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Little Nephew's Hip-Hop Pants Tuesday, October 14, 2003 • read strip Viewing 133 comments:

The alt-text for this was something like "Does he always wear a crown after he fucks somebody?", which I thought was quite risqué. The site seriously needs the alt-text.

totally. i've always wondered about the alt text in terms of the books, too- they are so important!

They're just not in the books. Onstad said it was something special the web versions would have.

A comment left by scramblesthedog was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Hipjiverobot, goocifer, n00b)

it reminds him of his dominance.

actually it reminds everyone else of his dominance, too.

I wear a horned Viking helm after getting mad rutty, but it's more to freak her out so she leaves so I can take a nap in peace.

Horned helms and waterbeds aren't as compatible as they should be though.

I make clock-noises in her ear after the act.
All natural-like.
They lull her to sleep so I can follow suit.

I can't wait until my niece is old enough for me to yell what Ray yelled in Panel 5

How old's old enough? Because I'd be doing that at like four weeks.

how anyone can read this and not think about using the phrase "gettin' mad rutty" more in conversation is beyond me.

Everyone I know has been using it.

But it's still not enough.

A comment left by epicurus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by lamboyster, phthoggos, airlai, hellofditties, stormagnet)

2 years later, I chubby this for making me smile. :D

A comment left by mortimerkhan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, lauralou, VictoriaW)

It's strips like this that make me think that Little Nephew goes out and ghost rides the whip.

little nephew pants Ray's diary entry = gold

A comment left by deancain29 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, changuitotuerto, bixschmix, pulkbaby)

This is why i make a point to read through all the comments before assuming any of my thoughts are original.

This is probably my favorite achewood of all time


The hyphen is extremely important

I find your avatar deeply attractive.

Yours is fucking horrifying.

You said it.

The best part is that nephew's shirt is tucked into his underwear.

He learned that from Ray, all tucking his shirt into his thong.

i want a crown like that for after i fuck as well. it would really suit the triumphal mood.

The Crying King


Absolutely one of my all time favorites! It's strips like this that make me wish I could give higher than a 5.

This is so true; watch as Tommy Hilfiger slowly takes over all the areas of the body with his creeping underwear. It's like losing at Risk.

So, so true.

every panel is just bursting with hilarity in this one

lotta good things to say about this one.

"pants/underwear situation" really opens up a lot of creative possibilities. i had always thought about the pants/underwear relationship in much more constrictive and literal terms.

The issue with which Ray has a problem as regards Little Nephew is the same issue that attracts him to the social services worker.

I must be really stupid if I never got that before now.

Wow. If you're as stupid as you imagine, I must be brain dead. I never got it until you spelled it out.

I just enjoy the irony in that Ray can resolve the issue by either yelling or boning.

Perhaps the boning...coupled with the crown...has made up for both.

he has little leg warmers!

Unless your name is Cleo and you are a smokin'-hot catgirl from a nearly-forgotten '80s cartoon, you should never wear leg warmers outside of an exercise-oriented environment.

Or a teenaged girl in Harajuku.

They're not legwarmers, they're just... things.

These are legwarmers.

The ultra-pink has drowned out any and all ass-cheek that SHOULD be visible in that picture.

Japanese people apparently need to be yelled at more often.

Do not want.

As heccibiggs has correctly pointed out: not legwarmers.

On the bright side, it has revealed quite a lot about your alternate internet-related endeavors.

Whooo, looks like my user name comes in handy...

new favorite

It's not that seeing her thong turned Ray on. It just gave them something in common.

This was the first achewood strip I ever read. My pants/underwear situation has never been the same since.

If ever you've considered that 'pants' is plural and wondered (possibly while high) what a singular 'pant' would look like ...

Is that some kind of new age comedy koan?

What is the sound of one pant flapping?

Trousers (and I guess pants) are (is?) plural because "trew" were originally 2 separate leggings tied together at the waist. A single pant would be a long sock...

The fifth panel is how I feel about 95% of the time.

The other 5% is sorta like Pat viewed through the Mexican magical realism camera.

It's strange, being me.

This strip has to be one of my all-time favorites.

Ray's statement in panel 5 can easily be applied to most of the world, I find, not just the portion under 18 (or whatever age Little Nephew is; you know I got no sense of cat years). Very philosophical.

Damnit, I thought this was todays (25/12/07) having not being paying attention, then I clicked curr and my head exploded.

"How do I even begin to describe your pants/underwear situation?"

I hope I never hear someone say these words to me.

You can always just suggest to them that shutting up is an option.

soon to be followed by [...]SAY IT!

True story time!

This one time when I was in middle school, these two nerdy kids tag-teamed another kid who was sagging a pair of ridiculously huge sweatpants. One pinned his arms to his side while the other hauled the sweatpants up to his neck, drew the drawstring*, and tied it off- leaving this kid trapped in his own pants.

*(not tight enough to choke him, mind, they had SOME mercy)


We have greatly varying definitions of "tag-teamed".

The fact that this does not have more chubbies both lessens and heightens my faith in humanity all at once.

Eventually, the chubby pile will be so large it will collapse and crush you beneath several tons of aggregated malicious approval. This will be both the apex and nadir of your faith in humanity.

Kids at my old school, they used to wear their pants past the ass, so that they would have to hold the pants up by a belt loop as they walked. I love that somehow pants have become a chore an they are cool with it.

Chubby for the avatar.

You know what I love? LN's tiny little belt on each leg.


I feel like this at all times. Why must children suck?

On a side note, in response to Stormagnet's post, the only thing i've seen like that was a kid power-sliding between a guy's legs and yanking down on the crotch of his sagging trousers, also divesting him of his boxers. Needless to say the shame on the sagger's face was impressive in its own right.

Just commenting on this strip makes me feel like I lower its value by even putting just a little of my own thought in it. I am scared other people think the same of my presence in their life. Oh well.

I just read this again (because looking at this strip brightens up gloomy sundays) and went to give this comment a chubby BUT APPARENTLY I ALREADY HAVE. Have a recurring chubby, son!

Nabeel! You...are...rad !

He speaks the words that we all struggle to enunciate.


Ray has terabytes of entries like these, I bet.
About him getting 'mad rutty' with public service officers.

This is the first Achewood I saw. Laughed sooo damn hard.

"the stupidest thing possible every single second of the GOD DAMNED DAY" has been in my verbal repertoire for about a year now.

I know I wear a crown every time I'm done getting mad rutty.

This particular Achewood strip makes the theory of relativity look like a faggot

I'm starting to think that not everyone knows about the Mayor of San Francisco, who once ran for reelection on the platform that he'd "make Attila the Hun look like a faggot" in his attempt to free the city from crime.

I bet it wasn't H. Milk

If I were to summon my inner social conservative, I would probably say that society is at risk not as much from low-riding youths as it is from fully-grown men who wear thongs, and no pants at all.

If I were to summon my inner social conservative.

Today achewood taught me that child abuse is a short way to get me some.


Part of me wishes for more interaction like this between LN and Ray.

yum. whale tail.

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I used Ray's line in panel 5 when a younger friend of mine told me he had taken up smoking - not normal smoking, but electronic cigarettes . Might as well just take up chewing nicotine gum. At least then he'd look less GOD DAMNED stupid.

So was Ray getting frisky with a human or are social services employing cats now?