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Hell's Car: Subaru Brat Monday, December 1, 2003 • read strip Viewing 84 comments:

what? no comments? what about how great tofutti-cuties are, or ray's smart hat?

or the fact that the Subaru Brat is referenced. legit


It's just...it's such a good hat. It's a really good hat to have on.

a hell good hat yes

Or just generally around.

It is a perfect...hat!

The perfect hat to wear, ever!

No other hat could be worn to die in by such a cat as Ray.

It is an IDIOT HAT for anyone but Max von Sydow.

I saw an old, beat up Subaru Brat several months ago! License plate was 'FURRY'. There was a dog paw print medallion hanging from the mirror, and some dorky-ass guy driving it, so it was indeed *that* kind of furry.

I thought of this very strip, and it got just a little more appropriate.

It truly is a hell car.

I used to tour guide at Johnson Space Center in Houston. There was always a Subaru Brat parked right outside the building with the giant Space Shuttle mock-ups they use to train astronauts. NASA's feng shui is screwed.

The Subaru Brat is generally recognized as the worst possible feng shui object.

Elderly Chinese people everywhere agree.

Assetbar Comment Generator Online



"They're all like, 'CHING CHONG WING WONG'"

Comoment generated successfully in 0.08 seconds

It's painful, and it's true.

Is perhaps most basic cliche response.

It's painful, and it's true.

You forgot to make the *press* noise.



Good call, sir.

"Comoment" gets teh chubby.

Oh, I'll put you in a como alright

Oye, Como va.


I saw an old Subaru
And when it came near
I saw the license plate said "FURRY" and it had a dog paw print medallion on the mirror
If anything I can say that this Brat was rare
But I thought Nah forget it
Yo homes to Bel Air

ray is all "hell no." and then he and the gate keeper burst out laughing at the irony.

You can't call bullshit in Hell. Hell is where eternity calls bullshit on you.

I like that saying, I think that needs to be in the next build of the Bible.

It should be right next to a quail screaming "Don't eat mee!"

Also, you can summarize the whole Bible with "Bitch please, God knows best."

Man, chaesar, that comment is like Yakov Smirnov meets Sartre or something

This comment has 69 chubbies. I like that.

He just skips the whole storyline and drop us into the aftermath. Great

yeah, a little more on the last story would have been nice

Perhaps a few years of Philippe going through therapy. The inevitable acting out as a teen, and his defiance of the suburban values which failed to protect him.

oh man okay, we already covered that in another comic

i remember

Ray looks like he prepared for Hell by packing some belongings and donning a responsible hat.

He obviously has mistaken hell for the Swiss Alps.

I think that may be his vegan hat. Ray is just the sort to think that veganism means you need a hat.

A comment left by hollis was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by DR_MANFLESH_DESIRES_ANAL_PLAY_IMMEDIATELY, yingkaixing, mattylite)

Oh man it's like Planet 'a the Apes but insteadda the Statue of Liberty it's a big metal fourth wall stickin' outta the sand
It's so... it's so frikkin' sweet
It's so... important

if he's in hell, there should be a TV mounted to that wall playing Wheel of Fortune, and muzak speakers playing "Late December 1963". then it would be hell.

I love the way Achewood treats death as a temporary inconvenience.

Not this time, man. A 1982 Subaru Brat is serious .

Even death is just a momentary diversion on the road to the grave... somehow.

The road from the grave?

This strip is good, but am I the only one thats bothered when Achewood goes out of character into "On the Set of Achewood" mode?

It happens less rarely when you re-read them. It was more rare first time round because there was more than thirty seconds between each strip, and that rarity works. Going back over them now, though, it does seem to happen a little too much.

I definitely get bothered. You start to wonder bout all sorts of stuff. If they're just actors, and Ray getting rich by selling his soul was a 'storyline' then is Ray still the rich playa that we know him as today? It's the most confusing thing about Achewood to me, but that's when I decide to stop thinking about it so much and just laugh and enjoy those jokes. What the hell people

My thoughts exactly. If they are just actors, it is not as good, or at least not the same.

I comfort myself by pretending that the actors are in fact the regular characters PLAYING actors playing themselves! I mean, I don't think Chris Onstad minds too much if I do that.

er, does anyone else think of them as doodles with words next to their heads? er, me? no, no i.. i was just asking to see if YOU did.

Def. stop thinking about it. This was a time in which Onstad was playing around with the comic being such as a TV show or film...you can see it also in the strip where Paul F. Weisz is credited as the ice cream shop manager. It is just some fun that the author has in order to move things along.

Agreed. Sorry to sound like a prick, but do all you guys read comic books and actually care about this kind of shit?

These type of strips always remind me of Bloom County, like the strip where the "cast" gets tested for anabolic steroids. Fictional integrity and continuity were not major concerns of mine while reading Bloom County as a kid; I maintain that same outlook when I read Achewood.

Oh my god. I've found someone else who doesn't care about the continuity. Yes!

Oh my god. I've found someone else who doesn't care about the continuity. Yes!

The DVD of this shows Ray's big old dramatic death, it's one of the deleted scene extras.

I like this storyline. Seems odd to jump right into another long series though.

I SO wanted a Subaru Brat in 1982. I was 14 and didn't know any better.

A comment left by jdhenry105 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rowboat, stormagnet, Satyr)

And down in the ground
is a place where you go
If you've been a bad boy

Maynard James Keenan of TOOL owns and drives a Subaru Brat when he's working in his vineyards in Arizona. True story. I don't reckon this was a coincidence.


the demon = pat with horns

This is the Perfect Segue after the last arc.

Straight out of one arc, into the next, no messing around.

ONLY CHOCOLATE Tofutti-Cuties. The vanilla is just soy, damnitall.

why not the keylime pie ones?

What exactly is a tofutti cutie?

soy ice cream sammich. fin.

it is soy, therefore it is not ice cream. only real people who eat real critters and real critters' real bodily fluids get ice cream.

Oh it's like this vegan ice cream sandwich

it is soy, therefore it is not ice cream. only real people who eat real critters and real critters' real bodily fluids get ice cream.

It's like an ice cream sandwich, except you get gas even if you're not lactose intolerant. It doesn't discriminate.

Favorite part: Ray's 'big old dramatic death scene' is summed up by SOON

this strip has more clipboards than usual

Fun fact! The alt text says that "It has the rear-facing seats in the bed STOCK"--but why? Because the tax laws then in effect allowed Subaru to classify the Brat as a passenger car instead of a truck if they welded in the rear seats, and therefore to pay a 2.5% instead of a 25% tariff.

( theme plays )

I swear the only reason you have no chubbies is that everyone runs out by the end of this page. Like me. Your use of subtle linking over cliched quotation is WIN.

I find it both hilarious and disturbing that Ray is towelling off in the first panel.

He is toweling off because he was out in the rain in the previous strip.

Ok, it's kind of incredible that you picked up on that. I'm actually a little disappointed that there is a reason behind the toweling.

Its just one amazing storyline after another.

First thing I thought about that hat was Alpini, then Italy, then Runescape for some reason...

Seeing a Subaru Brat in real life has an awing effect, much like realizing for the first time that your parents were in love once.

I used to own a Bi-drive Recreational All-terrain Transporter. We called it "The Antichrist."