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A Dangerous Sense of Entitlement to Artificial Comforts Pervades. Tuesday, May 19, 2009 • read strip Viewing 266 comments:

Ha ha, "Sandbox"! How charming.

I ... don't get it. Explain?

Dude's name is Sanders. Sanders...Sandbox...Sanders...Sandbox

Lew is so badass.

A comment left by neonfreon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tripleG, IronDave, willt)

if my memory does not fail me, as of very late Tuesday PM (west coast time) this strip was not yet posted. I'm guessing it posted sometime Wednesday AM whilst I slept. However if we're going by Hawaii time, then yes, it had to have posted Tuesday. Most disappointed would have been the fans in Borneo.

antipodeans shafted again

Either way... First with "Mother" Sanders' way of speaking and now this guy with the pipes... I find myself wondering if Onstad is getting Wales and Scotland mixed up again.

The Achewood Ombudsman.

neonfreon, I was a little upset that you didn't call out Chris for his weak-ass sales pitch of the subscriber service the other day: "strip is late again...hey, you should subscribe to my pay content, so you can be up-to-date on how late the strip is gonna be."

C'mon, Onstad, there's good stuff on the service, you need to pick out the right Features & Benefits. This was not a good angle to go with.

bluh! Of course. Thanks.

A comment left by gladi8orrex was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Ravigotte, r_tenenbaum, SPECTRE)

i fart-coughed just now, lol what a weird sensation!

I once had a terrible cough so I went to the chemist to see what they reccommended to try and stop me from horking up a lung.

The lady there handed over a box of laxatives, telling me that those should help out.

"How are laxatives going to cure my cough?" I asked her.

She replied, "They won't cure it, but you'll be too afraid to cough"

Chubbied for a joke I will steal and add to my repertoire

A comment left by theirateturk was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, professorhazard, habnabit, joestrummer1)

at least it's not up it's own ass


TheIrateTurk isn't up his own ass. His fist, however, is up his girlfriend's ass at the movie theater.

There's room for his fist because of the basketball team.

She accidentally the whole basketball team?

I once ended an argument with my wife by sneezing and farting at the same time. The odd part was both were of the same volume and length of time.

I think it's safe to say you won.

If you can't win with reason, go for volume. If you can't manage volume, try to sink so low that they stop arguing in disgust. And if all else fails, the sneeze-fart (snart? Feeze?) is the fall-back position.

It must have seemed to her like a new form of Socratic dialogue with you simoultaneously positing and answering.
You can't argue with that kind of logic - just beware the follow-through!

I'm afraid I have never been a part of a marital argument that followed the Socratic form. Though my bodily expulsions are often deep and thought provoking.

It is safe to say everyone won! Our argument was over, and it is now a story that gets trotted out at every social occasion.

That is the final protective fire of the argument world.

this is basically the truest thing gladiator rex has ever said.


I know three unrelated Welsh people with the name Jones. And I do not know many Welsh people.

Weird, I've never met a Welsh person named Jones. But then again, I don't know ANY Welsh people.

C'mon, man, we all know Tom Mothafuckin' Jones.

I watched Mars Attack 2 days ago, remember the legend.

I was briefly excited at the idea that there was a heretofore unheard of Mars Attack 2.

Also, you tricked me with your wily ways and made me not call the movie the properly pluralized "Mars Attacks".

Uh... I'm pretty sure that's a verb, rather than the plural.

Was that a joke? That was a joke, wasn't it. Goddamn it.


I'm just getting tired of all these Mars Attacks

Rugby is were you get to do teh Haka an stick yor tong out an cross yo eeys at teh otter guys.

Rugby is American football without the body armor.

And with more hugs!

Seriously, though - it is just one long hug, right?

long agressive hug

One of my roommates is in to mixed martial arts. I sat down with him once and watched a DVD he had of several fights; I had to stop watching because it was insanely gay. And by insanely gay I mean that most of the bought consisted of two guys spooning and straddling each other. In any other situation, such actions would be considered coitus.

Also the announcers kept talking about one guy pulling a "butterfly" on the other and I just don't think it's appropriate to pull another man's butterfly. Call me old fashioned...

