast will be forever changed.

After this arc I'll settle for nothing less than Ray ripping off Pete's entire middle.

I'm pretty much hoping it stays just between Teodor and Nice Pete. Nearly every storyline is about Roast Beef and/or Ray exploring their own personal quirks, while everyone else just wanders around reacting to Ray and Roast Beef. Teodor and Nice Pete in particular have been stuck just doing their one gimmick (Nice Pete) or whatever the hell minor action is needed to advance the plot (Teodor), and then dissapearing quietly without a fuss. Giving them some story-time to either develop interesting personalities independent of the main characters' egoes or just fucking murder each other brutally is the best thing possible.

I hope something interesting comes of it, a death in the series would certainly open up some new doors.

But I'll lay down money that nothing that severe happens. The shadow person could just be Nice Pete's twisted imagination for all we know.

I say it's just Pete's sweet imagination. I mean, look, if it was that easy to "open the blinds", why T would just jump out of that box and into Pete's lap. Grab the wheel, roll the van, anything could happen. No, it's not that easy. Pete's just having a happy moment thinking about Nice things.

Do you perceive Teodor as a guy who does stuff and solves problems

(totally imaginary though yeah)

This is so obvious.

RIP Teodor, old gay dude.

I see no rollerskate. No one is going to die.


This cannot be real. Nice Pete would never Take Teodor after such a high gesture.



didn't mean to chubby that. wish i hadn't. too late now. my feelings on this asset. con.

You're forgetting something very important: Nice Pete is crazy.

so how's that paid assetbar premium content thing working out? No one ever talks about it any more on here. I personally think that the people who use it are pussies who want a nice controlled environment where if anyone says anything that offends anyone, the person's account immediately gets disabled.



Is that what it's from? I saw it on a VW forum. Dude posting hella porn spam.

Is there anyone among us who walks both worlds? What is it like in there? Are the blog posts there?

there are not blog posts, exactly. there are narratives about the characters, transcripts of conversations they have, graphic designs Teodor plays around with, etc. It's a lot of the content that would have been blog posts presented in a slightly different form.

We also get previews of upcoming merchandise/concept art, alternate versions of strips, and general commentary from Mr. O.

If you're considering signing up, I'd strongly encourage you to do it, at least for a few months. There's over 800 entries so far, starting with a play-by-play of Beef and Molly's wedding. There are two Q&A threads where Chris allowed us to post questions for 24 hours then answered them all as quickly as he could.

The output has dropped from several times a day in the beginning to a few times a week, but I still feel like I get my money's worth out of it. Even just having access to the backlog is worth $3/month.

As for Ratacatt's concern, I don't think anyone's been banned at all and there is a fair amount of criticism and disagreement.

people are banned all the time dude. in the paid section, any comment that gets three lames gets that account banned for 24 hours. Every time the comment gets a new lame, the ban period resets to a fresh 24 hours. So it can easily happen that by someone giving one lame to a comment you made last month, your account is banned for 24 hours.

The effect of this system is that anyone with any slightly unpopular ideas quickly gives up on the place.

the paid assetbar is as unoriginal and sanitary as fucking Disney World.

Not sure how you went from AIU to Defender of Assetbar but hey.

I'm not actually AIU. Everyone said I was, so I just went with the flow.

You wear it well, bub.

If you're not AIU then who is? It could be any one of us. Let's all meet in the drawing room for a dramatic revelation. There will be refreshments for the ladies.

It was me all along! No it was me! No I'm the REAL AIU! No I am! etc

Since the mofo stabilizzed !

my boss suspended me from work today. I really want to go postal. But I think I'm less likely to go postal now than in years past. now I think if I was going to go postal, I'd skip my boss, and instead I'd make it a long term project to off the CEO.

See! Now you have ambitious GOALS! Meanwhile: much more manipulation of the world can happen when not postal. As an analogy, the most successful governments are the ones that don't operate by revolution but by making the people immediately surrounding them think they've got it good.

If that makes no sense I blame my socially accepted caffeine intake.

what is a successful government anyway? The U.S., until it finally has to start printing cash to cover it's debt?

