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Ray's mom senses diabetes Monday, December 12, 2005 • read strip Viewing 117 comments:

Running a mile makes my voice all chunky, of course I dont nearly have diabetes, I am just lazy.

I'm just fat. Everything about me is chunky...everything...

Course I'm fat! Being fat rocks!

A comment left by macdaddyw was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Mangtastic, kenthegod, Ariamaki, NDCaesar, Pigs)

Do you see those four lames? Those might have been chubbies, macdaddyw. They might have been chubbies, if only you had spelled "clothes" correctly.

he was just saying you shoud by bigger pance.

That was kinda a fo' paw on his part.

course he got fo paws

Chubby for snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.

laserblade totally doesn't care that he's fat! Rock on, 1aserblade!

What? Why is that a "1"? Why did I fuck things up?

Those keys are right next to each other.
Wait, no they're fucking not. They're on opposite sides of the keyboard. How did you do that?

He has chunky fingers.

Chubby for a witty observation that made me laugh.

It is true. We, the people of fat, oft have frequent encounters with the backspace key because of a condition known as "Sausagefingeritis."

I read this as "sausagefingertits".

Which I probably shouldn't go around saying in case I accidentally name the next Tom Waits album.

Better get himself a special typing wand.

Chubbied for the excellent recovery, sir.

Since posting that, I lost 30 pounds. Which rocks in its own way.

Rock on, layzerblade.

Your chunkiness earns you a chubby.

I am depression-tubby.

A comment left by muscles was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by apocowarg, DeimosRising, rhymesforkids)

He expects Beef to signal that he has finished reading that side of the paper - he will then turn it over, to reveal the rest of the statement.

That is exactly what makes this comic a gem.

Cold 5 for the word (over) alone.

A comment left by waitwhat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, riotdejaneiro, StoatLad, Jesler729, tibcoolbreeze, instantkarma, equinn2006, greenkoolayd, rhymesforkids, NDCaesar, MortisInvictus, gethen, ConnorMc, logic, ravindra108, Setzkin, mugi, Zem, Boyd, smilebuddha, tovarich, echidnaboy, Aerys, Mastronaut)

you deserve every lame you get.

There's nothing good about who you are or what you do.

This comment [url=https://charleysmuckles.blogspot.com/2005/ 02/got-to-rethink-tha-jobb-prospektzz.html]cold eats a peter[/url].

Ironically, so does this one.

-scrit scrit scrit-

Roast Beef is good at talking to people's parents.

If Molly's parents hadn't been dead for 400 years he could really shine for her.

OH HO it's one of those comments that seems odd in light of later continuity.

The real artwork here is Ray's eyebrows. They tell the story by themselves.

They are truly expressive, yes, like...Patrick Stewart on Broadway. Like...your mother's silence.

Rays Mother can sense diabetes like Obi-Wan can sense planetcide in the force. She is that old fashioned. I am also curious what Rays message on the other side says.

Ray is showing hell of belly there

Fuck I love this one. Hard to pick out anything specific but I will mention that my mom is exactly like this and also I love how Ray bothered to write (over) at the end of his angry sentence.

Ray underlined "hell". Twice.

alt text: It's true, though. Ray has never been mindful of good sense.

Mention the RUN

The last panel of this is one of my favorites ever and also yes Roast Beef is the sort of dude that your mom is ok with you hanging around

Running a damn mile by itself doesn't do any good against diabetes. It's how many people know that you ran a damn mile. In fact, if ten people know you ran a mile that's pretty much the same thing as running ten miles as far as diabetes is concerned.

A comment left by someone3 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by asumoactingbig, Mastronaut, Darthemed)

Ray looks like he could really use a four-sided sign right about now.

Possibly my favourite Achewood strip ever.

I love Beef's expression in panel 8. Great little touch of him reading the sign.

It cold sucks

I think the rant should continue, having been written on Showbiz's patented 4-sided cardboard sign.

Ray's facial expression in the last panel makes this strip a five. He accents the text of his card by opening his mouth in a shouting pose like an avatar in a 16-bit role playing game when there is text on the screen.

The last sign totally makes it, especially the underlining for emphasis.

Today's Blogs

Onstad: I have a new bed.

I like how they have dachshunds, which the characters know about, but which have never appeared in cartoon form.

Well, Teodor, maybe you should go to bed earlier, HMM?

I will genuinely never forgive you for saying this.


I have had bad experiences with loud flatmates.

Roast Beef is stone cold reading a magazine such as all Wired or Reminisce, all non-plussed at Ray's run, all using double negatives eloquent like reassuring Ray's mother is a natural second nature.

Furious scritting.

I bet after the (over) it just says something like, "like that?" which Ray could've easily fit on the front had be been more mindful of common sense.

Disturbing lack of chubbies for this

The cat's fear of diabetes stems from his mother's anxieties.

A mother just knows

So, who believes Ray? Who actually believes that he ran a mile?

Well, Ray does. That's all that matters.

Ray ran a mile like I run a mile: I run what feels like a mile to me, and then later, while looking at a map of the trail I was on, liberally estimate where I started running and where I stopped, so that it approximates a mile ("yeah, 3/5 of a mile on this map is basically a mile; the map doesn't include the hills")

It makes a guy feel pretty good.

Hey guys, I totally run more than a mile now, for real.


i hate running if im not preserving my own life, but i like to go bike riding. what is with that?

"(over)" is one of my favorite achewood punchlines.

Oh, fuck you.