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Beef, Depression, Toast Tuesday, December 5, 2006 • read strip Viewing 114 comments:

Simply rad.

Your elation at Beef's depression seems to give a bad impression that your nature's in possession of a natural aggression.
May I recommend repression of the need for such expression and just a wee bit of discretion on your part?

Beef is my mental health mascot.

I'm afraid to eat toast now lest I find myself in this same situation.

i would be more afraid of having no one to take the toast out of my mouth.

Yea, turns out it eventually dissolves.

Hooray for saliva.

Saliva: Liquid Magic.

I got my first kiss using a similar fallacy.

I got my first kiss from a girl with braces by having a magnet in my mouth.

Why have more people not chubbied this awesome comment?

I would be afraid of the drool.

Molly, he is in his bad place. You are kind to help him, though.

Molly is demonstrating true love right there.

this is all i look for in a woman.

Saint-like patience to deal with your crippling depression?

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up, sure.

...the operative parameters for a good relationship.

And I FOUND one!

And, goddamn it, I plan to marry the SHIT out of that girl!

And ruin that nice white dress?

Who said it was nice?

That is what we pay ridiculous amounts of money for.

Please tell me that your avatar is some sort of homemade Philippe. Please tell me that.

Not only is it a Philippe I crocheted myself, I may (if Onstad ever returns my email re: copyright and me infringing it) be making quite a few more and selling them. Also to be considered for making/selling: an additional bee costume and/or armpit bowtie.

We are waiting on the Master's approval here.

You can see a larger picture here: https://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c369/iAud/PA030172.jpg

There are a few minor things I'd change to the final product, like the issues with the left eye, the arms being a little too long, and the feet being a smidge too big. All in all, I'm pleased with how he's turned out, considering.





Psst....c'mere Just between you and me, I'd be willing to buy one while you're waiting to hear back from him. If he asks about it next time he's over I'll just say I found it under a rickshaw in Chittagong.

Also, it seems like an optional Walk-Around Butt (tm) attachment would make this already awesome product approximately ten (10) times awesomer.

Oooh, genius! So optional accessories will include:
bee costume
armpit bowtie
Walk-Around Butt (tm) - though I'm really not sure how I'll do this one. Maybe with sculpey?

I was thinkin' something along the lines of just cutting the ass off of a little plastic doll. Fashion some kinda strap and voila .

For some reason that comment makes me feel like I should go to jail.

It'd have to be a fairly big plastic doll, though. He's about 10 inches tall, so a barbie wouldn't cut it. And I'm a little creeped out by pirating parts from other toys, for some reason.

like in toy story..... only less un-creepy than you might want it to be.

You realize, of course, that he took the "intellectual property" from a stuffed animal in the first place, right?


All the more reason to remove it.

Where did you find her? We need tips.

that and good tits

mollys just lovely

This strip really shows the strength of their relationship, I think. Familiarity and understanding all in one.

Molly is a damn good woman. Props.

Beef communicating with his closed eyes is priceless.

Yep. This is really what it's like

What does the S.O. part of S.O.-S.A.D. stand for?

Seasonal Onset for the actual lamps, it may mean something else in Achewood.

Seasonal Affective Disorder, surely?

I've always figured Sudden Onset Seasonal Affective Disorder.

How about Seasonally-Oriented Social Anxiety Disorder?

Seasonal Orientation-Sadness Affective Disorder .

A comment left by domini was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by dayvancowboy, divot, riotdejaneiro, Overmedicated, Jesler729, dewdars, blarghamagarky)

It's like psychiatrists are making fun of depressed people! Hilarious!

Laughter is the best medicine?

yes. a depressed psychiatrist would mock his depressed patients to make himself laugh.

I guess I always assumed this was the primary motivation for pursuing a career in psychiatry.

and here i had assumed that molly was about to call it an S.O.B. lamp but caught herself at the last minute.

Smuckles's Old School Automobile Dealership.

A Volvo dealership, I'd imagine.

