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Pat and the Banjo Tuesday, March 8, 2005 • read strip Viewing 56 comments:

I would very much like to see that banjo animated as part of a Svankmajer short.

It'd be covered in lichen and each string would be dragging a lump of meat as it crawled.

I can't believe anyone has ever said something so wonderful.

i'd say dali... then ants start coming out of it

chubbied every single comment.

Love Svankmajer shorts! They come in all sizes!

One should not welch on a pretty please the way Pat does here.

pat does what he should not and does not do what he should.

Yet, he gets what's coming.

A comment left by saddestking was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by theoddwaffle, Cyberbob, kenthegod, Scorpio_nadir, St-Elmos_Fire, Pigs)

Shuddup or oi'll paddyslap ya!

I think it is rad for you to SHUT THE FUCK UP.

I'm sorry. I should not have yelled.

did you just call out a use of "welsh" as being offensive and then turn around and make fun of people who do that

i don't know why i'm asking, you obviously did, but i mean why did you post that

Watching Pat get damaged is like watching the happy ending of every movie with a villain.

Pat getting injured: Always funny.

I always like seeing vegans get hurt.

(as long as it's not like real serious or anything... their bones snap hell of easy, and they're still my friends after all)

Gadzooks, it's like John Carpenter becoming either suddenly clever or insane.

You say that as if the two are mutually exclusive.

I am muchly reminded of "Naked Lunch."

Téodor gave Pat THE HOSE! And he richly deserved it.

Damn! No pienso que ese vay a comencer!


what a total dick. fuck you, pat.

Hopefully Ray's Satanic banjo will drag Pat to hell.

roast beef has stiff legs

No kidding, although I don't know if it would even be possible for a real-life cat to do this. (I have not messed around with a cat in some time.)

When is the banjo broken? NOW it is broken.

That capitalization is so perfect, it almost hurts me.

Broken banjo. We're lookin' at a six hundo.

OFF TOPIC: Where in the name of Christ's China Cups did you get your avatar.

Notice that your avatar is frikkin' awesome

where'd you get it

(it's from star trek)

I know this. I just thought it'd be funny to say that.

Stardate 3211. Fuck-You-Friday yet again.

Hey, dude, that's a pretty cool avatar. Where did you find it?

I like watching Roast Beef get comfy.

He knows the argument could go on a while.

Seriously, somebody get that cat a bucket of popcorn.

I honestly didn't see that coming. Compared to the last 4 or so strips.

The last frame would make a very good "Happy Holidays from Achewood!" snapshot.

When someone has been an asshole forever and you see them being hassled by someone legit you take a seat and enjoy. Make a day of it.

Today's Blogs

Lyle: fuckin smoker needs a car

for some reason the alt text on this one really made it for me

Teodor is being a bit immature in this strip too.

Oh wait I understand why he wanted the banjo now, it is cool.

is that a human femur?!?

hey pat! fuck you!

put that in your pipe and smoke it!

I cannot imagine Philippe saying this. It disturbs me.

"Yeeeeks! Oh no!" strikes me as a pretty timid reaction to being grabbed by an ambulant banjo.

They are cats, why does Pat have to wear shoes?

Because he is unbearable.

Aaaaaand they're back!

Nope, definitely shoes. Good eye.

5'd for T pushing Pat.

Beef gets ready to wait it out for his turn.

Also, no one helps Pat because he has bad shoes and is a dick.

Tacodor gets riled.