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Ray's Toy Truck Wednesday, August 3, 2005 • read strip Viewing 115 comments:

damn computers are ruining our lives!

Cough, HAcK, Dear god I'm choking on irony

This is the moral of the Johnny Pneumonic movie.

A part of me hopes that you purposely used 'pneumonic' instead of 'mnemonic,' but the rest of me knows that you didn't.

That movie has been silently staring at me, sullen like, from my roommate's movie collection. I have not seen it for I am led to believe it is a horrible thing.

replace horrible with hilarious and you're pretty right on.

God damn yes i read the novelization somehow.

...I am saddened at this. The novelisation is so good.
I hope they didn't ruin the scene on the Killing Floor in the movie.

Wasn't it a book FIRST?


just read this instead:

Johnny Pneumonic was a gay porno movies that also wasn't very good. Oh, wait, no, I am wrong. That was Johnny Pneumatic. Johnny Pneumonic was about the struggle of a young boy serving with in the revolutionary army during the American Revolution. It was quite good. I do not wish to spoil the film, but he gets pneumonia.

I chubbied this before I even finished reading the comment. I got to the end and felt no regret.

It's a funny strip but theres alot of truth in it and the author probably thought so too as he decided to put the idea in comic form.

Ray is a man of great ideas.

Love the sentiment in this one.

I both love and abhor your avatar at the same time.

Cowlick dude approves of the loss of Little Red Riding Hood's innocence. He approves it... eagerly .

I wish I could chubby the both of your avatars collectively because they work so well together as one.

A comment left by wigglestick was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Jesler729, sigmacoder, Zem, Panserbjorne)

Daaaaaamn dude. Go watch Army of Darkness now. Before it's too late.

This is probably my favorite strip, for the sentiment.

Chubbied for the rough-chuckles inducing probable source of your avatar:


your aviator is fucking amazing

*avator damn lack of edit i shall lame myself i deserve it


you just want me do go kill myself don't ya, i fail at internet.

No, please don't do it, you're still cool.

But you meant to say "...to go kill myself"

i now fail at internet! goes and gets rope ready.

No, no! Here, have a chubby. Now, doesn't that make you feel better? :)

my first chubby YAY!

mercuri0us must see potential in you as a poster, he seems to have taken you under his wing. Perhaps it was the excellently chosen reference in your name that won you a place in his heart.

Nah, I was just trying to virtual-score.

We definitely got too much stimuluses.

Achewood is my substitute for an imagination that was destroyed by the internet.

My friend thought that Ray in this strip was me, so I started reading Achewood

I read too much into achewood strips, I just see Ray being alarmed at being jaded, and then making a conscious decision to go to the store, get the most un-hip toy and enjoy playing with it.

ray's grammar is proof of everything he says.

Tonka. TONKA!

Teodor is FOCUSED on imagination.

(Ray is having so much fun in the first panel. I wish we all had our own personal dumptruck.)

They're at the toy store, dude! Go grab one!

I completely got chills with the fun being had in this strip.

But we have the Internet!
No, wait, wait, there was a nice senator man who straightened this out for me... the Internet is not a dump truck. That's right. Sorry for getting your hopes up.

the internet is the biggest diaper ever.

It's not a really a diaper, it's like a large glass bowl that everyone can see the shit inside but nobody can get it off you to change it.

The thing of it is, "series of tubes" actually works pretty well for explaining the internet to someone who doesn't understand what it is.

You're never too old to derive fun from representative pieces of plastic.

I got a Megatron, myself.

This one is just facts, plain and simple.

Quick throw it in reverse! *beep beep*

I hope you realise, with your avatar, you don't actually need to add anything worthwhile to get a chubby..

i'd say that pretty much sums up the male to female interaction.

Not entirely.
I don't know many females who can make them move independantly like that... when just standing still.

It would be SO awesome if they could though.

She changed the setting on her breasts from "stun" to "kill."

I'm imagining a little dial, in the center of every woman's back, with different settings. Wouldn't that be funny? Am I right?.....

...I've never seen a woman naked.

Well, when you do, you will find out it's actually the nipple, which needs only a need press.


Elvira can do cute tricks with them. If I remember rightly, in her movie theres a scene where she's wearing these tassel pasties, and makes the tassels spin around one way, then spin around the other.

Damn, I need to rent that movie for that reason alone.

this is kind of fucked up because my mom's name is elvira

I'd like to buy the rights to this film sir.

Not often does an message board avatar tap into and wreak havoc on my basest urges. I think I might hate it for that. But I can't look away. It's just eternity, man. Every second of every day, they're here, doing that....

If you really wanted to cure yourself of this predicament, I imagine a well-photoshopped picture of the above combined with the face of a strongly bearded man might do the trick by creating a permanent association (unless you're into that sort of thing), but I have neither the software nor the skill.

I don't wanna get over,
the sweetest hangover.

chubbied for titties & truck noises.....