Look, he was just pulling his butterfly guard to prevent him from passing him, taking rear mount, sinking it in and tapping him. There is nothing at all gay about any of those things or lingo.

Hedonismbot, MMA trainer

I agree. What makes it gay is the anal sex in the whirlpool afterward.

It's only gay if both guys cum simultaneously

And that's incredibly rare! My lifetime of research proves it!

maybe, but I find that a partner's peak puts me over the edge too.

It's only gay if your balls touch.

Bad news for billiard players.


I made a guy pass out at practice using this one tonight. It's super effective.

That is fucked up.

In proper technique, you grab the back of his head and pull down. Bam, 40% gayer

Rugby is American Football without the ad breaks. Also no forward passing, which the Americans removed without understanding why it was there. Then, when they realised its purpose, instead of admitting they were wrong and putting it back in, they introduced a bunch of other rules to make the game more complicated.

This is my understanding of the situation, which I made up just now.

I hope we can all find common ground on the "neither are very interesting" platform.

lamed 4 speakin' outragious bullshit

Thank you for saving me the torment of a sleepless night spent wondering why I was lamed.

American football is rugby played with a very expensive and delicate ball such that only 2 players on either side are allowed to actually kick it.
Rugby is played with a ball of a very secret design so the players spend most of the game trying to hide it from any American football officials who may be watching. They are afraid the design might be stolen and used for amfoot and thereby make it interesting for the spectators.

You know, I got half way through that before I realized that I was effortlessly and unconsciously translating such that comprehension was possible. I do not know if I am a better or a broken man for that.

Half of the Welsh are named Jones. Some 80% of the remainder are named Smith. I think it's why they go in for such colorful given names.

It could also be that the English, notorious for not being able to pronounce non-English words, simply refused to try to speak any Welsh at all, and just willy-nilly imposed 'Jones' or 'Smith' on any Welsh they encountered.

If somebody parks himself on your toilet for three hours, it don't matter how new it is...you're still entitled to feelin' deprivation at the loss of your seat.

The bagpipe just adds insult to injury.

I wonder if frame 5 implies he had a 3-hour dump. Hooray for ambiguous sentence structure...and constipation.

Is your icon one of those wooden Jules Vern fish thingees? Those are rad.

It is the face of a spiny-leafed insect that I found on Instructables. It terrified me enough that I had to share it.

The bagpipe makes fer a musical toot.
Th' more ya honk the more ye poot.
The more ye poot, th' better y'feel.
Toot yer pipes then after ev'ry meal.


I guess I just don't understand the collective humor of Assetbar. Why did this posting of a 20-year old comic get double-digit chubbies while my (self-declared) witty and urbane Duchamp pun below got nothing?

(consider this a rhetorical question please)

I will answer this rhetorical question anyway because I like to do that (particularly when I do something that causes someone to say "and how old are you again?").

1. Probably almost no one got your joke (I didn't).
2. This Far Side cartoon is funny on its own and hilarious when applied to the comment above it.

I guess my pedantry is showing. If I hadn't shacked up with the Archetypal German, post-modern, artist-type, I wouldn't have been exposed to Duchamp's art dickery.

That said the joke is that I called it a "seminal" work and Duchamp had incorporated his own semen into the piece pictured here .

Thank you for your over-explanation. Exegesis is not the soul of wit.

I got the joke, it just wasn't funny.

You got your answer in mrbix's response down there.

Because the Far Side is always funny. always.

Apart from that one with the cow and his tools.


Before the editor got to it:

Talk about your Artificial Comforts.

I have no idea what that third thing is.

it is a good thing that you do not.


Sorry-- speculum . At first glance I thought there were two of them side by side.


Not pictured: Philippe standing on something which in no way resembles an instruction manual.

Hello. I really don't understand this Farside, and I was just wondering if you couldn't explain it for me. Thanks.

the joke is you're a damn fool for worryin over a farside punch line. dha

Chubby even though "then" adds an unnecessary syllable.

The anger in the old cats face is unfathomable

He just wants to read his paper on the DAMN TOILET.

