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Until you are SO nude Thursday, April 11, 2002 • read strip Viewing 49 comments:

One of the all time greats. I eagerly await a day when saying this reaches a nadir of inappropriateness and I can deploy the phrase.

We wait together then, friend. As one.
In the most hetero of ways, though. No offense.

Onstad had a great story arc here.

"SO nude!"

The epitomy of nudity?

The nudest.

Goal for the week, use this phrase.

Such a noble goal.

The best part of this strip is the 3rd picture of Phillipe.

He looks so confident, and even a little sassy.

Is it just me, or is he posing as a lawn jockey?

A comment left by c_dizzle was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Aki, jashin, vykromond)

I always thought those could be Philippe's siblings. I guess when you're a single kid you don't want others to be.

That is an intriguing idea. I don't know that it's a purposely malicious thing, but maybe it changes the perception of what siblings are to others.

And what they are to otters.

Is SO confident.

Vlad will take you to planes of nudity you could never dream of.

Considering the fact he's a robot, this is a creepier promise than it seems.

perfect eastern European phone pickup line...


Once upon a time large pufs of smoke indeed came from the mouth of the man we call Waits

Who is this Waits fella you keep mentioning? Friend of yours?

...said Tommy the Cat as he reeled back to clear whatever foreign matter may have nestled it's way into his mighty throat. Many a fat alley rat had met its demise while staring point blank down the cavernous barrel of this awesome prowling machine. Truly a wonder of nature this urban predator; Tommy the Cat had many a story to tell, but it was a rare occasion, such as this, that he did.

Philippe in a cep. so nude.

A great relationship in the making there!

the zoom in is key

I should use this. Why? Because my name really is Vlad: and of our kind, he is a pioneer

I love this strip for obvious reasons.

you love it because you are so named?

I love you.

A comment left by spectre was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by orvel, Ikrizzle, peterjoel)

Note that Philippe's mother does not make an appearance in the final panels. For obvious reasons.

She is busy having a shock-induced aneurysm that will result in her brows permanently furrowed?

No, Vlad is leaning close to us , so we can feel really comfortable.

Philippe's mother is much like Ray's mother. Excepting the speciation.

Truly, he is King of the Make-Outs.

Incidentally, Phillipe is a cyborg by birth. Vlad might get lucky if he doesn't mind getting over there.


A mispronunciation of "Vlad." Assetbar's lack of being able to use the phonetic alphabet doesn't help me to explain.

Think: "vflaahD," with "vf" being in between a "v" and an "f" as it is assumed a Russian would pronounce it, the "aah" being fairly self-explanatory, and the "D" being an especially voiced "d". That's how I take it, anyway, with my limited knowledge of Slavic language phonetics.

To further explain, which I left out, I'm guessing that's how Vlad himself pronounces his name - which, after going through a few people, ended up at Philippe's mother as "Flod."

There's a reason he's DOCTORskradley.

These lines don't actually work, by the way.

They do on me. Does that help you any?

If a man had sack enough to say this to me, he'd at least get second base.


On a completely unrelated note, can we get together sometime?

You know, girls always say stuff like that, but really, if some eastern european dude came up to you in a bar and began spouting off about the levels of nudity he was going to make you, I highly doubt the first thing you'd do is offer him a squeeze.

I'll know my chances of achieving a make out become solidified the moment I finish asking: "We are connectink, no? You haf such sexy voice." Guaranteed. Bone bone bone.

... bone bone bone.

Six times?

Enough, Already!

Having actually been hit on by a man eerily similar to Vlad, this comic gives me the damn vapors. And not in a good way. In a "I feel *so* nude and it is terrible" sort of way.