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The Finest Stone in Wales. Saturday, May 30, 2009 • read strip Viewing 588 comments:

The X-shaped fold marks over the Nagel model's eyes indicate that the impact of the rock has killed her.

The pupils dissappear halfway through too. wtf

Maybe she goes to sleep when Ray wakes up. Maybe sleep can be passed from person to person... like luck in the fine Lindsay Lohan romantic comedy, Just My Luck (2006)!

Unfortunately many things about Ms. Lohan transmit from person to person.

Mediocrity and publicity whoredom (or did you mean STD's)?


That's her best (only?)quality. I've just recently learned that "ginger" is a pejorative and I don't understand anti-ginger bias. Freckles are friggin' hot.

The picture below gives me a stiffy as big a redwood.

better redwood than deadwood

I feel like a stiffy that big might cause your wood... to ache . *puts on aviators*



Watch me act in my head . Its much too good to share with you Philistines.

better achewood than redwood. am i right?


better redhead than deadhead

Sorry for showing racism against redheads. It is one of the few racisms I'm willing to show. I'll put it away now.

ginger kids have no souuuuuuuuuls.




skin that has been stained with a fine mist of shit?

somebody hates freckles


You can just sense the evil in these "people".


He's a ringa, sir!


"O-ranga," I get it. But it sounds like ringa.

If you mean as in Orange, then no. If you mean as in O-rang(a)tan, then yes. It sounds like Orangutan.

I mean in the voice of Jonah Takalua, it does indeed sound like "ringa."

It sounds like him saying 'ranga' in his accent.

It always sounded like ringa to me

Sounds like 'ranga' to me. Of course I would pronounce it differently, having a different accent.

Goddammit! Will someone answer the phone?

Dang, I had no idea that show even existed! Thank you nice-on-water, and thank you Netflix-- Summer Heights High is on its way.

Yes yes yes. I just found out about it around a month ago and am A Fan.

No, it's ranga, but thanks for the link.

I don't give two damns if it's ranga or ringa because it doesn't matter a honey's fuck which it is and it's been over two months since the fact.

you're clearly not on water today are you?

his avatar is the answer.

I regret nothing.

Hmmm, that came off more dickish than I intended it to. My apologies.

Ain't no thang. Beers and high fives for all.

I did not make the jump to the psuedo-kiwi accent, sorry. I get it now.

The root of all evil?

Ah, the in infamous ginger-mandrake hybrid.

the infamous group-captain mandrake

We've met.

Now why don't you just take it easy, Group Captain, and please make me a drink of grain alcohol and rainwater, and help yourself to whatever you'd like.

Mr. President, we must not allow a mine-shaft gap!

Sir,I have a plan.

Mein Fuhrer...I can walk!

I think you're all a bunch of deviated preverts.

Okay. I'm gonna get your money for ya. But if you don't get the President of the United States on that phone, you know what's gonna happen to you?

Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: What?

Colonel "Bat" Guano: You're gonna have to answer to the Coca-Cola company.

Ohhhh, I thought he was talking about some sort of perfume Lohan uses. I've never heard freckles described that way before.

my friends and I often called them splatterfarts in younger, more hilarious times.

ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww gross!!!!!!! gingers are disgusting




Better alert Ray, he has something new to fear.

See, it just so happens that my first name in real life is Lindsay and I misread "Onset" as "Onstad" and so for a second I thought me and Onstad were finally teaming up to raise some bitch niggaz's blood-sugar levels.

I read Linda Ronstadt Diabetes. Poor poor pitiful me.

My new favorite drink, the Lindsay Lohan! It's the same drink as a Red-headed Slut, but with a little bit of Coke.

I figured that was because Ray tore off the "Hecho en Mexico" tag... thus destroying the magic?

Oh my god... then it may very well have been deliberate. In which case it looks more like her eyes are glowing than closed... In which case hitting her with a stone is not a good idea. OO

Thank you for stealing my thunder.


What's the penalty for that?




I stole electricity. They put a red tag on my meter and billed me for all of the electrons they sent out and never got back.

Technically, wasn't it electrons that you pawned off on them and won't let them give you back?

Other possibility: I am confused.

The electron potential is generated at the plant and the electrons cycle through the circuit from the generator through the household (ignoring transformers and the like for simplicity).

You don't gain or lose electrons - you have the same amount before and after you use a circuit. You are merely using the potential generated by your electric provider.

You are confused.

In fact, you always use the same electron, at least if your house work on alternative current

Prometheus was shown as an example of what happens when you pilfer from the gods.

For the record, I am a well-educated sonofabitch.

You know, I never understood how having one's liver torn out and eaten everyday could really be considered punishment. I mean, sign me up if it's just gonna grow back.

"You can eat my liver all you want, it's not gonna kill me anyways."

I think it hurts a little (and you can't metabolize Merlot until it grows back).

Could you still metabolize whiskey? Because that would be a deal-breaker for me.


I think permanently chained to a rock was also a significant downside.

Not for certain acquaintences of mine.

Interestingly enough it seems that the idiom "to steal one's thunder" is not of mythological origin.

Sorry, Wolfensti, but next time you put forth an idea, try doing so as Zeus. Apparently no one steals that niggar's shit.

i'll take into account.

On another note, would Thor also do ? i'm kind of a norse guy.

I think you have to be a nerdy guy in a wheelchair to pose as Thor. Technically speaking, that is.

...or Vincent D'Onofrio.

Thor and Zeus both hold the same 'father-god' position as other principal Indo-European deities. All "Pagan" religions in Europe tend to be the same players by different names, and are a close cousin to Hinduism (there is an ancient, pre-Vedic set of gods that correspond to European subsets. Zeus/Thor would be Indra). It is also interesting to note that the Roman name for the father-god, Jupiter, is a corruption of the Proto-Indo-European name "Dyaus-Pater", meaning God (Dyaus=Deus, Deva, Dio, etc) Father (Pater, Pitr, Padre, etc.).

