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A New Friend. Friday, February 13, 2009 • read strip Viewing 760 comments:

A comment left by philipmarschall was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, JimTS, Grigori, Abunchanada, NDPJohnny, chrrie, implode, jthm_guitarist, madnes, apocowarg, CatJumpJohn, tasteful, Tigrath, fakead, Smallberries, daidai, clever-nickname, riotdejaneiro, jstegall, jlynes, gladi8orrex, StoatLad, Thorfinn, Hipjiverobot, blastradius, Deusoma, Vice, Aon, aargh, CK421, NYU, cmjhogan, Checkmatejones, wotan, headphones, anticitizen, baabaa, mercuri0us, greening_cow, JeffSpaulding, whoper, snidedk, ajg, businesstime, ActualTaunt, Howard, Fermatprime, fancypants, Sweetlips, FablesandBlues, coffeecoaster, DougTheHead, Cracklewater, doctorbeene, LordPretzel, HolyQ, prettyrad, wishlish, erica, tripleG, waddlerz, sdskyle, luckypyjamas, vexingrupert, aHatOfPig, Zoltan, peppill, RogueCheddar, Retro, Heyo, jaldor, mystkmanat, awksedperl, ravindra108, reesepbc, desert_donkey, Tragic_Johnson, sje46, TheSoulBear, clembot, G-money, sncether, NigelChaos, AidenS123, synapse, lastlarf, NotCool, hardelicious, greyfield, JoulesIsEnergy, fieryjack, alittlenothing, Awko, Frankreich, Footbullet, joamiq, wotown, Dallovich, Archon_Divinus, icecube)

You were handed the Holy Grail and you took a crap in it, dude.

A comment left by sweetlips was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wishlish, twincannon, TheSoulBear)

And he'd probably flip your shit right out of the Holy Grail.

And then he'd probably wash his hands.

And then we'd have a new holy grail.

let the circle

be unbroken

by and by lord by and by

Despite his dropping the ball, I'm amused by the fact that the pie chart avatar answers his question for him.

You gotta have the ball before you can drop it.

His balls obviously haven't dropped.


i feel weird giving this comment a "chubby"

I, on the other hand, feel very pleased with my comment/avatar synchronism up there.

It pleases me, in a special way that only synchronism can. If you've been through what synchronism and I have, you'd understand and wouldn't ask questions.

Kind of like that Mortal Kombat "Toasty!!!" guy who popped in from the side, I suppose.

I once "Toasty!'d" a guy so hard he broke his foot.

I once chubbied someone so hard he got fat..

Some even got on the mayor!

i'm amused that we spend so much thread bitching about the post's incompetence. let it be lamed into oblivion and move on - there's a delightful wood of ache up there that we are neglecting!

and, on a completely unrelated note, after certain valentine's day experiences, i have a whole new definition for the term "achewood"


Liebot, what is the least interesting thing?

... seek immediate medical attention if effects persist for more than 4 hours ...

did you try to leap a fence?

"I was walking around naked and I fell on it, doctor. Seriously, man. "

"Million-to-one shot, doc."

I can't start the machine without three men. The Japanese.

Classic Ray, all the way.

Did you break your penis? If not then you are incorrect.

You probably didn't even know it was possible to break the penis.

"I heard that, like, this guy got a boner so big that 17 people sat on it before it broke."
--line from an actual movie we watched in sex ed. Turns out that kid was dead wrong, Billy.

What the hell kinda sex ed did you get?
Let this be a lesson to you, little Timmy. Boners are made of sin, and semen is angels' tears.

Well, I think that the point of that movie was to clear up misconceptions.

But that still doesn't explain the real-life demonstrations.

To clear up misconceptions and conceptions.

My teacher's woowoo is really smelly.
Are all girls' woowoos really smelly?

if that is true, i am straight up evil

Chubby for turning every porn star who ever took a facial into an angel. Including the men.

The water thereafter would be far less than "holy".

255th post!

Two to the power of eight, bitch, minus one.

You wouldn't happen to be AA-T's The Drizzle, would you?

By "AA-T" do you by chance mean "ATHF?"

And if that is what you mean, what the hell are you talking about?

"At The House Fart"

I'm just spitballin' here.


i'm jest settin' 'ere and my mind is going 'whaaaaaat?'

No idea what you're talking about. But yeah, it is of Master Shake origin. I thought about going with Mr.^2, but then didn't.

I chubbied you based solely on your avatar.

I approve greatly of your choice of post-nuclear apocalyptic simulation. And thank you for granting me the only chubby I will probably ever see.

I chubbied this comment in spite. Also, don't try this trick again, it won't work

Oh, I only wish I were so clever. Yet I'm not sure if I should thank you for the chubby, or curse you for doing it in spite. Then I remember that it would be sad to care that much about someone approving of a comment I made about a comment someone else made about an online comic strip.

Oh, and thank you for the chubby.

spiteful chubbies are against the law.

And only now do I realize that your name is Thedrizzle and that's what Esselfortium was talking about. This has made me realize again how avatar-centric my thinking is.

True, it would make more sense if I were to coordinate the two. But I look at it, then it returns to me that I am very lazy.

It looks like a pretty fun game.

I'm not sure if you're talking about the third of the series or its predecessors, but you're right either way.

Third one. My friend owns it.

The lack of the childkiller Perk really annoyed me, but overall it's a damn good game


Unfortunately I forgot the name of this game.

Fallout 3.

You are wrong then. The first two are correct, the third is an abomination and shall be cast out into the wastes.

The only correct way to play the game is to solve everything entirely without violence. Except killing all of the children. Is perfect world, yes?







Catgrl does a :( and SJE gets his big nose right there to catch it. The Drizzle is shocked by this blatant display of perversity.

thank you sweet lips, your tri-separated post gave me a chuckle and earned you a chubby.....

Triune God, One Cup.

One for the warehouse worker.

That cup better be full of blood. I don't care how it gets there, but it's blood or nothing.

A comment left by halfdirt was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by madnes, Sant, gladi8orrex, changuitotuerto, _cheesekayke, rckd, blueshoc12, Jonno, Lumus, ratnerstar, TheSoulBear, Footbullet)

Yeah, I got lamed into oblivion for posting "third post!"

My lame total was a bit lackluster for my first and last "first" experiment.

Fuck YOU halfdirt. Fuck you for being a jerk .

A comment left by halfdirt was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by changuitotuerto, tHAC0, TheSoulBear)

Halfdirt reeeally wants to get fucked right now.

Don't we all, though?


Killjoy. Just for that I'm going to walk right into your shot and adjust the lights.


Admit it, you plagiarized most of that comment from _Das Kapital_, didn't you?

I lamed you on this and on a comment below. At least "first post?" is short.

You're pretty frisky and truculent for an 85-year-old.

A comment left by gladi8orrex was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by CatJumpJohn, c_dizzle, DougTheHead, Zoltan, TheSoulBear, Ravigotte, retinarow, greyfield, wotown)

Maybe these lames are telling you, Glad. Don't change. We like you the way you are!

Really good! I mean it! You spelled "so" and "how" right!

Yes, that was only about a 3 on the gladi-scale. Very good.

Every time you post I picture you in a blazer, brainstorming your posts on personalized stationery-which reveals a name suffixed with "IV"-a very white lad, brow furrowed in concentration, alone in his hip hop poster-festooned dorm room at Choate.*

Or I guess you could be a chick.

*I went to (American) public schools, so I don't recognize that sentence as being perhaps a run-on.

I've read enough of those posts to be able to translate the name as "Gladiator Rex" (meaning gladiator king / king of the gladiators). Subtle. Or maybe it's a T-Rex / gladiator combo which not so much subtle and more leaning toward awesome. I suppose the duality is characteristic of proper trolldom.

Image search yields not a single properly equipped T-Rex, but I think the sentiment is intact here and perhaps hints of a darker past:



I dunno, this picture might be perfectly apt. Picture the 'Rex saying, "Mom y wee got 2 leev now?" or "Sorrin ain' eesy". gladi8orrex, feel free to step in here and caption this in your own inimitable style. Also, it could be a metaphor about gladi8orrex himself. Ooh, I'm so deep.

