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Ray Against Unnecessary Faxes Wednesday, November 22, 2006 • read strip Viewing 60 comments:

There are some old school electronic things that are cool.
Calculator Wristwatches: Cool
Mattel Electronic Football: Cool
Microphones with a "Trigger": Very Cool.

Faxes are not cool. Have never been cool. They are like writing a check at the self check-out lane in the grocery store. Take you seedless raisins, your Tasters Choice coffee, your bottle of Blue Nun and get that junk outta here.

One of my favs. this strip.

A comment left by lizjones was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by estutius, Zem, VictoriaW)

A comment left by jackparsons was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by jaredwilde, riotdejaneiro, Thorfinn, Yossarian, thesyndicate88, farqussus, mountain)

It's true. I'm from the 70s, and I am decidedly not cool.

A comment left by ghede was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by phthoggos, TonyHighwind, Boyd)

I'm from the 80s too, and people think I'M always on drugs! Oh man amazing.

Do you look permanently disheveled, too?

Self-depracating chubby

Maybe ju an' me are oh nevermind I just dont give a shit.

I approve of any and all references to Hunter S. Thompson.

And I approve any and all references to Godspeed you! Black Emperor's Lift yr Skinny Fists. Chubbied.

The music is.

Whoah what have I been living in the backend of society all this time? What's an electronic football do? How do you play with it without breaking it? I await information on tenterhooks

Dude you can't be serious. "Electronic" football (actually the field just vibrated) is second only to Ring Pops on the list of stuff you remember as being far cooler than they actually were.


No...holy crap, I don't remember that at all! I think maybe I remembered it as being cool enough to give me amnesia? That doesn't even ring a bell.
And I know you're completely just waiting for me to ask what Ring Pops is. Well I got you there buddy!
I'm gonna look it up myself.

I maintain that slide rules are cool.
Are adding machines cool?

I need to bring this up with my insurance agency. I can spend a thousand dollars at Best Buy and all I have to do is swipe a card and punch in a 4 digit code. Why does a grody pixellated replica of my signature carry so much weight?

Seriously. Fax machines are totally fucking worthless.

Smells like a conspiracy by Westinghouse to me.

Ray's response has pretty much become my stock answer regarding facsimile machine ownership.

"oh i swear these blowjobs are so terrible i'm going to hang myself!"

is that another stock response of yours say yes.

A Lesson is Learned, yes?

yessir, yes indeedy.


oh fuck it was a dark day when that comic died. that particular comic was so much genius.

The fates have spoken. It will come again. Shortly after the second coming of Jesus, and a great deal more anticipated.

so only "the chosen" get to read it... damn... i must convert.

I have all of those things.

Even polio?

Chubbies for Xantastical, folks. She ain't got no legs from the polio, she needs our support.

Chubby for (unintended?) Bloodhound Gang reference.

It is a fact, Faxes also make me shake with rage.

I have an Apple //c. It's awesome.

Fax machines are not awesome.

I had an Apple IIC. It was indeed awesome. Then it was tossed in a spring cleaning raid. :(

Whas your DPS vs Junk?

I have polio.


i really wish i had a falcon.

This is where I came in. Who the hell uses a fax?

We use faxes where I work all the damn time. But I work for the government, where inefficiency is the order of the day.

Okie or Fed?


(because nobody cares and it's the internet, I mean this was my first Achewood strip proper, barring seeing Cartilage Head when it was going on by a link from some Microsoft blog)

I get the sense this one was inspired by a specific incident in Chris Onstad's recent life.

I get the sense that this one was inspired by a specific incident in everyone's recent life.

When you need something scribbled down and then poorly printed onto hot roly paper, fax it.

21 December, 2007: Penn State University asked me to fax an important form that I need for graduation. They did not offer any alternative means of submission. Fuck you, Penn State.

Given that I was told recently that I had to fax a bank statement as proof of address to a certain game company in order to purchase a copy of Manhunt 2 .... and I actually refused to do it... I can indeed relate to Ray's situation.

I never got Manhunt 2, and that makes me sad inside. Nothing would have made me glee more than owning an illegal game.

Glee is not a verb, dude.

Dan, the protagonist in Douglas Coupland's Microserfs , sez: "Getting a fax is like getting an email from 1987."

Believe it man, people still fax.

Man, Society for Creative Anachronism members don't count as people.

I love Ray's Pose of Epic Distaste in the last panel. Ray hates fax machines. Hates them to hell . As do I.

He could always just ask one of those knights from "Trials of Honour" for their falcon.

Ray remembers Beef's first CPU .


Say it aint so!

You dont own an apple II!

A comment left by desert_donkey was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by apocowarg, fattypneumonia, TheGreatestCape)

I'd wondered why people still possibly need to fax things and in my current job where I fill out employment verifications, it's pretty much a crucial part. I was pretty unjazzed to find out about it.

If this is your only problem with health insurance, you don't have any problems with health insurance.

i appears that the title is inaccurate. ray appears to be against fax machines(and therefore, faxes), in general.

the hell does ray know about apple IIc's?