Stealing is Wrong.

Didn't you used to work at the Achewood warehouse?

You can't fool me, Deus is a Belgian rock/pop group.

Wrong. dEUS is a Belgian rock/pop group.

BAM! You just got out-hipstered.

Zeus and Odin shared the 'father-god' position. Thor was usually kind of a buffoon, more of the Herakles variety.

yes? you called?

Thor was a redhead. Probably had freckles.

You MUFT have a penalty.


^ It's true.

Damn. But if he tore the tag off, now how is he going to get back home?


Best onomatopoeia for spatial displacement ever.


Thats just a veiled pro-masturbation message.

You know he wears the gloves 'cause his palms are all hairy.

It is a fake idea that slapping it all the time makes your hands hairy. Mine are smooth. Kinda crusty though.

he's keeping his hands soft for his wife

When I read Of Mice and Men in middle school I just thought "Oh he likes his hand to to be soft when he caresses his wife's body. That's nice." Only later did I learn about fingerbanging.

I was well acquainted with the ins and outs of finger-banging years before I read Of Mice and Men. I grew up poor and rural.

You couldn't afford fancy city-style electrical sex toys.

i wish i could have incorporated that into my GCSE essay..

i always assumed they were making fun of him, the joke being that she wouldn't put out so he was really keeping it soft so he didn't chafe himself

either way, its a gentlemanly thing for him to do.

I yeah but his wife was killed by a big guy with the mind of a child, also she was giving people the eye since she had a dream of being a filmstar. She also wore red all the time, which suggests danger, which she was, as she was the reason Lennie Small got shot in an act of kindness from George Milton. This wife also has no name.

Give 'em a name and they all start feelin' entitled and stuff.

I agree. My dear departed mother, "hey you," taught me this lesson.

She had a name in the movie.


Are you the sparknotes robot?

That's just a veiled pro-masturbation message.

Here's another -


Fuckin' tinypic -

spatio temporal displacement, apparently. I always liked that work. Spatiotemporal.

Well he tore off the tag.

only after ray sees the hecho en mexico tag.

The tag, maybe?

It's that old Mexican Magical Realism
In your Eyes.

There is a Nagel Ring in Diablo 2?

Petition the devs



What a strange sound for a rock to make

I think that was the noise generated by Ray while the rock knocked his breath away.
Thrown by a Welshmans quite visible hand.

Wait, is that a potato?

You're thinking Irish. It's a sheep turd, or misshapen leek.

What are the chances!

That's no potato. Lloyd threw the stone at Ray -- the very stone whose special qualities they recognized!

(voiced by J. Peterman)

No he didn't. It's much smaller.

You are right, i_love_kate, but I like my version better.

On the other hand, the first stone is nowhere to be seen in the last panel, even though Ray should be standing right next to it. So I'm just gonna say it was shrunken to throwing size by its proximity to the Mexican magical realist Nagel serape.

(grabs crotch, sticks tongue between upraised fingers, says "nyah")

That's no potato. It's a battle station!

...er, That's no potato. It's a space station!

i got a misshapen leek from sleeping with mrs lohan

A misshapen leek? In my Lohan?

Honestly, it's probably exactly as likely as you think.

i got a misshapen leek from sleeping with mrs lohan

sounds more like enlarged prostate to me.

I'm wondering now, what does an enlarged prostate sound like?

You'll know when you hear it.

Guess I just need to get my ear closer

... drip ... drip ... sprinkle ... drip ... "oh god this sucks! ... drip ... sprinkle ...

Reese and Lloyd are not nearly Welsh enough names.

Rhys and Lloyd, on the other hand?

Are Fire Emblem characters

as Ray

as is . I'm ashamed

Rhys an Llhoydde, maybe.

lloyd is a welsh name. lloydde just sounds silly. like a cockney lathe.

And Floyd is a non-Welsh spelling of Lloyd. The double-L is a bilateral fricative together with a regular l.

Don't you do linguistic bilateral fricative at me, goddammit!

Rhys is the traditional Welsh spelling, but Onstad had to work a Terminator reference in sooner or later

Terminator : the Welsh Chronicles

the only terminator where everyone else has accents that make arnold sound like a David Attenborough

A comment left by mystkmanat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Shinkusan, Snuffdigit, hypnoreagan, daidai, clever-nickname, cunty, Mattsolo, Wolfensti, PhoenixUltima, Geigerdog, mashisoyo, srikamaraja, flazisismuss, jake11, snidedk, gingerbreadman, AdroitCelerity, Fermatprime, Firehawk, vexingrupert, jaypage, aHatOfPig, reesepbc, GunsOfRay, sje46, JimmyK, EvilPerson, hbaranov, Epicurus, thatcrazycommie, colorlessness, thegoblins, nickb285)

Oh sweet Jesus, sorry everyone.
Please lame the above comment into oblivion.



A harquebus

I enjoyed your link from the Encyclopaedia of Very Large Graphics .

is that a harquebus or are you just happy to see me

The man with the harquebus looks strangely contrite himself.

So...its my dad with a musket.


Harquebus were basically proto-muskets, yes. Just like muskets were proto-rifles.

(and thats proof for evolution)

Red 2, on my way

Haha. Because Red 2 says, "Look at the size of that thing."

At which point I'm pretty sure Han Solo says, "That's what she said."

Chubby. Wedge Antilles, btw

Who leaves a wedge lying around the Antilles. They're such beautiful islands.

Waiter! A wedge of your finest Antilles cheese! I wish to taste a Wedge Antilles right about now.

*ding DING ding*

Ladies and Gentlemen it has been zero days since our last gay Star Wars joke. That is all. Return to fucking up your BBcode.

