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Lyle's Baseball Card Monday, July 2, 2007 • read strip Viewing 118 comments:

A comment left by madmaki was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ShemmJacc, straw, ppccd, RogerGS, Ravenmancer, whoper, Moraiat, equinn2006, jollysaintpete, GitarooMan, TheBoneOrchard, decanter, shoinan, nutmeg, Majumbo, STUART, Archon_Divinus, aperson)

You must have the "Short Titles" firefox extension turned on.

If there's a porno mag called "completely ruined junk", I want to see it.

i really, really don't

It's called BME/extreme, and it's horrifying.

It is bad that I know what you're talking about.

I'm totally thinking of the one time I accidentally looked at that website and was greeted with the sight of a man who had cut the glans off of his own penis .

Excuse me, I feel... queasy.

*continues for seven panels*

ha ha oh man i gotta google this


Why would you do that to yourself? You're going to give your penis nightmares.

Well thanks for the warning , DUSTY.

I like reading BME, but only in the sense that it makes me feel better about my appearance. I'm not a trip down Hollywood and Vine, but at least I didn't slice asymmetrical holes in my cheeks and shove "jewelery" from Claires in there.

A comment left by snatch22 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by stormypinkness, J-Man, aperson)

A comment left by patiently56 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by stopeatingmyeyes, shoinan, Dwilow)

If *you* own print smut...sorry.

Wow. People lamed you for correcting yourself. What's WRONG with the world?!

sweet sixteens not m-16s!!

it's got to be funky sexy ladies.

Chubbied as compensation for silly lames. Anyone that strives to make correctly phrased posts, and actually corrects himself on the internet does not deserve to be lamed.

Look at Lyle. Thinkin' he's all 'pro ice' just because he's got a dog-eared copy of Capacious Cooch #12.

Wouldn't you be playing whack-a-mole?

In any case, you'd be playing it in the dark. Which is a recipe for completely ruined junks if I ever heard one. Or some seriously 'sploded moles.

What the fuck happens to you when you masturbate

Ray and Lyle patched things up pretty quick.

When the apocalyspe hits Achewood, no-one will be laughing at Lyle.

He'll be like Kevin Costner in "The Postman." The holes must get through.

I like how Lyle is currently a non-committal "hole man". I guess if I was scavenging half-drank margaritas, I wouldn't care where it ended up either.

Lyle, you're one savvy porno man.

...er, tiger.

Lyle's a tiger?!

A comment left by doctorbaronking was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by nbgreene, ppccd, riotdejaneiro, kenthegod, Biggles, nutmeg)

I'm going to assume Lyle is flipping off the Burger King for the same reason Ray was throwing down at the McDonalds.

Is it just me, or is the Burger King on fire? I can't tell...

You are not a powerful man if you have no power when the power is off.


The man with the paper porn isn't holding many cards if the power going out takes the light with it too.

The man with the romantic novel audiobooks holds all the cards then.

Note that he has a battery-powered player... otherwise everything falls Mariana Trench style.

What about an EMP bomb?

Is this the first appearance of Lyle's last name? I cannot recall ever seeing it mentioned before.

A comment left by centipede_damascus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by featurelessvoid, Ravenmancer, aperson)

A comment left by centipede_damascus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by featurelessvoid, Ravenmancer, aperson)

Forgive me.

Well, I forgive you. And yeah it has been mentioned before. If you're interested, Achewood has a handy search feature. Through careful manipulation of this feature you can locate the following strip: https://achewood.com/index.php?date=08082005

Carry on.

See, I would have done that, if I hadn't forgotten about the search feature in a fit of amnesia.

ALT TEXT: Lyle buys remaindered Hole Show by the pound down at the transfer station

I really love that Ray is entirely ready to throw money on something beyond his own control and knowledge... makes him seem like he knows it's going toward someones entertainment somewhere... that eventually he'll get a story out of it.

I bet it makes it a pain in the ass to do his taxes, though.

"Ok Mr. Smuckles I see here you have a $100 deduction made out to '?' and I was hoping you might have some more information on that."

"Heh! Oh, well, the neighborhood's resident belligerent drunk / Registered Asshole wanted a lot of cash but wouldn't say why, so I thought I should give it to him."

"So, no receipt on that one?"

So is Lyle upset at the implication that he might desire a Kia Sedona, or is he just mad at Teodor for reminding him of the time he tried to get one and failed?


