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Mark Twain and James Bond Thursday, September 4, 2003 • read strip Viewing 41 comments:

Philippe can teach Ray a thing or two about manners. "Yes! Good!"

that's right...appeal to the side of Mark Twain that is a progressive, forward-looking writer!

Operation Mississippi Blaze

If I had to pick someone to send back to Mark Twain to explain what the modern world is like...I would not pick Ray Smuckles.

are you saying that you would intentionally mislead mark twain? i think that is exactly what you are saying.

Fire shooting from a "straw boater" sounds like a bad idea.

In Goldfinger, Bond expresses disdain for the Beatles.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and speculate that Bond may enjoy the old-school musical stylings of Frank Sinatra.

Was going to make this exact comment, so instead I'll poing out that in Dr. No, the titular character used a tank painted like a dragon to scare the black people off his island.

I just noticed that Philippe no longer opens his mouth the kind of gross way.

He only did it that way the one time, didn't he?

He too has learned manners.

Oh man Phillipe gets hell of stern on Ray's ass in this strip

Also, "Am strongly considering".

I'm sort of curious as to what the apostrophe in "'mackinest" is meant to represent.

I was too impressed by the diaeresis in 'preeminent' that I didn't notice that.

Yes, and chubbied.

chubby for diaeresis every time (I am a linguist)

a CUNNING linguist?


(sorry, I just couldn't resist)

You...you probably could have.

I'm sorry I revisited a tired reference to oral pleasure

(inside)It's just society that did my nerves up wretched

It's okay, I just realized I did two posts yesterday that took advantage of the "(word A)...(word A)(rest of sentence)" format: "You...you etc." and "Did...did etc."

It was kind of unnecessary, especially in the above post.

You are forgiven, for using the greetings card comment format. But let this be a lesson to you! EVERYONE ALWAYS does that joke.

Incidentally, the Southern boom-bap musical collective CunninLynguists are actually bloody good. Irritatingly. It is stupidest name, typed on ugliest keyboard. It is not a name I ever wanted to have in my mp3 player. BUT THERE IT IS.

how strange, an IRL contact recommended the same to me, not two days ago. QUELLE COINCIDENCE!

further coincidence stories: after reviewing your profile, I've discovered that you enjoy the musical strains of the Weakerthans. Not only was my randomized playlist indulging in just that band as I browsed your page, I was (and still am) from their hometown of winnipeg.

Man! It is almost like we should make each other mix tapes. Remember when they became mix minidiscs. Mix CDs. (I still do those - made one for my brother just a few hours ago). Mix... winamp playlists? What do the young people do these days?

that would be so dope! All air-mailing a cassette tape over the pond... but it's been so long since I even touched a cassette, I wonder if I can still make a mix tape? hmmmm... In conclusion, I'll put a nominal effort into this project.

so, its been a couple weeks. How are things going with you two?

OOOOOOH SHIIIIIIIT! For some reason, I only just realised I had new replies when this one made my inbox number go up. A chubby for making me notice. I am sorry, fallow_fields! I should Pay Attention.

So it turns out that I do not have the technology to make mix cassette tapes any longer (:() but I would totally make you a mix CD, you know, if you like, I guess! (:))
If you wanted to email me then you could do that by using the address that is on my website which is in my profile (no-one ever said it was going to be easy)

your kindergarten teacher should have told you to pay attention. no worries though :) (wow your smileys are so much more involved than mine) I declare that we should totally proceed with this idea! stand by for email action

More has happened in the past 3 weeks than you could ever know. But in the audio playlist creation department, not a lot. In fact all I managed to to was burn two Iron and Wine albums onto one CD :D ha

That's quite an accomplishment, though.

Philippe isn't wearing his armpit tie .

he isn't wearing anything of his own. he is wearing the clothes of mark twain's children.


however, i would like to think that mark twain dressed his kids up in armpit ties.

Someone once asked me what happened in Moonraker, and I used Ray's exact synopsis.

Imagine how interesting Mark Twain would be if this really did happen...

"Then Huck went and got his sperm on with this chick Melissa...as he 'maxed he spelled his name in smoke."

Note that when Ray talks, sperm is capitalised.

A straw boater which shoots fire from the crown would OWN!

At least, until it melted the skin from your scalp.

But hey, if you think that sounds like a rad idea, I will not stand in your way.

A strip in which Ray refers to getting one's sperm on and is upbraided by Phillipe for doing so only ranks an even 4? Say it isn't so!

5 for recognition of Twain's almost slavish insistence on proper rendering of dialect in text (at least in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ).

Mark Twain would love Achewood imo.