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Beatles Rat Friday, December 10, 2004 • read strip Viewing 53 comments:

A comment left by anomalous3 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by novacaine, amandulence, tragicone)

I'm sure lie bot could spin it even sadder

%u201CHis wife was all looking out their hole's dingy kitchen window with their 9 babies crying out of hunger behind her, with some pulling at her old, ragged dress: she sees him make his way across the kitchen counter coming back from work with that evening's groceries she%u2019d make one of her famous meals out of (%u201CI don%u2019t know what I%u2019d do if you weren%u2019t hear to feed me,%u201D the rat always said to her, lovingly). She smiles at him and he back at the only true love he's ever been known or wanted. With their eyes locked and with particles of love zipping back and forth, interchanging between their souls, he slips.

She, knowing he was gone, knowing she could not support her children alone and knowing she could never love again did what the insanity of the moment permitted her. She gets the family shot gun out of the cabinet (they only owned the weapon to get rid of a crack ridden squirrel that comes into their house when wasted and fucks furniture, singing songs that mostly consist of cursing and grunts. It%u2019s peculiar; they%u2019ve killed him most assuredly more than a few times but he always comes back. He once yelled something about a magical place called Friendly%u2019s while getting shot at that rat family has just never been able to decipher). She shoots all her children, indiscriminately. Then slowly and sobbing, she turns puts the barrel into her mouth and makes her final voluntary movement.

The father rat, with broken bones but a diamond hard soul, fights his way out of the trap, and struggles up to his home, limping with every leg. He opens his front door...

%u2018Send me a postcard, drop me a line
Stating point of view
Indicate precisely what you mean to say;
Yours sincerely, wasting away!%u201D


How has this post not gotten a thousand chubbies yet?

Because of the spelling mistaks.

A comment left by regrepnsnefpoh was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Sweetlips, novacaine, gorrioncita)

I think the saddest thing....Is an old disabled veteran, miles from home, driving his electric wheelchair along the side of a freeway, using the last of it's battery to swerve it into traffic, causing a pileup of cubscout vans.

D: lie-bot would be proud, but he is tough guy, so no

A comment left by afkpuz was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by joeyramoney, ohmygooses, _cheesekayke, ovenface)

is an old, disabled veteran, miles from home, driving his electric wheelchair along the side of the freeway. The battery dies; he turns to face towards traffic, raises his thumb, and waits for someone to help him. No one stops. He waits; it becomes night. Its cold out. He continues waiting. Eventually he dies by the side of the road.


...and the last words he utters are the opening lines to the star spangled banner.

Paco is the only one here who understands sad things.

... Is an old disable, veteran, miles from home, driving his electric wheelchair along the side of a freeway, using the last of it's battery to swerve into traffic... a blonde 30-something in a Ford Explorer brakes in time, but just honks while yammering into her cellphone . . . hungry two year old child in the backseat, crying for lack of a father and food until his older brother hits him on the head with a toy wooden truck . . .

A pink Converse rolls onto the on-ramp. Is there a foot inside? A police officer walks up a driveway.

The saddest thing is an artificial being telling a little, naive and optimistic otter deeply depressing stories that destroy said otterĀ“s dreams and his belief in the world. And its reason for doing this is simple : because he can.

he ends up living, but all the cub scouts die......


i wonder, was this was based off of a real life event?

This isn't the first time there has been a strip about catching a rat in the kitchen. I'm guessing your hypothesis is correct.

Great onomatopeia in this one. The CD player spinning up is a great touch.

That's my favorite part-- you can hear the CD rub as it spins up because a weight is pressing on the cheap top-loading CD player that is typically relegated to the kitchen.

I also like the implication that there are several, room-specific rats.

I have one just like that in my room.

the CD player, or the kitchen rat?

That is one determined dead rat.

Michael Jackson demands royalties.

Once again, "Sgt. Pepper's" turns out to be the soundtrack to everything

Nothing beats the use of "Lovely Rita" in the Super-Secret Ice Cream Shop arc.

Wait, why is that?

Also I'm pretty sure that was in the Transfer Station storyline. To be fair, they're both Beef lookin' for lost Phillipe.

I gave this a 5 because I had played "When I'm Sixty-Four" at the start and the verse started exactly on the last panel. It was like the universe had come together for me in one brief moment to let me know the joy of The Beatles and Achewood in sync.

I heard Animals syncs up with The Great Outdoor Fight if you you start Pigs on the Wing right as the beer bottle is thrown through Carl Veldt's head.

I tried this once. I couldn't really tell.

Also, it only occurred to me maybe two or three weeks ago that billylk might have been joking about the Animals sync-up. I felt kind of stupid for a few minutes.

Perhaps, but I dare you to start "Dark Side of the Moon" at the start of the Cartilage Head arc and read through.

Your sanity will not survive intact.

Oddly enough, Animals is where i got "Pigs" from...I use if for every online name now.

Woah, me too! We must read at exactly the same speed.

I once sneezed exactly in time with the *shoo* bits at the beginning of come together

This is a little too close to my college experience for comfort.

crinklebat was once caught in a trap and fell on to a CD player

It was pretty traumatic

This whole strip is made by T's expression at the end.

This exact same thing kept happening to me, except at night, in my room, waking me up.

A mouse being slowly crushed to death over the course of up to a half an hour in the dark while you lie sleepy and petrified is not the kind of the thing you need to have happpen

It beats the mouse running up and down the walls, chewing on stuff, day after day. One day, his furry little head breaks through the drywall and he begins to shower you with crumbs of plaster.

Today's Blogs

Pat: Last Warning.
Nice Pete: Chapter 13

I love how Nice Pete's entries coast the line between humourous and actually quite worrying. I really need to buy his books.

Incidentally, another blog-related point. I could have sworn that earlier on Teodor was describing the electric rat-trap that they own which is both clean and thorough...


The rat left a legacy. That much, at least, we can say.

There seems to be more than a few beatles references in Achewood. (Rubber Soul liner notes, Twist and Shiut, John Lennon's guitar on Ed Sullivan Show, Linda McCartney's Cookbook, Hleter Skelter, Lovely Rita). Onstad a fan?

And the opening of Day Tripper.

"soundtrack all yesterday by the beatles"
Ray can only name 3 of 4 beatles

Well, here's another clue for you all...

Oh man! So I cracked open YouTube and did what the Alt-text said. It was totally freaking worth it!


This is so painful if you follow the alt-text's instructions