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Ray's New Google Logo Tuesday, February 13, 2007 • read strip Viewing 60 comments:

I never got this to work.

i tried for an hour unsuccessfully. Never been too tech-savvy, though.

My favorite is how Roast Beef feels about having the top of his head licked.

'Aw come on dogg who licks a man's head without a warning who does that'

Licking is much worse than pressing.

Beef was just walking through the room during the photoshop and Teodor suggested his involvement and Beef was all, oh no dogg I do not want to be on a google logo all hell of covered in Ray's saliva and is squinting for the flash

As of now you have one chubby for everyday of the year.

What? No she doesn't.

he said, ignoring the eight month disparity

I assumed he meant 365. Did he mean days of the week?

No, I think that comment must have been made X days into whichever year it was, with X being the number of chubbies.

Now I giggle whenever I use Google, ever.

I love when they mess around with the logo on special days and it's even more rediculous than usual.

To get the logo, first install the Greasemonkey add-on for Firefox.

The go here to get the javascript code for the logo:

Save this code as RayLogo.user.js

In Tools in Firefox: goto Greasemonkey->New User Script
Enter in the descriptions and include "https://*.google.*/*"
After clicking OK, use the browse window to choose the RayLogo.user.js

Then restart Firefox and tada.

I've had that greasemonkey script for a while now. Achewood-designed Google logo FTW.


L-Lost twin brother swatson? Is it really you?

It doesn't seem to be working for me. =/

Man that link no longer works, I just got here and would love that to be my Google.

For Mac users out there, you can also get this to work in Safari if you start by installing the GreaseKit add-on.

Also, Onstad has posted an official version of the script at https://www.achewood.com/raysmuckles.user.js .


Is there a similar way to get this to work for Camino?

I tried really hard! But it came up with an error every time I tried to choose the RayLogo.user.js file in the browse window. Why? I really want this to work!

Man that thing is straight up scary.

Ray's traded in his god for this one, and he signs his name with a capital G.

Would be lame if there was no precedence for Onstad's fascination with Trent Reznor.


i don't know

or GRay

I'm actually glad someone beat me to the Nine Inch Nails reference...

I love how the lowercase 'g' has Ray licking Beef's head. They are TOTALLY friends, man.

Roas' Beef!

That reminds me of, well...


I'm a terrible person, yes.

Yes. Hotlinking without permission is a terrible thing to do. For shame.

Today's Blogs

Onstad: My Trip to Google (with photos)

"Upon returning home, I was stricken with fear when I saw that the driver of the Prius was Lost's Benjamin Linus. I'm too scared to post the image here."


Seriously, dudes? I have never had a problem with Google's logo. Ever.


shit I'm not sure what happened there

This is 24 more opinions than I needed.