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Piano Prodigy Tuesday, March 2, 2004 • read strip Viewing 35 comments:

Does Ray have the nerve to touch that apple?

Ray is showing you the apple. It's a symbol of the journey that he will take you on should you listen to his music.

He has no choice. It is... destiny.

This is hardcore religious metaphor, as befits the storyline. Ray has already taken the forbidden fruit; now he invites you to share it and share in his SIN.

the apple is your destiny, Ray. wear the wig...touch the apple.

go on, have a taste.

are you a bad enough dude to touch the apple

"Don't wear a cape!"
that's one of my favorite Ray quotes.

A comment left by darthemed was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rowboat, toughasnails001, slalvation)






A comment left by darthemed was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rowboat, dracer2, toughasnails001, slalvation)




A comment left by darthemed was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rowboat, dracer2, toughasnails001, slalvation)




A comment left by darthemed was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rowboat, dracer2, toughasnails001, slalvation)



Chubbied for premptively ruining it and then victory-dancing all over the parade.


A comment left by gormster was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by trialandterror, Edwell, d3lvn)


That is even more remarkable looking with the lamed comments spacing it out. Like keys on a piano.

This is rated far too low.

Is that musical notation J.S. Bach?

you bold commenters are hilarious. inviso-chubbies to you all.

Shit, man. Ray be all up on the hemidemisemiquavers in the second panel.

Dammit. I meant "demisemiquavers."