To me that kid looks like he is saying "eye guta roc"

"tornaml lookimia sux"?

gladiatorumrex, rather.

My name is Cornelius Salthouse Mansfield. I have no need for your hippity-hop "musics". I have proper opinions and need not hide my stature behind the appearance of fictitious failure.

Looks like you're throwing a touch of British accent in there. Classy.

*polite reserved applause*


This man understands Psychology.

I know Psychology.

I know him.

Maybe joo and Psychology are amigos...?

Psychology knows that I am loco .

Ray has gone on a Fantastic Voyage and is now inside Beef's stomach.

That would explain why he's complaining about the Keystone Light, but anyone with taste buds will complain about Keystone Light.

True, but I'm pretty sure Ray would neither object to a pepperoni Hot Pocket nor request plain water and edamame beans.

Maybe Pat snuck a small but loud walkie talkie or other such communicative device into the pepperoni hot-pocket, all planning to get Beef on the path to happiness on a steady diet of plain water and edamame beans by impersonating an irritated GI tract.

All interesting ideas, but my point was that the stomach's dialogue sounded a lot like Ray.

Well seeing as how Stomach and Ray hang out so much, maybe he's picking up on some speech patterns?

meh, don't knock it, its cheap, like the budget.

Oh man... Keystone Light...

Keystone Light is like watered-down Natty Light.

Ugh. Fuck college.

*Natty Ice. But I don't need to get the name right for you all to understand *just* how horrible both of those beers are. Good God.

Keystone is to beer what Papyrus is to fonts.

I'll have you know that Papyrus is the greatest font of all!

hey everybody sje likes peestone light, pass it on

hey everybody sje drinks pee, pass it on

Hey everyone sje drinks pee purple monkey dishwasher pass it on.

I respect someone who drinks pee more than someone who drinks Keystone Lite. I mean there are standards and then there are standards .

The question I pose is thus: is Keystone Light worse than Pabst? I am led to believe that it only has its current position of fame among hipsters because it was incredibly cheap and of low standing. I must know how this works out. Is there an alternate universe of hipsters drinking Keystone or is it far too vile for that to even happen?

PBR isn't just a hipster thing. It is much better and cheaper than Keystone Light, MGD and Bud.

Chubby for holding similar opinions.

In college I had a friend who would always volunteer to make the run to the liquor store to get the vodka, tequilla, what have you. However, he would always come back with Keystone Light for himself. I couldn't figure it out. Then I went with him once. He would use the spare change from everyone's order to buy the one thing it would pay for: Keystone Light. I don't think he paid for a single beer in college...on the other hand he was drinking Keystone Light.

But wouldn't that liquor have been communal anyway? Why subject yourself to what I am told is a vastly inferior beverage? Perhaps the Keystone should have been considered a part of the order. Maybe forming a rich and varied lore around it as the store, for some reason, gives you a free pack of Keystone Light for purchases of a certain quantity. Much like free fried rice or egg rolls with your Chinese delivery.

He could have had something here. Maybe having an in with the owner even. There was a story, but he didn't work for it. He just sat around drinking shitty beer by coasting on leftovers. He could have had it all, but, instead, he had nothing. Truly a lesson for the times.

You are the new Aesop.
However, I apologize, but I failed to supply the one detail that leads to the true moral
The true moral is:
Do not be like my friend with the Keystone Light, or you will grow up to be a corporate lawyer.

I never drank and ended up an unemployed scientist. Being a corporate lawyer doesn't sound so bad in comparison.

My stomach's only response: "OHHH SHHHIIIIITTTTT!"


This is based only on my own experiences, but I'm pretty sure it's another part of the digestive tract that takes care of this.

My colon had to outsource some of its work. It's a tough economy.

The stomach is already well occupied, but why not put that appendix to use? It's much more convenient, anyway.

The appendix is also a lazy deadbeat, just sittin' around all day, surfin' the web on the company dime.

If my company is a body, I'm the appendix.

And I'm swollen as shit.

Sitting there, waiting to be swiftly excised and thrown to the kerb.

For that outcome to be even vaguely conceivable, there would have to be some justice in this world.

That outcome is not even vaguely conceivable. There is no justice in this world.

I read this as "thrown -- the kebab".


You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen...with a kebab.

You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen...munching a kebab daintily under your veil.

Topping the charts with Islamic Jihad Radio!

Flight of the Infidels-from-our-homeland!

Say what you will about veils (and I'll say that mandated veils and such are just crazy, but back to our point), but they certainly make a lady's eyes look alluring and sexy. It's like a garter belt for the face all providing the proper accent and stage (the bangs, of course, being the proscenium) to highlight them.

I have to agree with you there, whichever one you meant.

And now is when I apologize for those pictures taking up a lot more space than I thought they would.

Can a beautiful face take too much space?
I think, by definition, not.

Let's test it.

Not veiled, not beautiful, not a good use of space.

You know nothing of beauty. I'm sorry.

Hey, at least give me something I can work with man. Veronica Lake maybe.

Who is that anyway? My mind is drawing a blank when I know I ought to know better. It might just be a bad picture.

"Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine."

So it was just a bad picture and an unfortunate hairstyle.

Lauren Bacall is, I will agree, generally very much worth it. But here she looks more like the neighbor lady that grandpa once got a drunk, desperate handjob from back in '48.

I was, honestly, thinking that it might be her, but I wasn't certain.

You're confused about beauty and classic movie quotes.

Damn it, dude - it's Ingrid Bergman! C'mon! Get your head in the game!


I am made about as low as a snake's dick right about now.

My brain just got crazily shorted out when Bogart came up and I just fucking lost it. I need to get this thing checked out. It's clearly not working properly.

Put it back in your skull at least.

She's gorgeous, you're a schmuck, your comments are not a good use of space.

It seems like in the 50s some people liked women that could easily be men. Perhaps because some of those guys would have liked to just look at men, but back then they would shock your head with electrodes for that.

I agree with both. The first is more like stockings though. A fine, gauzy covering to add allure. The latter is more what I was thinking of. All stereotypical Arabian Nights with heavy eyeshadow and lots of piercingly sexy gazes.

My appendix tried to do a murder-suicide on me, so I had to fire it. I've got a zero-tolerance policy about that sort of thing.

that's deliciously ironic considering that its work is outsourcing

Not so much outsourcing as HAZMAT. Or bomb disposal.

Duuuuudes... We got laaaaaaaames...

Someone red-markered their appendices?



I recently had to lay off my gall bladder.
It had people skills, but served no purpose.

Man, I think it's your own fault. I need hella bile all the gourd-damned time!

The hella bile was hurting too much and I got these 4 cool scars when my gall bladder left the building too. He took 20 stones with him though...forgot to have security escort him.

Damn, sounds like your gall bladder was a huge dick. Good thing you're rid of that loser.

However, if you think I'm having my the huge dick of my body removed, you're sorely mistaken.

Some call it 'Peristalsis'

Some call it 'touching cloth'

well i guess now we know the saddest thing

Ahhh, sound advice for the tummy.

The cat's stomach is cranky in the morning.

A comment left by richfamous was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by madnes, Deusoma, rowboat, gmontag, raticus)

I know, isn't it great? People can come in here and flatly state individual facts about the events of the strip. It's fun!

It is a set-up for other readers to flatly state the nature of the comment.

I know, isn't it great? People can come in here and flatly state individual facts about the events of the comment. It's fun!

The pixels are of various colours and depict text and images.

Figure 12: A typical post


Matty, the haunting yellow will pursue me forevermore now, because of you.


i tought it was the constant bickering about nonsensical things like state shaped cheese

That too.



Are you saying that they don't resemble states?!?!

You bastard.

how many of us owe our procreation to constant bickering about nonsensical things? think about this one for a while

I saw that the more constantly I bicker a loved one, the less i am likely to procreate. The graph would have a floor of 0% chances, and a ceiling of about 2%

such as an argument about condoms vs the pill?

and then she forgot to take the pills.

