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Philippe Bumble-Bee Boo Friday, October 31, 2003 • read strip Viewing 75 comments:

I like how his wings flutter when he jumps for the Snickers bar.

Someone needs to make an animation of Philippe running around in the bee suit to the Invader Zim bee music. Now.

wrapper and all

Phillipe the Bumblebee does not mess around when it comes to candy bars.

You delicious son of a bitch!

I have to find a way to use this in everyday conversation.

Eat a male dog.

Man, that's your answer to everything.

That is THE answer to everything.

Chubby for your mother 3 avatar

How I love to lick your creamy center...

I threw away my candy bar and I ate the wrapped / and when they told me what I did I burst out in laughter

rock on philippe

A bumble-bee! I love the intonation evoked by the hyphen.

Not a bumblebee and NOT a bumble bee but a bumble-bee

I was about to say Bumble-Bee but that would also have been Wrong

I would like it if he was a bumbly-bee.

He has to check his tongue to make sure it is all gone

This fills me with a special kind of glee!

I feel weird about feeling good about giving a Chubby to a reference to a song that is itself an extended Achewood reference.

It is an awesome song, though.

that song is the reason I started reading achewood

Roast Beef is that cool guy on your street who gave out full-sized candy.
He does this because he is from Circumstances.

Guys, not everything Beef does is because he is from Circumstances.


Man, I'm behind you on this 100%, and also Jesus Christ do I wish I had your avatar, but seriously, if you are from Circumstances - and I have been in Circumstances (blessedly brief) - Halloween is the only candy you get, and because everyone around is in Circumstances too they aren't gonna give anything good. Some are even gonna give out Literature (because anyone who really sticks to Jesus in Circumstances is a Dick) and some old ladies are gonna give out nickels and pennies and because they have not had a concept of inflation since Adlai Stevenson fixed his shoes, and then because your awful mom is on a bender you gotta stay with Gramma and she makes you write a thank-you letter to people who sent you along with Jack Chick and old stinking copper.

That is what Circumstances is like on Halloween. If you are from Circumstances come October you're just going to buy up every big-ass candy bar you can find. And chances are pretty good you're not going to know one from the other, or care too much. Life after Circumstances is generally about preventing any further Circumstances.

This is why the dude who made this strip's inevitable Circumstances comment is right. The genre of comment is a toilet seat smoking a cigar, I will give you that. But the sun shines on a dog's ass once in a while.

We used to drive up to the good side of town and go trick-or-treating there. Until some wadsters in a giant two-story ranch gave us each one frackin' Tootsie Roll. I will one day get a decent job, move into the house next door, and do all the shitty-neighbour things I can imagine. Lawn flamingoes, loud rock, naked crying teen-age girls, the whole shebang. And I will fill their parlour with Tootsie Rolls, hiding in the wreckage, then springing out in my zombie-bride costume.

I am a girl with big plans for the future.

Naked crying teenage girls = shitty? Explain.

They're just going to want to talk about their feelings and eat all the damn Snackwells.

Damn, those other things were annoying, but that's Biblical retribution.

"I curse thee to forever have thine ladies talk about their feelings, and their only action in bed shall be to eat thine Snackwells messily!

And the sucka did hella avert his eyes, for he knew that he was cold cursed."

best curse ever.

(although I'm still not 100% on it beating Gladdington Castle. It is crazy.)

I was about to say pretty much the same thing. You beat me to it a month ago.

There is no such thing as a two-story ranch .

way to be a dick about architectural terms...




Some people want to take the Good Will Hunting approach and blame everyone's problems on their upbringing. There are precious few who ponder if some of Beef's neuroses come from him being genetically predisposed to being an anal-retentive manic-depressive asshole.

He is none of these things, except depressive.

Some people want to take the Good Will Hunting approach and blame everyone's problems on their upbringing. There are precious few who ponder if some of Beef's neuroses come from him being genetically predisposed to being an anal-retentive manic-depressive asshole.

Maybe he just realized (having been a child at one point and having had experience in the matter) that fun-sized candy is not actually any fun.

My girlfriend loved this strip until she read the continuing storyline.

Philippe's bee costume is missing its stinger.

Philippe would never sting anyone!

It has a hugger though.

And that hugger is Philippe.

My only regret to that comment is that I have but one chubby to give.

It is sad that it still only has eight chubbies.

I'm pretty sure only female bees have stingers, yes? So it is appropriate.

You are correct sir. The males (drones) have no stinger.

This is a good one but I still can't shake how it looks like Phillipe has a mustache when he swallows the whole-size Snickers bar.

Philippe conquered that whole-size Snickers bar.

Such an angry eater.

greeble grabble gobble

What's with the fancy shoes, Philippe?

They're Philippe's normal shoes . We just don't see them that often because of the way his pants cover them.

His shoes should be saying "Here Comes a Special Bee"

I feel like Chris made this strip to showcase his new signature that frowns the way he was feeling.

Dude nice catch on the frown. Yet you can still get a signed copy of this strip. Does he put an extra one on?

But did Beef get a Hershey bar by mistake? Lord help us if he gave him a Hershey bar...

It's shaped like a Hershey bar, but the logo is more like the Snuckers logo.

A Herckers bar? A Snishey bar?

Snershy or Hickers

So radical

A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by saddestking, heccibiggs, SpinyNorman, Zem, gorrioncita, VictoriaW)

I love the intense look on his face when he jumps up

So does he just eat it with the wrapper on? He couldn't do much in the way of manual dexterity with his hands in those wings.

Panel 6, man. There is some SERIOUS swallowing going on.

Phillipe cold attacks bad food. The 'King Piss' strip in '05 or '06 nails it.

Oh man a whole-size Snickers bar is an awesome treat to get on Halloween.
A Hershey bar, on the other hand, is not as good but still pretty slammin'.

Wrappers only hold back people. Not Otters.

Never otters.

I was a bee for Halloween!

Everything but panel six is adorable.

Panel six haunts my dreams.

He shouldn't be able to fly, yet he does.

I imagine that if Phillipe made a sound as he lunged for that candy bar, it would be something like "huaagh!"

I only just noticed the angry face Chris drew below his name.

Sometimes I wish more things in life could be as cute as Philipe, but most of the time I'm thankful they are not. The phrase "So cute it made me vomit" exists for a reason methinks.

yeah, dude. you gotta have the rough chuckles to appreciate the endearing chuckles.

He looks so excited!

Four, five and six are what got this a perfect score.