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Trivial Pursuit - Achewood Edition Monday, July 4, 2005 • read strip Viewing 24 comments:

A comment left by asherdan was marked as spam and excluded. asherdan: What a douche. (reported by Sakana, chatterjee, Magb)

Heh! Yeah! I mean, that couldn't have been the point.

If this comic were a vegan restaurant, you'd be the guy with the dry-erase marker and no intention on leaving a tip.

...because he's an asshole.

A comment left by asherdan was marked as spam and excluded. asherdan: What a douche. (reported by Sargasm, cognitonaut, lastlarf)

A comment left by sargasm was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by madnes, riotdejaneiro, kylank, Ariamaki, _cheesekayke, anitrophaeron, Darthemed)

so what you're saying is gay sex = evil? maybe you meant a word other than "sinister."

gay sex = left-handed

Wait, I equal gay sex? Explains a lot.

9/12. Missed out on Darth Vader, Ray's Drink and Punch man.
I am proud that I got the one about Pat right, though.

"Because he's an asshole" = 5

"His Vas Deferens" gets the 4

man i had 'because he's a dick'

Same here.


I think "because hes a dick" should get you partial marks at least.

Wow me too

This game really needs to be made. I would love to see all the random comic panels on the board.

I'm surprised nobody capitalized on the Free Achewood Tattoo event to get a tiebreaker tat of Roast Beef sleeping badly.

Weekend Blogs

Philippe: Whoops, wrote another haiku!

Today's Blogs

Molly: First cable crew came through Butte!

I really enjoy your work.

Ahh, I love Trivial Pursuit.

well i got 2 of the general knowledge ones....3 if "because he hates barbers" is close enough to "because he's an asshole"
man WHY didn't i get the bozack questions right?!

I don't really speak Spanish and my coworkers don't either, but I like to say "Piso mojado" a lot.

When I read the "General Knowledge" question on the third card my immediate reaction was "Ummm because he's an asshole?" Needless to say I was really proud of myself when I was exactly right.

(yes I realize everyone else forgot about this strip a year ago)