And that is the creation story of Zapatos

No. There was an egg in a power plant and you play the flute for Pikachu after luring him to the egg with apples.

(and I get laid fairly consistently by a rather hot girl.)


Sje, sje, calm down. It was merely a joke on my overly nerdy response, ok.

Yes, but you still said it.

I'm not mad. Don't worry about it.

I really don't understand why you are getting upset about it.

I'm not mad.

I'm really not.





I hate to bring this sort of Internet nonsense here, but I think I shall finally have to call you on this. Pics or it didn't happen.

See, that's why I never kiss 'em on the mouth.

Depends on whether you get makeup sex or not. I know that I have never known the touch of a formerly enraged woman.

You're really missing out, dude. Formerly enraged women have softer hands. And double the saliva.

and really wide... eyes

'Love, love will tear us apart again'

Figure 13: I have poor eyesight and habitually recolour websites for increased contrast

Oh dang it dogg oh daaaaaaaang iiiiiiiiit

1994: An Assetbar Odyssey

A comment left by pnmclaug was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by jthm_guitarist, madnes, TheSoulBear)

I can see Ray speaking with his pepper already

You would see that, wouldn't you, ravigotte?

A comment left by missbee was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by madnes, randyleepublic, mercuri0us, halfdirt, farqussus, aHatOfPig, TheSoulBear, ursinus05, Ravigotte, nickb285)

Angry Pop-up tells me to do something nice for a change D:

Dude, the strip's been up for, like, an hour! How the hell do you run through lames that fast?

I have not given out a lame in about eight months, but Angry Popup tells me the same thing. Sometimes Angry Popup just hates you, and there is nothing you can do it about it.


Apparently they lame to please, Missbee.

You win at puns forever, scorpio_nadir.

For an instant plus 2 heart size boost, try reading that one as the floaty hearts of Missbee's swooning fangirl-style admiration.


I am filled with a mixture of happiness that I was given my wish and also sadness that I was given my wish.

But did you want us to lame the comment where you were asking to be lamed, or your comment that you were replying to?

ITT: Ravigotte makes good sentences

The comment that I was replying to, actually. But, you know, whatever.

Aww. Then I lamed the wrong comment. Sowwy <:(

Oh, Missbee.

The humanity, the remourse.
The chocolates that would have been yourse.

dude... i can't! laming that avatar is like kicking a kitten, only less alliterative!


I love it when a comic makes me do research. Horace Fletcher apparently said, "Nature will castigate those who don't masticate." I don't know how, but I will slip that into conversation this weekend.

Prepare to not get laid.

I don't know, he certainly picked a challenging weekend for that. It's one of the few times when people in long-term relationships can generally count on some sex and it has singles generally in lonely and desperate mode.

Man ain't takin' this one lyin' down. He's puttin' in work.

It is always possible to not get laid. It is so easy.

Basically you dont even need to do a thing

Have you heard of Asleep Style

How could you know ?

Have you heard of Asleep Doggy Style? It's basically impossible.

As far as you know....

Actually, that's pretty easy. You just need to have someone who is a deep sleeper or who is in the habit of falling asleep over the arm of the sofa or on top of a large pile or pillows or one of those specifically designed ramps or such.

Or you can be me. I can do asleep doggy style, if she takes initiative. I've already had "wake up half way through sex" style, so that's close right?

It is super difficult to not get laid. You're just sitting there and then someone wants to have sex with you. How can you avoid that? I can't.

You think that'll kill your chances? Man, I was at a party last weekend, talking to anyone who'd listen about the etymology of slang terms for the vagina, all, hey did you know that the first recorded use of the word "cunt" in English was Gropecunte Lane in London in the 13th century ? And that Robert Browning thought "twat" was a part of a nun's habit ? The ladies all self-consciously tryin' to avoid me but not really make it too obvious that they were tryin' to avoid me

I don't think I'm invited back to that party is what I'm saying

I'm absolutely certain that everyone here talking obliquely about sex is getting laid on Valentine's Day. You guys/gals are just so -awesome-

And I think "obliquely" doesn't mean what you think it means.

Get it, guys? Get it? "Oblique!"

I... I'm sorry. I'll go.

In a supreme fit of irony I'm in a relationship and didn't get laid on Valentines's Day. For that matter I didn't even get laid over the entire weekend.

On Valentine's day I had the incredibly romantic scenario of ordering a pizza at 5 PM with my girlfriend and then having a friend come over to play Smash Bros. with us before she went to bed early.

Belgand knows how not to get laid. He doesn't even have to think about it.

Oh man, definitely don't even think about talking about sex with SJE around, jeez. I'm surprised he hasn't marked this as spam yet.

Don't worry, same here.

I am told that spam can be molded into a fairly functional facsimile vagina and then used for intercourse.

Oh, baby

hopefully that party is over now. that'd be a hella ridiculous party to have lasted this long.

Hopefully the party isn't over by now, you mean!

even Ray couldn't party so hard.

Man, I was born ready.

The first woman to tell me I would not get laid was the first woman to lay with me. So when can machineelf be expecting you to visit, rowboat?

I can't think of a witty comeback, but I'm really interested to know how that scenario played out for you.

I will take Rape, for 200

And I'll give it to you for the price of bus fare

"In the most delight ful wayyy!"

In that elegant, classical way

Sorry man, but there's been a run on it over the weekend. I've only got enough rape for about.. ehh.. say 75 or so left. The rest of you are gonna have to be satisfied with "unwanted groping on public transit".

or get the most painful head ever

You really don't know the meaning of too much information, do you?

the pain you feel being offended is just your mind being pried open wider than you would like. btw, yes, i am a pompous ass - here's my card

I hate drama pipes myself. Kudos to Roast Beef for his negotiating skills. And Fletcherizing...

A comment left by wishlish was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by DougTheHead, TheSoulBear, Ravigotte, alittlenothing)

I hate drama pipes myself. Kudos to Roast Beef for his negotiating skills. And Fletcherizing...

The Thing severely hates drama pipes. Are you trying to say it is not clobberin' time?

he's the evertripleposting smallwhiteeyed thing

The thing's not constipated, he's just really confused about where Johnny got off to and who this "Herbie" fellow is.

The ellipsis had me read the three posts looking for what the Thing had to say about Fletcherizing. But it's only that it's stattering time.

Additional definition of "Fletcherizing:" Posting your comments at least three times so that people can digest them easier.

Now, why would the first post have no lame, the second 2 and the last 1 only 1

Because at this level the market demands nonlinear value?

2 things I appreciate from this strip:
1) A potentially recurring, obscure character; and
2) One more euphemism for diarrhea.

1. "gives me pimp skitters"
2. "I got a serious case of sinner's ass"
2. "oh I think I've got the drama pipes"
3. "I'm about to drop a human ear"


3) the idea of conversing with body parts about past exploits. what would your body parts have to say to you?

My body parts would probably ask for me to move to Australia or something.

:) I GET IT.

What happened to your facebook?

it got deleted, by this guy.


I apologize for the multiple comments. Apparently, I need to Fletcherize myself before hitting the Post button.

It's ok.

How those drama pipes treating you?

Thirty two times before you hit that button!

This practice is renowned for turning a pitiable post glutton into an intelligent epicurean.

Back the fuck up.


Yeah. Like if i made my lady wear cat ears in bed. Not real human ears, like harvested from a corpse. But like a costume halloween style.

That sounds reasonable. I guess I've read too many war/serial killer stories and immediately leapt to "a necklace of human ears"

That sounds reasonable. I guess I've read too many war/serial killer stories and immediately leapt to "a necklace of human ears"

Have you read Blood Meridian by the great Cormac McCarthy? There are some far worse flesh-necklaces.

That's what I thought of.

Admit that you like Universal Soldier , it will set you free. Dolph Lundgren and the Muscles from Brussels? It's a licence to print money.

and yet what did they do with that licence? they took their dad's car and flipped it over a wall two weeks later, and fled the scene leaving their friend bleeding and semi-conscious in the passenger seat.