Things look a little unstable, but in the grand scheme of things, it will balance out. There might be a recession, even a depression, but if the peoples are not revolting (herr herr herr) then the government is a success (according to my definition for the above post on a web page about cats, stuffed bears and robots).

there might be a recession, depression, or even a civil war or two. Before WWI there were lots of optimists who thought that the wars of Europe were a thing of the past, that a new more sophisticated modern era was upon us... then after WWI the optimists were like "well, it's a good thing we finally got that out of our system. We're set for good now." And then whamo, WWII. When you analyze frequency and distribution of wars on a statistical level , you find that statistically speaking, optimism is not warranted...

Eeeeshhh. That would be true. Hmmm... OK, I hereby change my definition of success to "minimal internal conflict" (i.e. one civil war not withstanding). Damn. This is starting to get scientific .

Not really.

I just realized that I'd much rather have a sustained civil war against the capitalist pigs than go postal against my managers for a single afternoon. And considering how tempted I am to go postal, that's saying a lot. I might never get my wish, but if a conflict does arise, I've got a gun and ammo on the ready...

Tea party vs. the US military? Now that I'd like to see. Are there such things as civil spectators in a civil war? Besides the assholes who picnicked at Bull Run.

Sorry, here.

Hahaha war against the capitalists, that's great. Let's not even joke here, just off the top of my head I can name a dozen-odd executives who've personally destroyed millions of lives in the most public manner possible, this is not even hyperbole, you don't even have to get into guys like Cassano who just publicly fucked everybody for the sheer nihilistic evil of it and were rewarded beyond their wildest dreams. Nothing happened or will happen to any of them, while your life is quantifiably nastier, brutisher, shorter as a consequence of their bullshit the teenage sons of broken men who have lost everything to the vampires think it's radical edgy stuff to even hint in coy terms about how they might hypothetically raise a hand against their masters anonymously over the Internet.

The class war in the United States ended decisively before you were even born, we're on to the thousand-year-Reich phase of the whole thing now. And not one in six billion people is willing and able to do a single god-damn thing about it.

ryder-p-moses - eh... I'd go postal and kill a few fucks, but seriously, a thousand years of stability isn't in the cards. Try more like 5. In the current scheme of things, we won't have a war, but that scheme is plastic... and I am an engineer...

Five years until instability for who? I mean, setting aside that the trouble in the offing right now is pretty much an entirely plutocrat-managed reversion to fascism, it ain't exactly the French Revolution anymore. We've heard this song played plenty of times in the past five decades, whenever some hellhole of a country works up the balls to throw off the yoke its masters just up and move to their Mediterranean villas with 3/4 of the country's assets, get to whoring it up and funding the counterrevolution. I'd say there's hope for a purge in a country with reach like America's but lol even when the American middle class was explicitly placed on the chopping block and it wasn't just the poor and browns anymore not one single person took a shot at a Goldman Sachs exec, dudes can just wander around downtown Manhattan in broad daylight laughing at the cattle. The only destabilizing element in the entire country is underwear bombers i.e. the most obvious CIA false ever(what, the biggest IWF battlefields in the world can't come up with one guy who knows how to make a bomb that goes off? Bored American teenagers with MW2 for technical experience do better every day.), and a few of the aforementioned fascist revivalists shooting Jews and crashing planes into tax offices. That's beyond pathetic.

5 years till instability for culture

"The Future will happen in our time. We're the ones who get the jetpacks." It's pretty presumptuous to call the end of society in five years from this point when it's lasted well over 5000 years thus far.

not the end, just a phase change

Even that is giving our generation too much credit. I really feel this way about a lot of things. Like sure climate change is real, but I don't expect humanity of being able to destroy all life before nature adapts to our stupidity...unless we use literally every atomic bomb.

What's lasted 5000 years? Some form of historical record is the only thing that comes to mind, 'cos it sure ain't a continuous civilization, technology base, social order or ruling party.

I guess the Chinese had a relatively unbroken chain of imperial dominance for a few millennia but even that was pretty goddamn chaotic.

Don't be an obstinate snob. People living with other people and talking at each other and then recording all that stuff. That's lasted for probably many times more than 5000 years and for Culture To End in five years but not humanity is a whole ton of bullshit.