*ding DING ding*

Ohhh, don't you worry bout that.

heheh, boosh.

What type of Boosh? Mighty, or Frisky Dingo?

Comment left by smegma ignored.

hey, still no spam marking privileges for me

oh well, an ignore will have to do

ohhh, I see what you did there!

That went over like a Led Harquebus.

for how much he dislikes Mexican made items, ray sure has alot of them

Do you think that Ray is not the sort of person to get high and, on a whim, give his gardener 500 dollars and tell him to bid for every Mexican made item on ebay? Do you truly think that Ray is not that person.

If I worked in a garden and my boss gave me 500 bucks while he was high, I'd pocket the moolah and tell him later he imagined the whole thing. On the other hand, I can totally see Ray himself buying every Mexican product he can find on eBay, especially if they were in the Platinum Reserve.

The Platinum Reserve actually has a "Buy every Mexican Product" button.

They truly believe in 1 click shopping.

Plus buying everything in Mexico still costs less than Airwolf. It's just more economical not to waste time distinguishing between them.

This is not going as well as Ray might have hoped. His time-to-stoning could have been over 10 minutes, at least.

To be fair, they were expectin' Wishes.

Wishes, Reese!

The stoning should have led to this.

blunts and nachos for life would be rad

fuck diabetes

POW! Right in the Nagels!

Patrick Nagel, whose Art Deco renditions of female figures appeared in Playboy magazine for nearly a decade, died of a heart attack Saturday after exercising at a fund-raiser for the American Heart Association. He was 38 years old.

The artist, one of about 25 celebrities who worked out for about 15 minutes as part of Aerobathon II at the Santa Monica Athletic Club, was found dead in his car afterward. An autopsy determined that he died of a heart attack.

He is due for beatification as the patron saint of irony

St. Irony, thy name is Fixx:

When did Little Nephew become Charley? and does this strip confirm Ray's relation to him? and why did Mexican Realism bring Ray to 17th century Wales?

The name Little Nephew strongly implied Uncleship, I beleive. He's been Charley for some time now, but damn if I feel like looking up the first instance of it.

I wonder how these two boys had fun with Floyd's mule. Mule tipping perhaps.

I have another idea. Bring me that mule and some vasoline

If you get him all the way down that waterslide I owe you a hundred.

... hundo.

..six or eight hundo?

KPIX News Update: World's tallest mule does not go down world's tallest waterslide... Developing.

I see that are more of a KRON sort of story. Of course, I'm not really up on KPIX's news division either. Who actually watches local news?

Local People

Oh dear, I LOLed so bad. I need to go back and watch the series again. You are a fine Australian sir.

We didn't buuuuuurn him!

this is a local stone, for local people.
alternatively, local news for local people in a local shop run by locals.

Alternatively, not for no-tails.

Scott Tenorman must die.

if you believe that, then i got some pubes to sell you

I haven't.

but Ray said in this strip he was his father, sort of. Along with them having similar ears, with inheritance and so on. The Charley thing came from the first instance of Little Nephew meeting Mollys father. I also feel i deserved that lame and that it is a harbinger of doom for me...

I think the first one was when he was committing suicide on the Internet, the text at the bottom of the news screen said something like 'Charley Smuckles Suicide Watch'.

oooooooh. That is all.

..I still don't understand how Mexican Realism brought Ray to 17th century Wales .. Unless it was an old Welsh pillow from Mexico

I was under the impression that it happened because of the last thing he said before he fell asleep. Ironically enough, that would mean wish-granting.

Finding Little Nephew was the deepest Desire of Ray's Heart and the spirits of Mexican Magical Realism Understood this and Took him there.

Magical Mexican Realism sent Ray to Wales because Magical Mexican Realism has a bad habit.

A bad habit of being written by Carlos Fuentes and therefoer never not being scary.

i don't know who Carlos Fuentes is but everybody gets chubby for explaining it and oh my god did i just make a really stupid pun.

[url=https://books.google.com/books?id=VDhGdxIPwfQC&dq=carlos fuentes christopher unborn&printsec=frontcover&source=bl&ots=gT7aKKAKyg&sig=vvUozj0bJKJ0KjnRn6S2BREczys&hl=en&ei=214jSsiTGpjEMbGViJ0J&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2#PPA198,M1]Page 198, second paragraph.[/url]

GODDAMNIT. Here, let's try that again: [url=https://books.google.com/books?id=VDhGdxIPwfQC&dq=carlos fuentes christopher unborn&printsec=frontcover&source=bl&ots=gT7aKKAKyg&sig=vvUozj0bJKJ0KjnRn6S2BREczys&hl=en&ei=214jSsiTGpjEMbGViJ0J&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2#PPA198,M1/]Page 198, second paragraph[/url]

never fucking mind

Page 198, second paragraph


that's the Hindenburg of shitty writing, that is.

You're mixing your metaphors. Shouldn't it be either "that's the Hindenburg of post-modern literature" or "that's a turd of a book." Saying "Hindenburg of shitty writing" implies that it failed in its quest to be shitty. Which, of course, it hasn't.

No. That book gave bad writing a bad name.

Woah, man. Do you also dislike William S. Burroughs and all of those other Latin American magic realism authors? I actually thought that book was pretty good. I considered saying "killer", so I could set you up for a "killer of good writing" joke, but I don't want to make it too easy for you.

Burroughs was Latin? Burroughs had a voice worth listening to. He was even great in Drugstore Cowboy. Did you see it? But his voice was based in drug-fueled perception and the lifestyle, no?... unlike the Latins.
I confess I only read that single page ethel and jeff linked to. It was dreck. I know when I don't need to read any more.
That clown does not belong in the same shelving system as Borges, Garcia Marquez and the heavyweights. Burroughs, I like also. I also like the Yid Magical Realism author, Chabon.
Maybe that makes me pedestrian.