And isn't that all any man really wants out of life?

sex is pretty good, too.


But I've gone months without sex, but never months without "reading the Gazette".

If you've grown to be fifty-three and don't know the basics of chewing oak leaves and curd, get your ass to Wales.

As your avatar attests; you are well aware of the intersection of toilets and art.



I just saw this poster in the background of some pornography the other day. I didn't recognize him, and assumed it was Alan Moore (or Spider Jerusalem).

I'm pretty sure Spider Jerusalem's thing is that he is bald. I've... I've never read any of that comic.

Quit trying to bite that goddamn pineapple and go read it.

Duchamp was a jerk-off:


Paysage fautif, a seminal work indeed.

This concludes this week's edition of esoteric jokes for Art History Majors .

Jokes for Women's Studies Major's was canceled for lack of interest.

I think you mean Womyn's Studies majors.

This man is frank and earnest with women. In Fresno, he's Frank and in Chicago he's Ernest.

I think you mean Womyn's Studies majors.

Fuck dem bytches id they can't take a joke.

I think you mean Womyn's Studies Majorettes.

Why are womyns studying? They should be having babies and making me a sandwich.

I chubbied you for this.

mmmmmmm, baby sandwich.

This reminds me of my current favorite light bulb joke. I'm not sure where I stole it from.

How many feminists does it take to screw in a light bulb?

A: That's not funny.

Boy, I'm gonna rape you with my fist. Get ready.

I need a fist-rape like a fish needs a bicycle.

Bicycles are only part of the solution. If fish are serious about reducing their carbon output they need to develop some sort of mass transit system. Vote yes on Prop 367 for Ocean Floor Rail.

I don't normally go out of my way to say that I think things are funny, but god damn did I think this was funny.

Thank you.

I am grateful that played 'pon his pipes turned out not to be a euphemism.

I think Onstad is confusing Wales with Scotland.

Ah well now . But I tend to agree on some of the verbal stylings - his celtic delineations are muddy.

Apparantly, the originated in Ireland.

the pipes, the pipes are calling

Sticking a few reeds in an animal skin bag and using it to produce skirling noise is an ancient diversion. Anatolians and Mesopotamians made bagpipes long before the Celts appeared.

In panel 5, it's almost like Li'l Nephew, lost in the horrible and misleading imagery assaulting him, has given up on resistance and is staring straight into the camera, imploring us to help him.

Sorry Neph, you're on your own with this one...

I think he's more surprised that anybody could top
Ray's record of spending 2 hours on the toilet.

Yeah it looks like he's looking straight at me even if I move my head, straight from the alternate past through my computer. I'm disturbed by panel 5. I feel I need to help that little dude.

If only i had some weed, a bagpipe and an outhouse-outhouse

Seriously the dude looks comfy.

...as opposed to an outhouse?

attleast an outhouse has walls and a door.

Is an outhouse-outhouse an outer outhouse that goes round an outhouse?





man, by definition an outhouse is outside, that could not work, not even the guy's at GAS could do it. WAIT, HOW DID YOu SPLUT

an englishman recently recommended "whistle down the wind", said it was about "some children who discover a fugitive hiding in an outhouse and think that he's jesus." turns out he was talking about a "privy". not a "barn". no good hiding spots in a "privy", really.

"poor man's nacho" is an oxymoron.

You mean redundant.

tautology was i think the term he sought.

No, he's referring to the Nacho's power to grant vast riches to whoever eats it.

I believe it was W. C. Fields who said, "A rich man is nothing but a poor man with nachos."

and it was never truer than today.

I sort of hoped this wasn't going to happen to Lil' Nef.

I was all hoping he'd become a player from History, tapping women in top hats on the ass and wearing prehistoric bling

oh, well.

That is Padrig's job now.

so onstad is kind of letting us have our cake and eat it too

letting us have our cake and sit on it too

ah, so that's what that uncomfortable, moist, squishy thing was

Uncomfortable? You, sir, have obviously never sat on a cake. And even if that is the case, since when have moist and squishy implied anything other than comfort?

Shitting wet and squishy ???