If your idea of "culture" and specifically "our culture" is "more than one surviving human being and at least one literate one", then uh sure that's not exactly in jeopardy. That's also not remotely what "culture" means in this here commonly understood English language us snobs is usin'.

This is a pretty adorable little argument you're having, though, so don't let me stop you. Tell me, you run into a lot of people who equate class war and the literal Apocalypse?

He said instability for culture, then phase change. I addressed that claim. You can't exactly jump on me for that. Oh look guys, he called my post adorable, I guess that invalidates it. Twist my dick.

Really. Well, OK. Ummm... this is a bit awkward. My name is Woodenteeth, good to meet/twist you.

Directed at someone else but if you're willing, alrighty.

What if there was a business concern whose most profitable enterprise was loaning money? To the leaders of both sides in a war. Do you think it might behoove the operators of that business to make sure that every 50 years or so there is a war? Not so much to "make sure", as that would be a little too obvious, but more to use the immense wealth and power they had accrued through the years to subtlety influence world politics so as to create opportunities for themselves. If those "opportunities" result in 5 or 20 million dead people, well, it's not their fault. They didn't pull any triggers, did they? It's a good thing that this scenario is only a figment of my deranged imagination. Isn't it!

Aaaaand that's the military industrial complex summarized.

I disagree. The military industrial complex are the vassals of the financiers. The military industrial complex are powerful compared to you and me, but they dare not defy those who hold the purse strings. In 2010, no business, other than the odd hooker here and there, can operate without borrowed capital. Government contract for $300M? First you have to borrow $75M or so to finance your production of the goods in question. If you can't borrow? You're fucked. So, who is really in charge?

A defeated country would be less likely to repay loans or bonds, so your idea of loaning money to both sides in a war is not such a great scheme.

randyleepublic ... the world is not as predictable or stable as you believe it to be. There is no God in the universe, and there is no one person or group who controls the affairs of people. Some people have more power than others, but the sands are constantly shifting.

I agree that there is no one person or group. The sands shift, yes indeed, but the mechanisms of tyranny continue to operate. How is it that nearly every nation on earth now has a nearly identical monetary system? Why is it that whenever you read about the problems of monetary systems, the blame for those problems is always fiat money vs. so-called sound money, i.e. gold backed currency, when this is obvious hogwash?

More, it is precisely the unpredictability and instability of the world that serve the powerful so well. Not the middle management, they hate it, but the truly powerful. E.G. in the most recent bubble bursting, everyone lost a lot of money, yes. Well, not quite everyone. Whoever decided when the bubble was to burst, made a huge amount of money. Perhaps they didn't make money, but as long as they lost only a little, and their competitors, as well as the mass of humanity, lost much more, then as the cliche goes, it's all good!

No, the way it works is that the winners get a break on their repayment terms in return for which they force the losers to pay as part of their surrender.

A defeated and powerless country is in a lot less position to default on its loans to a foreign power .

See: the US attitude towards the national deficit and its Chinese creditors, vs. that of any third-world country in the thrall of the IMF

randyleepublic why are you talking like finance and military power are in any way distinct or separable

There is no 'in charge', that doesn't even make sense, it'd be like your left hand being in charge of your right hand.

Ya'll some socio-politico-economic nerds!


I disagree. Military power is the ability to motivate millions of individuals to risk their lives carrying out your orders. It is not done with money, although, of course, money plays a part. Financial power is the ability to punish and reward a very small group of individuals. The two are separate. They are very far from mirror images of each other as in you example of the left and right hand. They are separate spheres of influence controlled by different rulers. There is now brain in the middle controlling both arms. In the past they have even challenged each other, but not for a long time. Financial power manipulates military power, but does not control it directly. If I implied that such was the case, I apologize.

Oh yeah? Well I had sex with your wife!


i guess i forgot about the 3 jeer thing. That is kinda dumb. I thought you meant people were getting banned permanently.

Anyway, I don't comment a whole hell of a lot there to begin with. I subscribe for access to the stuff Chris posts, and I suspect a lot of other users do too.