I'm not gonna enter the debate over the Fuentes' literary merits here, I just wanted to answer gunsof ray, and also supplement foetus_punch's comment with an example of how the dude's never not scary.

damn. didn't mean to have the "the" before Fuentes' name there. goddamn can't do anything right....

Woah, sorry, I did not mean to imply that Burroughs is Latin. He is clearly not Latin. Chabon is also good. Not at all pedestrian. Check out Cities of the Red Night. It's Burrough's best work, but it's not nearly as well known as...anything else he made. Anyway, I can understand why one wouldn't enjoy Fuentes. He's a little trite and smug, and it can be annoying. I'm done my literary masturbation; I just blew my elitism load.

The Plot tickens !

When he removed the hecho in mexico, Nagel lost is soul.

Can someone who has been to 17th Century Wales afterlife confirm or deny whether all men wear the same overalls? Thanks.

Yes they do. It is a traditional sign of respect for this great adventurer/poet who spent several years amongst them lo those many years ago :

"It be me! Mario!"

Let's a go

Can we now have a debate as to what Mario says when he throws Bowser off the arena during the boss battles of Super Mario 64?

"So long, King Bowser!" ?

Self- Quote:
"So long, gay Bowser!"

Aha. I see you were 11 when you first played it, as well...

gay Bowser blows-er...

Fuck that. What were the Yoshis saying at the end of each stage in Yoshi's Story?

This is how you start a nerd fight boy

Pipe down or I'll show you how to start a nerd fight man.



A comment left by stereo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by apocowarg, daidai, hedonismbot, Deusoma, Carpetbag, falseprophet, Scorpio_nadir, woodenteeth, ethelthefrog, techiebabe, mystkmanat, aperson)

I-I suddenly regret my birth, that a well trodden and juvenile gag that I had posted on the internet would lead to the exposure of at least several persons to...well, this.

May the Lord have mercy upon me, I am sorry the Lord

Took way too long to get to the pissin

i chubbied that.. i... am i human ?

I lamed this, mainly because I kept reading, then, well, I just couldn't anymore. Laming it felt right. No offence personally stereo.

I was disappointed to find there was no 'Disturbed but inexplicably aroused' option in the 'My feelings on this asset are:' drop-down box. I'll err, ah, stick with neutral...

To boldly go where no man has gone before.

for those unfamiliar with the work of dr. manflesh desires anal play immediately , this is a repost from his series of "obscene erotic fiction barely related to the topic." Another notable one detailed the bestial exploits of Calvin and Hobbes. I don't have the time or skill to post links, but you can just search his name. (Not for the faint of heart).

Sure. But who the hell is KIDNEY BEAN STUCK IN URETHRA?

(Seven pounds of shit.)

(going for 9 now)

(because her name is 7 of 9)

(also because if yu read well the cap is taking it's turn at the end)

I..I can't believe that I read most of that. Oh god I think I just puked in my mouth.

"Oh fuck, you just puked in your mouth, didn't you emosexy" gasped Janeway, her hand a veritable blur by this point...


omg no

Go puke in some woman's mouth and write about it on the internet.

Already done

I read the entire thing.

What offended me the most, however, was the poor spelling and grammatical errors. I demand more from our coprophagic erotic fan-fic.

I had considered fixing it, but honestly that's not a stomach settling use of my time.

I like my earl grey tea hot, mo fos.

I like my hottie Erin Gray.

In terms of accuracy, the (h)arquebus was unable to match the accuracy of a bow in the hands of a highly-fkilled archer.

Realising this, an arquebufier confronted with an archer or yon cat would give report with the fineft Stone within reach.

Lamed not because it was lame, but because your spelling of "skilled," with the f-like s, was not carried out in the entire sentence it was included in, thus moot-ing the style. Consistency is the lesson today!

Condoned for having principle

If there an arquebuf dick in the houfe?

For what it's worth, it was perfectly normal to mix the two styles of S. Srikamaraja doesn't exactly follow typical usage rules, but the notion that English orthography ought to be consistent is a pretty recent one, anyway. You could probably find examples of genuine texts with a similar haphazard mix of the two letterforms.

For instance, the renowned Welsh publishing house of Castell and Carreg used the short s at the beginning as well as the end of the word, and the long s in the middle.

Wafn't that the convention in general?

I retract my statement and (if I could) my lame, then. Thanks for the correction!

Acknowledged and accepted. Comment was posted in haste, with a lack of research.

I was merely excited at the prospect of bringing archery to a gunfight and coming out victorious.

I hate how the two welshmen in panel one share an arm.

It is unfortunate for the two Welshmen.







Why are you pointing at the arrow you whoops'd?

Looks like sudden-onset diabetes to me.

I was trying to point at my avicon. I failed.


Even better is that someone lamed me. That's just typical Assetbar class all the way.

Or is it classetbar ass?

Ass in my class.

It's more likely than you think.

There is not even any evidence that Reese has a right arm at all. He may be armless. I bet he'd make a kickass drummer.

This implies that the number of arms is inverse to drumming talent, which would mean that the drummer of Def Leppard was a good drummer. Not in my time-stream, buddy

This would also imply that a three-armed drummer would not rule, which breaks the third law of I'm High on Acid.

Would you be so kind as to share the other I'm High on Acid laws?

The First Law of I'm High on Acid: The group of people you are with will be made up of at least forty percent people you don't like.

The Second Law of I'm High on Acid: Don't try to do any baking. Ever. No matter how good of an idea it seems at the time.

The Third Law of I'm High on Acid: See above.

The Fourth Law of I'm High on Acid: There will be lizards, and they will be plotting.

The Fifth Law of I'm High on Acid: Most questions don't need answers. The questions that do need answers need answers coming from a trained medical professional.

And lately, there has been a controversial push to incorporate a "Zeroth" Law, which simply states "You are high on acid hguhughuggghughug fuckin' knot-blankets".

