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Todd's Ana-Tomix Wednesday, January 11, 2006 • read strip Viewing 48 comments:

That is a given.

And so begins the greatest moment in Achewood's great history.

Whenever I read through all of Achewood from the start, this strip brings me the greatest joy.

This is completely a thing

This strip is ruined for me because I know the artwork is lazily ripped from a previous strip. What!

(but still, I find it to be quite good despite my misgivings)

Somewhere on the internet, this strip and the film Cars combine, and knowing this, I weep.

A comment left by centipede_damascus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, ShemmJacc, MrEctomy, mattfish)

Dr. Manflesh? This is your assignment, should you choose to accept it.

Sad epilogue to Cars : Lightning McQueen slashes his own tires

It's an exciting time.

"oat tote" makes me giggle far too much.

Gotta love someone who can use "oat tote" and "phallus" in the same breath.

Nope, still not gettin' it. What does 'oat tote' mean? A scotum covered with dried grass? How are the testes 'oats'? Is this some weird cross-lingual pun like in Finnegan's Wake?

Oats are seeds. What's not to get?

'Xactly. Like "sowing your wild oats." I love the transition into business Ray in this one.

I though it was like those feed bags you strap over a horse's nose. God only knows why this made sense to me.


A comment left by lrosetw8 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Ebessan, mattfish, Myre)


so awesome



And so begins perhaps the greatest arc in Achewood history.

best. ever.

Yes, I can now say that the beginning of my favorite arc, The Great Outdoor Fight, has begun.

I think I'd read Achewood occasionally in the past, but once the GOF arc was underway I became a permanently hooked reader.

C'mon, you guys say that about every arc.

But this is the only arc that is the Great Outdoor Fight.

Oh yes. Just clicking 'random comic' here, but now I'm cracking open a crispy Stella and clicking 'next comic'. Awww yeeeah

I am stalking you with a bottle of Paringas Cab Sauv in hand.

I have an open bottle of 100 proof Smirnoff, and therefore think I beat both of you.

(ok, not really)

(the bottle is closed, but it'll be open in about five seconds)

I only buy the 100-proof when I aim to soak wormwood in it.

This is exactly what I did.
Chubbied for like-mindedness on this momentous arc.

I came in here (The Mountain and the Motorcycle). Its one hell of a first time strip, so I went to the start and have been SLOWLY working may way here. It would have taken less time, but you people are far too entertaining to skip over the comments. I've been reading so much about the GOF and how its the best thing on the internet. I'm a little hesitant to go forward, especially without making it a bit of an Event first. Looks like Ill have to take an afternoon off next weekend, probably involving fine spirits and perhaps a cigar.

This was the first Achewood I ever read. I did not get it at ALL. But then the GOF storyarc drew me in, and I was gone....

Note that in the alt text a Honda Civic is the receiver.

It is a lame car. Sensible, but lame.

A comment left by durrr was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by apocowarg, Deusoma, mattylite)

c.f. Achewood on October 28, 2005 and chill the hell out.

Ray takes off the suit to discuss buisness.

Time for me to go back and read the best story arc of all time again.

Hard to believe it was only two short years ago.

Ray certainly derives some odd givens from the reality he perceives.

I drive a Civic.. and it's so true. The Pilot is a menace.

I call bullshit. Todd is just going to get hookers and blow. Maybe some nachos.

He did it before, after all. I've often wondered if he'd have wound up back in the Dementia Arms had Ray's mother not gotten her burn on.


Looking at this, I was underwhelmed. Then, when it moved on to CHatSacks, I became amused again. Then it turned into the GOF. Man, who could possibly have seen that being where this strip would lead to? I don't even think Onstad knew where this was going to end up, and that's awesome.

I think I need to step away from the computer for a second. I've got an appointment later today and this is the arc that you have to commit to reading in one sitting every time you read it.

I'll be back with a bong and some green, fellows.

I am on my way to Las Vegas for vacation. I am actually looking forward to coming back and reading this arc in one sitting. Can't wait.

Oh, man, I just hit Random and got here. Sign from God.