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Friday Facts for November Friday, November 18, 2005 • read strip Viewing 72 comments:

Phillipe is lying. His signature drink would probably be grape soda.

I thought it would probably be King Piss...

Yeah, he drank that with such a ferocious passion.

Who love grape soda? Philippe loves grape soda...

Oh fuck yes, first time with BBCode and [i]perfect[i].

Oh good god no.

You see? You got too confident, and AssetBar decided that you needed to be taken down a peg. And just when everything was going so well.

terebikun is sorry to have an ego.

Yeah, but look how many chubbies he got out of it.

Is... is it really that hard?


Your avatar, all smiling and yelling at terebikun, made me laugh harder than the comic did. And the comic was really

HAHA you didn't finish your sent

Or Strawberry Rite. (I think this was only mentioned in the blogs)

philippe isnt black....

Dude, there's no way phillipe is retarded.
He might be borderline savant- a little slow in some ways and brilliant in others - not many five year olds can write a newspaper that long using proper grammar and spelling.

Spellchecking? And he does get help from the other residents/visitors.
Plus some five year olds are shockingly smart. I have seen five year olds read Tolkien before and do complex mathematics. Not a lot of them, but it is a documented phenomenon.

plus his vocabulary is insane

Don't forget that he gets a lot of help making these from Roast Beef.

And he is quite well-versed in Humphrey Bogart quotes. You would say "Play it again, Sam," to him and he would just scowl at you.

It's good that Phillipe knows about Humphrey Bogart

Bogie would be a terrible priest. I'm just saying.

It's a crying shame we never got a Bogie film where he plays a hard smoking priest who punches out a guy in the confession booth.

He plays a missionary priest of sorts in "The Left Hand of God". He has a gun, but doesn't punch anyone in a confessional.

You just WAIT til I build my time machine. Swear to God, I am getting this bitch made. It's always...been a simple dream of mine to see Bogie in such a manner as this.

what the hell is bush planning to do about all the stabbings anyway?

Automatic death penalties.

Both for stabbing and for being stabbed... it takes two for a stabbing, you know.

alt text: It actually sounds more like something WC Fields would say to a kid as he poured rye whiskey over its head.

The alt text caused me to laugh out loud, thus qualifying this strip to be rated a five.

Who's L.B.?

Lie Bot.

Also, Lester Bangs.

(this would be Lie Bot's answer)

Lenny Bruce (is not afraid.)

Leonid Brezhnev

Leonard Bernstein

Birthday party, cheesecake, jellybean, boom!

Lie Bot probably has better taste in music than Lester Bangs.

For some reason I always assumed it was Lyle and that I'd missed a reference to a last name. I think that line just seems like a Lyle line to me.

. . . all the stabbings (shakes head); Christ, I'm glad I'm not president.

The little shaver feels the need to apologise for boasting about his riddle prowess.

Pride is a Sin. Sorry, Jesus!

Water is Philippe's signature drink. He craves the stuff.

Best Friday Facts so far.

a stool that is being modified by the Army to weigh less

I like to imagine that the line "Nice Pete is over, and he is saying that in the other room" implies that Nice Pete isn't allowed near Phillipe anymore after the secret ice cream incident.

I'm surprised they let Nice Pete within 500 feet of the little guy.

Man I got no words about that riddle.

Today's Blogs

Teodor: Finale (hopefully) of the recurring dream
Mr. Bear: Felled by the mighty Carnaroli

"Wordless Buddhist poetry welled up inside me, if you know what I mean."

I feel like this blog storyline was a bit of great character development for Cornelius, even if it wasn't quite as thoroughly amusing as the Russia arc.

I was surprised.

And I'm also sorry for having en ego.

I'm surprised Philippe acts so nonchalant about Nice Pete being over after that whole episode with the secret ice cream place.

I'm also surprised that no one else seems to see his riddle about a guitar as an unintentional double entendre. Though what I'm thinking of lives in a furry cave when it IS in use.

No, that was much my initial response as well...

I'm pretty sure everyone sees it, it's just...I guess they don't think it's worth commenting on?

everyone who didnt make a comment to that effect is more mature than you. grow up, sir.

Is it me, or does Philippe look a little haggard on this column?

This is what it looks like when someone comments before reading the whole strip. Right there.

I always wondered if that's a shirtless Onstad throwing the medicine ball back and forth in this one. Anyone know for sure?

That is exactly my opinion, William.

I realized later that it isn't, because someone in the comments of another strip posted a website with pictures of Onstad, and the guy in this strip doesn't look anything like him. A friend maybe?

I do not have a witty retort that works as both a reference to the material and an answer to your question.

Perhaps Onstad employed the use of Google Image Search or some such tool.

in case anyone didn't know, the real answer to the riddle is Man. in the morning of his life, man crawls on all fours, in the afternoon he walks upright, and in the evening of his life he walks with the aid of a stick.

in mythology, it is also the riddle the Sphinx asked people seeking entry into Thebes; only Oedipus answered correctly.

Oedipus... that motherfucker

Oh god, I'm so sorry everyone but I just had to.

Also not every old dude walks with a stick so the Sphinx is full of shit.

Wait, wait that can't be right. If you take 24 hours as a man's entire life and start 0.00, you would probably start walking on two legs after like 1 hour, and keep walking on two untill something like the late evening (unless you had an accident ofcourse).

On second thought, the riddle was invented when people got like 40, tops, so it actually would be quite right.

I hate that riddle. It's completely stupid and cheats itself by using the various parts of the day as a metaphor without informing the riddlee.

Somewhere, the Sphinx is crying. She tries so hard!

Nice Pete is completely right guys. None of this fancy cook book nonsense will fill you up better than some country home fries and some eggs.

A comment left by _pink was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, atticusonline, Ravigotte)

Also, see: The Hammer.

Isn't it weird how Phillipe has the hang of the bold and italics functions, but not the underline?

I have read this strip multiple times and it was not until this time that I realized the second man is a copy of the first with a beard painted on. I am a fool.

philippe admits he would have no idea what to do about all the stabbings. that is big of him.