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Ketel One, Eminem, Twain Invents the Internet Wednesday, September 10, 2003 • read strip Viewing 42 comments:


I cannot read "Samuel Clemens" anywhere without subconciously reciting "Clemens est servus".

Grumio was my favorite.

All drunk in the kitchen, all seeing imaginary dogs

i have fond memories of the grumio/melissa/quintus/caecilius love rhombus

good thing vesuvius solved that problem... OR DID IT

my high school latin club sold t-shirts based on the textbooks. one of them was caecilius on the front, and then on the back real big it said "EST PATER"

best one though was a picture of the slave-girl on the front (Melissa?) and then on the back it said "Grumio est laetissimus"

i am not making this up btw

OMG my favorite was Grumio and that lion incident. By the way, our Latin Club shirts were banned for having the Nike' slogan in Latin: Fac id.

that is excellent. we just got a shirt with the colosseum and "LATIN ROCKS!" in script.

also yeah melissa est ancilla.

Oh shit I read all these fuckers as well. Remember when Caecillius died? That bummed me out.

Oh yeah, Cerberus the dog loyally sitting beside Caecilius as the ash rained down. What a pro.

I remember being very disappointed by the next textbook though, the adventures of Quintus and Cogidubnus. Difficult second album syndrome.

Mark Twain just invented Intercorn.


Chubbied for simultaneously being both highbrow and lowbrow.

A comment left by catachresis was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by gothfae, Voretus, alejandroadam)

A comment left by catachresis was marked as spam and excluded. catachresis: What a douche. (reported by jstegall, gothfae, Magb)

A comment left by centipede_damascus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, straw, nighttoad, riotdejaneiro, pwb, tttt, Jesler729, GeyserShitdick, theoneyouwant, Connellingus, morypcaina, woodenteeth, TTAGXAMM, mediumrare, idsyen, last_tuesday, caddon, gorrioncita, Boredom_Man, usversusthem, Wolfslice, nathanielperson, mattylite, gnjdfsgk, aparrish)

So for you the definition of music is tonality and/or melody? I think that Anton Webern might have issues with that.

It's not though, is it? Unless it's some kind uber-minimalistcore stuff, you've got other instruments going on there.

Personally, I like hippedy-hop and rap just as much as I like music with guitars in.

Also chubby to Idsyen for the Anton Webern reference. I was going to make a John Cage joke myself but you pretty much covered the ground

i could never figure out that dude's fatality.

and seriously though hip hop is good, let us consider for a moment that the gentleman's voice IS the instrument, and that is all you need to know to appreciate it. still, one is allowed his personal opinion.

Chubbied - I like music with rocks in just as much as the rap/r&b.

i love how mark twain holds an ipod

Rated 5 for panel 3.

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Jim: You can't read so I'm not sure why I expect you to be able to know binary.

Blonde, Brunette, Redhead...

You take that back! My mother is a saint!

It looks kinda like it spells out "BARBER".

What does that say about me.

That you and Pat should talk sometime?

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Philippe and Ray. Which of the two do you think explained "binary" to Mark Twain?

I'll bet it was actually Eminem, busting out rhymes about binary and code that is hairy, and keeping track of bitches on his brand new blackberry.

You get a Chubby for that rhyme.

Neither. Twain had already gotten the idea from what Picard did with Data's head.

I love Ray adopting Twain's vernacular (e.g., "icebox"). Okay, i suppose one word does not a dialect make, but I can dream.

They should have given Twain some Rush.
"The space he invades gets by one you!"

" Eminem Reminds Me In many Ways of Tom And Huck"

Hahah Classic

Phillipe never does start school.

Only Ray has the balls or ignorance to lie to Mark Twain.

In panel one, Ray demonstrates that he does not understand the concept of "time machine".

Or maybe Mark Twain is really dull and he's just inventing an excuse to leave.

I'm surprised nobody brought up the issue of Phillipe's purported schooling.

Except for like, two posts above yours.

Also: How come no one seems able to spell Philippe's name!? It's in the dang strip!