Only people who wear cat ears that I know are 5'6 220 lb weeaboo girls named Kat who draw pictures of Vulpix from Pokemon but give it horns and call it their "character"

Really? I mean, just google Halloween Cat Ears and there are plenty of non-Wapanese examples, though my mind knows exactly of what you speak.

there is a difference between dressing up for a nationally approved holiday and dressing up because you need a boy to look at you for some reason

I think those are the same thing.


Chubbied so hard.

Dads shouldn't chubby their sons too hard. In fact, they shouldn't chubby their sons ar all.

Stay out of my family.


Is this a thing?




Ohhhhh shit

Why do hate our love? Why do you hate it so hard?

My dad makes it hurt so good.

Sometimes love don't feel like it should...

... in a small town.

A comment left by hellofditties was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by jthm_guitarist, madnes, aHatOfPig, TheSoulBear)

Pictures please?

Dude. Just, dude. Don't be That Guy That Asks For Pictures.

hey, my brother died asking for picture on the internet.
Not Funny, Not cool, Not a good asset

I was wondering, I remember when this started, but I can't find the first "not funny, not cool, not a good comment" strip. Anyone know where that is?

You know, I've been trying to do the same thing.

Pharmacalogical wedding registry?

That is so obvious.


It's been lamed to oblivion.

Literally over a hundred lames.

Thank you. Luckily I set my lame limit to 111.

I've been trying to force it into a meme actually.

my lame limit is set to OVER 9000!


It....IT CAN'T BE!

Actually, joking aside, my lame limit really is over nine thousand. I think I have it set to a million, just in case every single person on the Internet decides to sign up here and decides that any single article on here is lame.

I think that there are more than a million people on the internet. Just sayin'.

...I'm not asking for sexy pictures. I'm asking for pictures of her wearing cat ears. There is nothing wrong with asking for a picture of someone's face.

Thus, I found your comment lame.

But would you ask a dude the same thing? No, of course not, because you personally prefer to look at ladies.

I understand this, and if she offered, then fine. If a lady or a dude has their myspace or flickr or photobucket listed in their profile, they're offering you to see whatever fun little happy snaps they're cool with showing all the Internet, and cool with providing links to upfront. I know I've done it with chicks I talk to in whatever forum, and not because I'm mackin' on they ass, just because it's human instinct to do so with someone of your preferred sex(es), and you do it without even thinking or desiring or anything.

But putting someone on the spot and asking is a little silly. Not horribly offensive, not incredibly derogatory - just a little silly, immature and "dude don't be That Guy." Chicks get asked that sorta thing all the time by people more sleazy than you, it's gotta be annoying. And you're not sleazy, which is why I'm saying it. I would've just lamed it, but I was out of lames for you, sorry. V-Lame?

I expect all manner of lames for this, but whatevz man.

I would ask a dude the same thing. It's cat ears, for Christ's sake.
Do you have any pics of yourself wearing cat ears? I would love to see them. :)

Or a more appropriate smiley:


I do, and I'm OFFENDED you asked. You FIEND!

You charleton! Fie on you! Fie!

I took to saying "A plague on both your houses" as a regular saying for a while there in late high school.

People either didn't get it or didn't find it particularly amusing, it was surprisingly hard to tell in any given circumstance.

Put me in the first group.

Psst. Psst! sje, look over here!

I thought the quote was "A plague on your house!". I thought that the joke was that he put in "both", and that makes it funny somehow. Thanks, though.

Isn't it pox? I thought it was pox.

Nope. It's plague.

Mercutio's death: Fucking hard to act.

Charleton Heston..., is it really you?

Do you want to see a picture or me wearing cat ears? ^_^




Someone show me pics of you wearing HUMAN ears.



SJE... I need to see you in cat ears. I need to see it so hard right now.

Heehee. Okay . . .it's just cat ears tho!

hm... a point. we DID all jump there without sufficient reason, so whether or not you're That Guy has become a gray area.

... but you're still lame-able for not wording yourself better

I concur. The universe needs more of such things.

For your consideration
(SFW as long as you don`t wander too far from there)

That Guy would not form a coherent sentence like this. That Guy would simply say "pix plox".

No dude really, she's super hot.



Yes darling?

hellofditties, did we know each other in middle school? Are you a girl named Lain who used to think she was an actual cat, and that the necklace she won from some quarter-pull machine was a cat's "talon" that would magically transform her into a cat when she got mad?

And then you didn't join us in high school, because you started having to go to that special school? And then we all realized how incredibly strange you were, and that it wasn't just cutesy-kitschy, and that you honestly believed you were a cat? And we all grew out of being gothic; and then you died ?

Well....if it's any consolation, the average lifespan for cats is around 14.

this comment should have more chubbies than it does.

Life is unfair. Likewise, for our many cat lovers in the audience, that grim fact is also an unfair reminder.
At this point, I'd like to thank the Academy for those 2 chubbies.....blah,blah,blah..

Speaking about cat-lovers, it appears that the internet hate machine happen to be fans of cats .

Is this a real question? That would be kind of weird.




assume/pray it is not

Which has to make you wonder what the hell Anime for cats featuring human-girls looks like. Actually I'd rather not imagine what that looks like.

Rule 34, dude.


It exists, therefore...

not quite

A comment left by salvar was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by madnes, daidai, Deusoma, theguitarhero, thing)

That is a stupid reason to lame someone.

Especially when reffering to one of the best webcomic there is. Shame he update once each 6 monts or so

I thought he wasn't updating anymore.

He did one more. He is worse than Chris.

Except, ya know, Gurewitch retired.

That escalated to Onstad-bash real quickly !

I wasn't trying to bash the guy, I was just letting people know that it wasn't the same thing.

At least Chris isn't deleting strips out of the archive, although I can't wait for the Almanack.

he added some recently, i have seen. I was rather surprised to see new matherial while i was doing my bimonthly archive crawl

Are you sure? Can you please link to them?

I wasn't trying to bash him either. I was just saying that it could be a lot worse.

i will as soon as i am back home, strangely, my workplace firewall is ok with the occasional cat dong but not with the PBF. Racism may be afool.



Assetbar doesn't care about black people.


I don't see what is "racist" about that.

what you dont see in the PBF are "brownish" people.

and also
and yet also

Well he's kind of explained that. They aren't real humans. It is a kind of alternate earth.

Thank you mucho. I had started to go through the archives again, and I had found two of these that I didn't remember (then I stopped going through them), and I wasn't sure if it was my memory or not. But you chose the same ones.

Chubs for you, good sir.

This too?

nope, was here before. Here's 2 new one I glassed over yesterday

Both of those have been up for a while.

I will reply to this asset with that statement :


Well you are wrong and also a douchebag.

It is conceptually false, you are an asshole.

The whales and the clowns have indeed been up for a while. Theguitarhero is right.

hmm, i am still certain. I will let it rest since i may be outnumbered, but be certain that as soon as one or both of you are dead i will seize my opportunity

You are wrong, those strips are not new. I have seen them long ago. And you are being an asshole about this.

[James Mason] Let us be agreeable and concord that they were quarantined at the Canadian border for a year until Customs were satisfied, hmmm? [/James Mason]

I have french blood. I can be an asshole to whomever i want

Look, I have a ton of French blood myself. But what we keep in the back of the fridge doesn't entitle us to assholery

Oh, Hedonismbot! is filmed in front of a live studio audience.

Riders, what news from the north?

Fuck all of you, I'm tired.

Suck Note : the sequel to Death Note . Except instead of writing in a guy's name to make him die, you write his name to make him suck.

Suckujo. Suckujo. SUCKUJO!!!

The double entendre on this one is too strong for it to be practical I think... chubs nonetheless.

The FAIL meme is so stale I'm sure it's going to start showing up in ads soon (if it hasn't already), but its clarity lends itself well to the purpose here:

The human whose name is written in this note shall fail.

Jimmie Stuber
May 21 2008
English Language


I discovered that these aren't new, but old ones that he took off his site for a little while. So, you know.

It doesn't let you show them on another forum too.

I think it's more likely to be the fucking.

first, every junkie gets pissed at his/her dealer no matter how consistent they are. it's because we love him that we hate him.
and secondly, that escalated really quickly.