I totally misread that as "tapping women on the ass with top hats." I was like... is that a thing?

If it isn't, then someone needs to make it their thing.

That will be AKKOLADE's gimmick this year. Also, domestic violence with slapstick sound effects and a brass accompaniment.

lew is using the loo in lieu of a proper studio - maybe he should talk to little nephew about hooking up with padrig.

I see what you did there.

ooo, pink girl responded to one of my posts.

Is neonfreon the lonesomest man on Assetbar?

Truly this is the saddest thing

Not to be a bitchy-mouthed bitch, but words can't describe how dead this arc is to me.

I can be heard to groan. I can be heard to cry.

I'm glad SOMEONE agrees with me. I think when the blunt stuff started was when I started to lose my patience.

Glad it's over.

I would imagine there's one or two comics left in it. Unfortunately. This one was pretty dead.

Just like Lil' Nephew.

On the bright side, maybe he had a good wrap-up in mind from the beginning, so the last couple will be better. AH WHO GIVES A SHIT ANYWAY WE GET THIS SHIT FOR FREE.

heh heh heh... See, now that's the attitude.

Putin know how to enjoy is webcomics.

Are ye sayin' the arc is gone inta tha shitter, an ya got the shithouse blues, lad?



What you should do is make that image smaller. It will help us understand teh funny.



Sorry - bit big there.

Stop screaming!

Lew, hurry it up, Iorwerth's gotta take the browns to the Super Bowl.

Gotta drop the kids off at the pool.

gotta go make some rope.

gotta go pass some fecal matter through the anal sphincter

Do you have any other kind of sphincter?



You just gave me a gift. A chubby for your sphincters.

Iorwerth's angry face. I laughed so hard I spit up my nachos.

Be careful what you put in your mouth when you're on the toilet.


Did you draw an extra vein on that or was it always there?

A "happy accident" of the cut and paste process.

Your focus on the feline phallus is phenomenal.

I am always astounded by the application of appropriate alliteration.

You magnificent bastards.

I read your book!

"Ah! Gut, gut! But if you liked Infanterie greift an, you'll love mine next projekt! I'm calling it How Stella Got Her Groove Back."

"Pansy-assed shit-grufflin' Sheisskopf on his asshole-rumblin' Panzer, scrapin' his ass around North Africa like a dog with fireass and a Navyboy from San Diego with a tickle in his sphincter..."

"Ze 'tickel in mine sphincter' has a name, you foul Yankee schwein! It is Adolf Hitler, and he is ze man that I love!"

"Thrashin' frashin' horn-swogglin' lily-livered side-windin' jack-hoppin' petunia-snortin' flautist-harpoonin' hemo-globin' sassafrassin' Arschfahrer..."

P.S. proud to say I put my German skills to use with that last word.

"You know, I like your style, Herrschweinmann. You've got a certain.... naughtiness to you. As it happens, I just lost my favorite scrubbing boy to that drab catfight over in the Caucasus. I vas vondering - vould you like to stop greasing old man Ike's crevices and join a real man's harem?"

"Sorry Weinerlieber, my dom is Liberty and the bruises on my white ass are red and blue."

Good work, everybody.

Genocide and world domination aside, those Krauts were snappy dressers.

Oh, necessarily. Diebitsch and Heck would've killed on Project Runway.

I believe that SS uniforms were designed by Hugo Boss (not that that stops anyone from buying his brand today)

(or Mercedes, BMW, etc.,)

I thought I read somewhere that the uniforms were just distributed through Boss. Could be wrong. Probably am.

Albert Speer, Leni Riefenstahl, Hugo Boss ... Fascist Germany knew how to bring art to the service of the cause. (If only they had used their art for good, not evil.)

I was gonna make a pun about Mengele but 1) polygot puns never work well 2) it would be called anti-Semitic by someone , I bet and 3) it's not very good.

If Adolph had only been accepted to Art School, the whole mess could have been avoided.

I heard he was a great painter -- he could paint an entire apartment in one afternoon. Two coats!

Oh Kenneth Mars.

Clearly ! Not like what we got today...

Exibit A :

"Ali! Yusef! Where did you get those summer tones?"