....love them

When ray sets his mind to something, no amount of doubt or mockery will shift him.

Kid kid kid, what's with all this kid imagery? Do you see any kid here?

I love this one so much. I had a similar experience long before I started reading Achewood. My friend and I make crude drawings of dinosaurs and erupting volcanoes, the whole time making explosion noises with our mouths. Spit flying everywhere. I also make an excellent machine gun, in case you're wondering.

The ability to make excellent machine gun noises with your mouth is a primary characteristic of the Y chromosome.
I hear genetic scientists look for the machine gun noise gene as a marker when searching for other, less obnoxious genes on the Y.

I enjoy making Star Wars style laser sounds with my mouth whenever I watch anything to do with Space. I enjoy to do this even when there are no lasers being fired.

... And even when there are no noises in space.

... and even when lasers don't make noise, anyway.

But I am still in favor of making Star Wars laser noises when Space is at hand. Bravo.

TIE fighter. Best sound effect ever.

I'd chubb that, but I ran out on this page.

That said, it doesn't sound as awesome from the inside. I remember playing Collector Edition TIE Fighter for hours when I was younger, but it doesn't sound the same on the inside for obvious reasons. =(

On the inside of the TIE Fighter? Damn, I never considered that angle.

Yes indeed

Half my kingdom for the T-shirt: "I play with this truck!" Little toy dumptruck picture optional.

Being misinterpreted in a redneck way would be one of many side benefits.

What is your kingdom

deep philosophy in this one. i think we could all use a little play with some trucks.

this is definitely reminiscent of watterson somehow...

Actually, sucking on a pacifier was so you wouldn't bite off your own tounge tripping on X.


That would basically never happen. But is nice to have something to chew on other than your teeth.

Maybe he meant tripping in the most literal sense, as in there is some X on the floor, and you trip over it, and bite through your tongue upon landing.

This comic is me, post surgery, with Princess Leis on a speeder.


Leia, damnit.

This really is an important lesson. I'm actually very excited that they can do this without the whole thing becoming a drinking contest. It gives me hope for my future as an adult who has fun.

although those are fun too

I read this comic every morning. Ray's face and words in the last panel remind me why i still show off my figurines, against my girlfriends will.

Let this be a lesson to all of you.

Hummel figurines don't count.

"Showing off your figurines" is NOT the same thing as legitimately, innocently "playing with toys." One is the result of unchecked consumerism and misplaced nostalgia, whereas the other is you just playing with toys. Think carefully about this.

I love how Ray rates T's style with the truck.

Yes. I have MUSCLE figures all posing next to my TV.. I don't play with them often.. but it's nice to know I could.

Yet more proof that there needs to be a book called "The Zen of Ray."

I didn't much like action figures or toy trucks as a kid, actually. I never saw the appeal.
But by god do I still rock my Legos.


A comment left by werewolves was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, invidious, Deusoma, Jhunter, dj_insomniac, stormagnet, Satyr)

Take that back. Infidel.

A guy who brags about his math skills every day ain't a guy I'd want to have at my wedding, is all I'm saying.

No, you wouldn't want to have him at your wedding because he'd tell stories like this at it.

I found Achewood because XKCD linked to it. It's like they're related. They're linked .

I wish I could chubby this twice.

In the drawer next to my bed, Wolverine sleeps.

I have two Steve Irwin toys by my television. One of them is a wind-up toy of him on a crocodile's back that will scoot around in circles on the ground quite merrily if I wind it up. The other one has a few of his more memorable catchphrases at the press of a button. Sometimes I will press it if I'm feeling down... or need advice.

Steve-O .... we will miss you.
Rest in peace...

I miss my little red tractor so much right now.

After going on about this strip for awhile now, I actually received a toy dumptruck for Christmas.
Also some dinosaurs.

Ray's slack-jawed amusement in the first panel gets me every time.

Yeah, Teodor. Just 'cause Ray's black means it has to be a "new hip-hop thing." Real cool, man.

For a long time, I've considered the honor of "Best Stand-Alone Strip" (yes, this is Official) to be tied between "Ray Gets Sort Of Stoned" and "Mickey Mouse Pancake." But, going through the archives a second time, I think this is really both strips' peer. It's just so purely good.

Ray is a beautiful creature

I don't know why I didn't always think this was my favorite strip.

This is my favorite last panel of any achewood

I've read over achewood a couple times, but I don't ever recall reading this comic! It's like there were two new comics today! Awesome!

where the fuck are achewood comics like this today? Now its all "Graphic novel of the Year" this and "GQ" that

Strips like this just reconfirm my love for Ray. I'm jaded.

SO true. All of it.

Favorite strip of all time. Makes me want to play LEGO, playmobile, and bust out the Alien franchise toys i got and do a battle of the ages like old times. Cant forget the city blocks carpet and hot wheels too!

using my imagination is chronic. i cant not use it.


This reminds me a lot of "Naiv. Super" by Erlend Loe