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A re-run: Lie Bot's Ass Friday, May 30, 2003 • read strip Viewing 28 comments:

"Boo to that" is yet another achewoodism that has entered my vernacular.

Mine too.

why would a robot ass be round if the rest of him is square. does he roll over when he sits down?


Has Lie Bot ever sat down?

Yes, in the story arc where he became a bestselling author, Lie Bot was shown sitting down at his book signing.

And, before that, he was shown sitting down in the back seat of a car when the entire troupe was attempting to abscond to Las Vegas

You can't have a square ass, man. That don't make sense.

Robot Ass Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

A comment left by slab64 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by joeyramoney, phthoggos, le_chien_manquee, ArthurDentLives, Magb, usversusthem, AmonRunsAmok, saucy_jack)

because, save "boo to that", dialogue is unnecessary. Read it again with only "boo to that"

heck yeah, the ass is unpredictable. Like, where did that come from?

No way. The hilarious dialogue is what makes it so funny. Oh and the robot ass.

looks like a slice of bread

Because our lives aren't complete without a second helping of Lie Bot's ass.

Oh man I brought this from 3.9 to 3.8 and now I wish I hadn't.

I enjoy this way more than is healthy.

I did, too. THE FIRST TIME!

Enjoy it again for the first time!

mmm, firm.

This one is funnier every time I read it. I wouldn't mind if it got re-run weekly. If ratings didn't stop at 5, my rating for each successive rerun would be x 1 , where x is my previous rating. Sorry for the algebra, Little Nephew.

Damn you assetbar, x PLUS 1 .

I'm sorry I yelled at you, Assetbar. I'm so sorry.


Best part: Lyle and Teodor's speechlessness in the last panel.

I like the way Liebot's hand is turned from panel 1 to 3

ROBOT ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pix plz