Frig! I hate when lizards be plotting.

I'm calling bullshit.
The First Rule is: You Can't Fly.

Thats the Minusonethlaw. (and I am high on Acid)

The rules which are comprised entirely of repeating "You do not talk about that you are high on acid" are a pretty widely disregarded subset.

Rule number 1: No Coast to Coast AM, ever!

The First Rule is: You Can't Fly.

Bill Hicks- Quote:
Young man on acid, thought he could fly, jumped out of a building. What a tragedy. What a dick! Fuck him, he%u2019s an idiot. If he thought he could fly, why didn%u2019t he take off on the ground first? Check it out. You don%u2019t see ducks lined up to catch elevators to fly south%u2014they fly from the ground, ya moron, quit ruining it for everybody. He%u2019s a moron, he%u2019s dead%u2014good, we lost a moron, fuckin celebrate. Wow, I just felt the world get lighter. We lost a moron!

Bill Hicks. Another victim of karmic irony of the pancreas.

The First Law of I'm High on Acid: The group of people you are with will be made up of at least forty percent people you don't like.

. . . particularly if you're alone.

People are strange when you're on Acid ,
Faces look ugly when you're alone.
Women seem wicked when you are loaded,
Streets are uneven when you're down.

When you're strange
Faces come out of the rain.
When you're strange
No one remembers your name
When you're strange,
When you're strange,
When you're strange.

i'm high on acid : let there be a lesson!

Your hair was perfect!

the two welshmen in panel one share an arm.

Man. Talk about poor.

That middle block of three panels is my favorite part. And the last one.

Anyone wearing a Nagel serape in Wales is obviously trespassing, so Trespasser's Field has thus far lived up to its name.

Heeeey, it's my old avatar (which I still use on the premium updates dealie). Glad to see it's got a home :)

Subtle avatar/comment synergy there.

straight hit ray in the stomach with a stone!

Hey, tragicone! Happy belated birthday! How was it!

Oh it was good. i spent most of it with my mom.

You mean your mom that I...


Maybe, but probably not.

Especially since I meant I spent the day in the cemetery.

Tekende gets taken to school in the car of Faux Pas. He never arrives because his engine throws a rod through his block. No matter which rod a motor throws, it's never the right one.

What are you talking about... Rod never throws his rod through anyone's block.

Except in Picnic Panic IV: Breakdown .

As the new purveyor of erotic fan fiction: I demand satisfaction!

Ha ha! I's just kiddin' about all that. This is TragicOnes mom! I'm a crazy Finnish Inventor, and I'm unhappy with my current long-distance carrier!


What? Tragi-cone was lying on my Assetbar?
Who got taken to school in the car of Faux Pas?

I did. It was me.

Faux-Faux Pas even.

Ho-ho-bas even.
That's what you sound like.


Scorpio_nadir is a ragamuffin covered in smarmalade.

Oh goddamn, those were the days.

A rag-covered ragamuffin,
rolling down the alley.
Without a care
But you better beware,
I'm-a black cat
In a magic top hat,
Just crossed your marmalady Sally.

I can't help but read your avi-nym as tragi-cone every time I see it.

Happy birthday, btw.

Oh good, I'm not the only one.

nthing the birthday salutations.

me to the n and happy birthday tragi

I only just now realized after reading your post that there was any other way of interpreting it. :P

I'm hoping Ray decides to throw down and therefore invents the Great Outdoor Fight in the past.

That would be so cool!

But didn't the court of assetbar rule that they're not in the past, but in a 17th century Welsh subset of heaven? Or is it vice versa? What's the verdict on this, folks?

I think that onstad is the only one who has any say, really.

I just remembered a discussion on this a few strips ago, and I thought someone made a pretty convincing argument that they're in heaven, not in ancient Wales. Oh well, I guess we'll find out.

Wait just a damn minute. Does Reese not have a THOUGHT bubble in the second panel, and then Lloyd answers him with SPOKEN words in the third? So does Reese just not think he is speaking out loud or does Lloyd have the power to read minds while lit?

Neither of these is impossible... I just want to know.

Whether Reese only thinks he said it in his head, or whether Lloyd only imagined that Reese said those things is irrelevant.

That's the magic of pot.

Jesus! Did I say that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me? I glanced over at my attorney, but he seemed oblivious--watching the road, driving our Great Red Shark along at a hundred and ten or so. There was no sound from the back seat.

We can't stop here. This is bat country.

No point mentioning those bats, I thought. The poor bastard will see them soon enough.

May I have a little kiss before you go? I'm very lonely here.

Eeep...Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas?

I'm sorry. I'm no good at this game.

It is, and you aren't.

I didn't want to kill you man. Just carve a little z in your forehead...

Look, those two women are having sex with a polar bear.

Don't tell me these things. I can't hear about that right now.


Dogs fucked the pope. No fault of mine.



Hey, my friend died doing that !

Not cool, not funny, not a good asset



Assetbar fail.

well i liked it fine.

Chubby pending until you reveal whether you made that or found it.

Hint: it starts with 4 and it ends with chan and you hate it.

And as long as my 4chan cherry remains intact, I will continue to appear to the public as someone who doesn't even know what the internet is. Which, in fact, I am.

you're the internet?

Maybe YOU'RE the internet!

I got a chubby either for my lack of pop-culture savvy or...my FACE.

We are growing accustomed to your face.

I got a lame for questioning the nature of my chubbies...



Looks more like Dawn of the Dead to me.


Is that ice cream? Hahahahaheheheheee awesome

Kinda makes me want to donate my corpse to better special effects. Like maybe have them put some explosive in my mouth and blow my head open or something.

That's not a thought bubble, it's an inset--so we can see the stone, but also know who's talking. A thought bubble is connected to the head by little circles, and a speech bubble is connected by a little tail thingie whateverit'scalled.

