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HELLO AMERICA Tuesday, November 26, 2002 • read strip Viewing 65 comments:

Did they get hella broads? it is not clear

A comment left by giessel was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Deusoma, hcaz, Anniqu3, equinn2006, farqussus, NDCaesar, waldo913, aHatOfPig, mystkmanat, hellofditties)

He's so pumped


This strip reminds me of Cameron and Farris driving the corvette into Chicago.

You mean the 1961 Ferrari 250 GT California. Much better than a mere corvette.

yes i am aware it was a fake

Quite clear in fact as to its "mere corvette" status. I am so high right now, everything is in perfect clarity.

Wait, Ray isn't in panel 8. My mind is slightly blown. Either that or I lack the necessary counting skills.

A comment left by primal_in_the_mane was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, NeoNaoNeo, godfatherofsouls, psykeres)

Yeah I prefer thinking that it's a alternate stuffed toy universe or something.

exactly. and when there is cross-over it should be non-chalant, like baby chat Onstad had with Ray and Beef.

A comment left by deimosrising was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, NeoNaoNeo, Deusoma, erincandy)

You are all missing the point that when a cat has his mind set to it no human will ever catch it

God damn it this is so true. It is IMPOSSIBLE to catch a cat.

my cat can actually take me out, i'm not joking.

he hides under the bookcase, behind this little rug we have draped over it. when you walk past, the cat rushes out, jumps up and attacks you directly behind the knee, completely unbalancing you and sending you right down to the ground.

then he runs, jumps to the top of a chair, misses, falls, and hides in embarrassment.


i am cool

Do not forget that Achewood is essentially some dude telling stories about his cats on a (semi) daily basis. Although, I guess the mandate to do so becomes a lot more prominent when huge vintage American cars and 34 AIBOs show up at your house randomly.

My cat LETS me catch him doing things, just so he can look cute and innocent afterward. He gets some sadistic satisfaction out of steering me away from seeming stern.

Once the alliteration began I had to keep going with it...

Reward chubby for the alliteration. Keep it up!

Personally I disagree. I think it's amusing when we are reminded that they're cats in a human world. I'm the kind of reader who needs devices like the Underground or the even more bizarre [url="https://achewood.com/index.php?date=08302005]hulls"[/url] to keep the human/cat boundaries from bothering me.

Okay I suck at the url tags, but I don't feel like fucking around with it until it's fixed.

I totally agree with this. I think Onstad's concept of "hulls" were one of the most brilliantly funny aspects of early Achewood. I have been a little disappointed that they seem to have dropped out of the world.

Everybody ought to go look for America at some point in their lives.

Beef, I said as we boarded a Galaxie in Achewood,
Michigan seems like a dream to me now

I think I know what America is like and frankly I'm very scared of it. I do not want to be anywhere near that place.

It is eating at a chain restaurant while thinking racist thoughts about the staff and then going home to watch reality shows and have bland, vanilla missionary sex and hope get off on the idea of being so kinky as to leave the lights on so you can each see your flabby bodies.

There is no single America, but if we sift through it all we'll end up with something profoundly frightening.

The best (and by "best" I mean absolutely horrible) thing about San Francisco is how the people who now live there have abandoned all of the values of the people who popularized it, while often proclaiming themselves to be the sole protector of these values. But contemporary Caucasian SF culture was, more than any other concept, founded on Kerouac's love for travel, his desire to embrace all humans, and his desire to find beauty in all Americans. The original hippies were running from something, so their xenophobia is excusable to a point, but at this time all SF has to justify its elitism is the apparent belief that slipping someone a roofie is an alternative sexual position.

PLEASE tell me you have a better response than that. There must be some reason you can live with your provincialism?

*Ignore User*


buh-bye, hick. Take the only tree that's left and stuff it up the hole in your culture, 'kay?

I think this is karma, boredom_man, for ignoring woodenteeth because of his beliefs re: smoking. Something tells me you probably don't care.

(The only reason I even though of this was because I came upon that strip the other day.)

On the radio "Red Barchetta" by Rush is playing

I didn't think it was possible to improve this strip until your comment.

Though I'm almost tempted to suggest "Circumstances" instead.

Here is a chubby for you good sir!

It's strips like this that make the Road Trip arc my pers'nal favourite.

there has never been anything more intense than beef getting psyched up like that. after reading this strip, i walk around in a state of fear and awe towards cats for days.

beef is so angry that he has not yet found america in his life.

Last four panels make this a five. As well as Ray's pose in the last one. Are his middle fingers raised? We may never know.

Aim that car at a rainbow, Roast Beef Kazenzakis

No one knows who America is Beef, no one.

I can catch a cat.

I'll believe it when I see it.

I'll let my wife demonstrate our proven method for me:



The laundry basket method has never failed me.

so is this a natural behavior, or a learned behavior?

Professor Hazzard? More like Lie Bot!

See above.

A cat jumping into an open laundry basket doesn't count as you catching it. Next time, at least pick it up to prove the cat doesn't just jump out while laughing at your foolishness.

Go to bed, Atmus.

Why? So you can take a video of it and claim you apprehended me?


Ooooooohhhhhh Shhhhiiiiittttt

"You could see a rainbow turnin' out badly!"


Gotta love geeky indignation.

there are only 44 states they could drive through

I guess they haven't heard of hulls yet.

Immediate 5'd for Ray's hands in the last panel.

Man, when I look at panels 7 through 9, I can just faintly hear Jukebox Hero playing, as Beef gets just hella psyched up

I hear the opening to "Radar Lover"

so - you don't have to hold a grudge because i called you out for quoting alanis morisette. seriously. no hard feelings. but let me return the favor.

Nah, its the intro to Eternal Life

I hell of love me some road trips, I would so buy those cats a tank of gas.

Beef's eyebrows when his stones drop are awesome. That is one feline you don't wanna fuck with.

no way in a thousand hells can a rainbow go badly

The Ass In Your Pants/road trip storyline segue is where Achewood starts in earnest ..