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Téodor's Romance Novel Friday, November 3, 2006 • read strip Viewing 38 comments:

There is probably a very strong market for choose-your-own-romance novels. Lonely housewives eat those things up. Imagine if they could choose just how the character they project themselves into gets loved.

They are basically a thing in Japan.

...and yet they won't import these to the US for all those poor lonely housewives.

The page numbers imply that the "disowned prince" option leads to a lot of other branches and the other option is probably an instant ending

There could be an option on page 112 leading to (for example) page 10.

Clearly you're inexperienced with the genre. The earlier option is far more likely to lead to the two-page instant ending, while the later option is more likely to worm its way through the novel.

"You approach him as you would any other non-disowned prince. Striking up a conversation, you agree to meet for coffee at a cafe. When you get there the next day, he arrives five minutes early, riding a majestic white steed. 'Hurry! There isn't time to explain! Hop on!'

If you hop on, turn to page 32.
If you decide to play it safe, turn to page 2. "

5'd for Choose Your Own Adventure. Those things fucking owned when I was in school, and they own now.

A comment left by senseihollywood was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Deusoma, aquamuffin, STUART)

A comment left by rotating-dog was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Deusoma, aquamuffin, morbo)

I love the writing above the title of the book "You're in the club with the funny name and no windows", genius. Didn't see it till I took a second look.

You earned a Chubby and my respect for saying that.

The brand-name beggar's bowl slays me.

'Limoges' is a town in France known for snazzy old porcelain. It is a Clue to lead you to page 19. (Also one would have to be hell of classy to beg with a cup and saucer.)

A comment left by trollcollins was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by equinn2006, NinjaEin, nutmeg)

Every once in a while Teodor gets these really tiny eyes and it kind of bothers me.

I know exactly what you mean. He's totally considering eating the back of Mr. Bear's head in the fourth panel.

No, man, those are his Inspired Eyes! Every time he has those he seems to be taking cues from something bigger than himself. Trust me, T�odor will make a Work Of Great Importance sometime.

One or both protagonists in Cornelius' romances always seem to have some sort of physical impairment. Is that necessary to Harlequin romance?

The way you wrote that, it looks like "Harlequin" is a verb. "To Harlequin a romance, first provide a physical impairment."

why is teodor all sweaty?

did he just come in from some yard work?

or was he working out? what was it?

It was from all the f-f-fuckin' he's been doing.


holy shit, i think you're right

A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Rhadamanthus, NeoNaoNeo, salo, fosters, luckypyjamas, Doc_Rostov, kochipoik)

You know that thing in the original Mortal Kombat where Sub-Zero tries to freeze somebody twice in a row and he instead turns to ice himself, and the words "DOUBLE ICE BACKFIRE" glow all over the screen?

These are your glowing words, soticoto.

...... I didn't know that ever happened. I never tried that. But now I know.

Also though, I think I'm maybe the only person to ever ASK for chubb myself, albeit sardonically.

Or maybe he just ate a wonton soup meal meant for 3 people? Probably parkour though.

Teodor works out all the time but he never loses weight - what gives?

He's a teddy bear. He's that shape forever.

And Teodor scores a point of the badassery back from Mr Bear.

Cornelius wrote that entire scene between panels 4 and 5.

Choose your own adventure books are a rarity: novels written in second person.

So Onstad makes his stuffed animals pay him rent?

yeah um basically it is a Thing at the Onstad house. i'd guess that Todd never pays since he's like never there y'know all goin' to Hell probably around the time it's due, being hella frustrating but what can you do about it you know he was just made in a session of hot volcano/burrito action. can't expect anybody to have such as manners or cares about stuff like that when your first real act in life is murdering someone.

Todd lives on the golf course, according the Achewood environs map. He only crashes in a pissed-on t-shirt at the Onstad household every once in a while.

I guess it says a lot about the books I'd prefer to read, written by the Achewood cast. In order:

1) Harry Potter and the Difference Between Alternating and Direct Current by Roast Beef
2) H.P. and the Hanoi Hilton by Lyle
3) Under The Etruscan Sun by Teodor
4) The CASE of the MYSTERY by Phillipe.
5) Any of Ray's nonsense.
6) Any of Cornelius' "low-yield" romance novels he makes to pay the bills.

Though his kids books may be worth catching.

Sweat is one of Teodor's more common outfits, isn't it?