It's changed. It was Lloyd .oO([blah]) now its Lloyd<[blah])

True. Damnit Onstad, have some artistic integrity.

It has always been a speech bubble, and we have always been at war with East-Asia.

Shut up and drink your victory gin.

Eurasia is our ally. They have always been our ally. Any suggestion that Oceania has been at war with Eurasia is a foul lie.

We have always been at war with Cymru.

Your double-speak makes me weep.

I think it may be the finest stoner in all of Wales!

Also, sight lines!

His eyes seem a bit askew.

Be quiet, I didn't askew.

Man I am going to call shenanigans on Onstads portrayal of Wales. Even real Welshmen say 'boyo' at least once every ten minutes, comedy welshmen should say it about twice a sentence, boyo.

Floyd's mule got the buzz .


oooooh, Andy. Ole bessie will never be the same.

Dammit, Andy, I'm a DOCTOR, not a Veterinarian!

Dammit, Scorpio, he's an ACTOR, not a doctor!

He's Dead, stereo.

He's a barber.

Just like his dear mamma.


All stones secretly desire recognition of their special qualities.

Also, the event of Floyd's mule swallowing a bee wasn't particularly fun, it just put the village in a funereal torpor that prevented any amount of happiness until it was broken by Charley's arrival.

are you familiar with alice cooper?



Lloyd easily hears what Reese is thinking in the second panel. it is a miracle best attributed to Charley and the many secrets rolled within the blunt.

are you familiar with alice cooper?

Wow Glad i did not know you felt that strongly for Alice Cooper

are you familiar with alice cooper?

I am.

I jizzed in my pants the moment my eyes slid over the word Harquebus .

So I skimmed over this post and then did a double take because in my haste it appeared to say "I jizzed in my eyes the moment I saw the word Harquebus"

are you familiar with alice cooper?

If I hadn't been wearing pants that would have happened, actually

It's amazing the amount of effort it takes to avoid hitting that particular, small target. I suspect relativistic effects are at play here.

are you familiar with alice cooper?

you man-animals amuse me.

I shall enjoy churning your bones into profits.

But... why?

Glad is secretly Alice Cooper, and that is basically what the man has been doing for decades.

I guess school really was out forever, then.

This explains so much... but I'm still not unignoring him.

I don't know why Ray felt the need to apologise to the Almighty for that outfit. He looks absolutely as I would want to dress at any given time. Including my wedding.

are you familiar with alice cooper?

Assetbar user, i wanted to have some counsel of you.

I'm going to visit a friend of mine at her appartment in a few days time. She want me to come live with her this automn, since she left her longtime boyfirend a week ago. She nice, beautifull and quite intelligent, whereas i can make here laugh easily, but hell anybody can. I knew her from school about 3 years ago and have not seen her in about 1 and a half year. What should i do to do a good impression, since it may be quite important

Wolfensti, a guy with a problem (and also a raging boner)


are you familiar with alice cooper my balls ?

Cold shower power.


Don't leave me hanging, what's step 2 ?




The internet is a great place to get advice on dealing with the ladies. You will definitely succeed in this venture.

living with her might get awkward after she starts dating someone else. Especially if you two 'do it' before she starts dating someone else. If she needs a roommate to help pay the rent, then, you should try to find a girl with more money.

another advantage to a girl with more money might be larger boobs.

This is a correlation that I have... yet to observe.

I think the implication is that girls with money spend that money on boob jobs maybe?

You guys got the causation backwards. Girls with big boobs have guys that spend more money on them, so they can save more money.

I think larger breasts simply allow you give better boob jobs more easily. I mean, you need to have a certain minimum amount of cleavage to make that work.

Girls with money might spend it on boob jobs, but they might also tend to be of a different social and cultural demographic that views boob jobs as something desired only by chicks of low mind.

However girls with bigger boobs should have, on average, more earning power than girls with smaller boobs.... Because sexist discrimination is pretty rampant in our society... But a girl with big boobs probably still earns less than guys. So you're better off hooking up with a guy, but, if you must have a girl, it makes more economic sense to go with one with big boobs.

female man-animals lax the physical strenth of most creatures on ur planet and cannit earn raises 4 dey r dumb/lazy/cry/couldnt bench mor den 20 lbs 2 save dey life. also, dey are mostly w8resses which don' pays 2 good. so dey earn less due 2 diss. is jus fax jax

Yes but the ones with big boobs can work at Hooters and they get more tips.

Girls with small boobs do SCIENCE I have personal first hand experience.

you will perish as the swallow did ib u fink ur experience is a decent sample size. basically, fuck ur experience. it is insignificant

Are you familiar with Alice Cooper?

Tell me, how did the swallow perish?

Ask the swallower.

Ask your priest (oh wait, that's "how did the parish swallow"?)

Done got sold out to Ottawa Modified Death.

Yes but the ones with big boobs can work at Hooters and they get more tips.

Forget tips, they can have the whole thing.

Actually, small-titted chicks work at Hooters now, too. They can't discriminate on tit size in this litigious, equal-opportunity society. The costumes are still straight out of the 70s, but the tits are definitely modern-day.*

*Speaking as someone who only visits Hooters once a year with 300 people dressed as Santa Claus, singing Journey songs with a Klezmer band.

singing Journey songs with a Klezmer band

The...the perfect thing to do, EVER!


chix are not dumb in fact they are smarter than guys. it's guys who are lazy and dumb. Your gladi8orrex persona is based on social ideas that were formed back in the 20th century when physical labor had value. The industrial revolution still needed labor to power it, and because industrial processes tended to be concentrated in local factories, local labor unions had something of a monopoly. As we begin the information revolution, we see industrial processes split apart and distributed all over the country and globe, all made possible both directly and indirectly by a more sophisticated and complex utilization of information. Clearly, labor now has less value than information...

