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Molly's Tiffany Slut Gift Thursday, November 30, 2006 • read strip Viewing 34 comments:

A comment left by israel was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sid, GunsOfRay, Sock)

Someone is finally taking a stand.

This one was a little too intense for me. That last panel is just such an amalgam of concepts, I had to reread the strip.

I hear ya man, that is some pretty intense lingo like you wouldn't ever want try to translate it into Chinese

A comment left by jdhenry105 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by TheLoneliestMonkey, woodenteeth, aerylor, AtlanticCity, Rakadin)

It was a trap and you walked right into it.

I dunno, jdhenry105 makes it seem pretty easy.

I speak some Chinese and I really would not know where to begin. It would probably turn out a lot like Onstad's German comic days.

My culture is beautiful, but it also has certain rules.

Your culture is against hoochie mamas.

Hoochie mother want-bling always match small counter, dogg. Ji said the center of boulevards to caution the mathematics.

purchasing knock-off designer items for hoochie mamas wil result in unprotected sex with said hoochie mamas. ratio 1:1. TIGHT MATH.

This also postulates that the hoochie mama impregnation rate is almost %100, or close enough that multiple births make up the discrepancy.

Yeah I was way confused until I noticed the "-" between wanna and bling.

A comment left by deancain29 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Connellingus, _cheesekayke, pitseleh)

tight math is the only acceptable math

dogg that math be TIGHT

Anyone else think it's weird that Ray is telling Beef to get Molly hoochie mama wanna-bling? I always thought Ray had a higher opinion of Molly than that.

Maybe it's his "Ray way" of saying that he'd like to see some little RBs running around underfoot.

He'd like to see a little Ar-by's on his damn table is what he'd like to see

That's why this one never sat right with me. First read through I thought there must be some other way to read it than Ray talking about how fake Tiffany gets a man laid.

I don't think he means anything against Molly and there are times when Ray being totally inappropriate is a joke in itself, but that isn't the joke here. Instead I'm constantly left with this feeling that Onstad was throwing it all away for "hoochie mama wanna-bling", and I don't think that's worth it.

This strip should be rated higher based on "well I guess we can pull out this dresser drawer that can be a crib" alone.

Ray's dialogue in panel 2 was like exactly my dad's thinking when it came to buying my mum's Christmas present this year.

And it fucking worked.

Congratulations on your new turd little brother/sister!

Joke's on you! My mum had a historectomy several years ago.

That would make the joke on your phantom siblings.

I cannot for the life of me imagine any other circumstance under which these two sentences would be said together.

I guess your mom won't need a longer car then, since your dad can't give her babies from his wiener.

i chubbed this whole thread. you each get a pretend high 5 from me.

[[high 5]]

this is one of the funniest things i have ever read. just, like, top ten. profoundly, dynamic-redifiningly funny. Comedy for me is different now. I'm frankly a little scared of a world where I know about Tight Math, and its jocular ramifications.

My girlfriend would not recognize a box from Tiffany and would further probably not care at all that it was from there even if it was real.

I do not know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

a] tight math=multiplication. [[winkwinknudgenudge]]

Oh man wanna-bling is totally my new favourite phrase that I will use for a few days then stop when it becomes apparent that nobody I know thinks it is as funny as I do.

It is offensive to even suggest that Molly Sanders is in the same league as hoochie mamas and sluts who would appropriate a dresser drawer as a vessel for an infant. I would think the same Miss Lady who reads Wired and likes to code for fun couldn't care less for a shiny, jingly bracelet or some shit.