I lame you not out of revenge, but because you lamed me as part of a reference which I was not making. Which is lame.

to be far, it's absolutely not intuitive at all that "weeaboo" = "foreign fan of Japanese manga/anime culture; embarrassment". you just have to know that 4chan decided to make that connection, and thus it was made.

Oh god, I totally know this girl three times over. One of them's even named Katt.

You actually know people like that?

Yiff in hell, fleshfag.

Cats don't have flesh?

Not if they so much as think about pissing on my laundry ever again, they don't.



you said homo

You are so ARROGANT !!!

You're so vain.
About You.

Scorpio, what is the news from "I made that joke three strips ago"?

Simon Says?

Is it not... a Thing yet, tgh?

Not completely.

The point I was trying to make was that I had made that joke earlier in an eerily similar situation. I did not lame you however, so don't worry.

It is a Thing.

That was, God's my witness, the Only reason I did this.

And I thought it half-lame when you made it, yet I refrained. I stayed my lame.

And now it is a lame Thing .

We will be held accountable for our deeds, lame or otherwise.

We will be held accountable, in this web and the afterweb.

The stomach is right. Showbiz could totally make it in the repo business.

Or apparently a yard salesman, or line cook.

he could be on rockford fosgate's street team

on the street where people have convertibles and thus you can actually sample their equipment and be on the street at the same time

all chewing in the sunlight but its hell of bright so I ain't looking up

I think he's ashamed. Ashamed of the hot pocket.

Dead dinner. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9c9lAfXQHs

I've talked to my liver in this manner. Except all it ever says is "You some kind of asshole."

Do you think it is rad to have alcoholism, kendieatsbabies?

It's okay, daidai, I don't have alcoholism. My wandering days are over, and Party Kendi's been burried some long years ago.

and now you eat babies. you need a drink

Does that mean that you're getting boring? You tell me.

"i cant even spell 'sclerosis' but i know it's what i got"

just one?

Singular Sclerosis.

Words to live by KEB: Be kind to your liver and your liver will be kind to you.

I had always taken "drama pipes" to mean fallopian tubes or possibly the seemingly constant need a man has to masturbate after his woman has left him (just basically one big, dramatic erection after the next to seek the solace of orgasmic oblivion for your terrible loss).

what in god's holy name are you talking about

Drama pipes.

Then we can dig it.

Yeah, I think "monthly drama pipes" would be an awesome euphemism for fallopian tubes.

I sense "drama pipes" is going to be a thing of sorts around thse parts


It's a cause of the drama pipes.

Hey, I eats me plenty of oat meal for breakfast

Oh lordy, don't say THESE in all caps. It begins the chant. Not around here...





My bad, I shall learn to read Assetbar pages from the bottom up.


said R.B., surprised.

My pipes straight up echo when a lady leaves me.

Not having read wozzeck's post before yours, I assumed you called your poop "a lady".

This was a much better post, in my opinion.

I would sooner call my lady a poop.

My feces is brimming with masculinity.

Charles Atlas weeps and calls his mother at 3 a.m. when faced with my shit.

Mah baby 'as a lady in his diapa, he does.

"Big, dramatic erection" is a chubworthy thought (quite literally I suppose). Well played.

There is acting, and then there is stage acting . There are erections, and then there are drama pipes .

wozzeck has more than one 'pipe', pass it on

... and in related news my mate who works as a nurse discovered that this particular abnormality is possible when cousins get it on.

and here i thought it was the name of the bagpipe piece played at the end of star trek II!

Beef's stomach is not in on the soap opera if he thinks Showbiz K. can do well at anything.

Car stereo critique is a fledgeling business, but to deny it existence entirely is foolhardy.

it had its peak in Playboy circa 1974

As did many D list celebrities

My favorites are the DD list people in that mag

I, too, like to wear sweatshirts with my junk all dangling down in an ostensible way. Winter 2009 style, baby.

Oh god, Keystone Light is just RUINOUS!

This wouldn't happen if he woke up with the gin already in him.

Man I am rocking the cold water so hard right now.

Cold plain water is the soft rock of the liquid world. It just gently rocks you to sleep.

No way. It is HELL of invigarating. You're thinking of like... warm milk.

Warm milk is more ruinous to my stomach than any Hot Pocket has ever been. Lean Pockets are in a league of their own, however, and are excluded. Either way, it is not putting me to sleep, rather it is putting me in front of a toilet.

I can't drink cold water. Only warm, hot, or room temperature. I think it has something to do with my birth.

Wher...where you one of those kids born in water?

WERE dammit how do i fuck that up.

The only matter of import is that we now know what to put in Room 101.

Didn't you always know?

Room 101 has always waited for Autrepoupee.

I have always loved wozzeck.

And we have always been at war with Asherdan.

Time for the Two Minute Lame

Are you getting so nice on it?

Beginning of a new arc?

Does anyone else hear the voice of Roast Beef's Stomach as Samuel L. Jackson?

Maybe it's that opening line.

"You know what they call a Hot Pocket in France?"

Holy Christ.

I was about to say that. I did hear that. I think it may be due to the fact we were talking about Inglorious Basterds yesterday, and he's naratting that.

Panels eight and nine mostly.

Look at the big brain on Cassandra!

Also, the whole food discussion is now making me think about his treatise on burgers for breakfast, which is probably my favorite monologue in the whole movie.

Oh man, chubbied. Definitely my first thought.

The voice of Beef's stomach is the voice of my father. I'm serious. This is eerie as hell.

[Any fleeting resemblance this post may have to the strange little "Dad?" meme that's goin' around is purely coincidental.]


Having a father that regularly ends sentences by referring to you as "fool", and says things like "Daaaaaamn, listen to you!", "This be some BULL SHIT", "Then you show me some respect!" and "It's dead to me. Never seen this one before, officer," is initially cool, but on further reading of the above statements and further thought, I can see how this would be just as traumatic as any father could be.

Aw, it was fine. He was just a workin' man, is all. He chilled with age. I knew a lot of kids with fathers who didn't stop with just verbal abuse. I was pretty damn lucky, all told.

The difficulties in being a father and husband are oft-times paralleled with the malfunction of basic bolt-action machinery.

Like when you marry quick and soon find yourself to be fruitful and virulent, and can't seem to keep down a job as well as you are able to obtain new jobs, thus dragging your family from town to town and country to country and contract to contract just as you used to when you were by yourself, which is all you know how to do, until she says god dammit this is the last time I'm moving with you but only because this is a genuinely good offer, and if you can't keep this I'm taking the kids on the first plane and bus and train and whatever I dammit well have to back to Kiev because I just can't handle it anymore. And you try to hold it down, you try to not make all those little mistakes you always seem to at the worst possible times no matter how hard you try, you even bite your seething tongue and let the secretary yell the most awful things at you for what seems like hours because you know she's in relations with the boss, but it still ends the way it always does, and ultimately everything else ends the way you always knew it would end.

And when you're in a tree outside the Spotsylvania Mall, and you're looking at some kids in their bomber jackets and low jeans, and you stare at them as you stare at the throat of the lazy fat man who won't be missed in this life and the back of the head of the woman who looks just like her, and your Mosin-Nagant 7.62 goes off and reloads with ghostly precision. Time and again it malfunctions like this, at first it was lucky enough to happen when you were deliberately looking just to the left of them, but then you start to look at weak points, at arm joints and the femoral artery, near impossible to hit when they're all running so fast.

And you drop it off in the shed of Arnold next door, who's been having nasty flashbacks lately, and he takes his own life a month later in the court proceedings.

The difficulties are so often paralleled.

I think the phrase you were wanting was fruitful and virile , since fruitful and virulent carries its own set of problems.

Apologies, son. I have been kept awake at night by Sounds.

Pop, why don't you just get a new hobby?

You may think you're making the world a better place, sitting in that tree day after day, popping the unworthy.....but it's taking its toll on you too.

I think he said it correctly the first time.


Yes, exactly, to the point where I was wondering if he would be called "Stomach Samuel L. Jackson" or something somewhere farther down the comic.

a Pochette Royale

Not so long ago, on a special Valentine's Day...[IMGS OFF]

No, that's pretty much how it always goes. Though the female may or may not be there.