I try not to look at the comics, either here or on the paid assetbar. It makes the comments that much more interesting, trying to guess what comic has been posted. Once a month or so I'll go back and read the comics.

I paid for it because I use this site all the time. I think he deserves at least $9 of mine. Probably more in the end. I don't comment there though... one horrible forum addiction is enough.

My original intent in posting horribly mean and rude things on assetbar was to save the admins money by discouraging people from use it.

Well. Umm... I don't think that venture was particularly successful.

it's hard to tell.. maybe i scared off the majority of users, and that's why this site is still affordable to run for whoever is bearing the costs.

You're a benevolent ghost in the machinations of this wonderous place.

nf.. did you send me an e-mail via Hong Kong with an invalid return address? WTF did you do that for?

Mailer-Daemon all I'm sorry, Domain ching-chong.wing-wong does not exist.

I logged in to chubby this.

not i sir

holy shit

nice avatar/comment combo. It's even a fellow bear fretting for Teodor. It works on so many levels, well two.

said the dismayed bear

Has anyone mentioned about the extra detail in the art in the first panels?

After the second read it really helps the reality of the story arc sink in. A detailed picture of a bruised and bloody character simply opening his eyes. So far the story has been a bloody comedy like A League of Gentlemen... only now has it turned into Psychoville.

oh.. he's opening his eyes? Hmm I didn't catch that. Well sort of maybe he is.

hey by the way... it could be Pete's imagination that he's tossing a molotov in there, or, it could be that he really did toss a molotov in there, but Onstad is representing Pete as a sort of dichotomy, in that, there is Pete the person, and Pete's shadow... The last panel demonstrates a connection between Pete and his shadow, yet at the same time, the shadow does sort of have a life of it's own.

... which is a pretty good representation of any human being. The man is a psychopath, but he is also just a man, not a diagnosis. Just like all of us he sometimes imagines things he doesn't actually do... and sometimes does things most people imagine he wouldn't. Unfortunately in Pete's case he has far less inhibition on doing what his urges tell him.

I love the extra detail. Also, the motor noise. Notice how it suddenly dims when Pete opens the louvers on the door, and revs back up when he closes them? Given O's use of onomatopoeia, I have to think this is deliberate--almost as if the sound is actually from T's perspective? (I'm assuming the sound would reverberate less whenever it had an outlet.) So not only is the representation of Pete split in two, but the representation of the total scene is split as well, into Pete's perceptions and T's perceptions.

my interpretation is that the sound fades from Pete's awareness as he concentrates more and more on his fantasy, then as he concludes his inner fantasy, his narrow focus expands to again encompass his external environment.

... OR... maybe he slows down as he throws the molotov in the back/imagines himself throwing the molotov in the back.

I assumed Pete was letting off the gas as he zoned out

Is this karmic payback for when Teodor let Lyle punch Philippe that one time? Surely there could have been another way.

This helps quite a bit actually.

liz, lizard. lizard, liz.

Pete is just Philippe in an adult-cat suit. Have you ever seen them together in the same room??

Pedant BAIT!

Super Secret Ice-Cream Shop storyline debunks your theory

Now just to reel him in...

Choose A Story Arc is back, by the way.

According to prevalent fantasy tropes, shadow fire only burns shadows. So Theo and the old man's shadows are destroyed or maimed. Probably just a nuisance more than anything, maybe like when Bart Simpson sold his soul to Millhouse for five bucks.

In the next arc, Teodor is mistaken for a vampire and has a wooden stake driven through his heart.

In the next ark, the unicorns make it.

I my gosh you guys I just realized Nathan is an aged version of Sound and Light from the GOF.

Very observant!