Robots replacing physical labor is a little bit of a red herring. It is really the application of information technology that allows industry to decentralize production processes which constitutes the threat to labor unions.

There is, however, one application of the robot that you may find troubling, gladi8orrex... robots can now do it better and longer than you... they are bigger and stronger... that's right... they can replace your penis.

foolish female man-animal lemme intelligently deconstruct communication sequence into hilariously simple phrase "women r not wat u said we r, that is to say dumb lazy infact men are all those things and women r better too, so there"

i lol at dat aswell as ur notion of robots ruling world. perspective is not jus' for paintings anymore, lol

Let me guess. You're a cynical dyke who always needs coffee and talks about coffee.

Wow, slam on coffee out of nowhere.

Also, "cynical dyke" seems a bit redundant.

To all of you dykes out there - I'm just kidding. I rely on the well-known dyke sense of humor to avoid lames.

Do you hate other things from South America? Like peanuts and guinea pigs?

Italians come from southern Europe. And don't call us pigs.

Coffee doesn't come from Italistan. It comes from your mom.


get ready 2 go 11 rounds with mohammed ali then walk out of ring on ur own power and NOT COLLAPSE, puny female.

Shit I could go 11 rounds with Ali. Poor fucker, I'd wheel him around the ring and tell him how great he is. How hard is that?


If I had not unwisely used my chubbies above, you, sir, would be receiving one right now. And a chubby too...

You are...a wonderful person.

Thank you, you are a wonderful person too!

watermelon analogy is as stupid as all caps. vagina and colon are different. Why not compare giving birth to passing a kidney stone the size of a grape... or golf ball... or grape fruit. because is dumb that's why.

I have heard it said that a kidney stone is more painful than birth. With birth the body is flooded with endorphins, and you get a lovely little baby at the end (Ladies no matter how you feel about children, unless there is something chemically wrong with you, you will love your child), with renal colic all you get is pain and an inability to piss.

Don't tell my wife I said this.

"octafish honey, we need to talk abott sum of the assets u made"

How come this makes me picture Mrs Octafish as a 300-pound black woman.

Is he really Da Kingfish?

Ladies no matter how you feel about children, unless there is something chemically wrong with you, you will love your child

Fuck I love my tubal ligation.

vagina and colon are different.

You mean that vagina and colon that I . . .

... kidney stoned ?

Those random 1 off chubbies you get every now and then? Me. I'm responsible. I liked you before you became spinynorman.

Right back at ya.

*raises hand* I am a female with more money and large boobs. When shall you observe?

*raises hand* I am a female with more money and large boobs. When shall you observe?

Shortly after you give me your number.

And I'll take the number of your twin.

I'll take "Attention Whore" for $1000, Alex.

That I am. I'm so happy for your to point that out. $1000 awarded to you, sir.

Any sort of whore will do. It matters not.

I'm a chick, but I will take your ten hundos.

Stand beneath her balcony and sing, damn you, SING!


There is no tragedy in this world that that little sing-a-ing owl cannot repair hastily simply by opening his beak.

Is this apartment in Nigeria, because your spelling and grammar made me sure you were going to request my bank account details.

I'm french-speaking.


I might be unusually easy in this regard, but I'm likely to think kindly of boys who laugh at my jokes and are nice to me and give me beer.

No, I'd say that's pretty much par for the course. However, if you can be counted on to react the same way to the same things the next day, then yes, that's too easy.

My advice is to eat her pussy.
I tried it on a woman during our first date, and, well... We'll be married in the spring.

My advice is to ejaculate in her hair.
I tried on a woman during our first date, and, well... I'll be paroled in the Spring.

You guys must frequent very relaxed restaurants.


You mean the creme caramel that I... boned ?

You mean the Blancmange that competed at Wimbledon . . .

Is... is that a still from a sex education movie from The Goodies ?

Monty Python - Science Fiction Sketch. Wherein Blancmanges from space turn everyone into Scotsmen so they can win at Wimbledon ('cause Scotsmen can't play tennis).

flan is gross in and of itself.....

I love Flans


that guy doesnt look like the desert i once sampled....

Deserts are not for sampling! Much too hot and sandy.

the grittiness clears my colon.

that was real good.

Was reading this in Barefoot Coffee Roasters when a dude walks in wearing the old gothic Achewood (German beer-style) t-shirt. rocks.

Wait, where do you live that people you come across on a daily basis have heard of Achewood?

(I ask because now i must move there.)

Achewood commune¬!

Where the mail is delivered whenever they damn-well feel like delivering it.

I would assume that he lives in Santa Clara, CA which isn't all that far from Palo Alto.

C'mon people, he said where he was... are you not able to Google a business and determine their location?

No. How?

Probably San Francisco or environs. I wore a hand-stenciled Achewood shirt to Maker Faire recently, and a few people snagged me and said "YAY ACHEWOOD" or some variant. Including a hot girl. Score!

Welsh Reese is spelled Rhys. C'mon Onstand, my own Welsh cousin is named Rhys. I know this.

Panel eight!

That is one hell of a catch.

Well done.

You are a freak. In a good way, but still freaky. Alexander Downer freaky.

Chances are no-one on achebar has seen Keating .

I would have if I had done that one thing my girl asked of me.

Also, I've heard it's very good.

I don't need to have seen it to know that Alexander Downer is a freak.

Damnit, was that not a given?

It was. Or so I thought.

Ah, but did you remember that Ray mentioned his Nagel collection in his first blog entry ?

I did not. I also forgot that Ray once wanted to be like Julian Lennon. On purpose, I think.

did anyone else notice the print on the nagle serape is the same print as the one on rays bathroom wall?

xenotolerance noticed, three hours and four chubbies ago.

The fact that so few people seem to have noticed this immediately on the last strip makes me think that I have been reading this comic too much for too long.