I guess shortly afterward, Beef became self-conscious, feeling he liked those ears on her a little too much, and felt so conflicted over it he couldn't see Molly the same way again for hours, despite her efforts to reassure her that she was still the same...

Rocking back and forth, "I like cats ! I like cats !"...

Lie Bot, what is the saddest thing?

I'm going to say that it's not having a digestive system that comes right out and tells you what is and isn't flying. Seriously, that would be so handy for me.

Endlessly dredging up a worthwhile premise whose potential has already been exhausted through the comedic equivalent of strip-mining?



Well, it is when you are raised in a extremely conservative familly, and then your son become a homosexual atheist liberal media journalist, while also having a job as an avortment specialist



You should join Facebook, cargrl!

She has. But if you so much as peek at even just her profile picture you'll get five years minimum up in Concord. In there, you will be the new catgrl for the five hundred restless hedonismbots who will be your new neighbors.

Someone really hates you guys.

It's probably the Taliban.

Yo? I ain't afraid o no lames from no fatwassed Tal-ee-bann.

Some fake account called TheSoulBear has accidentally been granted no fewer than twenty lames for use on this board. I'm a little jealous. What kind of place is this where real, actual people only get to use, like, two?

And as for you, Soulbear, you little fucking prick - contribute something or log the fuck off.








(this film is not yet rated.)

[an explosion and a world-weary quip - not necessarily in that order]

[at the exact same time.]

Damn, now I have the urge to write. I've been wanting to do an action parody ever since Hot Fuzz came out, but I never thought to do one about people on the internet!

I can see the cigarette dangling from his mouth, lit just before the explosion.

Yippe-kayay motherfucker.

"Gentlemen, the president just asked you to save the world, and all you have to do is try to catch up with a 2000 post thread. We gotta scroll all the way to the bottom .

You gonna tell him no?"

"Fuck, Captain. I'm too old for this asset."

Rowboat, why do you know the location of our prison? Did you learn a lesson there?

No, but I taught a few.

Please say you were just a guy on Scared Straight


Edamame beans are... they are not that good to my taste buds. Also, that is an insult to turpentine.

I'm running the risk of drama pipes after the indiscretions of this morning. Chicken fried "steak" the consistency of a wet pancake all served up at the greasiest of spoons by a woman who had the names of her children tattooed in cursive on her neck (the one who died got covered up by a bong-weilding Taz for half price) and who just got spit out on the wrong side of a meth binge.

I'm trying to make amends with a chilly Negra Modelo in the afternoon. It won't work but damn if if don't hit the spot.

And now, because I fucking know y'all are on the edge of your seats, an update:

It was a false alarm earlier. I only had what turned out to be Light-Hearted Romp Pipes. But I have since eaten a food item which is named after a weapon of war and my current gastrointestinal situation can only be described as Gritty War Drama Pipes. It could be an Oscar candidate if it weren't so damn bloody.

Grenades ?


They had to call it a burpito because it is such a bomb.

Oh, I LOVE those things. They are, the uh, bomb.

the only time i ever saw one of those was when i was forced to share a hotel room in high school on a senior trip with an absolute asshole. i went to a gas station to get dinner that evening, and proceeded to ruin his sleep and my sheets for the evening. chubbied for memories

"Have a lovely weekend." Oh I get it hee hee.

Also, this is the awesomest strip lately. Of course they're all good .

Listen to your stomach beef, it will lead you wonderful places

Please nobody tell my girl that the only reason I remembered Valentine's Day this year is because of comments on Assetbar. Let's keep that between us.

You are so lucky I'm a nice guy or you'd be having a new wall post right now.

Go easy, man.

Have you forgotten Valentine's day, again? In a pinch over what to get that special lady in your life?

Try a thin stream of hot candle wax, dripping lightly upon her out-thrust sternum and bucking abdomen. It's cheap, it's easy, and you'll thank me later!


...Played out?


My Dad once died giving me news from the north.

Not funny, not cool, not MY AXE.



I'm trying to turn the "not cool, not funny, not a good" thing into a meme via another forum. Is it succeeding? I'm not sure.

sje my sister was raped by a guy trying to take meme from one forum and bring it to another. not cool, not funny, not a good idea.

Your dad tells people their jokes are played-out?

The far worthier commemorative day tomorrow is Oregon's statehood sesquicentennial. They made a cake with beavers on it!

I would eat that cake til it moaned

Which it would if Oregon made a "stripper-cake".

beaver cake or hair pie

I'm going to go with beaver cake, given my preferences for pearl diving. I think it is related to only dating women who were born AFTER the Eisenhower administration.

What, no whisker biscuit?

you dare disrespect steak and a blowjob day?!!

this strip actually makes me wish i had diarhea.


Find somebody with the flu - they can probably spare some for you.

I am Enthused: Roast Beef's Stomach will be a tough champion to displace in the running for Best New Achewood Character (2009).

dude my stomach was talkin mad shit to me after some fondue at a french restaurant and a couple o' real strong whisky sours...

poor beef...i think i will eat beans now :(

Excellent comment/avataricon symmetry. There's some serious straining occurring in that picture; try not to blow an o-ring.

if anything he'd be straining to hold it in

I like how this Great Insides V. Tabasco Fight arc is going so far.

Beef's navel looks like a tiny sad eye.

no it doesn't.

Dang, I wish I had a stomach that was more communicative. Sometimes I feel like something's wrong, so I ask it, but it just says, "No. Nothing's wrong" in that completely passive-aggressive manner that lets you know something's wrong but you gotta guess at it- that shit drives me crazy. So I'm like, okay, when you get around to telling me what's actually wrong, maybe I can do something about it, and then I wake up at 3AM and vomit into the toilet.

Sounds like this Valentine's day weekend may be a good time for you two to discuss this after a candlelit Pepto-bismol. Or you can initiate more openness by going the kinky way and guzzle down a half pint of hot wax.

Showbiz does have some potential.

Maybe he could land the gig as the guy who orders car audio for Pimp My Ride?


But what do they do for the guy who likes car audio? Is that their greatest challenge? The one that keeps them up at night?

Perhaps it is the guy who likes to drive.


I think Showbiz is a bit more Trick My Truck, honestly.

More like What Not To Wear!

*What Not To Model Your Life After

or who.

or where!

or whom?

whores ?

"Whores Not to Model Your Life After". I'm pro

The book start with an essay on babel's whore, with some footnotes and refenrence to Sodom. Then we go to cleopatra, the first "government-whore".After we have a juicy text about Marie Magdelaine and the trick that made her a celebrity (eating the body of the Christ was not invented at the last supper...) Nothig happen until Rennaissance, then you have France and the brothel etiquette. Finally, Flash forward to Paris Hilton and Rap music.

...Paris Hilton and Rap music.

but not necessarily in that order.

It's more a comparison between Paris Hilton and classic Rap whores

Paris Rape Whores
Full of money Poor
Illimited Potential Restrained due to money
Addicted to Drug Sometimes Addicted
Use the planet oxygen Provide a service

Thank you fucking assetbar.

With format ---

Paris---------------------Rape Whores
Full of money-------------Poor
Illimited Potential-------Restrained due to money
Addicted to Drug----------Sometimes Addicted
Use the planet oxygen-----Provide a service

Screw you Assetbar, FUCK YOU

for three minutes i was trying to figure out what beat you were rapping to

I was pretty astounded when I was informed by a reputable source that Cleopatra actually wasn't very attractive, but rather plain. She was, however, very intelligent and spoke multiple languages, specifically Egyptian as opposed to merely Greek.

Man, and to think we all thought greek was where it was at, I wonder what you get if you ask a whore for egyptian?

You take it up the asp?

I think he's a bit more like Steal My Hubcaps, honestly.

That should totally be a real show.

And technically it's not a reality show like these, but if Showbiz was a real character, he would totally be in Reno 911! or Trailer Park Boys.

for selling venereal diseases?