I've thrown Molotov cocktails one time. Walking home thru a gas station very stoned and very drunk from a party me and my friend saw a guy filling gas into a large bucket. Naturally we approached him. His first words as we walked up were 'wanna go throw some molotov cocktails?'. Of course we said yes, and hopped into the back of his truck. He drove us to his frat house (NIU) and we went downstairs with him. They were doing some sort of ritual with the rushers and most of the group objected to us being there. The guy said 'It's cool' and introduced us as Dulger and Chauncy. We still argue to this day as to who exactly was Dulger and who was Chauncy. I prefer Dulger. Anyway we filled up and threw at 4 cocktails at opposing frat houses. Home by 5. Good times.

someone call the FBI


if i'd caught you tossing molotov cocktails.

i'dve killed you

someone call the INTERPOL

Reevaluate your life decisions son.

rminds me of this one time I was at a chineese food restauran an it was full of jews

anyway long story short, these black guys come in and the chinee guy can't understand them very well and lots of confusion

so I got they order and they got my order, and they come back 5 minutes later and I come back 5 minutes later and we cross paths in the parking lot

and long story short they invite me back to they place

they was blakc panthers

and afterwards we went out an' raped white chicks (this was in the 60s when this was more socially acceptable)

well I am white and they is black so I offered to rape a black chick but they said no it is only the white chicks we got to rape something about turning the tables on the oppressor or something.

so I never did get to has sex with a black chick.

What I filtered from this anecdote:

Jews enjoy Chinese food.

Nathan is going to end up freeing them with his wanger. Mark my words, fellows. Mark them WELL.

With lightning bolts on it?

Those panels are pretty big.

With 2010 strips 33% larger, O feels he needs to do less work.

I've got friends... on the other side!

Good movie. Approval.

Ghost, with Patrick Swayze?


i've read this strip for a long time. i just felt motivated enough to register so i can say this: please no not kill the old homosexual man. i have a beautiful story in my head about his life and i would give anything for him to make it out of this alive and sane. please. thank you.


You may use the above link to automatically read multiple strips, thereby allowing your new assetbar account to make as many comments as you like. (New assetbar accounts aren't allowed to make multiple comments until they've "read" an ungodly number of strips.)

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?

The Shadow do!

Blackface divide by zero

Two wrongs don't make a white.

This thread of comments confounds me.

Jim Crow is standing on it.

Thread Explained:

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?

-- From an old radio show - it seemed apropos in that Pete's shadow indicated what evil lurked in his heart.

The Shadow do!

-- From Flip Wilson, A vernacular joke on the original answer to the radio show's question (originally, "The Shadow Knows").

Blackface divide by zero

-- A comment on the picture of Flip Wilson (a Black man) in black face (I think).

Two wrongs don't make a white.

-- ???

Two wrongs don't make a white.

So these two Chinese folks get married in America and conceive a child, expecting to produce an American baby, but it comes out Chinese. Moral: Two Wongs don't make a white!

Two dongs also make a white, but maybe not the white you're looking for

I just figured it out: pogo is like Chevy Chase's character on Community!

He says the new strip runs Friday evening. I guess I keep checking Achewood for the same reason I keep looking at this one girl's Myspace page, because I'm expecting something I definitely will not be getting.

well that's ok, it'd be illegal to get what you see on MySpace


I think you and I misunderstood this bit:
"Our latest strip runs Friday evening, 7/2"

Now, since he's said the strip is going to run on Friday evening, it could hardly be said to be their latest strip if it appeared on Friday evening... It would have to appear some time later. A lot later, I'm guessing on the order of several weeks.

Of course, it's possible he'll give up on this plan to make the next strip be the latest one yet - so we may actually see it "any time now"...

Our latest strip runs --insert arbitrary time here--, --insert arbitrary date here--.

insert arbitrary author

Camille Paglia that bitch so arbitrary I wouldn't insert her with your dick.

Man, I'm....sorry.

You just need to recalibrate your watch for the Onstad time zone. First you synchronize it exactly to a GPS time source - then you adjust it to a week and a half in the past. Then you set it on the table and smash it with a large hammer. Then you pick up random bits and pieces and try to arrange them so they form words and numbers. The first ten times you do this and succeed, you take the parts that were most useful to you in this exercise, carefully store them in a wooden box, which is then shipped to a random location on the Earth. Finally, on the 21st iteration, if you're able to successfully form the few remaining watch parts into some numbers and letters, and these numbers and letters happen to spell out something roughly like what you thought the time was supposed to be, then you know it's time for a new comic. If not, then you start the process over again from the beginning.

A Terror of Shadow and Flame.