Blunts, nachos, and rocks. Smoke, eat, and pelt. I didn't know old Wales was so bouncy.

BTW if you are in trespasser's field you can't complain about getting pelted. You have no standing.

Rhys and Lloyd:
They copped a fine stone.
They spied a fine stone.
They tossed a fine stone.

daisy owl

I just realized that in panel 7 there are great eyeline...lines.

panel 10

are you familiar with alice cooper?

are you familiar with alice cooper?

yes i am, what the fuck dude

your poison :)


Are you familiar with Englebert Humberdinck?

Er, Humperdinck, even.

You obviously are not

His real name is Gerry Dorsey, you know

Wait... hump or death? It's good to be the King.

Ray gets sorta stoned.

Can anyone link to the beginning of this arc, or give me its name? I have looked a bit but I haven't found where Charley first went back in time, unless it's the bra-drawing one.


Just search for: "Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture."

First strip to inspire me to join the comment fest. I worked with a guy who spelled his name Rhys and he said it was Welsh. I tried to explain Achewood to him but he didn't understand.

just what one expects from a welshman, unfortunately

Welcome. Your Questionable Content avitar will go down a treat with all the fans here.

I resisted the QC dig because she's new (and, because of newbie restrictions, can't respond for another fortnight anyway).

Welcome agentcimorene okay the rules of the game are as follows

1) if you want to be able to make more comments right away you must click the links here

2) Questionable content is garbage
3) will you have my retarded baby

4) Employing the handy *Ignore User* feature on trolls will help you keep these boards at a manageable length and make you feel better about your overall assetbar experience.

And DON'T EVER click on the following comment by dr_manflesh_desires_anal_play_immediately (disabled for your safety).


Unless you want a VERY SEXY Weekend

Its still loading!

This is Danks fault. I gotta call bullshit on this:


nobody reads that fast.

I call bullshit too!


Probably used the link, click on them and you've automatically read all of the archive.

the system is weak, and as we saw a fe weeks back a good programmer can turn it around easy

Probably AIU. Especially as he setup two accounts knowing he would spaz out and get ignored by everyone sooner or later. Just remember kiddies: If in doubt, it's probably AIU.

I wouldn't call that good programming. Grabbing a list of valid date timestamps and writing some javascript or something to cycle through them isn't programming.

it's worse than that.
It was created in Excel by control-dragging to auto-increment the date. not even via a macro. It has every date, most of which are invalid. That's part of why it loads so slowly, it's loading all those 404 pages.

Thanks! I was sad I couldn't comment right away. I wanted to respond about Alice Cooper but I think the time for it has passed. I was going to re-read the archives again today for probably the fifth time since it is summer time and I only have one college class to deal with.

I fixed my icon too, it is a home made one that a friend made me. I need an actual picture eventually though.

congratulations. You are now AIU.

You are not a Borg AIU.

I fixed my icon too, it is a home made one that a friend made me

What are Shaggy and Scooby up to?

you need to spell everything with two lls.

It turns out there was only one demon in Pandora's box, and it was named "Progress." The rest of it just came to us naturally.

Monotheistic religion would also be a good response.

Lames are expected.

There will be no lame, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness.

So you got that going for you I guess...

Which is nice

No, he'll get the Tee-shirt.

"I believed in God and all I got when I died was this lousy CafePress Tshirt"

Could be worse. You could be sent to hell where your favorite webcomic always says it will post "by midnight Thursday."


Ray (and presumably his kin) is an American Curl, a breed known for the distinctive shapes of its ears. That is some sweet continuity right there.

Well, he was an American Curl
Raised on promises
he couldn't help thinkin'
That there was a little more to life somewhere else
After all it was a great big world
With lots of places to run to
And if he had to die tryin'
He had one little promise he was gonna keep

Awesome, but done .

I knew it seemed too easy.

I will always remember this as the day that I beat jeffspaulding to a joke. I don't expect it to happen again.

I knew it seemed too easy.

Like your mom.

He was coming to your town!
He wants to party down!

to this I say yes. Upon thee I grant a chubby, surely the finest chubby in all of Assetbar Kingdom

Pegged in the gullet with a stone, Ray's face instinctively contorts its mouth into a blowjob pose. An odd defense mechanism, to be sure, but likely to prove effective more frequently than one might think.

I think we met once in prison.

Panels 10-12 are executed beautifully.

I just realized, between the cowboy hat, the (Nagles) serape, and his take no shit attitude, Ray has kind of become the drag queen, time travelling Man With No Name. Has Onstad founded the Laverbread Western genre?

y u gotta label eerything man? fuck

What do you think of women Glad?

i think they r phsyically small/weaker men who have higher %chance 2 cry and have higher voices generally.


also i h8 them

What do you think of the labels that are always showing on the back of their blouses?

y u gotta label eerything man? fuck

Hey! Those are my chubbies... or alternatively:

Alley Oooooop!

Alice Cooper was a woman. Are you familiar with that?

But the dude golfs . Look how frikkin' manly he is:

That top looks so soft and comfortable...

Seems more like a bottom to me.

I idolize Alice Cooper.. untill now i havent envisioned him taking it .. shit man, why did you have to go make me think of a 61 year old rockstar getting it up the cornhole?

How do you know he's a top?

I will always remember this as a day in which jeffspaulding beat me to a joke. I expect it to happen again.

Too slow. That is how you end up on the bottom.

But no matter when I arrive, I always come first.


Coincidence? I think not.

Then clearly you, unlike me, have not been educated stupid.

I regret that I cannot chubby you hear. Rest assured, some comment of the past shall be chubbed in honor of this comment.

worth it to keep a few chubs "on the ice"

just "on ice" you cute little ESL funnyman.

USE DAH MEXICAN is also valid as i see

valid, but MEXICAN-USED, HA?


surround-sound applause to stereo.