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Out of the O.R. Tuesday, September 17, 2002 • read strip Viewing 59 comments:

"PS I got shot by Ray again" is basically the best way to end a e-mail.

A comment left by ghede was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tttt2, antecen, mystkmanat)

I'm so gonna buy a gun and give it to a cat.

I actually changed my gmail suffix to that

used to be "Veni, Vidi, Reliqui"

I eagerly await a flashback to the first time

A comment left by dezufnocosem was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by n00b, tetrisattack, LuckyG)

Do Yahoo? I am Yahoo.

Explains how he could bang a website.

I always wondered why the alt text says "Ray is 9600 baud". What does Ray's sad old modem have to do with this? Maybe it was supposed to say Beef is 9600 baud.

Maybe Beef is not 9600 baud! Why the hell does he not use this more often? THEORY: Outside the hospital, Beef does not own a WAP.

Isn't Beef's Mom horrible? Why would she be big on e-mail?

I've read this strip a hundred times and that only just now occurred to me as well.

I guess time's have changed. but then why does he live with Grandma K.?

I assume she's in jail.

It was not yet established that Beef was from Circumstances.

Although we have no firm evidence to refute your claim, the ACPD would like to put forward the following for your consideration:

In this strip we hear Beef say that he doesn't like guns, now I know this isn't much to go on, but could it not be supposed that the reason for this fear is this strip? The very strip which exposed Beef's circumstances for the first time?

Its all purely...circumstantial, but I put forward that Beef WAS from Circumstances at this point. if not publicly, then certainly in Onstad's mind.

as a self-professed achewood-o-phile, you could not pay me enough to sign up to the ACPD.

i thought she died when she was shot

The last known sighting of Corliss Kazenzakis was in this comic:


She did not appear to be dead, or shot.

She shot Beef's dad, she didn't get shot.

Speaking about pre-continuity, why does Andretti think Beef's full name is 'Roasted Beef'?

She's a neglectful meth addict. It seems highly suspect that she would care about email, or even remember her son's former Halloween costumes.

of course horrible people have e-mail. who do you think forwards chain letters? even the homeless guys on my old street had email

More importantly, just because she would never answer nor care about the e-mail would not stop Beef from sending it. Sending letters he knows won't be answered is just a Roast Beef thing to do.

Awww :(
Chubbied for being both sad and true.

He has the power of modems. Presumably others as well.

best sign off to an email. I promise to sign my next one off like this.

I just realized that Ray is still in the Sopranos character in this script.

Dr. Andreti's first appearance?

I love Philippe in this one.

Not only does he have a passable wireless internet connection, he also has a word processor.

Or he could just have the ASCII set and the TCP handshakes for Sendmail memorized.

What "ferrous material"? Bullets are made from lead! This doctor is clearly a quack.

Also, I don't believe it's possible for a spine to become a modem.

That too!

they make steel shot too

The bullet was at least 50% ironic.


"No one in science would" makes this a five for me.

This is one of the most reasonable things Pat has ever said.

Pat says reasonable things all the time. They're horrible, but a lot of his gripes aren't totally unreasonable.

It probably says something to me that I kind of identify and sympathize with Pat, doesn't it?

It's OK, we forgive you.

Thank you, that means a lot.

Personally, I think Pat was just deflecting the question because he's incapable of ever saying anything nice.

Now, when I see an action movie, I am going to imagine that everybody who gets shot is, instead of dying, receiving a wireless internet router in his spine. This will either immensely improve or ruin action movies for me forever.

"Not again, Beef! I told you that boy was trouble!"

Since it seems to be popular, I'll put forward that I hear Dr. Andretti as Michael Dorn. He can be as authoritative as all hell, and anyone who's played Fallout 2 knows he can do sarcastic.

George Clooney.

Nobody has acknowledged that solely from this strip we know Beef's full name is "Roasted Beef". Until now.

I believe the Doctor has misread, his full name is Cassandra "Roast Beef" Kazenzakis.

Has Beef ever used this ability beyond this strip?

No, because the connection is way too slow for him to be bothered with it.

Tough way to get Wi-Fi, but a minor miracle of lead-based technology, eh?

Poor Beef, always gentle toward others and not placing blame

i got beef with this strip. there were no modems around when Beef was 6.

I'm going to postulate that you were rated lame for using "beef" to refer to both the character and your issue (capitalization not-withstanding).

the alt text alludes to say that Ray is slow.

the end.

It always struck me that Beef was leaving a lot for his mom to guess at.

I know what I'm going as for Halloween this year!