So far away we wait for the day
For the light source so wasted and gone
We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days
Through the fire and the flames we carry on~


Classic Onstad

that sadistic man

Sometimes I wonder how Onstad comes up with his Pat-isms and then I find tidbits like this
"We eat lots of homemade probiotic foods. I found that my gut flora was badly out of balance (as it is for most people that have eaten processed foods) and I needed probiotics to repopulate my gut. They not only boost the health of the beneficial bacteria in the gut, they stimulate digestive juices for better digestion. I make lacto-fermented vegetables (process used to make traditional sauerkraut) from safe veggies and sea salt and eat them daily. I also drink beet kvass and fermented cabbage juice tonic (delicious, I swear!) for natural probiotics. Really easy to make, the varieties are limited only by imagination and no special equipment is required."

unrelated, sorry

But completely related to your username.

Also, hi; I'm another user who chose a foreign dish as his name here.


you know it could be that the stuff onstad is talking about actually makes sense if you take a minute to think about it. you kind of put it out there like it's some kind of Pat insanity. Pat instanity and rationality... it's a thin line...

Really nice artwork in this.

How does anyone not realize that animations on otherwise text based webpages are supremely annoying. I'm trying to read and this *motion* keeps catching my eye. Is it just me, or do others wish that people would save their animation skills for cartoons and movies?

relaaaaax. Its not like there aren't tons of flashing things everywhere else on the internet.

said the polar bear, sliding on the ice

thank you Randy for articulating what I have been saying for some time now, only your plea for sanity is more succinct and eloquent. Matter of fact I've said it before also that I think [imgs off] is the best thing that could have happened to assetbar. not just because of the animated gifs but because yes, a community can only go so far with text when everyone has images constantly distracting them.

personally, I ignore people whose animated avitars annoy me too much. It's strictly a personal thing as to which avitars are annoying and which are not. for some reason I got used to i_love_kate's avatar. That I would have never expected.

i_love_kate's avatar still bothers me up to now, actually

but I don't say anything because people on the internet always do the exact opposite of what you tell them to do.

as in

if I complained about I_love_kate's avatar, everyone would change their avatar to I_love_kate's.

you see where I am going here?

Guys, if you feel like it, I am down with this.

Also hey what you have an animated avatar.

Yes, i_love_kate.

I gave into peer pressure. Can't beat 'em? Join 'em.

but it's bad manners to join them, then complain about they are.

self-loathing is an unhealthy emotion.

i certainly couldn't compete until images were removed

Does anyone else feel that Onstad's relationship with his readership is like that of a feckless, alcoholic husband and his long suffering wife. You're so angry with him while he's away drinking the dole money. Then he comes back, but he's just come in to get his coat, and he gives you some terrible excuse, and he tries to make a joke out of it. You swear you'll never forgive him, but then he turns up, three days later, with a bunch of flowers and presents for the children, and you honestly believe that this time it'll be different, this time he'll stay forever. Any one else feel like that?

Imagine how is real wife feels!


I.. We have a connection here, my friend. This is true. I've been checking every five minutes for the new comic, checking e-mail for subscriber update notifications, and waiting.. for some sign that he still loves me. Anything. Even if it's just a grunt and a half-asleep rolling-over-and-throwing-his-arm-around-me, I'll take it.. I need it. Now, more than ever.

If I didn't give him such a hard time all the time, things would be different. I know it's all my fault. I'm too stubborn, and he works so very, very hard...

Enjoy your freedom of expression, by fellow Assetbarbarians, on this, the anniversary of political independence. "When in the course of human events ... "

Onstad has a tough job. Plus, it's a holiday. I myself simply fell down the stairs. That's where the bruise came from, really.

I've developed a theoy. Pete isn't going to kill Teodor. He's just pissed at him for trying to bail on dare night so he's locking him in and making him stay. The molotov shadow is just Nice Pete's imagination venting his anger through fantasy. Hilarity will ensue when Nice Pete opens the back of the van for the next dare (which will involve Ray and Beef) and they will all find Teodor with an old man's 10 inch dong in his mouth. I have to believe this is what will happen, because it is the least disturbing possible outcome my brain has conveived that could result from these circumstances.

oh man, i totally meant to post this on the one 2 up form this one...