I want to know what a Daihatsu Thank-You is, but the Internet is just being no help at all.

Wow, amazing find. Never would have remembered that.

Never would have noticed that...

Now, is that from memory, or did the Random button hand you that one?

You can dress him up in nerdy eyeglasses, but it won't change the fact that Lyle is a dirty dude. The bad kind of dirty.

Lyle just doesn't look right without his glasses on...

Does Ray think "hombre" is word of pig latin?

hey, it rhymes...

He's clearly been listening to The Offspring


(wrong album)

IT'S ALL I WANT (repeat x3)

Lyle holds ALL dem cards.

More importantly, they are cards with tits on them.


there is actually a plus sign there.

T is pretty harsh on his friends. at least he stops short of insulting their actual, personal hoses.

He hasn't got to Pat yet.

A comment left by neonfreon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by stormypinkness, Solle, Overmedicated, equinn2006, le_chien_manquee)

it's all in your mind, mate.

I think I could agree that T is bi, but Lyle? No, he's just a drunk.

the phrase "still buy print smut" has an odd poetic beauty.

I agree. It has a bit of staccato to it (amplified by the letter t in the first, third and fourth words, as well as the b in buy and the p in print), but the alliterative S's give it an interesting smoothness.

My phrase for joking away some gas (said to my wife): it was the baby.

This only works if you are sure the baby articulated all seven of the seven-series gas panel.

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Zefiel, Overmedicated, equinn2006, jmmfgd, Mastronaut)

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by stormypinkness, JohnnyLandmine, Overmedicated, equinn2006, Jar, Afkpuz)

It's a Teodor style trading card that lives in a graphics program and never gets printed on actual card.


Its Lyle wanting a hundred bucks, surely its not THAT mysterious.

I would assume if Lyle was asking for booze money he would just say so.

Completely Ruined Junk[i/] is only 28 issues old, as it sprouted past its former incarnation, [i]Still Alright Pussy .

I tried to say oynay oblempray hombre on the phone today but it is really hard to say and took me 4 tries. I tried to explain, but trailed off into an awkward silence...

I wonder if Baja Sam's Fiesta Cantina is similar to Fiesta Max? What is Lyle's fiesta name?

Shootin' Hootin' Billy Butterjacks, claimjumper extraordinaire and hole opportunist.

You're gettin' a chubby just because "Shootin-Hootin" is a word combination that made me giggle.

That is craaazy mysterious!

Sad to say I would scavenge drinks that people didn't drink out of when I was a dishwasher.

wait. he'll grounge 100 bucks from Ray for a card, but not for glasses? sometimes lyle acts like he's drunk!

He'll take care of the things that matter himself, out of pride. If Ray had been all "sorry dude" Lyle would have just fucked along, that is the difference.

Is the Daihatsu Thank-You a real car? Google failed me here. You know what that's like.

Maybe it's the Daihatsu Arigato???

The part that just kills me is "Hair Dressing: Proprietary, organic" -- meaning he wipes his hair with his own shit or something.

That's not improbable. Though barf is even more likely.

Lyle hopes you can see that, 'cos he's doing it as hard as he can.

Ray is a nice device to have when you need to make something happen in a strip. However, despite how easy it is, it never fails to entertain me.

Today's Blogs

MixTube No. I for Beef
I found the song I've been meaning to find.

"Most girls would say I was crazy to choose this one, but I'm three hundred and thirty-seven. They can want their brand new summer boys. I know that when Beef actually smiles, that smile was hard come by."

Molly's second blog entry there is one of the best of the bunch. It really gives you insight into their relationship.

Right on. Where did you learn to write like that?

Onstad writes the blogs.

I've wondered this for some time now- what if...xiaomimi is Mrs Onstad and she is writing the blogs?

What if Achewood hasn't updated all week because Onstad was J.D. Salinger?!

I.... I'd say then it's high time for some Mexican Magical Nagelism.

I got nothin

That crumby bastard Ackley. I bet he stole my goddam comic an hid it under a bunk bed. Goddamit!

Still got nothin

Ever heard of a jazz sax player named Jan Garbarek? Jesus, His stuff sounds so perfect on a snowy day. I guess due to him being Norwegian could have an influence. Like ragas are only supposed to be played at a certain time and season.
Oh well

Hmm no, but I'm listening to Swedish electropop so it could be kind of a similar effect?