I am all over this man, I am 56 years old and I know just what he be talking about, it never know what gonna make things to go crazy in the night. I love having the voice with it, cause thats just what it is. thanks, love, Linda

Oh, pogo.

Def the new incarnation of our beloved Pogp.

I don't know why, but this kind of annoys me. Is it hard to contemplate that other users make trolls (if that's even a troll at all)?

I mean, it might be, but there were fake character-driven accounts before Pogo's time here, and surely not all of them here are he. My feelings on this asset are Con.

This having been said, as mentioned in a previous conversation a few pages back, I was away for the whole Desert Donkey thing so maybe I can't pick his character "style".

But then I'm also hopped up on Neurontin so WHOOO fuck yeah!

Wait, you didn't think Pogo was really old?

What I meant was that fake character-accounts were occurring before he started using them, and shall continue when he ceases. I do believe he is older than the general clientele here - but that surely does not mean that every new character that arrives that's older than 40 is, by that virtue, necessarily going to be him, if that's what you're driving at (I'm a bit out of it atm on lack of sleep and muscle relaxants, so just bare with my ass here if it don't be sensin').

....'cause 'cause, like, the character's age that's listed , you see. What?

FUCK I can't cunt-well THINK

Huh, so that's why you're not supposed to drink furniture polish.

A lesson is learned, but the damage to the nervous system and upholstery is irreversible.

I'm looking at it this morning and only have the vaguest idea of what in the blue hell I was talking about.

I was really just trying to have a bit of a larf. It seems ridiculous to me that a fake Pogo would write like sniffy, so I published that ridiculous thought. I intend to continue to look for ridiculous fake Pogos and point them out.

Hope you are feeling better.

sje46 is retro-pogo disguised as a young man. His love for the Beatles gives him away.

you're pogo!

any drama pipes to report?

Guys, I have a confession to make.
I'm pogo.

That makes it slightly creepier, if you were always hitting on yourself.

Wait! No, it doesn't.

Tell me about it. Then there's the time I tried to get me drunk and take advantage of myself... totally backfired, man.

Did you get weird about it? Tie yrself up? Or did you just kinda spend a little time with yrself?

I'm not accusing Pogo of being a troll; he was never a troll, or even a character. Pogo said that he was making a new account, make a fresh start or something. So I'm guessing this is he.

I know what you mean, though. I was accused of being alreadyinuse when I first started.

I don't think Desert Donkey is playing a character.

Desert Donkey's character is that he is an Asshole.

Glad is the Wildcard, AIU is the Muscle, Asherdan is the Brains and lechatbotte is the Useless Girl.

Hedonismbot is the crotch and mouth, combined.

Wait, what kind of crotch am I? The innie, or the outie?

Imagine a mouth that is actually a vagina, but with a penis instead of a tongue inside.


I have, like, more than two folders of porn based on that concept.

I'm jealous of your organization, I have about 5000 pictures in 10 folders and it's not at all evenly distributed (biggest one is about 1200 in 1 folder)

But girls don't look at porn . . . .

except for the ones that do . . . .

Who do you think draws the majority of yaoi?

...my dad?

...his dad?


my dad draws gay hentai of his dad getting boned.

Asherdan is actually the Pat.
You also forgot retardo.

It was a reference to Always Sunny, which I guess you guys don't watch.

Specifically it was "The Gang Solves The Gas Crisis" or something, where Charlie states what each person is in regards to The A-Team.

This is a show I have not watched but have been told to watch many times.

Seriously, you need to watch it, especially if you like Achewood. I would say it's the closest thing we may ever get to an live action version of Achewood.

It's a little vulgar, idk if you are into that or not, but tons of fun.

More than once have I heard it referred to as "Seinfeld on crack". So if that's what you're into, go for it. I know I did, and I don't regret it.

I want the complainers to stop complaining. This is great material, worth the wait, and fuck you if you don't agree.

Shit, I almost got out of that looking reasonable.

I wouldn't worry too much about that.

Jus when I think the dude is gettin nutral, he thros this shit out. Cumba!

Friend of mine tried to get me to eat some of that edamame once. I told her no, I like to eat things that actually taste GOOD, and not like bullshit. Then I had to apologize, because, you know, she was just trying to get me to eat something healthy.


so what i'm getting from this is that you slammed those legs shut for eternity.

i probably would have done the same thing, utilizing the 'Carolus Linnaeus would classify this' line.

What's with all the edamame hatin' in this place? I think you people haven't had it done up right. Naturally buttery, salty goodness.

Edamame and beer - better than pretzels.

Honestly, I didn't even try the edamame before I assumed it tasted like nonsense. I was an asinine man.

Yeah. It ain't much to look at. Not a sexy food. Honestly, I didn't really embrace it till I started living with a vegetarian. But when it comes down to the option of a nice edamame soup or fucking lentils again, well, that's no choice at all. Gimme the pods.

Cold water is bad for digestion. Your stomach wants WARM water.

grandma! how'd you escape from the home again?

202.367.9296 is probably a Nigerian phone scam. do not answer calls from this number unless you can Ray it out. its caller id comes up as "WASH DC" so be ye wary.


nuff said

yeah, good site.




Funny, as I read this, my stomach let out a loud, high pitched sigh.

Mine only lets out loud high-pitched sighs at especially quiet moments when we're in public. Usually during an exam. That fucker.

Does this make Beef a "Skinny"?

I've been bloated for a while, now. What's my stomach trying to tell me?

That you should stop eating food items named after weapons of war.

Just stick to the irony of justice.

boy or a girl?

that came out sounding even more perverted than i meant. what i was trying to do was make a joke about you being pregnant but somehow i took a shit on my keyboard. apologies.

A baby borned form deh wom, doctars deh garb deh babe as momther squirts deh body out li'l enchs by li'l enchs unteel finally deh hole babe is out n faws n2 deh ahms o' 1 o' deh nuarsse, deh babe trembels slightry n deh han's o' deh neurse, hew pulls deh babe up n2 'er ahms 4 a bettah grip, head rest'n' on deh ahms o deh neurse, deh babe lukes up at 'er, eyes bearly opane lik that o' an asians, garsps deh thum o neurse in its tiny grip, colses its I's n gasps 1 ping, 1 ping only vasily 'n dies.

deh nurese is nah 'oldin' deh mothehs babe. deh momthers lifeless babe in 'er ahms n deh neurse stots 2 cry a l'il deh momther asks 2 c deh babe, she noes not of itbs f8 so deh neurse ands it over, deh lump o' corpse o' babe 2 deh momther who stots peal on peal screm-cryn ove deh tragede.

deh momther gets deh nerse feird hew lusses 1 o' 'er own chillren 2 a sickness, the chil' culd hab ben sabed but nuerse lost 'er insurence win she lost 'er jab, deh neurs vows rebenge 'n trax done deh motheh 'n w8s for her 2 come home nside er garage. win deh motheh dribes up deh neurse c's she is pregnint again. deh momther gits out 'n shrikes at deh site o' deh neurse. deh neurse punchs deh momther 'n deh stomach ove' 'n ove' again, deh mother screamn 4 mercy deh hole tim deh neruse den leabs deh mother 2 crap miscaraged baby meat all ove' deh garge floor. deh mom l8r addimbes suside but fales n spends deh rest o er libe nside deh rubber rume o' deh nut house. deh neurse is convictib o' so many crimes 'n is send 2 jail. her chil' dat woz not kilt by desease grows up 'n foster cares 'n grows 2 b drug addict low libe. he dies wile mom is 'n big house 4 tryn rob rong drug dealr. he is shot 17 tines. she gits ot at deh age o' 76 'n has old timers. she dies 'n sum ol' persin care fessilities.

so. alwaiz ware condoms.

I knew that when the time came, Glad would start using his powers for good.

Also, apostrophes?

Chubbied for "has old timers."

Yes exactly.

Or save money on condoms and just spend your time pretending to be retarded on the internet.

Who says the two have to be mutually exclusive?

I do?