Neither BDUs nor dress blues are of much help when one is intent upon hiding amongst the harem .

Their respective body language in this is nothing short of terrifying.

Some would find it beautiful.

You want terrifying, look at that prick with an Alien Face sprouting out of Pat's neck!

A comment left by gladi9orrex was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Fermatprime, wingspan, Doppelganger)

did you try "insufferable_prick" ?

That was taken already too.

it was... already in use?

u see wut i did thre lol

v chub iwn com

Ahh, you can tell Lowreth has actually become quite fond of Lil' Nephew. The big softy.

That should have been "aww" to denote something tender or endearing, not the "ahh" of terror or perhaps latent gay panic.

latent gay panic

Good band name.

they're now know as Judas Priest


Tonight at the local venue!
Latent Gay Panic[/i]
with opening bands
[b]Chuckwagon Faggots
The Subtle Undulations

$8 at the door. All ages, 21 and over to drink.

Goodness me. Damn BBCode mistake kind of ruined that.

Makes me feel not so bad about my misadventures with tinyprick downsizing.

Anyone want that one?



You have desecrated the (Black) Flag.

Ah Saccharin Trust, the band you fast-forward through on the SST compilation cassettes.

That doesn't really narrow it down. I remember doing a lot of fast-forwarding on those things.

That is true. If only they had made the Black Flag*, Meat Puppets, and Hüsker Dü tracks contiguous, it would've been easier on my patience and cassette deck.

*Rollins-less Black Flag. The Rollins era stuff I wasn't crazy about.

Oh, and The Minutemen. Geez, I can't believe I forgot The Minutemen. Sorry D. Boon, wherever you are.

I was gonna say ....

I'm glad I made that correction as quickly as I did. Otherwise rowboat would've brought the pain to me.

Oh HELL naw.

I actually saw a band called Fag Panic the other night and they were quite awesome... but mainly because they played a range of Toy Instruments and used entirely disposable lyrical content such as I've Been Tuberculosis and I've been to Berlin.

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

you can tell Lowreth has actually become quite fond of Lil' Nephew.

Particularly since he "invented" the Fleshlight.

Contemporary contenders for the "poor man's nacho":

Miracle Whip on a Post-It.
Cottage cheese on a Redbook subscription card.
Gorilla Glue on a carpet sample.

Each of these ingredients I would eat on their own.

you rug muncher.

Well played.

Kraft Singles on a sheet of double-ply.

Glow in the dark Easy Cheese on a Ritz.

I love my groovy Gorilla Glue.

Sure. But how often do you have to put a gorilla back together?

You don't even wanna know, man. You don't even wanna know.

This is the first of this Heaven/Wales arc I gave higher than a 3, and I want people to know this. Still, I'm hoping they reverse-kill LN next strip and we can get back to good ol' Ray sticking forks in rolls and pretending they're feet. Good times.


in the 5th panel, LN's eyes say "a fuck it" perfectly. totally resigned leaving these bellends to their own devices.

I don't see it,i see more a " What the hell is this guy doing with the rake ".

the question unasked by the alt is this:

Is Iowerth poor?

It's Historical Wales, of course he is.

Not everyone can own a doctor, tha knows.


Lew's face in the seventh panel reminds me of the old man who was permanently throwing up for some reason.

lol nakked dood on pot plain saxphone, lol jus relived ti, lol.


Achewood: A Critical Assessment with Gladi8orrex.

INSIDE THE CARTOONIST STUDIO with host Gladys Ateorrex.

"lol look at dis shit, look at it. wut iz dis? "

"i iz axe u da tin kwestyuns uv da frag brinard pee-voh"

Dude, it's how Charlie Parker died.

Not cool not funny not a good asset.

Too soon.

Society is crumbling, two larrikins on a dray horse performed a ride by on Pedr Morris' house. KOODGE!

wow shit I need to get a job right not one that sucks either

I am good with logic

any ideas anyone can you suggest where you take logic and turn it into blow jobs and pizza too I like pizza.


Rector at St Patrick's.

Nephew's eyes in panel five are adorable