I too got nothin'.

Well, we'll probably have to shelve the Salinger hypothesis as there was a new strip posted an hour or so ago....

That just means I'm writing the strips now too! I was going to let the Achewood legacy go gently into that good night, but I changed my mind because you believed in me.

Many are your devotees, oh xiaomimi, but only I will sacrifice a f-f-fricken squirrel to you!

I go now in my Infiniti to perform the required ritual of Silly-string.

(....oh, I hope red squirrel is okay? black ones are pretty rare in these parts.)

Well, I prefer black, but in these cases it truly is the thought that counts. What boon do you request in return for your sacrifice?

A boon......a boon.
I am an old man, xiaomimi, yet young in spirit; so asking for renewed youth would be cheating.
I suppose I would ask for what every normal man would ask of a charming, intelligent young woman:

Unlimited cable and icy, imported beer!

Actually, it's nice just to visit with you and kibbitz around. You usually just drive-by with the blog links and are gone again.

Huzzah! Let's get drunk and watch Gordon Ramsey!

Yeah, this noodling about on the internet seems to happen when I've got a major deadline looming, and I'm looking down the barrel of the majorest deadline of my life these days. I appreciate the pleasant distraction, sir!

Huzzah! We doin' this!
You got to defend a thesis or some such? You gonna be gold, girl. You gonna knock 'em dead.

( I'd tell you a Gordon Ramsey tale about my old mom just last week reading a top chef his rights, but I don't want to distract you too much )

Indeed, and thanks for the words of encouragement! Would that story distract by being too awesome? Because that sounds like a possibility.

Naw, it's just silly. And I can see a shaggy dog story unfolding here, no great epic, but....

You probably know better than I how Gordon will flambe' a chef- honestly, I've only watched 1 or 2 episodes, but I'm guessing he does it regularly.
My mom's getting old now, 82, and she's always spoken her mind. She and my dad (84) are on what she calls "Green Bananas Time".
Last month, one of my 3 sisters, all who live out of state, emailed me with the idea that I could arrange a dinner date at a nice restaurant for their 60th anniv., and my sisters would fly/drive in secretly and be there when we arrived. I live 1 town over, 15 minutes away from my folks, so I'm nominally the one who keeps an eye on them. Lately we've gotten into the habit of my wife and I taking them out occasionally for a meal, so it would be no big deal.

Okay, so a choice of 2 upscale restaurants in town. The main one I know the owner ( and by extension, the chef, sorta) because I worked on the place when they were remodeling for the opening some 5 years ago. I think it was the last remodel job I did. The owners older brother is an old friend of mine, still a hippie after all these years (and what I know of this dude's life would be an interesting read). He was begging me to come help him finish the remodel in time, (and I'd gone back to school for an I.T. degree)

[Weird divergence: I just saw in the paper the other night that the owner/chef of the "Other" restaurant, The Diner, also in Norman- (which was featured on The Food Network in November) passed away. Undoubtedly from years of rich food & drink. I knew his family, and his older brother, KIA, Christmas Day 1968,in Vietnam, and surgeon uncle played an integral part in me not being inducted) this weirds me out]


The phrase "I'm as serious as a heart attack" has worked its way into my lexicon unnoticed. I've never used it when refering to flatulence, though.

Presumably, if the power went out, Lyle would need a flashlight. But unless he tied it up somehow, he'd have to hold the magazine in one hand and the flashlight in the other, leaving masturbation almost totally out of the question.


I over-thought this and now I regret it :(

Actually, I'm pretty sure you didn't think enough.

What if it's daytime?

Why can't he just lay the fucking magazine down on any flat surface?

These thoughts are contained in the ellipsis. But you're right: I over-thought one area too far and ignored the other areas altogether. I am like the world's worst sound guy, attempting to work the equalizer of the modern argument.

These thoughts are contained in the ellipsis. But you're right: I over-thought one area too far and ignored the other areas altogether. I am like the world's worst sound guy, attempting to work the equalizer of the modern argument.

This was my first Achewood. I then clicked random strip, and saw Phillippe try to kill himself with piping hot gravy.

I was thoroughly confused, but enthralled.

Chimney Wind

"Hole man" is so awful.

ever since i saw this strip, i can't stop thinking about this 'Daihatsu Thank You' mentioned. i've never seen this vehicle...or any vehicle of that make..i know it exists..but does this particular vehicle?