Well stop saying it!

yeah, we all know stupid people don't spend money on condoms. that's the problem

A guy is going on a tour of a factory that produces various latex products. At the first stop, he is shown the machine that manufactures baby-bottle nipples. The machine makes a loud "hiss-pop" noise. "The hiss is the rubber being injected into the mold," explains the guide. "The popping sound is the needle poking a hole in the end of the nipple."

Later, the tour reaches the part of the factory where condoms are manufactured. The machine makes a "Hiss. Hiss. Hiss. Hiss-pop" noise. "Wait a minute!" says the man taking the tour. "I understand what the 'hiss, hiss,' is, but what's that 'pop' every so often?"

"Oh, it's just the same as in the baby-bottle nipple machine," says the guide. It pokes a hole in every fourth condom."

"Well, that can't be good for the condoms!"

"Yeah, but it's great for the baby-bottle nipple business!"

Thanks Sunday Mail

I'm glad Roast Beef's stomach is an active enabler in his self-actualization.

Plain water rocks!

In fairness, there is no defence for eatin a pepperoni Hot Pocket

I didn't know Hot Pockets are available in places where it's spelled "defence". I am sorry for this, mrchee.

Sorry, I think pepperoni Hot Pockets are great. Well, not great, but good. Well, not good, but okay. And by okay I mean cheap.

Pepperoni Hot Pockets: for when you're too poor for real pizza.

In all seriousness, though, they're still six times better than Domino's.

they're cheap, easy, and awful for you.
... go ahead. make a joke about somebody's mother.

they're cheap, easy, and awful for you.

Just like sorority girls!

i lol'd legit daw

I suspect that despite considering them easy most of us could never manage to score with sorority girls. They're only easy if you know the password.

Only breast men are given the password.

what happened to ratings?

They died in a grizzly accident.

okay. i haven't slept in too long, because i just imagined to bears crashing into one another, like cars or something

"two" bears, damnit

It's the New Math.

C'mon Soulbear, stop the hating

now Madnes, comon !

Let,s all be friend , guys !

Don't talk to them like they're real.

Man, I remember when Judas Priest Fridays were hardcore; now it's all psychological.

Be careful posting on a...


i fought the law, but the law won.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned Tommy the Tummy

I'm surprised no one has mentioned jim gaffigan .

These longer strips just don't have the same punch as the shorter ones, and it doesn't seem like Chris is interested in going back to that style. Could this be the end of my affair with Achewood? Hopefully not...

tell youtube

A comment left by achewood was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Stereo, madnes, cmjhogan, milkpants, Fedallah)

Who keeps laming this? THIS IS GENIUS.

and there were 420 comments exactly when i got to the bottom of this. that is all the persuasion i need. good, night

The alt-text is making me think of Overcompensating.

The comic is making me think "damn, a hotpocket would be good right now!

So, apparently Chris onece got his wife to put on cat ears in bed?

I assume that this is one of those things you really only write about through experience.

This makes more sense once you realize that Chris's wife is Chinese.

Not sure where I was going with this.

I spelled "once" wrong.
I'm sorry.

So I guess you're some kind of racist? And not a particularly good one, either, unless there's some element of bestiality or sexual perversion in stereotypical Chinese culture that I don't know about.

The latest gossip has it that a certain "Christopher Onstad" made his wife, a Celestial, wear round-eyes and a vertical vagina!

"don't go to the beach! stay OFF the beach!"

I can't believe that the old "Mrs. Onstad is Chinese" rumor is still going around. I'm gonna guess that you just read that in the Dark Ages of the archives or something.

Anyway, she isn't.

Beef is... a reverse furry?

Did it occur to anyone that the stomch voice may be a figment of Beef imagination ?

Those pepperoni hot pockets and their hallucinogenic effects.

That ain't Beef's stomach - it's a clever trick. Lie bot just made Beef swallow Lazarus in his sleep.

First Post!


First Post !


Slowpoke uses amniesia.


I never understood why wild pkmn would use status boosting effects. Basically everyone can one-shot everyone else. If I'm going to clear the Elite4 I'll use SwordDance at the beginning, since the attack bonus will carry over so long as I don't switch out. Maybe an AccuracyX and then just...

I'm twenty four in July.

I really need to lose some weight.

It is a good franchise. I'm not ashamed to enjoy those games.

. . . classic. Hey! Just trying to explain the strip to someone and I realize, Chris Onstad and Philip K Dick have hecka in common, besides both being from the bay area. Does CO read PKD? Who can tell me . . . ?

He reads Updike, I know that for sure.

That has nothing to do with chchcheesedog's post. Aside from the fact that both Dick and Updike write novels in English, their work has nothing in common.

Unless you were making a joke in relation to the fact that both Updike and Dick are kinda dirty-sounding names?

I know they aren't the same, I'm not stupid! chchcheesedog's question was whether or not Onstad read a certain author, and I just wanted to state that I know he reads Updike but am not sure if he reads Dick.


Oh, okay. That is reasonable enough.

Don't read Dick to a stranger. Ever. Updike?

In common? Like... what?


you're pogo!

I'm the goddamned Pogo.

I am the God damn Batman.

What are you, thick or something? Are you retarded?

It's fucking distracting.


Version 0.9 of Assetbarista is now available.

Assetbarista is my Greasemonkey script that adds various usability improvements to the Assetbar forums for Firefox users.

New in this release:

* Assetbarista now scans the page and adds the "^" and "[unread]" annotations to comments about 30% faster than the previous release.

* The mechanism that keeps avatar-icon status popups from getting stuck on the screen in Firefox 3.0 should now work for avatars outside of the comments too: e.g., at the top of the home page and in the inbox page.

If you use an earlier release of Assetbarista or want to try it out for the first time, please download this new version.

Where would we be without you?

Wiping our own asses with Assetbar.

I'm sure it's a great service and I'm sure I do fine without it.

Haven't you responded to the wrong post multiple times in the past because of the lack of comment threading that Assetbarista enables?

Not to mention having to scroll endlessly through these long pages of comments.

Just fine

I do this at work. Assetbarista is not an option for me.

And do you work for this guy or what?

It's a pretty good service. I think it helps it load faster too. Without it, Assetbar is a complete mess.

Dude, he's onto us... cheese it!

did anyone else read roast beefs stomach as a high-voiced black man? almost like Audrey II from little shop of horrors? I think it was all, "FEEEEEED ME, ROAST BEEF!"

all like ruby rod from the fifth element? yeah yeah i can dig it


I'm going to watch that show now, thank you.


It's the watch part that bothers me. Ruby Rod hosts a radio show. How can you watch that?

I thought he was referring the film the Fifth Element. Either way, man. Uncool.


I call light projections, "shows"

I dunno. Ruby rod is a bit nasal for my purposes.

Go with that gut feelin! Ah, life lessons nestled in each strip

Damn, Beef's stomach sounds like Mr. T in that second panel.

Dude must be getting older. It usually takes a few years of abuse before the digestive tract starts in on you.

No way, man. Samuel L Jackson.

Damn, that fits. It was the fool that threw me in that direction but Samuel L. fits the rest better.

blak mens all deh samez 2 me

It took me a re-reading to realize that the Hot Pocket is not a "goddamn pepperoni Hot Pocket", but a "pepperoni god-dammit Hot Pocket", which is inexplicably but ultimately ten times better.

There's a famous story (famous amongst my friends, obviously) about about the father of a friend of mine. He was very low key at all times, but one time the little kid version of my friend was being a real fuckwad or something so his dad suddenly lost it for a second. He never cursed, so it didn't go so well.

"Brien, don't tell me what to DAMN IT do!"

...and the little kid gave him a cheque for 6 dollars.

While reading this, I can only think of the stomach's voice as MC Pee Pants' voice.

Chew Chew Chew, that is the thing to do!
Chew Chew Chew, good food is good for you!
Chew Chew Chew, but only if you chew!
That is the right thing to do!



Even liberals?


especially baby killing liberals. If babies are born they will eat our food, thus stealing our Life.

How could he do that to his stomach?After all its done for him

I looked at my stomache very questioningly after reading this,

did you?

Whenever I read this strip to myself, Beef's stomach has the voice of Chris' pimple from that one episode of family guy.