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Beef is Ray's Great Outdoor Fight Roadie Friday, February 3, 2006 • read strip Viewing 79 comments:

A comment left by stabones was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rolotonybrowntown, Jesler729, Picnick, milkpants, scraggg)

I concur!!

Encyclopedia of The Great Outdoor Fight

This link is buried in the comments of one of the strips in the arc, but I felt it merited a position of greater reverence. You have to see it to believe it.

. . . wow.

What? Wow.

Your avatar speaks!

Chubby for the link

The link doesn't seem work

this arc is so hot i can barely stop reading to rate it.

The look on Fancy Mark Clacny's face is amazing.

Well, No one said it could be done.

Which, now that I think about it, is not the same as everyone saying it couldn't be done.

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, shakey, amandulence)

Yeah, a dude thats on the receiving end of a pilsner lobotomy is pretty much unimpressed with any cancers that he might have.

So I guess you could call that a cure.

Chubbied simply for 'Pilsner Lobotomy'

You know, sometimes you type something and you just know it's going to get Chubbied.

This was one of those.

Heh... Chubbed that and the other one.
Had a few moments like that myself... though I always get an assortment of Lames too... like Asherdan-Lite.

Funnily enough, my favourite ever comment that I personally made didn't get anywhere near my max chubbs... but then my execution wasn't perfect.

(In case anyone cares, it was when Philippe hit the deer on the road and I remarked "Here comes a special van" ... I was always proud of myself for that, for some reason.)

no one cares

I think you are canadian. I am canadian.
I think you like pilsner. I like pilsner.
I give you a chubby now.

I hope you are not assuming that Pilsner is in any way a Canadian beverage. I wait for some clarification before I decide to issue my rating of your comment.

Whoa, whoa. Soooo not Canadian.

I like the brain morsel clinging to the bottle upon exit.

You have a disturbed mind.

"Dang, I never thought it would be like this! A guy is tearing off my middle!"

Now if it could be done to TOM Clancy... that would impress me.

I love this story arc too... I also love the fact that in Roast Beef's mind, "is" gets represented by "=="

A comment left by delzhand was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Sakana, twohundredninety, craigola, Magb, ubersplat)

1. no. they are actually the same object, just with different names. they do not just share the same characteristics

2. oh god who cares

Stubbs - Smuckles == 0.
Hell yes pointer arthmetic.

I am so so sorry

Stubbs.compareTo(Smuckles) == 0

This completely makes the comic for me.

Scientists are still figuring it out.

Ray's lucky to have a friend like Beef, and vice versa.

I remember that this was not how I pictured the fight at all
so when this strip hit I was shocked

plus I use sass in the main in normal conversation even today

Beef's "dumbest workplace sentence" quip reminds me of the worst conversations being had in the English Language . Even though at this point that's still in The Future.

Yeah, the fact that this strip directly leads into the Fight sort of overshadows it, but that's a great line.

...perfect spiral


So many great things about this one. "No one said it could be done." AND "Oh, necessarily."

Seriously, I am going to start saying "necessarily" in all instances where otherwise I would give a very emphatic "yes."

The idea of throwing a beer bottle straight through someone's head deserves a 5.

only onstad would say "no one said it could be done" instead of "they said it couldn't be done"

and that is The Genius of Onstad.

Nobody said it could be done because nobody ever thought of tearing his middle off

Hahaha, damn, wish I'd caught this before my earlier comment.

Yes, so exactly right.

Why is Fancy Mark Clancy wearing Ray's medallion?

holy shit I never noticed that.
Maybe that's how it got passed down the Smuckles family
This medallion is interestin'.

good eye, man. didn't catch it at first.

Is it me or is it just a tad smaller than Ray's medallion?

Onstad is the Thomas Edison of names. I can't not smile when I just think 'Fancy Mark Clancy'. Poetry!

Nah. The Thomas Edisons of names are the Chapman brothers. Onstad comes up with a good one every now and then though. I'm partial to Ultra Peanut myself.

Actually, he's more like the Lonis Edison of names.

Actually, he is both the Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla of names, because unlike Edison, he doesn't just steal all his good ideas from an Eastern European.

Just because Edison was a thief and a total jackass doesn't mean he wasn't also brilliant and an extremely important inventor in his own right. But conversely, just because he was an extremely important inventor in his own right doesn't mean he wasn't also a thief and a jackass.

Oh necessarily

Or in Spanish, "o necessito"

the alt text to this made me laugh so hard that I made a sound which startled a passing bat.

DQ? Died Quietly? A beer bottle erupted from the side of his screaming head! Ain't no way that was an open-casket funeral.


You're right. A google search for what I though it meant yeilds 0 results and a suggested misspelling of my name.


So 2999 people were disqualified from the great outdoor fight on account of death? Damn.

*has not read the rest of the arc yet*

It took me nearly a year to realize Beef is talking in H2G2-speak here.


I'm willing to bet that 127 strips before this, Ray said something really stupid.


Now, I just determined this by counting backwards, but I'm pretty confident it's correct.

Beef said 127 days , not 127 strips . 127 Days previous would be September 29th, 2005 . Apparently our last dumbest workplace sentence is "Chinga Jaime!"

Ever since 1973 there has been a small panel of scientists that convenes daily to try and determine the logistics behind when Rodney Leonard Stubbs threw a beer bottle through Carl Veldt's head. They have yet to resolve the issue.

such an epic beginning.

Roast Beef's lines in this strip are nothing but pure gold. The "Dumbest sentence" and "Thomas Edison" quips are two of the most memorable I've read on Achewood.

It saddens me greatly that I have never had opportunity to use "Necessarily" in such a fashion.

apparently the glasses are hereditary

Ain't give no sucker your meal, it adds to nothin' and he is an animal all the while, no receipt on file, no loyalty no style

Wow, poor Fancy Mark Clancy.........
Coolest name ever, though.

I think my favourite thing about this whole arc is that EVERYONE seems ultra-familiar with the Great Outdoor Fight and everything to do with it, despite the fact that it has never been brought up until right now.

My very own personal hardback copy of TGOF just arrived yesterday! Soooo excited -- if I was male, I bet I would have my own personal chubby, too.

Sass in the main. Hmm.

Now, is that like saying it's mainly sass," like "in the main" is the same as "for real?" Or is the main like the metaphorical pipeline of information in the rumor circle? I can't really figure it out.

This is the one that got me into the strip, via the autographed (weird) copy that my local library has.

Your local library carries Achewood? That is rad as hell!

God, agreed. And yes, weird.

I love how Beef thinks in computer code.

I love how quickly Roast Beef pieces everything together CSI style.