A comment left by falseprophet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, c_dizzle, blarghamagarky)

But there's little on Google to back that up, I think it's an Onstad invention.

the actual malady exists, but onstrad i think, gave it the catchy cool form/name.

There are a lot of strips worth rating a 5 on this scale, but if everyone were allowed exactly one 6 rating, this would be mine.

I am constantly frustrated with the world that I can't quote this strip meaningfully. Of course, no one would understand me if I asked them this question, but I wish it SO HARD.

I can just imagine you wishing SO HARD, all fists clenched and stuff.

all furrowed brow and several beads of sweat forming

All biting that toast off!


Season Oriented-Horizon Affective Resonance Disorder

Night is not a good time for sufferers.

its a viagra side affect

Surely that's not so much of a side effect as... an effect .

It's a side-effect to my ride-effect!

I finding trying to actually quote the strip is hard to do unless you get set-up for it just right. I prefer just injecting some of the unique vernacular in to my own warped speech style.

I have had days like this.

this is my morning for the last year and a half...

This is the comic I will get signed. This always cheers me up when I get depression.

Beef's got cute lil' fangs.

His teeth somehow make me think of him as a terrible muppet in this strip

Maybe that's the reason behind the "dracula" thing with molly and him.

this was my desktop background for a time

Wow, Beef and Molly are so perfect.

This is why he should marry her, stone cold.

Poor cat's even thwarted by his own lower canines. SO S.A.D. indeed.

S.O.-S.A.D = Sudden Onset Seasonal Affected Discorder.

Worst mental illness. Ever. I was once too depressed to cook for myself for a month straight, my roommate had to do it.

he wanted to have sex with you. it was a gesture.

Echo that majorly and chubbied just because dammit I know how much of a suckfest it is. Every December I get smacked with it so hard I cry retroactively.

I'm pretty sure I don't have that, but I do get hella miserable in the summer, and somewhat better in the winter (though not totally).

This arc is awesome for character development, actually. It helps make Beef's emergence in the GOF and his move to the moon match up more, as they happened in different moments in his depression cycle. Great stuff.

This is my new bestest ever strip from ever. Ever ever. My wife wrecked my car today. Any toast that was pulled out of my mouth right now would come away without bitemarks.

The lady cares about the dude when the dude can not bite through toast.

Panel 3 is beautiful, and this strip is perfect. Perfect! sobs

My wife's like Molly here with me sometimes. I don't know she puts up with me, but she's awesome. It's give and take.


I could not possibly agree more with the alt text.

I need to find my own Molly:The Human Edition

I need to find my own Molly, the male edition.

Does he need to be human too?

That would be preferable.

Dogg better remember this next time he gets dragged to the bead shop.

Kindness is HAWT.

Imagine panel 7 coming at you across a dark hallway at night.

Ah, the things one does for love.

Man I've been depressed, but never can't bite through this toast depressed.

You're my hero, Beef.

This comic brought me to tears. It warms my heart so much.

One of my favorites, just for it's sheer simplicity and the fact that it made me giggle until I cried. Panel 4 is amazing.

Best read while listening Say Anything's 'Shiksa'.

Panel 7 is the greatest panel since the Devil (i.e. my Avatar).

Oh god this is the new saddest thing.

Oh dear lord I am depressed now and its July.

Oh, his sad face and sad little teeth...

I'd laugh except it reminds me too much of myself and my beautiful ex.

Looking at the strip again, I'd bet that Molly even cut the crusts off the toast specially for him.

this will always be my favorite one.

I've had days like that. Waking up and not having the energy to do anything is terrible. The feeling that nothing matters, that you can't do anything right. The worst part is the sort of positive feedback loop it sets up. You feel down and like you can't do anything, so you have trouble doing things and then you feel worse.

Just nasty, man. Confidence feedback loops are much better. "You see, when you know you're sexy you'll feel sexy, and when you feel sexy you'll look sexy, and when you look sexy you'll know you're sexy. It's a very sexy cycle."

Why the fuck is that last panel so moving?

Molly is god-damn champ.

This strip is likely the best avatar material period.